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'Identity' (518) General Discussion

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    I agree with much of what i_adore_atlantis said upthread. I doubt I would have watched the sixth season if it hadn't been cancelled.

    I said this in another thread but I want to say it here also:

    Neeva was kick-ass. I haven't enjoyed a female character like her on SGA in awhile... and then they go and have her killed as soon as Keller gets her own body back? WTF
    What makes it even worse was what Woosley told Rodney at the end. "Well, either he did kill her and dispose of the body.... if Neeva is alive and running, she won't be for long." WTMFH I just... what going on with this show? *is clearly annoyed*

    Anyway, I was surprised how scared I was for Radek. I'm very glad that he was going to be okay. Zelenka needs more screentime. Well, the starring stars need more screentime. John? Teyla? Oh, who are they anyway.

    Vegas better kick ass, that's all I'm saying.


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Thats one thing I don't get. I see and agree with many of the shortcomings of this plot but how in the world is it a recycled SG1 plot
      I don't have the exact quote in mind, but McKay's "oh, I remember SG-1 using a similar device" made me cringe. Aren't there enough stories that could (should) be told about Pegasus-specific events, characters and concerns?
      My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
      Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


        The infamous Keller-and-random-sexy-thief-switch-bodies-and-Rodney-gets-seduced episode. Oh, how I awaited this one with bated breath!

        You may think I'm kidding about that or, at the very least, off my rocker, but I kid you not. Think of all that it had going for it; 3rd to last episode of the series, semi-interesting, even if not new, science-finctiony premise, involvement from all SGA team members, and the return of clone!Carson. It also didn't hurt that I actually happen to actually enjoy the character of Dr. Jennifer Keller.

        So why was I left feeling...uninspired? Kind of blasé about the whole thing.

        Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad. It just wasn't very good either and that's the problem.

        My prime reason for even expecting an alien-body-switching story to be beyond the average or norm for body-switching in science fiction is for the very reason I was expecting any story this last in the season to be excellent; it's the third to last episode. And while the show may not be gunning for renewal or looking to impress enough fans to ensure sound viewership in the next season, I would have hoped TPTB were keen on finishing with a bang not a whimper.

        All the parts were there; cool Ancient tech (even if borrowed from SG-1), a capable guest star, some great opportunities for tension and suspense, and the entire main cast with Dr. Beckett and the beloved Zelenka. Unfortunately, it's the manner in which these parts were assembled that ultimately left the episode feeling like it had missed the mark, like something, despite a valiant effort by Binder, was just off.

        I generally have no problems with linking up the flagship show with it's spin off, but this late in the game I'd hoped for something more ingenious from the writers than reusing an Ancient device from SG-1. I'd have liked something we hadn't seen before, something unique to Atlantis or the Pegasus galaxy. It wasn't a make or break element for me, but it detracted from the story in my opinion.

        Another detraction? One that really was a make or break element? The guest star. She wasn't bad, that's not my issue, but maybe someone needs to slip a memo under the door at MGM for TPTB to read for future reference in SGU, heavily hinting that when one nears the end of a series, it may not be the wisest of decision to focus a story so heavily on a character no one has ever seen before and will never see again. But maybe that's just me. To her credit, Dawn Olivieri didn't ruin the episode. And that may be damning with faint praise, but I'm not feeling generous.

        Tension and suspense? What tension? Despite certain rumours about a death, was anyone falling for the will-Keller-be-headless? ruse? Or was tricked into thinking Zelenka would die without a grand gesture of heroic hero-ness to befit his star status amongst the viewership? The only suspenseful scene I can recall, no I really can't recall sitting at the edge of my seat. I'd wager we were supposed to be worried about Keller getting her head chopped off, but that whole thing was timed too early on in the episode to really get my heart palpitating from worry.

        Was I supposed to chuckle at all the little digs at McKay and Keller's relationship? Was I supposed to be worried for Zelenka's health? Was that last scene supposed to amuse me with McKay's blatant disregard for Zelenka's health? I suppose all those answers would be affirmative, but I'd quite hoped TPTB had moved beyond juvenile views on relationships and had developed Rodney beyond the first season.

        All in all, it was entertaining fluff.

        A team episode with a guest star who had more lines that half the team (not that it's hard to beat Ronon in number of lines but I digress), a suspenseful storyline that was anything but suspenseful, and seduction. If that last part gets your attention, be wary. There was talk of "making love under the stars". :: shudder ::

        But not bad. Still damning with faint praise?


          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
          The infamous Keller-and-random-sexy-thief-switch-bodies-and-Rodney-gets-seduced episode. Oh, how I awaited this one with bated breath!

          You may think I'm kidding about that or, at the very least, off my rocker, but I kid you not. Think of all that it had going for it; 3rd to last episode of the series, semi-interesting, even if not new, science-finctiony premise, involvement from all SGA team members, and the return of clone!Carson. It also didn't hurt that I actually happen to actually enjoy the character of Dr. Jennifer Keller.

          So why was I left feeling...uninspired? Kind of blasé about the whole thing.

          Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad. It just wasn't very good either and that's the problem.

          My prime reason for even expecting an alien-body-switching story to be beyond the average or norm for body-switching in science fiction is for the very reason I was expecting any story this last in the season to be excellent; it's the third to last episode. And while the show may not be gunning for renewal or looking to impress enough fans to ensure sound viewership in the next season, I would have hoped TPTB were keen on finishing with a bang not a whimper.

          All the parts were there; cool Ancient tech (even if borrowed from SG-1), a capable guest star, some great opportunities for tension and suspense, and the entire main cast with Dr. Beckett and the beloved Zelenka. Unfortunately, it's the manner in which these parts were assembled that ultimately left the episode feeling like it had missed the mark, like something, despite a valiant effort by Binder, was just off.

          I generally have no problems with linking up the flagship show with it's spin off, but this late in the game I'd hoped for something more ingenious from the writers than reusing an Ancient device from SG-1. I'd have liked something we hadn't seen before, something unique to Atlantis or the Pegasus galaxy. It wasn't a make or break element for me, but it detracted from the story in my opinion.

          Another detraction? One that really was a make or break element? The guest star. She wasn't bad, that's not my issue, but maybe someone needs to slip a memo under the door at MGM for TPTB to read for future reference in SGU, heavily hinting that when one nears the end of a series, it may not be the wisest of decision to focus a story so heavily on a character no one has ever seen before and will never see again. But maybe that's just me. To her credit, Dawn Olivieri didn't ruin the episode. And that may be damning with faint praise, but I'm not feeling generous.

          Tension and suspense? What tension? Despite certain rumours about a death, was anyone falling for the will-Keller-be-headless? ruse? Or was tricked into thinking Zelenka would die without a grand gesture of heroic hero-ness to befit his star status amongst the viewership? The only suspenseful scene I can recall, no I really can't recall sitting at the edge of my seat. I'd wager we were supposed to be worried about Keller getting her head chopped off, but that whole thing was timed too early on in the episode to really get my heart palpitating from worry.

          Was I supposed to chuckle at all the little digs at McKay and Keller's relationship? Was I supposed to be worried for Zelenka's health? Was that last scene supposed to amuse me with McKay's blatant disregard for Zelenka's health? I suppose all those answers would be affirmative, but I'd quite hoped TPTB had moved beyond juvenile views on relationships and had developed Rodney beyond the first season.

          All in all, it was entertaining fluff.

          A team episode with a guest star who had more lines that half the team (not that it's hard to beat Ronon in number of lines but I digress), a suspenseful storyline that was anything but suspenseful, and seduction. If that last part gets your attention, be wary. There was talk of "making love under the stars". :: shudder ::

          But not bad. Still damning with faint praise?
          You're shuddering about your fave pairing making love under the stars?!! Pan, hon are you ill?

          By the way... i'll never digress how long it took me to actually write that sentence without retching.


            Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
            Citizen Joe, Avalon 1,2, Origin and Crusade. Same device, but 901-903 + 919 were much more better than this crap
            Don't forget that episode where Daniel and Machello switch bodies. Holiday, I guess.


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              You're shuddering about your fave pairing making love under the stars?!! Pan, hon are you ill?

              By the way... i'll never digress how long it took me to actually write that sentence without retching.
              I'm sorry.

              "Let's make love under the stars.""

              "Maybe I should get a blanket because there are allergens."

              On what planet is the former a good seduction technique and the latter funny?

              You have my sympathies.


                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

                A team episode with a guest star who had more lines that half the team (not that it's hard to beat Ronon in number of lines but I digress), a suspenseful storyline that was anything but suspenseful, and seduction. If that last part gets your attention, be wary. There was talk of "making love under the stars". :: shudder ::

                But not bad. Still damning with faint praise?
                I think the emotions are getting the best of me, because I look at last season's 18th episode and it was "The Kindred", the one before that was "Midway". I want the season to end with a high, and Season 4 has 4 eps back to back that were excellent, imo.

                I am praying the last 2 are epic.


                  Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                  I think the emotions are getting the best of me, because I look at last season's 18th episode and it was "The Kindred", the one before that was "Midway". I want the season to end with a high, and Season 4 has 4 eps back to back that were excellent, imo.

                  I am praying the last 2 are epic.
                  You and me both, buddy. You and me both.

                  Maybe I was just expecting too much from this one.


                    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                    I think the emotions are getting the best of me, because I look at last season's 18th episode and it was "The Kindred", the one before that was "Midway". I want the season to end with a high, and Season 4 has 4 eps back to back that were excellent, imo.

                    I am praying the last 2 are epic.

                    Oh me too.. I'm just so excited that JF is finally getting an episode.... and he'll be hot and sweaty in the desert.. that may be epic enough for me..


                      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                      You and me both, buddy. You and me both.

                      Maybe I was just expecting too much from this one.
                      If I said Season 5 was the best season ever, I'd be lying to myself. I just have mixed feelings right now. Then when we have an ep like"The Prodigal" it's like this is the best season ever! The emotions of the season truly go with each passing ep. When the mediocre ones are being stacked together it truly brings the season down for some folks.


                        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

                        .....I'd hoped for something more ingenious from the writers than reusing an Ancient device from SG-1. I'd have liked something we hadn't seen before, something unique to Atlantis or the Pegasus galaxy. It wasn't a make or break element for me, but it detracted from the story in my opinion.
                        But the ancients typically make a few copies of certain devices and with the ancients having been in Pegasus for a very long time, like in Milky Way, you are bound to run into ancient devices that have been seen before maybe not on Atlantis but on SG-1.


                          Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                          Citizen Joe, Avalon 1,2, Origin and Crusade. Same device, but 901-903 + 919 were much more better than this crap
                          So every time a piece of technology is used again its a rehash. Yeah that makes sense
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by generally View Post
                            I agree with much of what i_adore_atlantis said upthread. I doubt I would have watched the sixth season if it hadn't been cancelled.

                            I said this in another thread but I want to say it here also:

                            Neeva was kick-ass. I haven't enjoyed a female character like her on SGA in awhile... and then they go and have her killed as soon as Keller gets her own body back? WTF
                            What makes it even worse was what Woosley told Rodney at the end. "Well, either he did kill her and dispose of the body.... if Neeva is alive and running, she won't be for long." WTMFH I just... what going on with this show? *is clearly annoyed*

                            Anyway, I was surprised how scared I was for Radek. I'm very glad that he was going to be okay. Zelenka needs more screentime. Well, the starring stars need more screentime. John? Teyla? Oh, who are they anyway.

                            Vegas better kick ass, that's all I'm saying.
                            well, you didn't exactly see her die, a possible denial... probably the script was set so in hope that she might return in season 6 later which now we are sure will not happen.


                              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                              I'm sorry.

                              "Let's make love under the stars.""

                              "Maybe I should get a blanket because there are allergens."

                              On what planet is the former a good seduction technique and the latter funny?

                              You have my sympathies.
                              On Rodney's planet. I suppose at least if he got hives, Keller would be there to make him all better and rub him down with some calomine.... *scrubs image from brain*


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                Oh me too.. I'm just so excited that JF is finally getting an episode.... and he'll be hot and sweaty in the desert.. that may be epic enough for me..
                                LOL, well the hot and sweaty is not something I am looking forward to, but I always love these alternate reality eps, and the CSI type format. Vegas should aim to please.

