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Discuss the "New" Race!

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    Originally posted by tainor View Post
    But why will the Asgard come to Atlantis after discovering Janus secret lab subspace emitter, and be so hostile I mean they could just asked for it. I bet the Atlantis expedition would've assisted them straight away.
    Or maybe they thought that after finding out that the Attero Device destroys stargates also, they will be unwilling to help out?
    But then again they could have just shutdown the gate network they've done it before in the Milkyway it all seems a bit vague and confusing to me?
    I'm glad to see the Asgard again and their suits are so cool lol, but still no drones (Stargate worlds game?)
    Maybe they did not know where it was before it activates.

    Originally posted by quade_1 View Post
    My best guess would be Loki. Thor and Loki were half brothers, both sons of Odin. Loki was evil though and a trickster. Always trying to cause problems and kill Thor so we would then be the next ruler of Asgard.

    I assume that is where Daniel's expertise would come in handy.
    Where came that Loki and Thor are brothers?
    Asgard in memoriam


      Wow!!! This is awesome.


        Maybe now we will
        finally learn more about the 4 great races and what happened between them. If it is in fact the Asgard who once worked side by side with the ancients.


          Like I said before in another thread I'd very much like to see the asgard-race returning but not as the mysterious new enemy.

          The first spoilers regarding "first contact" were somehow quite misleading since they spoke of only of one single asgard in the lab trying to activate the device. As much as I liked the pace and humour of the episode I've got the impressionl that the writers showed a true lack of courage and ideas by reactivating an "old" and very popoular race instead of presenting us something new.

          I wouldn't go that far to call this a desperate move, but I can't shake the feeling that the writers just wanted something to rely on, something the fans always wanted to see again and perhaps something even the writers eventually regreted to have quite hasty "eleminated" in the final episode of sg1.

          I don't want to open a can or worms here, and as a huge fan of the asgard and I don't have a problem with an "evil" tribe of them, but a familiar but yet unexplored race from sg1 (not necessary the furlings) would have been nice aswell.
          Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.


            Originally posted by The Prophet View Post
            So, now we have...

            Tok'ra/ Goa'uld

            "Good" Replicators/ Replicators

            "Good" Asurans/ Asurans

            Ancients/ Ori

            Asgard/ Evil Asgard

            And with Todd allying himself with us, at various occasions...

            I predict Evil Nox next. Invisible, Silent Killers...
            Interesting, but the one that amused me was definitely
            I predict Evil Nox next. Invisible, Silent Killers...
            The enemy of my enemy it's still my enemy.
            Originally posted by Karhedron
            I think the thing with the Quantum mirror and The 6th Race would rather result in a thread like

            Whoever made the Quantum mirror doesn't like the Asgard .

            Whoever made the Quantum mirror doesn't seem to have a lot of respect for the Asgard. They were just making it so they could snub their noses at them from several dimensions. They might have been powerful but their lack of respect for our off-world allies is astonishing.



              i want to know how they the ship went through the city shield. That chick " I cant remember her name" told shepp ancient ships can do that hmmmm


                Originally posted by joeynox View Post
                i want to know how they the ship went through the city shield. That chick " I cant remember her name" told shepp ancient ships can do that hmmmm
                Well the whole base the Asgard were using seemed to have Ancient architecture, so it could be that the ship in fact WAS Ancient. I thought it looked like an overgrown Puddle Jumper when I first saw it.
       Geeks come hither...
                Check out my Flickr


                  Originally posted by Col. Matarrese View Post
                  Well the whole base the Asgard were using seemed to have Ancient architecture, so it could be that the ship in fact WAS Ancient. I thought it looked like an overgrown Puddle Jumper when I first saw it.
                  Same here...
                  The enemy of my enemy it's still my enemy.
                  Originally posted by Karhedron
                  I think the thing with the Quantum mirror and The 6th Race would rather result in a thread like

                  Whoever made the Quantum mirror doesn't like the Asgard .

                  Whoever made the Quantum mirror doesn't seem to have a lot of respect for the Asgard. They were just making it so they could snub their noses at them from several dimensions. They might have been powerful but their lack of respect for our off-world allies is astonishing.



                    Originally posted by Killjoy_Zero View Post
                    I think it's a bit of a throw off, if that makes sense to anyone else. They just happen to be rogue Asgard with implants, I assume, in Pegasus. It makes sense that they would have been there with the Ancients but theres also a chance that this video was a quick edit on Rainmakers, I believe, part to throw fans off. Why they would do something like that is well beyond me but that doesnt mean that they didnt.

                    I'll admit, its highly unlikely but I still think that'd be a good idea for them to do. My issue with the robogard is that they say the Asgard are dead then throw them in there after the fact. They say the Ancients are dead and then throw them in there after the fact. They say that this character is dead and then they throw him or her in there after the fact. Its sci-fi, I know, if you dont see them die then they probably arent but we saw the Asgard blow up, we say Kolya die, we know what happened to the Ancients. Either way, I like the robogard even though theyre a bit of a cop out on a new enemy.
                    It's them. Scifi says so. And, it would seem as though they came after the Wraith war, maybe early on, but enough time for them to know of the Ancients, say, after the alliance of 4 races ended.
                    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                    encounter on the strange journey.


                    2 Cor. 10:3-5
                    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                      Hi Guys, i´m a longtime reader of this forum but now i just had to create an account.
                      I think it´s awesome that the asgard are returning.I loved them at first sight.It would be so cool if some of the members of this "Lost Tribe" have a character similar to Hermiod on the Daedalus, he´s my favorite one.Also it would be nice to see the Asgard in kind of a Badass-Mode, i mean they could easily kick ass...why not behave like that.It´s not bragging if it´s true
                      Anyway i think this new development offers soo much cool stuff for at least one more really is a shame this show will be cancelled.

                      On a sidenote, some of you guys wondered why they need Dr. Jackson and McKay to activate the device...well i guess you need someone with the ancient gene to activate it.


                        Well, anyone who knows, knows that the new race is the *Watch the Video*. The Proof is Here:
                        Now what does everyone think about the "New" Race?

                        Here is what Daniel Says about them:
                        Daniel: What is it your so afraid of, why are you still in your battle armour? I can't Hurt you. I know your not Human, and your definitely not Wraith. And if you were an ancient, you wouldn't have needed our help to activate the device so, ... What are you?
                        *IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO THE NEW RACE IS, DO NOT READ ON*

                        What i think, is that, These Asguard (Robots), compared to the Normal Asguard (Who are dead(Or Are They!?!)) are like the Ori compared to the Ancients. They may have well started like the Ori, with "Good Intensions", but from what we have seen so far, Look what they have become. Wanting to destroy the Wraith, but at what cost?


                        PS. I am making animated Pictures for people if they want one, from this episode or any other Stargate Episode (Atlantis or SG-1) just tell Me. Here are the First two pictures i have made so far:


                          They are the Asgard and this I know for sure.


                            Originally posted by jenks View Post
                            Daniel has a history with the aliens, Shanks says so in an interview.

                            In fact there are loads of candidates, each as unlikely as the last...

                            Entity aliens
                            Mist aliens
                            Crystal skull aliens
                            Water lifeforms
                            Foothold aliens
                            Oannes (not sure how long they can stay out of water (and my personal favourite))
                            Message in a bottle aliens
                            Furlings dun dun dunnnnnn

                            whats an onnes? unless you meant unas but then why wouldnt they be able to stay out of water for long?

                            or do you mean that one guy from fire and water that kindnaped daniel?
                            STARGATE ROCKS

                            THERE IS NO BETTER SHOW


                              Originally posted by quade_1 View Post
                              My best guess would be Loki. Thor and Loki were half brothers, both sons of Odin. Loki was evil though and a trickster. Always trying to cause problems and kill Thor so we would then be the next ruler of Asgard.

                              I assume that is where Daniel's expertise would come in handy.
                              you need to check up on your norse mythology....odin was loki's blood brother, and possibly real brother, not father......
                              Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


                                I was very impressed with them myself actually. But the whole thing with Daniel. I don't know.
                                What Races do we know of can not breathe in our atmo?

