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Atlantis= new SGC?

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    They would never put a Pegasus gate in the SGC for many reasons.

    And anyway, did they ever expect the Wraith to come to Earth or even bring a Pegasus gate to the Milky Way? And there might be compatibility issues with the gates dialing each other so I doubt they'd switch the gates. And what about the dialing computers? I'm sure those are keyed to the Milky Way systems.



      As the Atlantis gate is currently superceding the SGC's gate, it's clear that for now, Atlantis will be the new base until they get sufficient power and the IOA requests Atlantis to head back to the Pegasus Galaxy, or anywhere.

      In the finale, the Wraith gate superceded SGC's cos it has the DHD, same applies to Atlantis gate, cos Atlantis has the DHD, therefore will supercedes SGC's gate as the latter doesn't have a DHD.


        What I find as a plot device a lot - that's interesting - is that humans ALWAYS underestimate their enemies! Always.

        In real life, humans in one country always underestimate other humans, especially if they are militarily very weak and have jack squat for weapons. Proof? 9/11. Box cutters and our own airplanes!

        I think that Atlantis will return to Pegasus, and I'd like that. I think that the team will ignore the pompous IOW and just take it there. Ha! I HATED that Chinese IOW byatch. She represented everything that's wrong with human beings. Despicable!

        Todd is in Atlantis as we last saw the city So are Ronon and Teyla. Teyla has a child back in Pegasus. So - they will return, I'm sure. I HOPE.
        "Other Nations" T&P Marsh


          they created a workaround on midway so that neither of the gates would be dominant. so they can probably do the same again.
          we've also seen numerous episodes in sg1 and sga that they deactivated the gate (sg1 by place the iris more to the back and in sga by "cutting the power to the gate").
          the sgc is fully adapted to the milkyway gate, so replacing it with a pegasus one would be hard, but not impossible. Midway was also an earth facility adapted to a pegasus gate.
          However, replacing every single piece of hardware and the gate in a fully equiped and operational facility like the sgc would be impossible. Probably not a single thing would work with the pegasus gate. They can't even dial the gate as the sgc gate uses manual dialing but pegasus gates don't have a movable ring, so that's out of the question.
          Moving SGC to atlantis is also not going to happen. Cheyenne Mountain is (in the sg universe) one of the most defended military places in the world and houses tons of military stuff. Moving all that to Atlantis would be a logistic nightmare. Not to mention the fact the US won't be willing to move one of their military branches to a location controlled by civilians (the IOA).
          Atlantis will definitly be going back. All the show's storylines are in Pegasus and having some offworld base instead of Atlantis would be... lame? Having an Atlantis movie without Atlantis...
          The city is also in a very bad position where it landed. As someone already pointed out, it would be a nightmare to transport anything to and from the city. Not to mention that they are right in the middle of shippinglanes and that sooner or later, people will start to wonder why all of a sudden, such an important seaway is a military zone...
          They could use it as a part of the movie, but frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they are already back in Pegasus at the beginning of the movie and that we only get some lame referal like "Remember how hard it was to get permission to fly back here?"

          Oh and it is possible Todd will stay in Area 51. In "Vegas" it was him in that holding cell and the hive that attacked in that reality, could be the same as this one (although it wouldn't explain how they found earth).


            Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
            As Earth is now defenceless it makes sense to keep Atlantis on earth strategically, as not only with the Atlantis Chair, but with the vast amount of gate ships (puddle jumpers) it has on board, makes it a very valuable defensive asset. In addition, this represents an ideal time to move Stargate operations out of a US military controlled installation and into a facility that is governed entirely by an international body, which whilst won't make everyone pally and happy, will still be a step in the right direction.

            If requried, operations in the Pegasus Galaxy can still be carried out through the installation of a Delta Site style base on one of the former Atlantis planets and a new gatebridge can easily be set up.
            I have to agree with you. IMO, the IOA would keep Atlantis in some out of the way sea lane. All the technology the IOA wants is on Atlantis and many more scientists would have access to the ancient database and technology. Not to mention, the IOA can more directly intervene in an Earth bound Atlantis/SGC. I imagine they would keep a presence in the Pegasus Galaxy but Atlantis is far too valuable to leave Earth. I think it's a political "no brainer" for the IOA.


              Originally posted by ckwongau View Post
              In real life the Cheyane mountain is being sclose down.
              Actually Cheyenne Mountain Complex is being placed on Active standby.

              Skeleton crew only.


                All that needs to be done is disable the Atlantis gate/DHD while atlantis is on earth

