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S5: Critique and Contemplations

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    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
    I think the first half of Season 5 was better than the 2nd half. The 2nd half had great eps like Vegas and Prodigal, and The Lost Tribe, but it also had horrible eps for my taste like Brianstorm and Inquisition. Inquisition was the biggest dissapointment for me, because they had an opportunity to really reflect on the last 5 years of SGA. I guess you would call Season 5 a hit or miss season, with a few more hits than misses, imo.
    It was a few more misses than hits for me Now don't look too shocked dog with no breeks


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      It was a few more misses than hits for me Now don't look too shocked dog with no breeks
      Will you agree with the white dog with no breeks that the first half was indeed stronger?


        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
        Will you agree with the white dog with no breeks that the first half was indeed stronger?
        Yes I would agree with that


          Search and Rescue:

          I only watched these episodes once, but I'll give it a go.

          I do remember that I really liked the Ronan/Shep friendship moment, when they were stuck in the rubble and about to die.

          I also like that Carter made every effort to rescue her people. She learned well from her time on SG-1 that you don't leave people behind if you can possibly help it.

          That being said, I thought Shep insisting on rescuing Teyla was badly played. He shouldn't have been able to stand, much less go on a rescue mission. The fact that he did, and the fact that Keller and Carter allowed it, was a product of poor writing and plot development imo.

          It's the same thing that I don't like to see in fanfic. Someone so badly injured that they should be in ICU, instead being able to rescue everybody and save the day. I mean I don't expect reality, after all it is a TV show, but I do expect the plot to be realistic enough that I can suspend belief and go along with it, rather than sitting there saying "Oh come on now, not in a million years".

          Rodney delivering the baby - the less said the better. Let's just say that by the time S5 rolled around I had had enough of Rodney's "oh my god, what do you expect me to do, perform a miracle" moments.

          I also didn't like how Carter's "reassignment" was handled. Yes, we know that AT had to be replaced, so Carter had to be replaced, but they could have handled it with much more finesse than they did. As it was, it was like a slap in the face to the character and the actress.


            Carter and Keller were MORONS for ALLOWING Sheppard to GO anywhere or DO ANYTHING!!

            Sheppard was IMPALED on rebar and was ...OMG! I just.... ugh..*stupid*
            Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              And another thing that bothered me was Keller's bedside manners, and the joke about playing with Shep's insides bad bad joke
              I guess I'd managed to block that from my memory, but now I remember it, it was the lowest point of the ep for me

              I loved the earlier scenes though, with Shep/Ronon, McKay/Lorne


                Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                Carter and Keller were MORONS for ALLOWING Sheppard to GO anywhere or DO ANYTHING!!

                Sheppard was IMPALED on rebar and was ...OMG! I just.... ugh..*stupid*
                Well, even though I like the ep alot, I agree that he shouldn't have been able even get up and walk around after an injury like that.
                But since he did, I kind of wish he'd passed out or something and the team would have had to deal with he and Teyla being incapacitated. At least there would be some consequences to his actions.
                But I do like the fact that he doesn't do what he's supposed to or told to, it's part of the appeal of the character to me. Just wish they could handle it a bit more realistically.
                About the Keller "playing with your insides comment" I've heard interns make plenty of silly remarks like this, and despite my dislike for the McKeller, didn't find this comment to be particularly out of left field.
                It did,however, sound more like a comment a junior doc would make, not an experienced surgeon or CMO.


                  I adored the Ronon/Shep buddy moments in this one. The under the rubble scenes were very well played.

                  The whole series was one reckless Shep action after another, but this one was much worse. It managed also to make Carter and Keller look like subordinates to the big bad hero.

                  I liked the birth scene and thought RL and DH did a fine job. Rodney didn't annoy me as much as he usually does.

                  If I didn't know it was written by Martin Gero, I'd think this was penned by someone who knows very little about what was about to happen for the rest of the season. Yes, I'm referring to that beginning shippy scene. Why do that, get the shippers all excited and then just give it a big "nevermind"? Poor planning, but we're used to that. Liked seeing Ford though. I think the scene would have made more sense if the whole team had been having a celebratory dinner together. The whole Teyla is expecting another man's child aspect was just too Grey's Anatomy for me.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    i too had issues with the transfer of to speak. More of a snatching of command

                    I'm sure it ws done for expediency's sake, but geez, at least let woolsey fire sam in the briefing room or have the staff leave the room, something.

                    so unprofessional for a character that the random viewer is supposed to learn to like and accept

                    to me, it almost smacked of 'ok, fine, you don't wanna play in my sandbox, here then, let's just get rid of the character'

                    the way woolsey fired her set him up to be a bad guy and antagonist, then in the next episode or so he's the well meaning dude that's learning his way. Please pick one way to write him and stick with it. Much less confusing that way
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i too had issues with the transfer of to speak. More of a snatching of command

                      I'm sure it ws done for expediency's sake, but geez, at least let woolsey fire sam in the briefing room or have the staff leave the room, something.

                      so unprofessional for a character that the random viewer is supposed to learn to like and accept

                      to me, it almost smacked of 'ok, fine, you don't wanna play in my sandbox, here then, let's just get rid of the character'

                      the way woolsey fired her set him up to be a bad guy and antagonist, then in the next episode or so he's the well meaning dude that's learning his way. Please pick one way to write him and stick with it. Much less confusing that way
                      Which confirms my idea that Gero must have missed a memo on how the season was supposed to go. LOL The swift conversion of Woolsey from protagonist to fluffy bunny made my head spin. I was hoping to see conflict between him and all the others. Though I will admit, I liked his humorous moments and character quirks.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        I was concerned about how they wrote Woolsey in S&R too - he came across not as officious but as callous, which I doubt very much was what they wanted for him.


                          Search & Rescue:

                          *deep breath*

                          Let's start with what worked (and of course, let it go without saying that everything here is only my opinion):

                          - Sam. Sam was probably at her strongest here in this episode. I have never been in favor of her coming over to Atlantis, but I will say that she comes off very strong here for the most part (I will discuss the exception in a minute). And for a moment I felt a little regret that she was leaving, just as it seemed like they might be getting the hang of how to write for her. It passed as soon as Woolsey set foot on Atlantis. But for a moment, it was there.
                          - The Ronon/Sheppard friendship moments throughout the episode. Those were done well and really did work.
                          - Rodney delivering Teyla's baby.
                          - Ronon carrying Teyla out of the ship.
                          - Sheppard flying the dart with the baby on his lap.
                          - The surprise Ford appearance.

                          OK, what didn't work for me:

                          Let's start with the romantic candlelight dinner dream. There's no foreshadowing for the idea that Sheppard might be harboring these kind of feelings for Teyla, and no followup for the rest of the season. It's just dropped like an anvil out of nowhere. Also, it directly sets up my major gripe with this episode, which is that it is not a team episode - it is an episode telling us the story of the beautiful helpless damsel in distress (Teyla) held captive by the terrible monster, who must rely on the brave self-sacrificing hero (John) to rescue her (with his two sidekicks), whereupon she thanks him gazing adoringly into his eyes (the dream) and names her child after him (the end of the episode). Which is why the naming hits me so wrong. All the team sacrificed for Teyla, not just John. Especially after The Last Man and seeing Ronon's and Rodney's sacrifices, the idea that Teyla's rescue is All About John rubs me so very much the wrong way. Bookending the episode in this way made the episode All About The Heroic Rescue of the Fair Damsel Teyla Emmagan by Our Hero John Sheppard, and ruined the effect of some of what were otherwise some nice team moments.

                          Fortunately this was the pinnacle of the writers' "damsel-in-distress"ing of Teyla. Which I am thankful for. I have never liked the Michael storyline, because it has always ALWAYS from the very beginning turned Teyla into victim. This was the culmination of that.

                          This was not by far the only problem with the episode, however. There's also the serious problem of John's injuries. Is he critically injured or isn't he? The writers would like us to believe that his injuries are extremely severe. However, they would also like us to swallow any incredulity about the fact that, in spite of what appear to be terribly life threatening injuries, John was able to get up and walk off the ship. That with these kind of injuries Keller would not have had him sedated within an inch of his life. And then, that Carter would even for a moment consider letting someone so seriously injured return to the field, or jeopardize such an important rescue mission by running the risk of him collapsing in the field.

                          So how would I fix?

                          - Change the candlelight dinner for two dream into a dream of a normal team meal together. Teyla could have her baby with her, and the two could share a quiet moment as she thanks him for saving her and her child, but it would be within the context of a team setting, not a special just-for-two setting. This would have the added advantage of throwing the audience off for a few moments, wondering just what's happened here. Have we already jumped forward in time? Has the rescue already happened?

                          - About John's injuries. Either he was terribly injured and couldn't go on the rescue mission, or he was not that seriously injured. Get rid of the rebar in the side (sorry whumpers). seriously rewrite the episode. Keller and Carter should never have allowed him back in the field in his condition, but what if they never had the opportunity? Figure out a way to get John, Rodney and Ronon to Michael's ship without going through the Daedalus infirmary first. Then you can get away with the heroic staggering through the hive ship, because there's no other options.

                          - About the naming. I think there would be a way to give Teyla's baby John's name without shutting out the rest of the team. Simply have the rest of the team there with Teyla when John wakes up. Ronon and Rodney could be crowded around Teyla admiring the baby for example. Then when John asks what his name is, they all look at each other, and Teyla explains that they have decided to give him John's name. That way it is the team honoring John, not Teyla shutting out the rest of them.

                          - Also, the matter of Torren/Tagan could be fixed rather simply. Personally I don't buy the whole thing about Tagan being Teyla's mother. I think they either forgot or just figured "we can't name a baby Tagan!" However, Teyla could say that Kanaan had told her once that he wished to name a son after his brother, who died at the hands of the Wraith. There is actually a Toran in Rising, who was killed by the Keeper. That way also brings Kanaan into the naming a little bit.
                          - Life after Stargate -
                          Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                          Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                            Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                            Good idea? Horrible idea? Idea best buried and never mentioned again?
                            I have seen every episode as many times as there are main characters (+ Beckett) in it... but I can't for the life of me remember what happened in half of them. Which in on itself is a sign it wasn't nearly as interesting as Stargate used to be for me.

                            So, with that in mind, I may need to go read the GW episode guide before replying when it comes to episodes I can't remember.

                            Search and Rescue, however, I do remember because I wasn't expecting much to begin with and got a pretty okay episode in return. For a moment even I hoped I could leave the awefulness of season 4 behind and return to a more recognizable and team-centered Stargate Atlantis. Oh, how I was wrong.

                            I loved the birth-scene where I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Sheppard and Ronon underneath the rubble, and Lorne and McKay underneath the rubble. Poor Lorne

                            I had a few *facepalm* and/or *headdesk* moments, such as...
                            * Sheppard going off on a rescue mission and Keller letting him - WTF?!?
                            * the hallucination at the beginning - Yeah, right...
                            * the opening sequence with the planets - was that in S&R? It was stupid.
                            * Torren is Teyla's father. Who the hell is Tagan then? - Oh wait, Athosians are matriarchal that solves the problem. Nope, TPTB made a glaring mistake at not knowing their own characters apparently. FAIL!!
                            * the "playing with your insides"-comment was too much Scrubs-like (like the show and its characters) - I found it very inappropriate. If you want to utter those words, do it when your patient can't hear you. It doesn't inspire much confidence in your ability as a doctor or surgeon.

                            And those are just a few random notes that I can remember I had issues with.

                            Carter getting the boot made me squee with glee - not nice but I couldn't resist.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              the way woolsey fired her set him up to be a bad guy and antagonist, then in the next episode or so he's the well meaning dude that's learning his way. Please pick one way to write him and stick with it. Much less confusing that way
                              Well, there's your mistake. You were expecting continuity.

                              Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                     is an episode telling us the story of the beautiful helpless damsel in distress (Teyla) held captive by the terrible monster, who must rely on the brave self-sacrificing hero (John) to rescue her (with his two sidekicks), whereupon she thanks him gazing adoringly into his eyes (the dream) and names her child after him (the end of the episode).
                              Okay, so you're entire review as fabulous, but I wanted to touch on this first because I am in complete agreement. This was a Sheppard story. Dress the episode up however you want with Ronon/Shep friendship moments, touching Teyla scenes, and Rodney delivering a baby, this was a story about Sheppard's will and determination to save Teyla made all the more gritty and important because saving her is what he couldn't do for Ford.

                              This was a Sheppard headspace examination episode and as such it didn't completely suck. I seem to recall that I even sort of liked it back when it first leaked...I mean aired.

                              As an episode it was an admirable effort. The pacing was good, the story was OK. The characterisation were meh. Sheppard disregarding his own health to save Teyla I expected to see happen. It's not a Stargate the-hero-saves-the-day episode if he isn't grievously injured after all, but I hated that it came at the expense of Keller and Carter.

                              Moving on....Teyla was wallpaper. She was the damsel - an aspect made even more clear by the fact that she's in labour and giving birth during her rescue. I could have done without the giving birth scene. I would have much rather seen Teyla roll up her sleeves, concentrate on her breathing, and focus some of that Athosian toughness on getting herself out of there (with the help of the team, fine) all while experiencing contractions, and then giving birth back on Atlantis. This would have also meant that we wouldn't have had Rodney doing the birthing which is something I could have done without thank you very much.

                              All the team sacrificed for Teyla, not just John. Especially after The Last Man and seeing Ronon's and Rodney's sacrifices, the idea that Teyla's rescue is All About John rubs me so very much the wrong way. Bookending the episode in this way made the episode All About The Heroic Rescue of the Fair Damsel Teyla Emmagan by Our Hero John Sheppard, and ruined the effect of some of what were otherwise some nice team moments.
                              And therein lies the rub. I agree wholeheartedly. TPTB should have just named him Torren and been done with it. Or we could have used a nice The Team Meets Torren moment. But what can you do.


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                Poor Lorne
                                Lorne!! I forgot about Lorne. Lorne's always awesome.

                                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                                this was a story about Sheppard's will and determination to save Teyla made all the more gritty and important because saving her is what he couldn't do for Ford.
                                Or Elizabeth. I don't think Ford is the only loss that haunts him.

                                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                                And therein lies the rub. I agree wholeheartedly. TPTB should have just named him Torren and been done with it. Or we could have used a nice The Team Meets Torren moment. But what can you do.
                                That would work too. Teyla doesn't have two names that we know of. And I would have really liked seeing Teyla thank the rest of the team for her rescue, not just John.
                                - Life after Stargate -
                                Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                                Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles

