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Fight for sga!/Save our Stargate.. Fans frustrations with the SGA cancellation

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    I sent an email but I doubt that will help.

    Does anyone see a logical reason for cancelling the show?


      Originally posted by Inferno D View Post
      I sent an email but I doubt that will help.

      Does anyone see a logical reason for cancelling the show?
      If you use MGM's logic then the logical reason was to pave the golden path for SGU.

      If you use our logic based on ratings and viewers and creative development.....then no.


        The most dangerous thing about this whole decision is that there won't be Atlantis to tie people into SGU if it even gets picked up. Already people are saying they're going to cancel their scifi subscription. I can't speak for what the general public will do outside of the faniverse, but anyone who only watches scifi for SGA is likely to follow suit, especially without BSG to keep them hanging on either. Sci Fi may not even think it's worth picking up SGU if half the potential audience has already abandoned them.

        I don't want to go wild on this analogy because they are very different series, but DS9 was very careful to cement its connection to TNG, giving it a pretty reliable pedigree. Voyager's links to the two shows were less defined and it struggled (although granted, there were obvious quality issues there too)

        MGM could have really shot themselves in the foot here.
        Science fiction movies are weak just where the science fiction novels are strong - on science. But they can supply something the novels can never provide - sensuous elaboration by means of images and sounds. Science fiction films are not about science. They are about disaster.

        The Imagination of Disaster, Susan Sontag

        This sig is sponsored by Pegasus Fried Human - The Todd's Choice


          Originally posted by Inferno D View Post
          I sent an email but I doubt that will help.

          Does anyone see a logical reason for cancelling the show?


          That's about it, lol!


            Originally posted by topaz_bean View Post
            The most dangerous thing about this whole decision is that there won't be Atlantis to tie people into SGU if it even gets picked up. Already people are saying they're going to cancel their scifi subscription. I can't speak for what the general public will do outside of the faniverse, but anyone who only watches scifi for SGA is likely to follow suit, especially without BSG to keep them hanging on either. Sci Fi may not even think it's worth picking up SGU if half the potential audience has already abandoned them.

            I don't want to go wild on this analogy, but DS9 was very careful to cement its connection to TNG, giving it a pretty reliable pedigree. Voyager's links to the two shows were less defined and it struggled (although granted, there were obvious quality issues there too)

            MGM could have really shot themselves in the foot here.
            The thing that I continue to find funny about this whole SGU business is TPTB insistence, from the very beginning, that it would have nothing to do with either of its predecessors.

            That never made much sense to me.


              Originally posted by topaz_bean View Post
              The most dangerous thing about this whole decision is that there won't be Atlantis to tie people into SGU if it even gets picked up. Already people are saying they're going to cancel their scifi subscription.
              They'll likely buy- or otherwise watch- the movies, though, and my guess is that one of the movies will help launch SGU. No real problem there as far as I can see.


                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                If you use MGM's logic then the logical reason was to pave the golden path for SGU
                The problem is there is no "golden path" if there is no Stargate shows on before Universe starts. We are talking about a full year of no Stargate shows. The best thing they should have done is keep Atlantis until Universe is ready. But by the time Universe starts most of the fan base would have moved on & wont care anymore in fear of being ****ed over again


                  Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                  The thing that I continue to find funny about this whole SGU business is TPTB insistence, from the very beginning, that it would have nothing to do with either of its predecessors.

                  That never made much sense to me.
                  Well, if that's the case then maybe they're after an entirely new fanbase. For all we know they could direct it at the Lost/Heroes era sci-fi fan and don't want to be encumbered by years of canon. Anything seems possible at the moment.

         no. 200...wish it was under better circumstances
                  Science fiction movies are weak just where the science fiction novels are strong - on science. But they can supply something the novels can never provide - sensuous elaboration by means of images and sounds. Science fiction films are not about science. They are about disaster.

                  The Imagination of Disaster, Susan Sontag

                  This sig is sponsored by Pegasus Fried Human - The Todd's Choice


                    Originally posted by topaz_bean View Post
                    Well, if that's the case then maybe they're after an entirely new fanbase. For all we know they could direct it at the Lost/Heroes era sci-fi fan and don't want to be encumbered by years of canon. Anything seems possible at the moment.

           no. 200...wish it was under better circumstances
                    Lost. Heroes. pffft. That's not sci-fi. I'll bet half those fans haven't even read a good SF novel or watched Star Trek or other SF show before in their lives.

                    Those are dramas with an over-abundance of storytelling and convoluted story lines designed to make the viewer believe they're watching something special.

                    No offense to any Lost fans or Heroes fans out there. I've been known to watch an occasional ep of Heroes myself.

                    Just my po'ed opinion talking.


                      Galactica and Eureka get more viewers than SGA, so no, Stargate fans are not the ones keeping Sci Fi Alive.

                      It's unlikely any petition will save the show. Never did work for SG1...


                        I too was outraged about the cancellation and have voiced my displeasure in a letter that I will send in email and as a hardcopy for MGM and Sci-Fi. If anyone is interested in what I had to say, you can read it here:

                        To whom it may concern:

                        My mother first introduced me to Stargate SG-1 when I was twelve years old. I bought the first season and progressed from there, spending both my own money and my families income on all ten seasons of the series. I watched the series, live, faithfully from season seven onward and when Stargate Atlantis aired I was on the edge of my seat with the rest of the fans, ready and willing to explore this new world. I am no longer willing to explore Stargate Universe.

                        When tickets went on sale for Comic Con 2008, I bought them within the hour on the chance that Stargate would be in attendance. I was not disappointed. I, and several of my friends, were among the some 4500 people in attendance. It was a wondrous treat to share an hour of my time with the people who created the world that I had come to love so dearly. When I attended the Continuum screening on the USS Midway, it was like a dream come true. The autograph sessions were overrun with adoring fans. I’d like to ask - how many people were at the Eureka panel? There was a substantial amount at both Battlestar Galactica and Dr. Who. And yet both of these shows are leaving your network. Both Sci-fi and MGM have bourn the financial benefits of a dedicated Stargate fandom.

                        The financial breakdown of one dedicated Stargate fan (myself):

                        Ten Seasons of Stargate SG-1: $400.00

                        Stargate Ark of Truth: $20.00

                        Stargate Continum: $20.00

                        Four Seasons of Stargate Atlantis: $150.00

                        19 Stargate SG-1/Atlantis Magazines: $228.00

                        Two Stargate Calendars: $30.00

                        Stargate Posters: $40.00

                        Stargate SG-1 Board Game: $27.95

                        Stargate Shot Glass: $10.00

                        Stargate Atlantis Mug: $10.00

                        Total: $935.95

                        All of these products are a fruition of MGM and/or Sci-Fi. But what about the expenses where MGM or Sci-Fi did not see direct profit?

                        Comic Con 2008

                        Plane Ticket: $250.00

                        Condo Rental: $725.00

                        Ticket: $75.00

                        Total: $1050.00

                        The Stargate fan’s loyalty appeared to know no bounds. Until now.
                        I understand the television industry is a business one and this business decision - is a bad one. Stargate Atlantis, in it’s fifth season, has reached ratings of an all time high. Though the decision of cancellation was one of MGM, Sci-Fi is responsible in its own right and will, undoubtedly, suffer for it. Battlestar Galactica has only ten episodes remaining. Doctor Who will be off the air for the next two years. Eureka’s fan base doesn’t begin to compare to Stargate’s. I have faithfully supported this station and MGM for over six years. I tuned in live for every episode of SG-1, Atlantis, Eureka, Battelstar, Firefly, Farscape and been poorly rewarded but continued to show my support to prevent any disasters such as Firefly and Farscape for my beloved Atlantis. I was once again disappointed. My disappointment will not rebound this time. I no longer intend to tune in (or DVR) any product of the Sci Fi channel and abort buying DVDs and products from MGM. You will receive my viewership for the rest of Atlantis season and Sanctuary if only to show this station and MGM just how sorely missed the Stargate fandom will be.

                        I entirely supported the concept of Stargate Universe. I had every intention of tuning in and see if it would compare to the two shows I have watched and loved for so many years. I will not be tuning in at the expense of a show fans already know and love, characters that can not possibly be done justice in a two hour wrap up film, and a corporation that has let a good thing go to waste. Stargate Atlantis’s time to end will come. This is not that time. I hope Sci-Fi and MGM will take the displeasure of the fans who have given them unheard of loyalty and financial backing to heart and reconsider this epically poor decision.

                        Thank you for your consideration,


                          Originally posted by topaz_bean View Post
                          Well, if that's the case then maybe they're after an entirely new fanbase. For all we know they could direct it at the Lost/Heroes era sci-fi fan and don't want to be encumbered by years of canon. Anything seems possible at the moment.
                          I don't think they're looking for an ENTIRELY new fan base, but if they could pull off the "not encumbered by years of canon" stuff that might be kinda nice. And by canon I mean all the baggage from SG-1 and Atlantis. SGA's load has been getting heavier over the years- particularly after SG-1's cancellation. I know I, for one, would like it if SGU could start off- and stay- unencumbered by its predecessors. All part of the same family, yes, but allow it some actual freedom to develop its own style and flavor.


                            Originally posted by andy tyler View Post
                            Galactica and Eureka get more viewers than SGA, so no, Stargate fans are not the ones keeping Sci Fi Alive.

                            It's unlikely any petition will save the show. Never did work for SG1...
                            It's not that I think Sci Fi relies on Stargate in general, but if the SG fanbase are alienated from the channel, it may affect Sci Fi's attitude towards SGU, not just in being picked up, but also its timeslot based on projected ratings. I imagine there's probably some sort of quiet agreement between MGM and Scifi already on the SGU front, so no doubt there will be some sort of pilot at the very least, which is why the axing of Atlantis could sound so definitive.

                            Again, all speculation.
                            Science fiction movies are weak just where the science fiction novels are strong - on science. But they can supply something the novels can never provide - sensuous elaboration by means of images and sounds. Science fiction films are not about science. They are about disaster.

                            The Imagination of Disaster, Susan Sontag

                            This sig is sponsored by Pegasus Fried Human - The Todd's Choice


                              Soon MGM will have a stake in their own channel, they won't need Sci Fi.


                                I can't shake the feeling that Stargate fandom isn't nearly as vital to Skiffy as we like to think and that as appalling a prospect as it is, wrestling garners some core ratings. SCIFI certainly did well enough before Stargate and I think it'll continue to do well after, but it'll be interesting to see exactly what does happen and what kind of materials start getting aired after SGA and BSG are gone.

