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What character should go?

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    » Keller proved to be impotent just in the first part of S&R. She's going to get someobdy killed one of these days. Her idiocy is enough to make her the character "to go".
    Last edited by Reiko; 22 June 2008, 03:37 PM.


      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      » Keller proved to be impotent just in the first part of S&R. She's going to get someobdy killed one of these days. Her idiocy is enough to make her the character "to go".
      Hey Reiko-girl, put it in spoiler tags since premiere date is not here. I'll wait and see, but this is what I'm hearing, I'm not surprised either.

      Originally posted by JohnDuh View Post
      It's a good thing Mallozzi says they ignore the nutters on gateworld - Keller is wonderful and good riddance of that whiny nut they used to have as doctor (i guess i can tolerate him in a few episodes)
      Huh...when you said whiny nut, I thought you were referring to Keller. I have to say that I found Carson decent just not regular material, ditto for Keller and ANY medical personnel.
      Last edited by vaberella; 22 June 2008, 10:53 AM.
      Click statement above to read article.


        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
        » Keller proved to be impotent just in the first part of S&R. She's going to get someobdy killed one of these days. Her idiocy is enough to make her the character "to go".
        And her idiocy is frankly one of her more endearing qualities


          why the moaning, whiney duo of Carson and McKay of course!
          yes please put all S5 comments in spoilers since I don't watch until it airs on tv!


            Whiny idiotic brat Keller to go - she makes Rodney look well adjusted for goodness sake!


              When Keller's around you really don't notice the whining quite so much from McKay, she does enough for the whole of Atlantis! (but Rodney's whining is funny anyway imo).


                Originally posted by Arica12 View Post
                Whiny idiotic brat Keller to go - she makes Rodney look well adjusted for goodness sake!
                Now that's insulting Rodney. He's fairly well adjusted in HIS own galaxy and planet. Her, I have no idea where she's well adjusted. Every episode is Keller coming of age, I'm still trying to find from which age to which because I've seen far more fearless 10 month olds.
                Click statement above to read article.


                  Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                  Now that's insulting Rodney. He's fairly well adjusted in HIS own galaxy and planet. Her, I have no idea where she's well adjusted. Every episode is Keller coming of age, I'm still trying to find from which age to which because I've seen far more fearless 10 month olds.

                  Now there is a good reason why she should go, hey maybe Teyla's baby could take over?


                    Yep the more I think about it the more the moan-a-minute twins (aka Mckay and Carson) NEED to go! oh and followed by Zelenka! all that hair sniffing....creepy!


                      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                      Yep the more I think about it the more the moan-a-minute twins (aka Mckay and Carson) NEED to go! oh and followed by Zelenka! all that hair sniffing....creepy!
                      Well I agree there ()

                      If they want to end Stargate Atlantis and get Universe of the ground right away that's EXACTLY the thing to do.


                        Originally posted by Arica12 View Post
                        Well I agree there ()

                        If they want to end Stargate Atlantis and get Universe of the ground right away that's EXACTLY the thing to do.
                        then they should do it
                        Stolen Kosovo


                          Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                          then they should do it
                          g.o.d. has spoken!


                            After seeing 501, I would like to nominate another character to keep Keller company on her way to the fishes. So, We come in peace shoot to kill needs to go!


                              Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                              Hey Reiko-girl, put it in spoiler tags since premiere date is not here. I'll wait and see, but this is what I'm hearing, I'm not surprised either.
                              » Oops. Will do. Done


                                Originally posted by elliecat View Post

                                Now there is a good reason why she should go, hey maybe Teyla's baby could take over?
                                Teyla's baby will probably age fast so that will most likely be possible!

