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10 Reasons why you should tune into Stargate Atlantis Season 5

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    Originally posted by Pajus View Post
    Hairgel can resist rain (maybe), not diving
    *walks away quietly*


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Brian, Brian, Brian, how could you forget...

      While exploring an unexplored part of Atlantis, there is an explosion in which Shep is burned, cut, bruised and partly electrocuted before he falls through a hole in the floor where he lands in water -illed wreckage-filled tiny area filled with pirannha type fish that try to eat him, but he can't get away as he broke a leg and an arm AND got a concussion, and once they rescue him (which takes a long time), he's alternately feverish and freezing, necessitating nekid under the covers, and oh yeah, he's got to be intubated (you know, for the whump fans). Tsk, Brian, falling down on teh job!
      Ooh! I like it, Prion. Very good. Maybe you could send the script to JM?
      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      Do you have any imagination or sense of humor whatsoever?
      Hmmmmmmm, well, hmmmmmm...
      Originally posted by Pitry View Post
      *injects Pajus liquid sense of humour while worshipping at Prion's feet*

      see, I can multitask!

      Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
      The all mighty Hair Gel will protect Sheppard from death!
      Indeed it will!
      Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
      *walks away quietly*
      *walks away snickering*


        10 reasons to tune into Stargate Atlantis...let's think...

        *Looks around and notices the current discussion*


        Everyone okay???

        *Looks at some of the previous posts*

        Ah!!! I see!!! It looks like we have some Shep Thunk/Whumpers and supporters of 'The Hair' around here.

        For those of you who don't follow these supports, things...a crash course:

        Shep Thunk/Whumpers believe with all their hearts that no matter what happens Shep will always survive in the end...and I mean by no matter what...

        Explosions, fire, piranhas, McKay's cooking - Sheppard always finds a way to survive. for the hair...well, what can I say??? Shep must have bribed the greatest geniuses of earth to make that brand. Manages to keep going in rain, shine, snow, sudden tides...supernovas...phew. If only they made a similar hairspray that I could use...

        *Smiles and hugs everyone* There we go.

        I have one reason to watch season five...well two...

        When SG-1 did a season four...well let's put it this way - I never watched the episodes...they just didn't appeal to me.

        Season five on the other hand, I loved it - adored it. It had some of the best episodes I'd seen...(Won't there be a 100th episode this season???)

        Let's just hope that the same type of luck rubs off on Atlantis.

        Second reason - Carson. Whether it's one episode or an entire season. As long as he pops up - everything's fine.


          10 reasons to watch.....

          My keyboard needs a wash once a week... this can be achieved through lots of drooling at the boys!

          I actually like thunking over shep. It causes me to collapse into a heap on the floor. Which results in my not having to make the bed the next day.

          Learn all your flirting techniques and one liners from Larrin.

          Men should take note that shooting too early is not always a good thing.

          You get to learn lots of kinky new techniques (from Ronon... no comments please. ) Like how to tie up my shep clone without chaffing his skin.

          I am learning fashion from Stargate. Such as belts are overrated.

          I'm learning emergency first aid procedures, such as when a really hot cute guy needs defibbing, there is no time for scissors, just rip the shirt off it saves time in the long run.

          Each episode I learn about survival techniques, such as using bug repellant. (Unless your name is Shep).

          This show teaches you how to do the pelvic thrust [see 38 minutes for reference] This is an essential to keep that heart going during all the fast paced scenes.

          AND finally.... you'll be pleased to hear.....

          It gives you the status symbol of being a geek.


            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            10 reasons to watch.....

            My keyboard needs a wash once a week... this can be achieved through lots of drooling at the boys!

            I actually like thunking over shep. It causes me to collapse into a heap on the floor. Which results in my not having to make the bed the next day.

            Learn all your flirting techniques and one liners from Larrin.

            Men should take note that shooting too early is not always a good thing.

            You get to learn lots of kinky new techniques (from Ronon... no comments please. ) Like how to tie up my shep clone without chaffing his skin.

            I am learning fashion from Stargate. Such as belts are overrated.

            I'm learning emergency first aid procedures, such as when a really hot cute guy needs defibbing, there is no time for scissors, just rip the shirt off it saves time in the long run.

            Each episode I learn about survival techniques, such as using bug repellant. (Unless your name is Shep).

            This show teaches you how to do the pelvic thrust [see 38 minutes for reference] This is an essential to keep that heart going during all the fast paced scenes.

            AND finally.... you'll be pleased to hear.....

            It gives you the status symbol of being a geek.
            That just made my day. You star!


              *takes a bow*


                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                Yes, I have an imagination and that is why I know that We come in peace, shoot to kill has no way of surviving the described situation. And my sense of humor ends when the situation collides with scientific reality

                Sorry, didn't work
                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                Are you trying to tell us that you expect a human to survive that?
                Of course. I learned that people can be survived being beaten to bits on SG1, so why not SGA? I mean, after what they did to Cameron in ARK OF TRUTH? And anyway, a few people have fallen out of planes and survived, albeit rather banged up, so....


                  Huh. I read that as "falling out of planets".

                  We should get that. Sgheppard falling out of a planet.
                  Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                  Yes, I am!
                  Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                  Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                  Peter Pan R.I.P


                    Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                    Huh. I read that as "falling out of planets".

                    We should get that. Sgheppard falling out of a planet.
                    Good idea. I'm not sure the budget would stretch to us seeing those vis effects though. Damn it!

                    Of course, Teh Hair TM would save Shep from the vacuum of space.


                      Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                      Huh. I read that as "falling out of planets".

                      We should get that. Sgheppard falling out of a planet.
                      Ok Pitry, how the hell do you fall out of a planet?

                      Ah well as long as there's whump I can live with the giant plot hole of a planet without gravity.


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Good idea. I'm not sure the budget would stretch to us seeing those vis effects though. Damn it!

                        Of course, Teh Hair TM would save Shep from the vacuum of space.
                        Can Teh Hair really do that? Awsome!


                          Originally posted by FenRiR FoXz View Post
                          It's a good think I can tolerate such distateful sights then
                          .: It is very brave of you.

                          Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                          Are you trying to tell us that you expect a human to survive that?
                          .: Uh oh ... I think it's time for a physics lesson!

                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          Do you have any imagination or sense of humor whatsoever?
                          .: When it comes to horrible affronts to physics, there is no such thing as "imagination" or "humour" in Pajus' world


                            Originally posted by FenRiR FoXz View Post
                            Can Teh Hair really do that? Awsome!
                            Why, of course it can. Teh Hair TM is the true star of the show. It's rumoured it's going to take number 2 slot in the opening credits in season 5. Hadn't you heard?


                              Originally posted by Reiko View Post

                              .: It is very brave of you.

                              .: Uh oh ... I think it's time for a physics lesson!

                              .: When it comes to horrible affronts to physics, there is no such thing as "imagination" or "humour" in Pajus' world
                              Pajus and I had great fun on the Adrift thread debating physics... it'll just be like old times.

                              Pajus, I promise this time i'll go easy on you.


                                Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                                .: It is very brave of you.
                                Yup, but then having seen some really savage horror films kinda makes DH backside seem almost pleasant by comparison

                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                Why, of course it can. Teh Hair TM is the true star of the show. It's rumoured it's going to take number 2 slot in the opening credits in season 5. Hadn't you heard?
                                ...I think someone has been witholding information from me again then

                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                Pajus and I had great fun on the Adrift thread debating physics... it'll just be like old times.

                                Pajus, I promise this time i'll go easy on you.
                                Peg.. your pretty knowledgeful on physics? I never would have guessed

