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Reviews / Articles - Stargate Atlantis Season 5

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    SGA - The Media Pundit:: Picardo and Mallozzi on "Whispers" :

    From The Media Pundit:

    (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

    Stargate week: Picardo and Mallozzi on "Whispers"

    July 8, 2008 in Television

    The seventh episode of season five features a departure from the traditional "sci-fi light" formula of Stargate Atlantis that features elements of light comedy and light drama (hence the moniker) but rarely too much of either one. "Whispers" allows exec-prod Joe Mallozzi to return to his horror roots while also introducing the first ever all-female offworld team, which Joe says was an immediate hit with the other writers.

    "I spoke to Will about it and he's like yeah -- Will Waring, who is our Director who directed the episode and he's also a big fan of horror movies -- so, you know, we actually did a little mini horror movie for the episode, Whispers. I pitched stuff to the guys and they really liked the idea."

    **snippity doo-dah**

    This post is part of a week-long series on Stargate Atlantis. All posts can be found here.

    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
    Morjana's Blog Twitter


      Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
      Shep is a Lt. Colonel now. And, does Lt. major come directly before Lt. Colonel?
      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
      you were a Lt Mj in the USMC?

      yup that's what she said
      Nope. I said I was in the Marine Force.

      Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
      Um there is no such rank in the military.
      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
      that's what I thought too

      Folks. Please re-read what I wrote:

      I was a Lieutenant Major in the United States Marine Force so I don't understand the problem.
      There is no rank such as Lieutenant Major.

      There is also no Marine Force.


      I was kidding! Mocking the folks who gave Shep a non-existent rank.


      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by Über View Post
        Folks. Re-read what I wrote:

        There is no rank such as Lieutenant Major.

        There is also no Marine Force.


        I was kidding! Mocking the folks who gave Shep a non-existent rank.

        oh boy LOL well done
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
          oh boy LOL well done
          It was a great career too. Advancements were a breeze!

          I went from Private Corporal to Captain Sargent and in just a few short years, I was a General Pain in the Mik'ta! (That's the rank right before Lieutenant Major).

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by Über View Post
            It was a great career too. Advancements were a breeze!

            I went from Private Corporal to Captain Sargent and in just a few short years, I was a General Pain in the Mik'ta! (That's the rank right before Lieutenant Major).

            LOL yeah definitely a great career
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              SGA - Slice of SciFi: Conference Call With Joseph Mallozzi & Robert Picardo:

              From Slice of SciFi:

              (Please follow the link for the complete transcription.)

              Conference Call With Joseph Mallozzi & Robert Picardo

              Posted by Sam on Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008

              Our reporter Linda Craddock has been very busy these past few weeks rounding up interviews for all our fans of “Stargate: Atlantis,” the next Mummy film, the new television series “The Middleman” and more.

              She recently sat in on an invitation-only press conference sponsored by the GE CORP AM INITIATIVES GROUP. The conference was attended by Linda and several other reporters as they asked questions of executive producer Joseph Mallozzi and actor Robert Picardo of “Stargate: Atlantis.”

              The moderator for this conference was NBC’s Carol Janson and it was arranged by Michele Rosenblatt from the SCI FI Channel. It took place on July 1, 2008 at 12:00 pm CT.

              Coordinator: Hello and welcome to the Stargate Atlantis conference call. At the request of NBC, this conference is being recorded for instant replay purposes and a transcript of the call is also being made.

              With us on today’s call from Stargate Atlantis are Robert Picardo and Joseph Mallozzi. Also on the call are Carol Janson of NBC and Michele Rosenblatt of SCI FI.

              [NOTE: The media included: Monsters and Critics, MediaBlvd, Crown Features,, FanBolt, Niagara Frontier Publication, The,, TVZone Magazine,,,, Flash News, and!)

              A brief excerpt:

              Coordinator: Our last question does come from Jamie Ruby of MediaBlvd. You may ask your question.

              Jamie Ruby: For both of you - what’s both your most favorite part of working on the show and your least favorite part?


              Robert Picardo:...It’s not a secret, I think that the Star Trek producers were kind of ivory tower producers who rarely came down to the set to see the actors. In fact, if the producers came to the set, the actors’ response was normally uh-oh, you know, what did we do wrong.

              But the Stargate producers visit the set all the time and there’s a very relaxed, you know, kind of easygoing atmosphere. They’ll pop down and say hello to us. They’re not located on the other side of the lot the way the Star Trek ones were at the other end of the Paramount lot, as far away from the sets as they could possibly get.

              They’re just upstairs in the, you know, in the - in our main stage, the production office is. So I really like that - that it - what Joe described is, you know, the extended family thing is much more apparent to me here because they really do, you know, mom and dad really do come down to visit the kids on the set. And that’s, you know, that’s - that makes it a very relaxed atmosphere.

              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                Stargate Atlantis - TrekMovie: Exclusive Robert Picardo Interview:


                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                Morjana's Blog Twitter


                  SGA - Pop Culture Zoo: Review of Search and Rescue:

                  From Pop Culture Zoo:

                  (Please follow the link for the complete review.)

                  Returning To The Pegasus Galaxy: Stargate Atlantis 5.01 - “Search and Rescue”

                  By Joseph Dilworth Jr. ? July 9, 2008

                  Stargate Atlantis is back for it’s fifth season and things kick off in fine fashion. This episode does have quite a lot to accomplish in its 41 minute runtime, too. There’s a couple of cliffhangers from last season to resolve, a regular character to write out, a regular character to introduce, a recurring character to say hello to, not to mention presenting a logical, engaging and entertaining story. “Search and Rescue” delivers all this at a fast, yet unhurried clip and by the end you feel like you’ve just watched a feature film worth of story and action. That’s a good thing, trust me.


                  SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                  SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                  Morjana's Blog Twitter


                    SGA - Robert Picardo Interview:

                    From's SciFi/Fantasy section:

                    (Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

                    Interview: Robert Picardo

                    The veteran actor talks about his new 'Atlantis' command

                    By Mark Wilson,

                    A week before the debut of Stargate Atlantis's fifth season I spent some time talking with the intelligent and funny Robert Picardo, who plays the new expedition commander Richard Woolsey. Picardo is well known not only for Woolsey, introduced in the seventh season of Stargate SG-1, but as the holographic doctor on Star Trek: Voyager and as Dr. Richard on China Beach (among many, many other roles). For an image gallery of Robert Picardo past and present, click here.

                    A brief excerpt:

                    You've got episodes coming up with Michael Shanks again.

                    Oh yeah, he's great, he's great fun. I love his character. And of course, the two of them together, talking -- I was a fast talker, on Voyager. But I cede the competition to those guys [laughs]. I don't know that, even in my prime, when I could talk really fast, I could keep pace with them, but now I know I cannot.

                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      SGA - Atlantis Season 5 Preview:

                      From's SciFi/Fantasy section:

                      (Please follow the link for the complete preview.)

                      Atlantis Season 5 Preview

                      What to Expect from 'Stargate Atlantis' Season 5

                      By Mark Wilson,

                      Stargate Atlantis returns to Sci Fi for a fifth season on Friday, July 11. Though producers have kept much of the season's plot developments under wraps, a fair amount has come out in advance, and hints and comments from interviews with David Hewlett (Rodney McKay) and Robert Picardo (new expedition commander Richard Woolsey) have added to our sense of what to expect. Still, much has been kept deliberately vague -- producers have said that the Atlanteans will meet a "new race" this year, but that's all they've said. Well okay!

                      Here are the highlights:

                      Command change: As has been widely reported, Richard Woolsey, the IOA bureaucrat played by Robert Picardo since season 7 of Stargate SG-1, will be taking over as commander of the Atlantis expedition during the first episode of season 5. Woolsey replaces Col. Samantha Carter, who has been removed from command. Picardo told me he will be in 14 or 15 of the 20 episodes of the season, the remaining episodes taking place "off-base." Used to evaluating others' decisions rather than making them himself, Woolsey is not entirely prepared for command, but over the course of the first few episodes he quickly determines how to leverage his past study of leaders like Gen. Hammond and Col. Carter to effectively deal with threats to the station and even surpass his own ingrained by-the-book instincts.

                      **snippity doo-dah**

                      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                      Morjana's Blog Twitter


                        The Deadbolt: Mallozzi/Picardo on SGA Season 5:

                        From The Deadbolt:

                        (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

                        Robert Picardo and Joseph Mallozzi on Stargate Atlantis Season 5

                        By Troy Rogers

                        Now that actress Amanda Tapping won't be returning to Stargate Atlantis in her long-running role of Colonel Samantha Carter, the fifth season of the popular SCI FI series will see former Star Trek Voyager actor Robert Picardo step into the leadership role with his previously established Richard Woolsey character. Although Woolsey has never been as popular a character on the series as some favorites, the decision to make him a leader is an out-of-the-box move that should make for some fresh, interesting, and contentious dynamics between the Atlantis characters. Picardo's expanded role will certainly take the show to new territory from a leadership standpoint.

                        After a short break, the Stargate Atlantis cast returns to the airwaves on July 11 and The Deadbolt was on hand this week for a press conference with actor Robert Picardo and executive producer Joseph Mallozzi to find out what fans can expect from Woolsey's new leadership role, how the show has adapted to the departure of Amanda Tapping, and what's in store for the show's 100th episode.

                        A brief excerpt:

                        THE DEADBOLT: Yeah, did you like him [Woolsey] or did he have to grow on you?

                        PICARDO: No, when I first met him - when I first made my convention appearance - his personal appearances that of course, all the science fiction actors make - after two or three appearances as Woolsey, I would be asked questions about working on Stargate and they’d say I really like your character. And I would say, "You’re kidding," because I thought of him as, you know, as kind of a jerk early on. But again, his very second appearance, which I think was called "Inauguration", you saw that even though he rubbed people the wrong way and was seen as someone who came in only to find out who’d screwed up and, as I said, assign blame - that at least he was driven by a personal passion that was quite positive and ethical.

                        He really believed in the importance of civilian oversight of a secret military operation so that it wasn’t - so that a rogue element did not come in and take it over, and would no longer serve the interest of the public.

                        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                        Morjana's Blog Twitter


                          SGA - Fanbolt: Robert Picardo & Joseph Mallozzi of Stargate Atlantis:

                          From Fanbolt:

                          (Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

                          Robert Picardo & Joseph Mallozzi of Stargate Atlantis

                          Author: Emma Loggins
                          Date: 2008-07-09


                          We had the honor of sitting down with Robert Picardo (Star) and Joseph Mallozzi (Executive Producer) to talk about the upcoming season five, where "Stargate Atlantis" has been and where its going. Here's what they had to say:

                          A brief excerpt:

                          With the first half of season five already on film, what would you say will be the turning point for viewers and ratings while continuing the second half and potentially a sixth season?

                          Joseph Mallozzi: The turning point? You know, I'm kind of hoping - it's not so much a turning point but a build from last year's strong finish. You know, I don't recall off the top of my head what the numbers were but, you know, I know that, you know, Last Man -- our season finale -- finished very strongly.

                          And hopefully that's something we can continue with the premiere: Search and Rescue. You know, and I'm sure some of you may have seen it along with the few thousand who happened to be cruising You Tube over the weekend or a couple of - last weekend.

                          And the reaction is - you know, was overwhelming, positive from what I saw. I think it's awfully indicative of what's to come this season, you know, a variety of, you know, action, character development, just, you know, hopefully what the fans have grown to love and really desire from the show.

                          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                          Morjana's Blog Twitter


                            Originally posted by Über View Post
                            Nope. I said I was in the Marine Force.


                            Folks. Please re-read what I wrote:

                            There is no rank such as Lieutenant Major.

                            There is also no Marine Force.


                            I was kidding! Mocking the folks who gave Shep a non-existent rank.

                            *feels like idiot now*
                            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                              SGA - SciFi Universe: SGA Returns with Search and Rescue:

                              From SciFi Universe:

                              (Please follow the link for the complete preview.)

                              Stargate Atlantis Returns with Search and Rescue

                              by Cynthia on July 9th, 2008

                              This Friday, Stargate Atlantis returns for a fifth season. How amazing is that! The first episode, “Search and Rescue” picks up exactly where we left off with our heroes trapped in the debris of Michael’s collapsed compound. It’s a race against time to escape the planet before the bad guys arrive and that’s just the beginning of their troubles. Teyla is still in the hands of the hybrid-Wraith and she’s about to give birth. Will they shut down Michael’s operation? Will they do the time-honored, ‘I don’t know nothing about birthing babies, gag? And if the baby is born, after which hero will it be named?

                              The answers to these and all of your questions can be found. . well, not here. You see, I received a preview copy of this episode weeks ago and have been in a quandary ever since. I couldn’t figure out how to review the episode without giving away too many spoilers. In the end, I decided that it was impossible.

                              Sure I could say things like, “it’s action packed,” “full of suspense,” “out of the frying pan and into the fire,” but what would be the point. If you’ve ever seen Stargate Atlantis then you know it’s all those things.


                              Stargate Atlantis premieres Friday, July 11 at 10 pm on SCI FI Channel.

                              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                                SGA - The Media Pundit: Stargate Week: Search & Rescue:

                                From The Media Pundit:

                                (Please follow the link for the complete preview.)

                                Stargate Week: Search & Rescue

                                July 9, 2008 in Television

                                Put simply, I loved this episode.


                                You will not be disappointed this year if the premier is any indication of how the entire season will turn out, and I've no doubt that if they continue hitting their marks just as they've done with Search & Rescue that a sixth season will be ordered. That doesn't mean that it's going to come free, though. If you want it as a fan, your job is to watch it on TV instead of on your computer and to introduce your friends and family to the show if you can.

                                The more people that watch this show, the better.

                                It really deserves it.

                                This post is part of a week-long series on Stargate Atlantis. All posts can be found here.

                                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                                Morjana's Blog Twitter

