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Season Five : Complaints and Misgivings

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    Originally posted by AutumnDream
    Man, I just read how SGU is supposed to be aimed at a younger audience or something. That is somewhat worrisome, because I am 21 and find SGA infantile most of the time. Any younger than that and SGU is going to be a children's show. What age group are they aiming for? 7-12 years old? Judging from the intellectual prowess, humor, and general content of SGA, they were aiming for 12-16 there.
    Typical, MGM is not the only company to try to target a younger audience. Children are easier to please and tend to buy more franchise than adults. I experienced the same thing with an online game and now rarely play it because it's become dumbed down, fuzzy and full of immature brats, which is just what gateworld needs, on top of the childish behaviour already rife in this forum!
    Last edited by Dr Weir; 23 August 2008, 10:59 AM.


      For all those that 'like' Larrin, HK-47 has a mission report for you


        Originally posted by Dr Weir View Post
        Children are easier to please and tend to buy more franchise than adults.
        No, it's still the adults that are buying it... though if the adults are no longer interested in Stargate, then it's highly unlikely that the children will be. Unless, it's the children that decide what they watch in the evening.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Bloody Hell, I go on holiday for a week and all hell breaks loose.

          Ok, hands up who didn't see this coming

          Originally posted by alyssa View Post
          I'm still stunned that ANY show that gets a million, or one point two million or even one point five million viewers can still get made in a country that has a population of 300 million.

          In Australia, those would be good numbers, because we only have 20 million people. But I can tell you, a show here that was watched by the same proportion of viewers as SGA and some other shows in the US are wouldn't last a week on air.
          And in the UK too, if any show got a rating like that it would be pulled half way through, it happened with our version of The Golden Girls, or it would get transfered to cable

          Originally posted by Pajus View Post
          What were you expecting people! There was no threat of a writers strike this year! Without that SGA would be cancelled a year ago
          What Pajus said

          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
          How do you figure that? The Ratings were not the issue, in fact they went back up for Season 4 and this season. MGM pulled the plug because they want more movies which are cheaper to make and the new Series SGU. SCI FI would of renewed the show but MGM did not even approach them to renew it.
          What pajus said, there was no writers strike

          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          I just have one thing to say.

          Karma, baby.

          *kicks SGA through that wormhole they sent Weir 2.0 through*
          Oh yeah, I propose the Anti's signiture song be Instant Karma by John Lennon, it's gonna get ya you know

          Originally posted by AutumnDream View Post
          Oh no, I won't have SGA to mock/troll after this season. ~_~

          What am I gonna do...
          Good point, Is there going to be an Anti SGU thread we can whine in or will the Mods let us go off topic in here after the series is buried?

          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
          It really doesn't but SGA will be going out on a high note, Ratings wise.
          With all the Anti's yelling "We told you so" at the screen, I don't doubt it

          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          It's always all about the money. That's why I'm surprised that some people are surprised at the cancellation.

          I don't know what it will take for all of us to get it through our heads that we don't matter. Somehow they don't connect us fans with our wallets. Their bad decision.
          Dr Who is made for less than half SGA's budget and brings in quadruple the ratings from a country with a population one quarter of the USA. I can't understand why US shows have a such a huge budget and produce such drivel, I suppose they cover up the lack of good writing with clever CGI, surely the success of shows such as Dr Who and Life on Mars shows that clever drama can be made using clever scripts, great acting and good writers, 'cheap' shows can be suprising ratings winners

          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
          Well you guys complained about SGA and wanted to see SGA end, well not you Jackie, but a few folks here laughed everytime the ratings dipped for SGA. So now you got your wish. It's over, SGA, well except the movies. Now you are going to complain about SGU before it's even in production?

          Come on guys. Give the Stargate Franchise a little slack. I am still pissed about SGA, but I'm still going to give SGU a try.
          Will someone pick up Brian's toys and put them back in the pram please

          Originally posted by SgaIsBad View Post
          I never laughed and I have always wanted SGA to succeed. But the show as of late has been delivering an inferior product. For the fans to champion a bad product and not speak up, are just as responsible as the anti's that you blame for the show's demise.

          "I want Stargate to last 15 seasons!!! Hurray its great!! The show can do no wrong!!!!"

          This is what I have been hearing for the last 2 years. How can the anti's take the pro's seriously. I wouldn't want any show to stay on 15 years. Even with the best writers producers it would get stale.

          I hope this is a wake up call to speak up this time around.
          Dr Who did (I'm not going to open up the 'Longest series on TV debate again) it lasted on and off for 30 years, it got painful to watch towards the end of Dr 7's reign, but it can be done, with different actor's writers, directors and the like


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            No, it's still the adults that are buying it... though if the adults are no longer interested in Stargate, then it's highly unlikely that the children will be. Unless, it's the children that decide what they watch in the evening.
            I meant generally, not specifically stargate. If it's aimed at an younger audience wouldn't it be on earlier?


              Originally posted by alyssa
              I'm still stunned that ANY show that gets a million, or one point two million or even one point five million viewers can still get made in a country that has a population of 300 million.

              In Australia, those would be good numbers, because we only have 20 million people. But I can tell you, a show here that was watched by the same proportion of viewers as SGA and some other shows in the US are wouldn't last a week on air.
              The way I saw it was with like music, it doesn't have to have a huge audience, but enough to make money. Although one million is quite low. Top shows in the UK boast figures like 12 million and there's something like 60 million living in the country (correct me if I'm wrong I'm going off the top of my head).


                Originally posted by Dr Weir View Post
                I meant generally, not specifically stargate. If it's aimed at an younger audience wouldn't it be on earlier?
                Oh ... oh yeah, right, I see.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  I must say I'm impressed by the BW interview. Very original, canceling a show while it's ratings are getting better (not brilliant mind but getting better.) - Though is that even true, it has what. 1/10 of a percentage point on last year?)

                  Mm either someone has spectacularly misunderstood the phrase going out on a high note or else that's one of the best attempts at spin I've seen in a while. I mean please, what he's actually saying is we're canceling the show before the ratings get any worse......if he'd wanted to go out on a high surely he should have cancelled it after Season 1 when the ratings were very good.

                  Nope I don't get that one either.


                    I think the phrase "pull the trigger" BW used about the decision says it all.


                      Lost will go out on a high note. BSG will go out on a high note. SGA will NOT go out on a high note because the show lacks some serious planning. Isn't "Vegas" one of the last episodes of the show? How the heck is that going out on a high note?


                        RE: SGU "...with a cast that gives it a younger vibe."

                        *puke* wtf? *puke*

                        And to think I was going to give this show a smidgen of a chance. *puke*

                        I hope that is some incorrect quote or an idea that will be scrubbed.

                        That **** sounds even worse than Atlantis (even though it's basically the same friggin premise).

                        While I have had my problems with Atlantis over these past few years, some major...a number of minor, I'm still sad that SGA was canceled. And rather mad that it got axed for that crap. I was finding some enjoyment in this current season. Though there will be plenty to hate when the McKay/Keller bs kicks into full gear. But I was still finding stuff in the episodes to like this season.

                        I just have a feeling that the characters in SGU are going to be awful, and that there will be none that I like, and at this point in Stargate, character stuff is about the only thing I can cling to because the majority of the stories are not all that interesting anymore.

                        Sorry about the mess....
                        IMO always implied.


                          Someone posted on the general discussion area an itnerview with the vice-president for something or other over in SciFi, saying how they're aiking SGU to be more BSG.

                          Funny, thought there was a reason I've been watching Stargate since 1998 and never could sit through a full episode of BSG, even though I tried multiple times. Apparently all of us science ficiton fans are the same and would watch anything with spaceships.
                          Erm, no.
                          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                          Yes, I am!
                          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                          Peter Pan R.I.P


                            Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                            Funny, thought there was a reason I've been watching Stargate since 1998 and never could sit through a full episode of BSG, even though I tried multiple times. Apparently all of us science ficiton fans are the same and would watch anything with spaceships.
                            Erm, no.
                            Agreed. My optimism for SGU is gone
                            Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                              Originally posted by Dr Weir View Post
                              The way I saw it was with like music, it doesn't have to have a huge audience, but enough to make money. Although one million is quite low. Top shows in the UK boast figures like 12 million and there's something like 60 million living in the country (correct me if I'm wrong I'm going off the top of my head).
                              Give or take a million that's about right. This is what they great British public watched W/E 10th Aug on the five terrestrial channels (BBC1 through Channel Five) If Atlantis is proud of Two Million viewers, take heed, the BBC news gets double that sometimes, that doesn't say a lot does it


                                What is the younger demographic they hope to capture, anyway? Is the age group they're looking for still 18-45 (or is it 49)'s, preferrably male? Or has it lowered to the teen-20-somethings, preferrably male?

                                Personally, I didn't originally try out SGA because I didn't like SG-1. I finally did, and absolutely loved it, but if I didn't have a friend pushing me to try it, I probably never would have. I was immune to the new spin-off's appeal, since I figured SGA would be more of the same stuff I didn't care for much on SG-1. So I'm a bit puzzled at their thinking that the route they're taking with SGU will automatically win them a new audience. Especially when they seem to be doing a bang-up job of angering the current one, and there is a lot of other, much better sounding sci-fi currently coming down the pike....

