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New Commander for Season 5

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    Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
    WOOLSEY? Oh come on!

    Guess they're trying to pull in Star Trek fans now?


    And it's not even a woman! *grumbles*
    Hey if they wanted the Star Trek fans in then they could have gone with Seven right I mean honestly with her outfits...

    and she is even a woman lol


      Woolsey is a bigger wimp than Keller. What a horrible choice. Anyone else would have been better. This guy can't even decide when he needs to go to the bathroom!

      Not much Beckett either. That's a huge disappointment as the rumors made me think we would see a lot of him.

      What else is on Friday nights?


        instead of bringing a strong leader with some experiences, they chose to bring a clerk
        Stolen Kosovo


          Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
          Well, we're gonna have to agree to disagree then. Why? Simply because they are minorities. Statistically speaking, very few people would know about the Atlantis expedition. Even fewer would be in a position to lead. And only a small fraction would be women. That's just how it is. And when you take these statistics into account, along with the fact that there are far more suitable people for the job, already established characters, if a woman(a new charcter at that) were to be chosen...I'm sorry, but that WOULD be pure and simple PC. The character would be chosen for all the wrong reasons.
          That's just how it is.
          Like I said, it's normal for different minorities to be present throughout the show, because it's a multi-national venture. But they're all background characters. You seem to also want them in the main cast. Fair enough. We've had Teyla, Weir and so on. But then you go on and say that, if Teyla's role were to be reduced, a new female presence should be there to fill the void. That's where I disagree. That's where statistics come into play again. What are the chances that a replacement on the team(though it won't happen, because Teyla's not going anywhere) would be a woman(and preferably an African-American)? Des the military say "Oh, we need to keep the ratio, send in a woman!"? Of course not. They send in the proper person for the job and, in these fields, most often than not, it's a man. Again, that's just how it is.
          I want someone who will work within the context of the show, regardless of sex, race or sexuality.
          You want someone just for the sake of representation.

          And yes, that woman was Chinese. That would have been obvious as she spoke in Chinese to Daniel and was introduced as a representative of the Chinese government and so on...
          We can agree to disagree, my plan wasn't to change your mind, but to explain my position and opinion----which is moot on the new anouncement. By making your statistical statements you are doing it on figmental equation. Again we cannot forget there are women in the military Carter and Cadman and any other woman in the military on SG1 and SGA have proven that. Further more there could be civilian political officials who have women representative as you've mentioned as basically as the real world has displayed past and present, and I'm sure future. So then why not show that? There are female viewers and there are young girls who watch these shows, it's cool for us to see the women who can kick ass or show they have some skill whether it being physical or mental capabilities in par or surpassing a man. This is something found in society and would be logical to show, it would NOT be "pure and simple PC."

          I can't take 1 woman and a half women (Keller as recurring) and say that's it. But the men have varied and interesting in some respects personalities and there are MANY of them.

          As for Teyla's character being reduced there would be a new character to fill the void was never a claim I made or I hope implied. I have a problem with the fact of limited female...Teyla being regular or not, which I said numerous times in my post. I however did say since the role has been filled by a woman, I would like a woman continue leading. Not because of Teyla. But because it was something where a woman held a direct position and was given presence other than Teyla or currently Keller. That being said, this would be a great chance to continue on in the same vein and provide a capable woman. These are created characters, and so the writers can create a new character as they did with Weir in the SG1 and give us a female lead who would be able to provide the presence and role needed.

          My stand point is coming from a viewer, again as I've mentioned in another post, many viewers have their own agendas in watching a show. I don't want a show where all I see is men running around with the occasional "alien bimbo" , if you get my meaning. You already relegated, kidding aside, the alien guest stars to "bimbos." So I'd like to see regular female characters alien or Eartling with substance and preferable more than ONE.

          To your statement in bold, you can say my post is about representation but this is what I said from the beginning of this discussion...When it comes to discussion of gender and race there are "wash out" statements which make the discussion pointless. You've marginalized my argument by saying I care about representation of the actors and/or characters, adding to the general concensus. My position means nothing since really, "I don't care about the show. I care more about fulfilling AA demands. However, you do care about the show!! Since it's about just the characters for you irrespective of social issues found in reality."

          Again my contention is the lack of female respresentation and by the new announcement women have been even more marginalized through this subsequent dilution.

          As for the last part, my introduction to her was in No Man's Land/Misbegotten, so if you're speaking about SG1----my knowledge of that is extremely extremely extremely limited (basically to Weir, 3 eps of Carter, and 3 episodes of S10.)
          Last edited by vaberella; 05 February 2008, 07:00 AM.
          Click statement above to read article.


            Woolsey? hahaha OMG I needed that, this is hilarious!

            This situation of SGA is really getting absurd. But hey, at least it's amusing to watch it sink. LOL

            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
            Well, Woolsey and Caldwell seemed like the most likely choices. But Woolsey probably seemed too tempting to pass over...There's possibility for conflict with the team and plus he's a damn coward...A good opportunity for the writers. Well, I hope they develop his character well. He COULD be great, you know...
            Yes, just like every character they ditched, for example Elizabeth Weir, she has so much (unrealized) potential, if only they developed her more, it's also what Torri wanted for her character. They should've worked on the existing characters not go replacing them out of the blue and for no valid reason story-wise. So... I wouldn't get my hopes up for poor Woolsey, their bad history of how they're treating characters doesn't make me optimistic. Still can't stop laughing, it's so random, Woolsey over Elizabeth. omg lol
            Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
            at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

            R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


              Give him a chance at least. The IOA ostensibly appointed him because Carter wouldn't be their lap dog so maybe they think Woolsey will but in the end he will realize that he needs to do what's best for Atlantis no matter what the IOA says. I like the actor but not the character, hopefully it will make for some good conflict and drama. I'm taking a wait and see atitude.
              Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


                Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                instead of bringing a strong leader with some experiences, they chose to bring a clerk
                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  Hey if they wanted the Star Trek fans in then they could have gone with Seven right I mean honestly with her outfits...

                  and she is even a woman lol
                  Jeri Ryan is cool. If we can't have Weir or Carter - I'd vote for her!

                  But Woolsey? Seriously? hahahahahaha --- I think that's the nail in the coffin! LOL


                    Originally posted by atfan View Post
                    Give him a chance at least. The IOA ostensibly appointed him because Carter wouldn't be their lap dog so maybe they think Woolsey will but in the end he will realize that he needs to do what's best for Atlantis no matter what the IOA says. I like the actor but not the character, hopefully it will make for some good conflict and drama. I'm taking a wait and see atitude.
                    I hate Woolsey period. Sure there have been plenty of times where he has shown he can be a decent person but they take that away & turn him back into Jack Ass mode each chance they get. This is more then likely going to be the worst decision ever made for Atlantis.


                      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                      We can agree to disagree, my plan wasn't to change your mind, but to explain my position and opinion----which is moot on the new anouncement. By making your statistical statements you are doing it on figmental equation. Again we cannot forget there are women in the military Carter and Cadman and any other woman in the military on SG1 and SGA have proven that. Further more there could be civilian political officials who have women representative as you've mentioned as basically as the real world has displayed past and present, and I'm sure future. So then why not show that? There are female viewers and there are young girls who watch these shows, it's cool for us to see the women who can kick ass or show they have some skill whether it being physical or mental capabilities in par or surpassing a man. This is something found in society and would be logical to show, it would NOT be "pure and simple PC."

                      I can't take 1 woman and a half women (Keller as recurring) and say that's it. But the men have varied and interesting in some respects personalities and there are MANY of them.

                      As for Teyla's character being reduced there would be a new character to fill the void was never a claim I made or I hope implied. I have a problem with the fact of limited female...Teyla being regular or not, which I said numerous times in my post. I however did say since the role has been filled by a woman, I would like a woman continue leading. Not because of Teyla. But because it was something where a woman held a direct position and was given presence other than Teyla or currently Keller. That being said, this would be a great chance to continue on in the same vein and provide a capable woman. These are created characters, and so the writers can create a new character as they did with Weir in the SG1 and give us a female lead who would be able to provide the presence and role needed.

                      My stand point is coming from a viewer, again as I've mentioned in another post, many viewers have their own agendas in watching a show. I don't want a show where all I see is men running around with the occasional "alien bimbo" , if you get my meaning. You already relegated, kidding aside, the alien guest stars to "bimbos." So I'd like to see regular female characters alien or Eartling with substance and preferable more than ONE.

                      You can say my post is about representation but this is what I said from the beginning of this discussion...When it comes to discussion of gender and race there are "wash out" statements which make the discussion pointless. By marginalizing my argument to me basically not caring about the show but the representation of the actors and/or characters shows a general concensus. My position means nothing since really, "I don't care about the show but fulfilling AA demands. But you do!! Since it's about just the characters for you irrespective of social issues found in reality."

                      Again my contention is the lack of female respresentation and by the new announcement women have been even more marginalized.

                      As for the last part, my introduction to her was in No Man's Land/Misbegotten, so if you're speaking about SG1----my knowledge of that is extremely extremely extremely limited (basically to Weir, 3 eps of Carter, and 3 episodes of S10.)
                      Don't get me wrong, I would love for stronger female characters to be on the show - either as regulars or guests. The SG writers(particularly in Atlantis' case) have always had great difficulties in writing well developed female characters. My problem is their introduction - I don't want them there simply to even out the male-female ratio. BUT, if they serve a purpose in the story, I would certainly hope that they are well developed, strong characters.

                      And yes, the "Chinese chick" was introduced in season 9 of SG-1. You're really missing out if you haven't seen SG-1. IMO, Atlantis, as much as I love it, has never risen to the level of SG-1(apart from the very rare episodes, mostly in season 1), especially seasons 2-5 of SG-1...


                        Woolsey? Wow, what a joke.

                        Just goes to show you that TPTB weren't that interested in militarizing Atlantis or changing the leadership so it actually makes sense within the Stargate universe. They just wanted to get rid of Weir and now they're bouncing between replacements with zero consistency. From civilian to military back to civilian. It's laughably absurd.

                        I'm going to go get my waterskis.


                          Originally posted by JohnRico View Post
                          I hate Woolsey period. Sure there have been plenty of times where he has shown he can be a decent person but they take that away & turn him back into Jack Ass mode each chance they get. This is more then likely going to be the worst decision ever made for Atlantis.
                          But what about the A Stargate Christmas: The Musical? Wasn't that the worst decision ever?

                          Oh. Wait.

                          "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

                          "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

                          WALLACE: And if I don't?
                          O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                            Well, Woolsey and Caldwell seemed like the most likely choices. But Woolsey probably seemed too tempting to pass over...There's possibility for conflict with the team and plus he's a damn coward...A good opportunity for the writers. Well, I hope they develop his character well. He COULD be great, you know...
                            well, at least when they pull the 'rogueish shep flaunting authority' it won't make the leader look bad....cause woolsey is so spineless he's actually very flauntable
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
                              But what about the A Stargate Christmas: The Musical? Wasn't that the worst decision ever?

                              Oh. Wait.

                              A Stargate Musical would be more enjoyable to watch then the new Atlantis Commander


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                well, at least when they pull the 'rogueish shep flaunting authority' it won't make the leader look bad....cause woolsey is so spineless he's actually very flauntable

                                Originally posted by JohnRico View Post
                                A Stargate Musical would be more enjoyable to watch then the new Atlantis Commander

