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Stargate Atlantis - Season 5 - Amanda Tapping in "several episodes"

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    First of all CONGRATULATIONS Amanda Tapping, Damian Kindler, and Martin Wood for getting Sanctuary to regular TV!!!

    I love the webisodes and I love the concept after all is SCI FI right?

    We new from the beginning of season 4 that AT was just to be in the show for an amount of episodes, I love her been there and I love that she’ll be in certain amount of episodes, (How many I don’t care) I’ll give me a reason to watch Atlantis again, it was the only reason I been watching this season, so I don’t know about ratings and stuff but I bet It has help(maybe, maybe not) but this is a whole different topic.

    IMPO She had been doing good/great, I don’t like how TPTB had work with the character but hey at least she is in, hope the rest of the episodes she is in she do great and in the future will see, I don’t think is going to be any different.

    Once again CONGRATS!!

    So now on the ongoing dabate/hate/like/don't/like/I hope.

    You 3 are so right again ?. First off, they could never kill Sam, imagine the major fan uproar ??.

    First they'll be a lot of
    Spoiler: ?

    and then
    Spoiler: ?

    and that will lead to
    Spoiler: ?

    You see my point? But yeah Alan, she's been around over 11 years now, Amanda/Sam is a legend in the Sci-fi world. I would like to see at least 1 or 2 Sam-centric episodes in the near future. And if she does leave, they'd better give her a proper going away episode, something damn right, kinda like a "Good-bye Sam Carter from our lives" episode, because after all these years, she deserves just that and. And it'd better wrap up any lose storylines with her, because if she's going, she deserves to go out right, either back to SG1 or something bigger, because we don't want to wait around for a third movie to see what she's up to. ?

    And I so agree, we’ll (The fans) like to know what she is up to after Atlantis (in the SG Universe) I like the idea of center episodes too, Sam Carter IMO deserves this at least for all of us like the character, we’ll have to wait and see.
    Quote: Linzi
    Originally Posted by Vala_M ?
    I don't know, to me it never felt right for her to command the team. She always kept second guessing herself.

    What are you talking about? She was on top of her game in Seer. It's been one of my favorite Sam eps this year, if not ever.
    I’m with you in this one also she had prove that she is leader material either in Atlantis or SG-1
    Originally Posted by Uncle Tobias ?
    I would be very surprised if Weir came back as leader, because story-wise I can't see how the IOA (or whoever that desicion lies with) would trust her after she's been with replicators for a year and possibly comprimised. Seeing as they seemed to complain about her enough when she was a regular civilian and all.
    This is a very good point and also I don’t think introducing a new leader will fair good with the fans, but as someone said if it happened with the Daniel character in SG-1 it could happen here to.. But I doubt it since TH said no body as approached her or ask to return, or she'll return if they give her sometihing good to do.. We’ll see on Monday.


    Folks, get your personal pissyness the heck off the thread.
    If only


    I agree.this thread is supposed to be about her role in Atlantis next season not wether or not she should be the commander of Atlantis. There are plenty of I hate Amanda threads this should not be one of them.

    Personally I think her leadership has been great what we have seen but a lot of times this season I have been going huh should they have at least mentioned her in regards to things going on I mean someone should have given permission for the Wraith to go to earth for example.

    I just hope they give some explanation for her absence rather than just ignoring it the way they have this season. I am happy for Amanda and Sanctuary if you haven't seen it yet is a great show. For this season she manged to film two movies ,Sanctuary and Atlantis
    so maybe she can do both this next year as well.

    And this is an excellent point, all the complaining and hatred makes no sense since she hasn’t been there that much, I too had to be wondering why she wasn’t there in such scene or decision in such or so episode,(I know it had to do with her contract and all) so it won’t do any difference in season five if she is in a few, a lot or the whole season ‘cause she won’t appear in all of them just like season 4, and if she has her name in the credits well I guess that’s up to the Producers.

    But like I said it will make more sense for her to still be the commander of Atlantis at least in name, even if she isn’t a regular in the series than to bring a new character to play the roll IMO.
    Quote: hisg1fans

    Originally Posted by Vala_M
    Firstly, I like Sam so I'm not saying anything bad about her. I just don't think that a brilliant scientist should be in a command position, just like Jack, an action shooting combat guy shouldn't have been in a command position either, some people just aren't that type. Now people like Hammond or Landry are perfect for commanding. That is all I am saying.

    I agree Sam is a brilliant scientist.

    But, I also think she is a great AF leader and officer. To progress as an officer, she needs to command and move to different positions. It will make her brilliant in all areas. Plus, it will allow her to spread her scientific skills to many more people and multiply the benefits by the number of people she comes into contact with. In the end, the AF is much better off because there isn't just one person with the knowledge. I don't agree with pigeon-holing people and stifling their entire careers just because they are good at one job.

    The scenes with Sam and Zalenka in the elevator are a good example of Sam transferring her knowledge through her command. Sam knew not to attach the laptop to the primary leads, Zalenka didn't. But did Sam chew Zalenka out for screwing up and zapping the laptop? No. She knew he had learned that lesson, let him go into the air duct with, and then reinforced it at the end with praise. Great leadership there.
    Thank you for pointing this out that’s one of the examples why she is a good leader.

    People get tired after doing their work for so long and they look or move on when the opportunity is there or if they need to; Jack’s case at the end of his run on the series he look more tired than anything and he didn’t had the same spark he used to have, same with Sam and all the other character, heck even Sheppard has change from season 1 to 4, BUT that doesn’t mean they can't be good leaders regardless of their title or carries choice.

    In Carter’s case she is a scientist but she is a soldier also so it makes sense, she been in a command position. IMO

    Dare and Dream


      So that people can waste time arguing the definition of words instead of insulting each other, you can pick this one apart

      SEVERAL (Meriam Webster)

      2 a: more than one <several pleas> b: more than two but fewer than many <moved several inches>


        Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
        Well I think you are a bit out of touch!

        MS has been on 24 and Eureka, has acted in four movies and is involved in a new tv show to be produced by MGM. That's just in 2007.

        CJ has been in three movies, guested on Atlantis, and is involved in a tv show...see above.

        CB has been involved in a little production of her own!

        I could go on but as this is about AT I won't. I did laugh at the 'popular and huge' bit though, so thanks for that.
        woah woah woah, chill! I was refering to upcoming product actually slated to come out. In no way was I trashing anyone else nor downplaying what everyone else was doing. AT IS the only one who made something recently that wasn't a guesting staring thing non related to Stargate. MS did guest spots on 24 last year, and his movies were from last year. I check his site constantly and I defend him from people that trash him just as much I will to AT or any of the other actors I enjoy. IN fact, he took time off so LD could film a bit.

        CJ is poised to do a whole bunch of stuff. I dare say, he's going to be the one that comes out Stargate gigantic and possibly mainstream if his RoA show catches on because he understands his marketing niche. BB has a miniseries coming out. CB was supposed to be in a mainstream show that circumstances screwed up.

        Please don't think that supporting Amanda and wanting her on the show still negates wanting to support other actors as well. Plus, yes, Amanda is huge in her genera. She'll only become more popular. Likely, so will the other actors. It's just that [I]Right now{/I] we just got big news about her and her series, so it's the only current SG1 member that'll be on a regular series.

        She can do both and still be in any movie that show up. Schedules can be tight, but they can be worked out and she can juggle a few shows or movies. Any other working mother does the same thing all the time. Most of them are just not on TV doing it.
        sigpic Heliosphere- multi-shipper, multi-thunker


          General Jack O'Neill as Commander of Atlantis


            I'm going to give one last warning about the personal bickering and if it persists this thread will go bye bye. Several posts have already been made regarding this matter.

            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


              Originally posted by atfan View Post
              I agree.this thread is supposed to be about her role in Atlantis next season not wether or not she should be the commander of Atlantis. There are plenty of I hate Amanda threads this should not be one of them.

              Personally I think her leadership has been great what we have seen but a lot of times this season I have been going huh should they have at least mentioned her in regards to things going on I mean someone should have given permission for the Wraith to go to earth for example.

              I just hope they give some explanation for her absence rather than just ignoring it the way they have this season. I am happy for Amanda and Sanctuary if you haven't seen it yet is a great show. For this season she manged to film two movies ,Sanctuary and Atlantis
              so maybe she can do both this next year as well.
              Very well put. I disagree with you about the "ignoring" thing though I do see your point.
              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
                I'm going to give one last warning about the personal bickering and if it persists this thread will go bye bye. Several posts have already been made regarding this matter.
                Excuse me...but why would the thread have to go bye bye?

                Why can't the robust bickerers be modded instead?

                For...failure to play nice?


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                  Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
                  I'm going to give one last warning about the personal bickering and if it persists this thread will go bye bye. Several posts have already been made regarding this matter.
                  Can we vote on that?


                    Originally posted by morjana View Post
                    Excuse me...but why would the thread have to go bye bye?

                    Why can't the robust bickerers be modded instead?

                    For...failure to play nice?

                    We've found that it's been more effective in the case of threads where tempers run high to take the thread out of the equation until people can cool down. That's not to say that modding wouldn't also be involved. If people want the thread to stay out then they'll follow the rules and those who are behaving themselves can help out by not playing in to the bad behavior of others.

                    It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                      Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
                      I'm going to give one last warning about the personal bickering and if it persists this thread will go bye bye. Several posts have already been made regarding this matter.
                      But then you want be able to get your revenge. *looks at security cameras*
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        But then you want be able to get your revenge. *looks at security cameras*
                        <<sekretly agrees to become Shipmum's minion>>

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          [mod snip]

                          Just going back to the topic. I dare say that Tapping's main priority now will be Sanctuary - she's the star and the producer. On SGA, she's not.
                          Last edited by TameFarrar; 01 February 2008, 04:27 PM.


                            We might know tomorrow what the situation is. Gateworld is putting up the second half of Amanda's interview tomorrow, and it says she's going to talk about Atlantis.

                            In the second half of our discussion, Amanda talks about her mixed feelings regarding fan reaction to her decision, what will become of Carter in Season Five, and her opinions on what sells a truly good television show.

                            Part Two premieres tomorrow!
                            Last edited by Killdeer; 01 February 2008, 03:42 PM.
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                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              With Amanda Tapping having larger responsibilities on Sanctuary, it would make sense to get in a new command character on SGA. This whole situation reminds me of someone who gets a great new gig, but hangs on to consult on the old job, when someone else could do that job just as easily.
                              As I said before Amanda's responsibilities haven't changed since last year, she has been heavily involved in Sanctuary behind the scenes, trying to make out that she has more to do this year is ludicrous and that this is the reason you don't want her there

                              [mod snip]
                              Last edited by TameFarrar; 01 February 2008, 04:28 PM.


                                I hate this. This whole Stargate: Atlantis / Sanctuary situation as it is at the moment. The whole thing makes me sick because I feel I'm being pulled in two directions emotion wise. I'm going from happiness because Amanda's got Sanctuary on TV and then I'm also feeling sadness because Samantha Carter will potentially be having less screen-time.

                                Somewhat irrationally and based on absolutely nothing at all I feel that we're potentially on the urge of the Stargate franchise saying a regular goodbye to a character I've followed for over 11-years and then after this it'll be down to recurring appearances and maybe the odd DVD movie for her.

                                Of course it'll be great to still see Amanda on TV regularly as Dr. Magnus but Magnus is most definitely not Samantha Carter and I know which of those two characters I'd rather see Amanda playing on a more regular basis. Another case of being pulled in two directions - Happy at there being more Amanda on TV but upset at there being less Samantha Carter on TV.

                                I just hope the second part of Amanda's interview tomorrow here at GW and Joe Mallozzi's big news on Monday helps answer some questions 'cause I'm dying here. I *need* to know what's happening so very badly. Maybe once I've got those answers I'll feel better and know where I'll stand but I've a glimmer of a feeling it may not be exactly what I want to hear but something closely approximating what I want to hear.

                                Hopefully Amanda and TPTB at both Stargate: Atlantis and Sanctuary will come to some kind of arrangement and organise a way to keep Amanda happy to do what she wants to do and in turn keep us Stargate and Sam fans happy. "Several episodes" is an okay start to this but I won't truly be happy until there's details about what it means, just how many "several episodes" is exactly, and how big a role Amanda will play in them. One thing I do know is that I like seeing Amanda's name in the opening titles. It'd be a shame she lost second billing.

                                Whatever is said in Part 2 of that interview and announced on Monday I'll live with. "Whatever will be, will be" as they say.

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