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Nitpick - in regards to the ATA Gene

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    Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
    If I remember correctly as long asa it's not switched off.
    But do you remember where that information was given? I don't recall anything being said about a LSD after Sheppard's comment to Col. Everett in The Siege, Pt. II as was mentioned previously. Something that I just thought of too was JM and PM are credited as writing (not sure which one actually wrote it) The Siege, Pt. II, so it seems strange that this plot hole/mistake, whatever you want to call it, happened to them.


      Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
      But do you remember where that information was given? I don't recall anything being said about a LSD after Sheppard's comment to Col. Everett in The Siege, Pt. II as was mentioned previously. Something that I just thought of too was JM and PM are credited as writing (not sure which one actually wrote it) The Siege, Pt. II, so it seems strange that this plot hole/mistake, whatever you want to call it, happened to them.
      I don’t believe that it’s ever been said that there is a way for an LSD to work for a non gene carrier. I was just postulating a little asphalt to fill in the hole.


        It's just the same plothole with that dreaded Lucius being able to activate and reactivate the Ancient personal shield.
        Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

        ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
        encounter on the strange journey.


        2 Cor. 10:3-5
        3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
        4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
        5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


          Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
          It's just the same plothole with that dreaded Lucius being able to activate and reactivate the Ancient personal shield.
          I disagree because at least Lucius mentioned he found a guy with the ATA gene to activate it and that it must be a different type then the prototype found by McKay in a lab on Atlantis which he had read about in the mission reports. He also used at least one if not more of the mission report scenarios to use in his made up stories of bravery.


            Sorry. i would have typed something relevent but i couldn't take this thread serriously anymore once i saw you'd shortend lifesigns detector to 'LSD'. lol.
            Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


              They've called it an LSD on the show before. So not just another fandom acronym.

              And I’m so used to it, it took me a minute to see the more common use.
              Last edited by blue-skyz; 01 November 2007, 03:24 PM.


                Does anyone remember that guy Otho from 'The Tower' in season 2? I seem to remember him using the life signs detector before he was given the ATA gene therapy.

                Or am I just imagining things?

                Perhaps the detectors require someone with the ATA gene to power them up every time but can then be operated by anyone? Kind of like how a login password to a computer, it has to be re-entered every time the computer is switched on but you don't need to know the password once its up and running.


                  Originally posted by sparky View Post
                  Does anyone remember that guy Otho from 'The Tower' in season 2? I seem to remember him using the life signs detector before he was given the ATA gene therapy.
                  In the Tower he had some gadget that could tell him if a person had the gene. Only time we’ve seen one?


                    Originally posted by sparky View Post
                    Does anyone remember that guy Otho from 'The Tower' in season 2? I seem to remember him using the life signs detector before he was given the ATA gene therapy.

                    Or am I just imagining things?
                    You're not necessarily "imagining" things. What Otho had was I believe a device that looked similar but was used to detect the ATA gene in humans. He scanned Teyla, Ronon, as well as John until finally focusing on John---apparently finding out that John had the gene. Keep in mind that Otho needed the gene and was probably able to develop such an equipment during his time of studying the function of the ATA gene and how it worked but not being able to develop one for himself.

                    Originally posted by sparky View Post
                    Perhaps the detectors require someone with the ATA gene to power them up every time but can then be operated by anyone? Kind of like how a login password to a computer, it has to be re-entered every time the computer is switched on but you don't need to know the password once its up and running.
                    They really can't be powered up by "anyone" that would screw with continuity. Going back to The Siege II, it was clear that you needed the ATA gene to use the detectors. Like when this conversation took place between Colonel Everett and Shep:

                    SHEPPARD: How many Darts crashed?

                    EVERETT: Between twenty and thirty. And internal sensors are still down.

                    SHEPPARD: Well, we have this. (He reaches into his jacket, takes out a lifesigns detector and shows it to Everett, who looks at the many dots blinking on its screen.) It can't differentiate between Wraith and human but if we confine all base personnel to designated areas, the blips that show up out of bounds will be the likely targets.

                    EVERETT: Let me see that.

                    SHEPPARD (handing him the detector): Won't do you any good. You need the gene.

                    (Everett holds up the detector to show that it's still working.)

                    EVERETT: I got the gene therapy too.

                    But continuity is always being retconned...I say blame it on Scarlet Witch and call it a day.
                    Click statement above to read article.


                      In ep 1x20 the seige pt2 col. shepard told that other col. that to use the ancient scanner you had to have the ATA gene but in travelers when shepard is in the control chair and larrin is tracking the wraith she is using a ancient scanner

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                      Thanks! It'll be a walk in the park ... a very scary park, filled with monsters who are trying to kill me.

                      I like the yellow ones.

                      Operation "This Will Most Likely End Badly" is a go.

                      OH CRAP!!!

                      You need someone dumber than you are.... You may have come to the right place.


                        I believe you must have to Ancient gene to activate certain devices like the scanner. Once it's activated it can be used by anyone unless it requires thought control like a control chair or puddle jumper.


                          Originally posted by jonos101 View Post
                          In ep 1x20 the seige pt2 col. shepard told that other col. that to use the ancient scanner you had to have the ATA gene but in travelers when shepard is in the control chair and larrin is tracking the wraith she is using a ancient scanner
                          Not really a "big" plothole, but...

                          I think Myles is right. And even if he's not, for all we know Larrin has the gene...
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                            Originally posted by jonos101 View Post
                            In ep 1x20 the seige pt2 col. shepard told that other col. that to use the ancient scanner you had to have the ATA gene but in travelers when shepard is in the control chair and larrin is tracking the wraith she is using a ancient scanner
                            Originally posted by Myles View Post
                            I believe you must have to Ancient gene to activate certain devices like the scanner. Once it's activated it can be used by anyone unless it requires thought control like a control chair or puddle jumper.
                            Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                            Not really a "big" plothole, but...

                            I think Myles is right. And even if he's not, for all we know Larrin has the gene...
                            This topic already has its own thread here:
                            As far as Larrin having the ATA Gene, if she did why would Sheppard be needed? It is an oversight by the writer(s) and, in my opinion, it was done because they couldn't come up with a different way to make the scene work without mentioning this LSD was different. Why they didn't just tell us it was different than the ones we are used to, I don't know? Then we could move on and it wouldn't be brought up again. It is telling to me that on Joe Mallozzi's blog, this question was asked numerous times after Travelers aired and not once did JM answer or acknowledge the question, because he knew no one had a good answer. Better to ignore an error than admit it seems to be the way these writers operate a lot of the time, at least to me.


                              Can anyone remember The Tower? that chamblem guy was using the same scanner and he didnt have the ATA Gene untill carson gave him it. unless he already had but i recon he didnt. i recon if there activated anyone can use them.


                                Originally posted by TheReturnOfTheLantian View Post
                                Can anyone remember The Tower? that chamblem guy was using the same scanner and he didnt have the ATA Gene untill carson gave him it. unless he already had but i recon he didnt. i recon if there activated anyone can use them.
                                I always excused that to myself that the protector or a family member with the gene must have activated it... alot or ancient tech once activated can be used by anyone (some tech only limited use) I wouldn't think the L.S.D. is any different...

