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4x05 - The Most Immature Episode Ever ~the Episode that Ruined Atlantis~

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    Originally posted by SG-25CSAR View Post
    well, what would you do if the person belonging to the sex you are attracted to just out of nowhere stripes themselves naked in front of you in a second?

    Well, he COULD have said, "Put your clothes on and LEAVE!" but instead we get the "I never see it coming" with a fade-to-black. He is "how" old? She was "how" old? He COULD have said NO. He is a representative of Earth/Atlantis and IS commanding officer. Just comes across as terribly immature IMO.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
      There's our boy!

      No, its not Inferno, but I just happened to have this on hand.
      In this case, the directors TOLD HIM to do that, as it was part of the episode's central plot of Shep and this girl flirting a lot. That wasn't just him randomly scaning her chest.
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        Originally posted by s09119 View Post
        In this case, the directors TOLD HIM to do that, as it was part of the episode's central plot of Shep and this girl flirting a lot. That wasn't just him randomly scaning her chest.
        Indeed. People will try and manipulate facts to suit their own purposes.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
          Well, he COULD have said, "Put your clothes on and LEAVE!" but instead we get the "I never see it coming" with a fade-to-black. He is "how" old? She was "how" old? He COULD have said NO. He is a representative of Earth/Atlantis and IS commanding officer. Just comes across as terribly immature IMO.
          What has age got to do with anything? Mara was over 21 after all. And,Sheppard did say no, as has been discussed by the writers of the episode on several occasions...but this is all old hat now and water under the bridge... Time to move on, I think.


            Originally posted by Niteshadow View Post
            now if it was a male that was beating on Sheppard the whole episode would you like it more???
            Can you say hell yeah!! But then you weren't asking me were you?

            Originally posted by Ebinia View Post
            I know I'm bringing my own agenda to the table here but if this really is how the show runners think women in charge should be portrayed then I guess it explains why they got rid of Weir. How long will it be before Carter starts showing more cleavage?
            No this isn't how they see women in charge, look at Teyla, Carter and Weir each one of them are strong women. Larrin is a different type of leader, and she may have felt that the only way she would get the respect of the men was to play at their games. How long? Ooh I give it about a week.

            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            I didn't see any making fun of John's Kirk-status except by the end and that was Rodney whining.

            John, meanwhile got some partial Alien Tail (as usual).
            I'll get to you in a bit, hon! You're special and deserve a post just for you

            Originally posted by metabog View Post
            She was really hot.

            End of story.

            Originally posted by stclare View Post
            You see i didnt get anything new about shep in this ep. i certainly dont think he learnt anything. thats what disapoints me so much. this was a shepcentric ep and yet i learnt nothing i didnt already know about him

            i would have been more bothered by this ep if id felt there was any sexual chemistry between them, i however thought there was none,zilch nada
            I saw lots about Shep that I didn't know, such as he's actually quite good at mechanics, and fixing the ship as well as using his ATA gene to very good effect.

            Originally posted by Landers View Post
            I'll be politically correct and say "Sheppard" here, but I've also noticed MANY episodes where Sheppard stares at female chests when speaking to them. He does it a LOT. Whether JF just does it, or whether the director tells him to do it, doesn't matter. It is very noticible and I too wish it would stop.
            Really? Funny that he actually makes a point of making very good eye contact with the women! Teyla, Weir, Larrin... to name but a few. I can assure you that JF looks you in the eyes, and that's very much a Sheppard thing to. Care to point out the eps you mean?

            Yes men and women check each other out, but this show is for entertainment purposes. Its for scifi and adventure. It isn't a soap opera, it isn't a romantic show, it isn't comedy, though I have no problem seeing small elements of all in episodes "now and then", but Sheppard HAS become a bit of a male slut. What he does isn't soap, it isn't romantic, it isn't adventurous, its juvenile attempts at potty humor by the writers, and they are ruining what could be a handsome, heroic character.

            I hope we don't see Slut Shep ever again!
            So you'd rather they acted not like real people then? They are still human, you know! If they didn't react to... stimuli, shall we say, wouldn't people be moaning that their not behving as people normally would? Maybe you'd like to take a wander over to FAII's many threads, in particular the Shep is a slut thread, now renamed due to popular demand, shep isn't fit for command, and i'll meet you over there. I'm sure we could have a very good debate on this particular subject... in fact you might want to read my post to FAII, as I think I coverd this particular subject.... Just a thought!

            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
            Check out Aurora and Inferno. Off-hand that is two I can think of. Shep does do a lot of oogling of the female anatomy.

            I didn't watch Travelers because it looked like another Skanktuary or Tower-type episode. Interesting to see reactions from it as it seems TPTB brought back the ShepHo in all his glory. I really thought ShepHo was done and buried because we didn't see him in season 3. Instead we got "shy-guy" Shep who didn't know how to express himself (at least that's what he told Teyla). Sorry to hear he is still a "player".
            Oggling in Inferno? Did I miss that bit? He's a young heterosexual man, so he enjoys looking at women... even married men do that! So let me get this straight, you've come into a thread specifically about that ep... and you haven't even watched it. Tell you what FP, go watch it, and i'll be happy to debate this further with you, but i'm not going to debate with someone who hasn't seen the ep. Sorry.

            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
            As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't an ounce of "Shep-Ho"-ing all through the episode, until that kiss that Larrin initiated (as a thanks for saving her life twice, of course)...and then it disappeared right after.

            You should really give it a try instead of relying on others' opinions.

            Anywho, I'll admit right here that I do check out a pretty girl if she happens to wander by; and yes, I do sneak a glance at her breasts if they're particularly voluminous. All sane male do, even those who say they don't. They're worse, actually, since they're liars too.

            And that's the ugly truth.
            Agreed. You take a look at other woman's boobies! PG15 i'm shocked! Have you no shame at looking at pretty women. Thank you for being honest.

            Originally posted by Heaven View Post
            why do people always stick it to Shep?
            I don't remember anyone complaining when Rodney drools over Carter or that Taranan scientist, or that chick who stole the ZPM from us, or that Wraith who wanted to be an ancient
            They do it because he's an easy target hon. And it's called double standards!

            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
            There's our boy!

            No, its not Inferno, but I just happened to have this on hand.
            Hmm looks to me that Shep is a bit shocked that there's a nekkid woman stripping off just for him. I didn't think men who kirked got shocked, particularly as that's what they're aiming for... hmmm fancy that!

            Oh here's another one for you FP under the spoiler for size


            Goodness me, that can't be our Rodney kirking/leering our Teyla could it?!! The dirty lil minx.

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            And us girls know he doesn't shoot too soon after his impressive display in Travelers
            *spews coffee over her keyboard*


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Oh Fallen... this is going to be a fun debate.


              Oh yes, I couldn't agree more very immature, because men just don't have that banter in real life do they? None of the men I know would tease the other in that manner, or talk about women that way, or how sexy they are. How would you define no social inhibitions then FAII? Have you never had any banter like this with your friends? Very friendly can have a variety of connotations, maybe it's just your dirt mind FAII? Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with having a dirty mind, it's all good, especially the images it conjures up.

              *looks at her own ample cleavage and smiles proudly* And showing off cleavage equals? Just incase you didn't know Fallen, BIG BOOBS = BIG CLEAVAGE! You might want to trust me on this one. I speak from experience.

              Oh yes, UST should just be banished, because it's just so wrong having a male and female attracted to each other. How dare they enjoy flirting? Don't they realise that it's just sinful and they should each of them be wearing chastity belts and not make any eye contact whatsoever. It's disgraceful that a man and woman should find themselves attracted to each other. TPTB should be ashamed of themselves. Actually the best innuendo line was, "Don't shoot too early... I'm sure that's not the first time you've heard that for a woman!"

              Okay, work with me her FAII JF is the actor... Shep is the character. Let's try and keep the two seperate shall we? Okay throwing this out to the guys out there (and some gay men who like the female form) What man hasn't checked out a woman's cleavage? And SHEP staring at Larrin's cleavage this is something new for a man... how? I mean it's not like a lot of men don't like T&A is it? Sorry boys I do seem to be generalising. I mean i've never known a man to flirt, or to buy porn or girl mags or talk to a woman's cleavage... IIRC, Rodney is a bigger tart than Shep is. He's the one who always talks about hot women, getting captured by them, checks them out, legs, butt, boobs, smiles, flirting... shall I list said episodes?

              06.43? Well, I guess timing really is everything. larrin did say Shep shouldn't shoot his load too early, so I guess someone had to keep an eye on the clock. So what you're actually saying here then is that you agree with me. I knew you'd come round to my way of thinking... everyone does eventually. And it's Shep, not Joe... again felt the need to clarify. And i'd be greatful if you could post a cap of said shameless looking at boobs, please.

              Ahhhh I see the scene you mean... it's the one where he's looking up at her from a seating postion as she leans precariously over him... *watches scene again* Oh yes, that scene was shamefull wasn't it? How dare you look directly into her eyes when he should be looking at her boobs!! What sort of a man is he? He should be ashamed of himself... or do you mean that little nanosecond that he looks down and thinks about what she's said... yeah I guess that could be construed at looking at her boobs. Trust me hon, you know someone's looking at your boobs when they talk to your chest first then to you!

              As for the double entendre, I guess it all depends on how your mind is set, your's is obviously set to 'dirty'. Don't panic, it doesn't mean that you're bad, it simply means it just means you're extremely shallow. Welcome to the gutter btw! Besides I think you'll find that it's Larrin who was the smut Queen. If you can give me ONE example of Shep initiating the innuendo, then i'll give you some green jello. I bet you won't find one!

              Oh please bore me, i'm having a touch of insomnia at the moment. So you could really help me out there! Thanks!

              Don't knock the closet until you've tried it.

              Damn those PTB for their continuity with the gift of life! Have they no shame? Did you really see the it coming? Just thought i'd clarify, that no it wasn't a double entendre, that was just your dirty mind again.

              Don't fall off your chair FAII! BUT, I actually agree with you that CG was a great ep. I think this is a first, but don't go feeling special as i'm not done yet. I'm saving myself for the final climax

              Tell me he didn't bend down and pick her up of the floor!!! That's absolutely disgracefull! He should have kicked her while she was down and just taken advantage of the opportunity! Oh wait isn't that what you're implying? So, putting your arm round someone's waist is considered??? I gather you're not a first aider then? He wasn't sure whether she could stand and thought he might have to carry her so the arm went to the back first, then to the waist when she was standing... have you NEVER supported someone by the waist if they were feeling woozy? So if he'd have dragged her up by the arms, that would have suited you better? So he grabbed her by the waist? That automatically makes him what?

              Oh trust me if Sheppard was heavy breathing i'd have been the first to notice. Her stumbling, was Larrin using her faminine wiles... some women are sneaky like that, and if done correctly can bring a man to his knees....

              Actually she kissed him. Hehehe oh I so look forward to visiting that thread... unless of course you don't want someone like me visiting, and posting.

              Figures please compared to the other ones. Thank you.

              And you know this by what? Asked the whole viewing fandom, conducted a poll, got a focus group together? Facts and figures, please FAII.

              Ah you forgot to add that it was Rodney that wanted to be taken by the sexy alien. And you also obviously forgot about Teyla's rolling of eyes... she's obviously used to it... and wasn't phased by it all. Why was that do you think?

              Would it make you feel better if I said you weren't as nutty as a fruit cake, and are taking this way to seriously. Sorry can't help you there. I think you've blown this way out of proportion and can only see Shep as being the 'Kirker' i'm sure I could provide you of so much material of Rodney 'kirking'. You know, just to keep things in perspective.

              Didn't you know that sex sells?
              a few minutes ago i have registered this account because normally i never post anything.. but i needed to tell you this
              Pegasus_SGA, you are great, i think i love you
              and i found it a great ep


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

                Agreed. You take a look at other woman's boobies! PG15 i'm shocked! Have you no shame at looking at pretty women. Thank you for being honest.
                I'm nothing if not (brutally) honest.

                Originally posted by beire View Post
                Pegasus_SGA, you are great, i think i love you
                Get in line.


                  Originally posted by beire View Post
                  a few minutes ago i have registered this account because normally i never post anything.. but i needed to tell you this
                  Pegasus_SGA, you are great, i think i love you
                  and i found it a great ep
                  Peg, you're getting quite a fan club now. First Ing, then PG, now beire, who next, you little minx?


                    Originally posted by Niteshadow View Post
                    now if it was a male that was beating on Sheppard the whole episode would you like it more???
                    If it was a male that was beating on Sheppard (and the leader of the Travelers) I doubt anyone would be having this debate. There wouldn't have been the stupid kiss towards the end and Sheppard NEVER would have dropped his guard if Larrin were a male.

                    The thing I kept thinking about when watching was how Sheppard dealt with Larrin and the Travelers and how he dealt with Cowen and the Genii. Throughout most of this episode Sheppard used his smarts, training and a little charm, much like he did with Cowen and the Genii. But with Cowen he never underestimated him/the Genii and after they showed they couldn't be trusted not to betray them (even though they had a tenuous alliance) he still had enough wisdom and foresight to bring extra cloaked jumpers to prevent Cowen getting the upper hand. At the end of Travelers he didn't do that with Larrin and the only reason I could see for that was the fact that she was a woman he was interested in. He dropped his guard and that was one of the dumbest, boneheaded moves I think I've ever seen him do. There was no excuse for it. It could have cost him his freedom and the Atlantis expedition their most experienced military officer (at least in the Pegasus Galaxy).


                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      BIG BOOBS = BIG CLEAVAGE! You might want to trust me on this one. [...]
                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      Didn't you know that sex sells?
                      exactly - writers must keep aBreast of latest trends


                        Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                        exactly - writers must keep aBreast of latest trends
                        My keyboard nearly got water on it AGAIN!


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Touché. Good job I'd just finished my mouthful of water when I read your post, or my keyboard would be very unhappy right now!
                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          My keyboard nearly got water on it AGAIN!
                          ?!! excuse me, you're not flirting are you ? such indecent behaviour would be highly inappropriate
                          and most appreciated


                            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                            ?!! excuse me, you're not flirting are you ? such indecent behaviour would be highly inappropriate
                            and most appreciated
                            I'll tell you now, my keyboard isn't going to last much longer... Good job it's not wine I'm drinking, it'd be such a waste otherwise!


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              I'll tell you now, my keyboard isn't going to last much longer...
                              what can I say ? I've always known how to press the right buttons
                              on women's keyboards, of course


                                Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                                what can I say ? I've always known how to press the right buttons
                                on women's keyboards, of course
                                You're killing me here!

