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'Travelers' (405) General Discussion

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    more importantly... didn't they all have Ronan Guns??!!?!?!?!!

    maybe they just look like them who knows


      LOVED it! Every bit.

      *unabashed Shep whumper glee* I'll save that for the appropriate thread.

      Great setup of a shaky alliance - a dying society that has highly advanced tech. I never suspected her 2 guys were red-shirts. And life sucked by a Wraith!!! Really didn't see that coming. And how gutsy for Shep to threaten the Wraith with a drained gun. Plus the look on his face as he watched the life go back into Larrin. I suspect a little Common Ground remembrance going on in his head.

      Interesting to see how the power cell works on those blasters. I wonder if Sheppard kept the one he was carrying.

      Always good to see Lorne - way to command a jumper fleet! Awesomeness there.

      I loved that Teyla and Ronon listened patiently to McKay's technobabble about the morse code. *team love* And Ronon's statement that it didn't matter if it was a fleet of hive ships, they wouldn't turn back (and Lorne agreeing). *happy sigh*

      I also loved seeing smart Sheppard - getting the upper hand with inertial dampeners, hotwiring the control chair, sealing Larrin in the chair room, understanding what was wrong with the hyperdrive. Someone's been paying attention to all that McKay technobabble.

      Larrin - LOVED her. Smart, tough, sassy, using all her feminine wiles and then STUNNING him. You go girl!

      Fabulous look at the Ancient tech - we didn't get the ship but it was great to see it actually operational. Using the control chair for weapons, having an auxiliary control, etc.

      All in all - really fun ep. Lots of action and intrigue. And the ending scene was priceless - Sheppard eating that huge plate of food, Ronon gnawing on a piece of meat stabbed with a fork, McKay's look when John tells him the sexy alien is still out there. Teyla's eye roll was the icing on the cake.

      Originally posted by Sweetsong View Post
      Excellent episode, one question. Was it mentioned where the Daedlus and the Appollo were? Why did they not use one of those to initiate a quicker resuce of Sheppard?
      No, they haven't mentioned either ship. Perhaps they are too far away. It takes weeks to travel between galaxies. Plus I suspect they don't come as much since the Midway station is operational.
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        Originally posted by technoextreme View Post
        How though?
        How though? ... more like, How Not? I just started to list everything, but it would be more efficient just to say, rewatch Prometheus Unbound again, and then watch Travelers again.

        I will give this though: Travelers is the better version.
        Enter the steal intergalatic cable!


          One thing I have a question about. Why couldn't Atlantis's sensors pick up the Ancient warship? It was active after all.
          Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

          ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
          encounter on the strange journey.


          2 Cor. 10:3-5
          3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
          4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
          5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


            Reunion was better than todays.

            Let's see:

            Predictable things:

            Larrin/Shep banter
            Wraith feeding & returning life.
            Borrowed elements from PU.

            Fun facts:
            Ronon's gun trivia. That was nice.

            Fun to watch:

            Shep getting whumpped hard - by a girl.

            What was up with the rest of the team? Suddenly Rodney's in charge? No one felt strange that the Head of science team was running the rescue mission and pretty much the back end of the show? No background given? Lorne had what 2 or 3 lines? The jumper formation, I guess they loved the Adrift one so much, they're going to want to repeat this. Teyla & Ronon - still under used as ever.

            When they said the show will go dark this season, I didn't realize they meant they forgot to pay the light bill and it would be literally dark.

            Anywho, moving along.
            sig made by me


              Originally posted by Phenix View Post
              Its called an overused formula.
              No it's not. It's called characterization. You knew he was going to save Larrin because he isn't that type of guy.
              How though? ... more like, How Not? I just started to list everything, but it would be more efficient just to say, rewatch Prometheus Unbound again, and then watch Travelers again.
              I've seen both episodes. They aren't even related. One involved stealing a ship to sell for money and the other involved kidnapping a person so they can operate a ship they legitimately???? own.
              The jumper formation, I guess they loved the Adrift one so much, they're going to want to repeat this.
              The jumper formation made sense for a strike force. Since Jumpers only hold so many people it would make sense to have a bunch of them.


                Originally posted by Phenix View Post
                I missed the first 10 minutes of the show but from what I saw it is ridiculously lame. The last 10 minutes were stereotypical piss poor writing. Teyla gets the talk first line. Rodney gets to say I don't know and Ronan gets to say the brave yet not entirely smart line. I mean come on, does Shepard only use his little head to make a decision?

                And I know they like to make him into a humanitarian but he was taken hostage and decides to stun his tormentors instead of killing them on the spot. That was just plain dumb. They have to die because of the Wraith attack.... Such a lame copt out.
                You took the words right out of my mouth!


                  Honestly, I thought this episode sucked... big time. Sheppard should have tried to secure the ship instead of succumbing to the usual Kirk BS he always does. As soon as Larrin's men we dead, he should have taken steps to disable her, preferably by shooting her in the head, breaking little Larrin's neck, or at least letting the Wraith finish its job (God, she annoyed me and deserved to die), and taken the ship back to Atlantis instead of trying to get in her pants like he ALWAYS does. But, then again, if he had done that he and Rodney would have figured a way to destroy it inside of an episode. I'm glad the ship wasn't destroyed, but the stupid Travelers (worst. race. ever... and here's to hoping that either the Wraith or the Replicators (YES, REPLICATORS, NOT ASURANS, they haven't been called Asurans since they were found out to be REPLICATORS) destroy them all) shouldn't have gotten it either. All this episode really proved to me is that the Air Force needs to have Sheppard chemically castrated so that this crap never happens again. Easily the worst episode of the season so far.


                    Originally posted by Phenix View Post
                    I missed the first 10 minutes of the show but from what I saw it is ridiculously lame. The last 10 minutes were stereotypical piss poor writing. Teyla gets the talk first line. Rodney gets to say I don't know and Ronan gets to say the brave yet not entirely smart line. I mean come on, does Shepard only use his little head to make a decision?

                    And I know they like to make him into a humanitarian but he was taken hostage and decides to stun his tormentors instead of killing them on the spot. That was just plain dumb. They have to die because of the Wraith attack.... Such a lame copt out.
                    Why exactly are you bothering to waste your entirely too important time watching such a horrible show?


                      Originally posted by technoextreme View Post
                      No. This is called tactical advantage. He made the assumption that she wasn't going to flood the room with radiation and kill him if he had hostages.
                      Shepard is able to track her as she moves through out the ship. I am not aware of any fail safes but he should be able to trap her or space her and then walk to a secure part of the ship while waiting for it to drop out of hyperspace. Does the person need to be alive for those detectors to work?

                      Also how do they know so much about Ancient tech? I missed the first few minutes. It can't be that easy to fix an ancient hyper drive system.


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        was this one of the eps where sam/amanda wasn't in it?

                        i'm hoping, with this being such a sheppard centric ep, it'll help me grow to appreciate sheppard more.

                        No Sam in this one.

                        Originally posted by Xicer View Post
                        Good ep, though I expected the Travelers' ships to be much bigger. Loved the general story, though I think the dialogue was a bit cheesy at times.
                        I thought the ships would be bigger too. Perhaps that's why they are having to leave behind their people.
                        Sig by Luciana
                        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                          Haha, fun episode.

                          I liked that Shepard was bickering with someone BESIDES McKay. As much as I laugh at the Shep/Rodney arguing scenes it's nice to see something fresh.

                          As for whatsherface, the Traveler's commander, for some reason she just didn't strike me as "leader" material...

                          Loved the ending, Teyla rolling her eyes was priceless.

                          M'kay... not much to say about this week.

                          Other than.... WTF was up with the wraith hair??? That one dude looked like he had freaking PIGTAILS!!

                          Proudly Supporting Team USA


                            Really great episode tonight. Pretty much from start to finish, this one entertained me. Definitely a Sheppard-heavy episode, and I think it really helped me to like his character even more.
                            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                              It was ok for me, some entertaining moments, plenty of whump if one is in to that. Imo it wasn't the best ep but certainly not the worst. But when Shep let his guard down and allowed Larin to kiss him I literally cringed. When she pointed the stunner at him I was like Nooooooo! ala Darth Vader Episode 3-ok maybe not that dramatic or cheesy.
                              Then I changed my mind. Since Sheppard 'kissed the girl' the very dangerous, unpredictable girl, he deserved it. I seriously wanted the Wraith whom he spared to come back, find Sheppard and kick his butt for being dumb, or team up with him so they could both get rid of or get away from Larin.
                              Interesting conversation at the end INDEED, Shep mentioned that he wasn't at a spa with her, but I wondered if he mentioned that he allowed her to come that close and kiss him, resulting in him getting stunned.


                                Originally posted by Konrad9 View Post
                                Why exactly are you bothering to waste your entirely too important time watching such a horrible show?
                                I wasn't going to but my friend had to go visit her girlfriend so I called it an early night. I am also a big scifi fan so I can sit through a lot of trash. I really liked the previous two episodes.

                                I do not think that SGA is a horrible show. I think it could be an amazing show but it is limited by horrendous formulaic writing. I mean come on its set in a different galaxy so you could touch on any social or political problem and get away with it since it is in the Pegasus galaxy.

                                How do you think BSG got away with suicide bombings?

