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'This Mortal Coil' (410) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Infernorhythm View Post
    Got to admit, I laughed my head off when realSheppard commented "Last time I saw a copy of myself, I got my assed kicked". Classic.
    I believe he said "I kicked my own ass"


      For those of you who visit JM's blog, I'm going to repost what I sent to Joe here in the discussion thread.

      I'm sorry, but I just don't have the energy or the heart to retool and rephrase right now. This says it all for me anyway....


      Man, where do I start?

      Losing Elizabeth once wasn't enough? We had to lose her twice?

      It was incredible to see Torri on screen again. She was PHENOMENAL in this episode. Every scene reminded me of how much depth of feeling and character Torri can portray in every scene she's in.

      And, seeing the "copies" of the team struggle with their identity and the real team creep out with coming face to face with themselves were interesting character moments. Rodney's admission that it was "Carson all over again" and that he wasn't ready to "deal with it" and then John saying he was going to box up Elizabeth's stuff and send it back to Earth - it was like, okay, everyone is giving up, it's all over. She's dead. All the hope, all the faith, all the possibility - squat, zip, nada, done. Broke my heart.

      The story had great potential. I was hoping against hope for some dramatic reveal at the end that would make it all make sense. Nope, not even a whizzo button for Weir fans.

      For crying out loud, Joe, we have to go through the whole experience of losing Elizabeth again?

      The knife in the gut is twisting pretty good right about now.

      No clue how she is supposed to be in another episode yet this season. Considering she's apparently been killed off twice now. What, another repli-Weir? A flashback? Repli-Keller was lying and the real Liz is still alive? A lost video message from Elizabeth we never got to see before? Did the original Weir ascend and will come back? Hell, did organic Repli-Weir ascend and will come back?

      Problem is, Joe, I'm not sure I can hang in there any more for this ride. Roller coasters always did make me sick to my stomach.

      Understand, Joe, I wrote this immediately after TMC aired. I was THRILLED to see Torri again on the show. After it's all said and done, now I don't know what to think.

      Somehow, I don't think I'm the only fan standing at the crossroads right now.

      Signature by Erin87


        Originally posted by HenryHayes View Post
        I believe he said "I kicked my own ass"
        Yeah, my mistake.
        Rush rocks.


          I liked this episode. I liked it even more the first time I saw it, when it was SG-1's Tin Man. TH has said that she would be in 4 episodes this season- and two of those appearances would be minor. She was in Adrift a little bit, Lifeline and This Mortal Coil a lot. So that leaves a flashback or something equally inane. I really think TPTB made a grave mistake putting Weir in this episode. I was once again reminded how much better SGA is when she is a regular character. Without her, the show is just not as engaging. Not a good way to treat a popular character, PTB. I can't say I'm surprised that the ratings are going down the drain.


            Is it just me or is the season getting better as it progresses? I cant wait for Sins at the beginning of the year. With the return of the Daedalus and Caldwell fighting alongside Apollo. OMG!


              Originally posted by Reichiru View Post
              I wonder if someone is going to start a virtual season 5 to bring Weir back for good.

              Actually, I already did.


                Originally posted by ColCaldwell View Post
                Is it just me or is the season getting better as it progresses? I cant wait for Sins at the beginning of the year. With the return of the Daedalus and Caldwell fighting alongside Apollo. OMG!
                Yes it has and yeah - I've been waiting for more Caldwell. Not only because he's an awesome character but he brings his awesome ship with him every time and that always means awesome space battles...
                || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                  Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                  For those of you who visit JM's blog, I'm going to repost what I sent to Joe here in the discussion thread.

                  I'm sorry, but I just don't have the energy or the heart to retool and rephrase right now. This says it all for me anyway....
                  I <3 you.
                  My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                    What a bizarre episode.

                    The first half was all about paranoia, ala "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", and then suddenly it becomes "TinMan"/"Double Jeopardy". Very jarring, and dysfunctional.

                    It was good to see Weir, but instead of giving fans closure, it showcased how well she is liked (and missed) by her team, and with no Carter in sight, it left this viewer with regret that she (Weir) is gone. It also showed how glaringly boring Carter has become.

                    I hope this isn't the end of Weir. If this really is the end of her, she certainly deserved something better than this train wreck.


                      great episode. reminded me of the sg1 ep where the clones of themselves start going off on missions and daniel j gets his head shot off


                        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                        That bothers me. Davos was showing people a vision from their own lives and he showed the Atlantis destruction to Carter. Carter wasn't even in this episode and had nothing to do with the destruction, nor was she there, so why didn't Davos show this to Sheppard? It had absolutely nothing to do with Carter, or actually, it had nothing to do with ANY of our real team! Davos saw a vision of what was going to happen to a bunch of Replicators. WTH???

                        Maybe we should just file this in the ever-expanding pile of SGA plot holes?
                        The same thought occurred to me, FoolishPleasure. I'm not sure if it's a plot hole or something planted for the viewers to relate to later. As in,this vision being relayed to the current Atlantis team later, where Carter is present to verify this account. Whoa, I'm giving credit where it may not be due; still my mind's reaching to fill in this anomaly of fact.

                        Then I wondered if this is a set-up ep; meaning there never was a "real " team here. When the lights went out at the conclusion I thought it all came full circle, and the "test" was beginning again. Eventually I suppose if this is so, they will meet the real team. Carter may be the glitch in their plans whatever they are, since she didn't show up in the replicated team members' memories. It would have been unrealistic if Carter wasn't there to debrief them when the "real" team returned from being captives of their replicators. (My edit: On review, the scene blacked out, not the Atlantis lights! But Carter's absence here is still odd.)

                        Just sayin', ok, I'll stop re-writing the ep. Gave myself (or anyone, feel free) a plot bunny! I'm a bit confused still, and upset that Weir may be dead. Or not. I loved Weir; a pity and bit of a waste. I need sleep to think on this more.
                        Last edited by Traveler Enroute1; 08 December 2007, 07:06 AM.
                        MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                        Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          And because SG1 did "Tin Man," many fans who have seen both shows will see the obvious comparisons, but for SGA fans only who didn't bother with SG1, it's new territory (although I'm sure it's been done on one of the TREKs). But on the other hand, the plot could have been the replicators were creating this all in the team's mind as well (I avoided the bigger spiolers on this episode and plan to avoid 'em for the second part too)
                          I know Voyager did an episode that was very similar.
                          All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                          The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                          Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                            I must admit, that as the first or a two parter, I was sadly disappointed.

                            Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode, but it was seriously lacking a decent cliffhanger. The episode felt more like a standalone. As I expected, the Repliclones died (apparently, if the nanites are useful they'll be back) saving the originals, both McKay's got on great and I loved their interaction but I disappointed with how the first half of the episode seemed predictable with the whole thing being a recreation.

                            I was surprised to see the Seer's vision come true. Although it was predicted, I didn't expect his powers to be that powerful that he could pick up things on other worlds.

                            I will say however that I am seriously disappointed with the Asurans. They make Lantean technology look so weak. The jumper took two direct hits without shields and still managed to land. They wanted to destroy Replantis and could only fire like 4 drones at a time, hell they even missed two running targets. They should work on upgrading their ability to decently control drones because if that was a human mind, completely different scenario.
                            Last edited by SaberBlade; 08 December 2007, 11:10 AM.



                              Originally posted by FireCat View Post
                              it was good to see Weir, but instead of giving fans closure, it showcased how well she is liked (and missed) by her team, and with no Carter in sight, it left this viewer with regret that she (Weir) is gone. It also showed how glaringly boring Carter has become.
                              You think Carter is boring? I'd rather see the banter between her and Meredith than listen to Weir giving some sappy speach over the entercom that takes up half the episode everytime something bad happens.

                              That's all seeing Weir reminded me of in this episode. How every time she goes into "speech mode" the tone of every sentence sounds like a question. She's like the authoritative teacher that nobody liked in high school. At least to me anyway.
                              || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                                Originally posted by KiLL3r View Post
                                great episode. reminded me of the sg1 ep where the clones of themselves start going off on missions and daniel j gets his head shot off
                                Copying old SG1 episodes makes this a great episode? Usually when writers start plagiarising its because they are suffering writer's block or just don't have the creativity necessary to complete the job. Maybe this was one episode that should have gone to the "round file".

