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'This Mortal Coil' (410) General Discussion

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    I really liked TMC. It was finally an interesting episode after those crappy episodes in the past. But what I didn't like, it was the end of TMC. Why did TPTB decide to kill duplicates? They are ruining every possible interesting story-arc in SGA. First, RepliWeir in the Lifeline and now those duplicates. TPTB's decisions make no sense to me

    and killing real Weir offscreen? Damn, she was part of SGA for three years, she deserved something better...
    Stolen Kosovo


      One thing about this episode:

      Keller go back to acting school and wipe that amateur smile off your face. All she did in this episode is to show that she uses Colgate!!!

      Had to stop watching this crap after 15 minutes...Had low expectations about this episode...wasn't disappointed.


        A good entertaining episode and I agree it could have been even better if we didn't know already about the repli team. The actions in the first 15 minutes or so would have been so much better, as we would have had no clue about what was wrong. Teyla finding the nanites in Sheppard would have been a WTF moment, even so a really entertaining episode.
        I loved repli team and their interaction with the real team. The two Rodneys were hilarious. I would have expected a bit more emotion from the team to Weir but then I guess she wasn't the real thing.
        Rodney not wanting to take a break to distract himself from thinking about Weir being dead was a nice heartfelt scene and carries on nicely from his actions in Adrift where he went against Sheppards orders to save her. Rodney with all his abrasiness seems to have shown the most emotion with regard to Weir.
        Maybe the repi team survived.... it would be nice to see them meet up with their other selves in the future. So overall a great ep and look forward to parts 2 and 3.



          So, TMC.

          I really, really liked it. It was completely different for a mid-season finale, and though I missed the action we sometimes see, it was a refreshing change.

          I did know too much of the story to start with, and that's my fault – total spoiler seeker here, and it doesn’t always pay off to be so impatient! I wish I hadn't have known the replicator angle, then I'd have been more surprised at the team not being the real team. Though, even if I hadn't have known the rough outline of the story, I'd have guessed about them being replicators in the end anyway, but that's ok, I watch too much Atlantis for my own good, and so often guess storylines... though sometimes I’m surprised, well I have been this season more so than any other, so that’s good, and I’m not complaining!

          I thought it was an incredibly well written episode. So kudos to JM here. Some bits made me smile, Shep seeing himself, the two Rodneys! They were hysterical! I just laughed myself senseless at Rodney and Rodney talking to each other, and the two Sheppard’s faces witnessing the exchange was priceless! Teyla and Ronon were excellent too. I loved that Ronon didn’t like himself, and was so uncomfortable and suspicious here! Teyla was good here too. As always, the voice of logic, reason and understanding.

          Zelenka’s talk to Rodney was heartfelt and so sweet. I like that McKay still hasn’t come to terms with everything and is doing a Shep and filing it all away for a rainy day, when, no doubt, the enormity of the losses he feels will hit him like a tonne of bricks. I think the same will happen to Shep too, though I felt he sees some closure now as far as Weir is concerned. He’s ordered her things to be shipped to Earth, so he accepts she’s gone. I think that’s important to see. I hate loose ends and want to see the characters deal with the fallout from such things.

          I have to say, though I believe the real Weir is dead, I think it’s possible we’ll see a version of Weir again. A replicated version though. Now, I’m ok with that if the story is good and innovative in some way, but if it is like this, then it’s going to get old very soon. So my opinion is TPTB should exercise caution here.

          I sort of guessed the Seer’s vision would come true, and also had surmised that it’d be the repli Atlantis. Great fx though.

          The Weir thing in itself I wasn't so keen on, and here's why. I liked her in Lifeline. She was the best I've seen her. But here, she felt almost unnecessary. It's as if she was in the episode for the sake of it, maybe to close the storyline to a certain extent? I don't know, but it lacked the emotional punch I'd really hoped to see. Whether that's because we found out the real Weir is dead or not, I don't know. Somehow I found it a bit anti-climactic. I'm not a huge fan of this 'nobody dies in scifi' stuff. You're dead, or you're not, IMO. But again, maybe that's just me. Perhaps if it had been our Weir I'd have felt more emotionally attached? But, it's difficult to care for any replicated versions of our heroes. Well for me it is, because it's not them!

          I know some won't agree with me here, and that's absolutely fine, but I can never see Weir as leader again now, and I also have to admit, though I know AT was busy and couldn't be in more episodes, that I am feeling the loss of her every now and then. I feel the show has moved forward with the casting changes, and I've moved right along with it. I'm hoping the second half of the season was able to include her more so she has a greater role as leader. She is needed, I think, to round off the stories. Even if she's not on screen much. I need to see her support of the team, and in this episode that didn’t happen. I know why, because of scheduling conflicts, but it still leaves me a bit wanting.

          Now, Keller. I have to admit that at times I’ve found her a little too scared for my tastes. But, I have to praise Jewel here. I really liked Repli Keller, and warmed to Keller a lot more, even though it wasn’t really her! Jewel pulled her part off brilliantly for me, and I found myself being really pleased with her performance and enjoying it very much. So well done Jewel! On a side note, I loved the way Keller went all silver and morphed into someone else. I know, I know, I’m a total scifi geek.

          I thought the ending was a strange sort of cliffhanger, and a little down beat, in that it was the reveal that the replicators aren't doing so badly after all, but where was the imminent danger? Maybe Rodney’s ‘Oh crap!’ is telling us the Replicators are up to something really bad? Maybe their forces are amassing? Maybe there are just hundreds of Replicator Aurora class ships in the galaxy? I don’t know, and I suppose I’m not meant to. But, damn it, I want to know!!!!! Maybe that's why JM said it wasn't the usual sort of story and mid season finale? I like cliffhangers, and I'd have liked a bit more peril, but, again, that just personal choice here.

          Thus overall, TMC was yet another top notch episode. Great performances all round, an interesting story, with very well written dialogue. I look forward to BAMSR.

          Edit: Forgot to say I loved the stick fight! It was wonderful! Really brutal! Heee!
          Last edited by Linzi; 08 December 2007, 03:00 AM. Reason: Same as usual - TYPO!


            This Mortal Coil is coming on in less than 1 minute here in Guam.
            Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


              Well at least there was a bang... relatively speaking.

              Was the destruction of Atlantis what Col. Carter saw? If so, then that scene from The Sere was rather pointless.

              Anyway, it was really interesting the way they played the entire episode. Sheppard and team think they're the real team and they find out that they're actually the repli-team. Really good job there, I didn't expect to see that TBH.

              Weir.. oh my Weir, it was good to see her back again! Even if it was "Repli-Weir". I rather enjoyed Repli-Rodney having a total buzz with Rodney, at least temporarily, the IQ got SQUARED, lol

              Hopefully it won't be the last time we see the Repli-team!

              Overall, a very good episode, not what I expected and I felt the atmosphere was high though it didn't sorta troughed off a bit towards the end. Would have liked more boom.

              It felt like it was Classic Stargate Atlantis with Weir and the team IMO, that made the episode felt normal. The team was back!

              It reinforces the fact that Season 4 sure feels a lot different without Weir. To me it was tragic when Repli-Keller stated that the real Weir is dead


                ...and another one takes the show to being cancelled . I am not a Weir fan but I am very happy Tori left. She does not deserve to play in this crap. To be honest, who does?


                  Originally posted by Landers View Post
                  Terrible way to write out Elizabeth! Off screen? Fake Keller just says she died months ago? What a boring and depressing episode. I'll watch when we get Carson back for his two-parter, but I'm done with this show.
                  Hey maybe Oberoth took her off the network because he wants to keep her all to himself. Its possible RepliKeller was mis-informed and of course the replicators can make infinit clones so you never know when weir will be in an ep.
                  Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                  ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                  AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                    It's an alright episode, I wasn't gripped to it though. I've always disliked Weir personally but people are right you never know what you had until you lose it, seeing her did make it feel more like Atlantis. However Carter shouldn't be discounted yet, she's barely had any screentine with the other characters so far, Weir didn't have the connection with the team right away, it took time, the same applies to Carter. Overall I give it 3/5. BTW I don't think weir is dead but I wouldn't put is past TPTB

                    SG-1 Spoiler
                    Look what happened to the Ori, Also taken out off screen


                      Originally posted by daniel9 View Post
                      so since it was mentioned earlier in this topic that weir appears in more eps does this mean she ascended? which is why the asurans are so interested in doing this and believing they can actually do it?
                      God I hope not.
                      I mean I would love to see Weir again and all but I think that Card has been played and played and played. And I thought the ep with Oma\Anubis was supposed to be their way of getting rid of that card. Didnt seem to work.
                      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                        Originally posted by BerrySciFi View Post
                        A duplicate team that conveniently shows up just in time to die saving the real team- in the proess showing the real team that the duplicate team was more human than we all thought. Yea, not similar at all. I wonder which SG-1 episode will be regurgitated next? My guess is Abyss, with Shep playing the part of O'Neill. But WITHOUT an ascended Daniel-type character, so the episodes will be REALLY different!
                        You could have ascended Weir come to his aide. Maybe thats her next appearance . Some shippers would be happy.
                        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                          I dunno, I wouldn't mind if Weir got ascended (as mentioned by daniel9).

                          For Weir's character sake, I really do hope so. If she got destroyed by Oberoth (sp?) by the most worst possible way imaginable then at least if she did ascend, then her character didn't have to die so tragically and in so much pain either. Also, it allows Weir to come back.

                          Also, I like to make an omission to my post earlier, it's not really Repli-Weir, it's a cloned Weir with nanites in her, as she isn't made with Replicator blocks.


                            Well I've now seen the episode, and it would have gotten 10/10 had they not killed Weir

                            But i'll give it 9/10 for reminding me how much I miss Weir and love the character

                            And couldn't we have kept RepliKeller and dumped the real Keller?

                            I also think the Clone!Team are still alive..all of them

                            The closing scenes of the episode were really good too

                            And I have a theory as to how Elizabeth could still be alive...

                            Is it possible that because they were going to kill Elizabeth, that rather than copying her memories into the Asuran mainframe, they actually *extracted* them and thus RepliKeller's people may have actually downloaded Elizabeth's real consciousness into a clone body...making her the real Weir?

                            So while Weir's body may be dead...perhaps her actual soul is still alive?
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              It is hard to put into words how I feel about this episode. I found parts of it to be a confusing mishmash that was hard to follow, but maybe my anxiety while waiting for Weir to finally appear added to that. I liked the setup with the fake team gradually realizing something was amiss. But it took too long to get to the main part of the plot.

                              Keller and Lorne have real chemistry together. Hope we see more of them.f

                              The meeting of the two teams was priceless. Everyone reacted just as I would have expected, Ronon with aggression, Rodney babbling with himself, John with a bit of distrust laced with humor, (I kept expecting him to reach over and poke himself.) and Teyla, huh, what did Teyla do, not much of an impression there.

                              The moment when Elizabeth appeared on the screen was good. Rodney's surprised reaction and the inability of John to form words was just perfect.

                              The best part of the whole show was the walk in the woods. John willing to just bring her on home and ignore the circumstances showed us how deeply her loss affected him. Ronon and Teyla's talk just proved once again how much they have in common. Why these are not the 2 chosen ships in this show will forever remain a mystery.

                              Having Elizabeth die off screen, if indeed Oberoth was not lying, was just unforgivable. There are not words to describe what a heinous act that was by the writers. And the mention by John of sending her stuff back to Earth also was a bit abrupt. This is the man who promised to find her no matter what. Now we get to see him accept her death without a backward glance, ladeda, clean out her junk, back to work. At least he and Rodney didn't go merrily off to get lunch this time. Rodney finally showed some emotion over her loss. I've been hoping for that.

                              Unlike most of my online friends, I have been watching this season and even enjoying parts of it. I will continue to watch as long as Joe Flanigan is anywhere around, but I think this one just converted me from a fan to a casual viewer. Women's Murder Club will give me my Flanigan fix earlier in the evening, at least for a while, and I'll just DVR this one for whenever I get around to it.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                I've had it with these writers just copying old Sg1 shows. Killing Weir was dumb as well. I wasn't one of her big fans before, she was just "there", but with her being gone and then seeing her back, there was a "Oh, there she is!" vibe, and it made Carter seem even more out of place. Weir made it feel like the old Atlantis again, and its a bad move to kill her off. Carter doesn't belong IMO. She is part of SG1, not SGA.

                                Now Keller, OTOH. She has to go. She is just unwatchable with the cutie smile and empty brain. This episode gets a big thumbs down, because it solidified just how low this show has gone lately. Yeah, the special effects have been good, but I'll take a good script any day.

