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'The Kindred, Part 1' (418) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Firespray View Post
    All I can really say is "Woo, Carson is back! " Why does Micheal look different each time we see him? Was pretty cool to see him again I hope the Athosians come back, at least some of them like Halling for instance, I really liked him, I hope he's not killed off
    I noticed he looked a little more "Human" than the last time I remember seeing him.

    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    Halling was nice, but Todd has SO much more personality! And he's HOT, besides! I will not miss Halling, but would seriously miss Todd if they write him out of the show.
    I think CH makes a better villain. I'm not saying he was bad as Halling because he was good in that role (and the one on SG-1 too) but the way he plays Todd is awesome.
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      - Todd is the only wraith I have ever liked besides Steve. I generally hate the wraith because they are not compelling as antagonists and are more often than not unbearably cheesy. But Todd actually makes me enjoy a wraith scene now and then. Thanks, Todd.

      - Why is Teyla showing massive cleavage 100% of the time? I'm no puritan, but it would be nice to see her in like... some other type of top sometimes. Or at least make it a little more subtle. Like seriously the entire screen is just breasts a lot of the time. What is going on here.

      - The episode was awkwardly written as usual on SGA, but it's vaguely interesting when once or twice a season they make an unwieldly attempt at writing a complex story. Micheal is a pretty lame character who is thought to be deep and intriguing by many fans, and apparently the producers as well, but he's generally overwrought and uninteresting so this storyline is mostly uninteresting too. "Oh no! Micheal, a slight variation of a badguy that wants to control the galaxy, also wants to control the galaxy and this is his new wacky scheme for doing so!"

      I have an idea for a fresh new direction for Atlantis Season 5! Check this out: The replicators emerge again, except they are slightly different than the normal replicators, and they want to control the galaxy. They have a plan to accomplish this and it's up to our underdeveloped comic book heroes to stop it!

      PS: Thanks to the network for making the end of this episode completely lame and boring for hundreds of thousands of fans. It would have been pretty cool if they just opened the door and it was Beckett and I had no prior knowledge of it. I've heard that creators generally intend their audience to experience their work with no prior knowledge, but apparently this is not how things work in this brave new world and I am unable to comprehend modern avant-garde methodologies.

      Another fine job by Sci-Fi. (#1 in science fiction/wrestling entertainment)
      Last edited by AutumnDream; 23 February 2008, 12:28 AM.


        Hey there people! First post here. I gotta say, I loved this ep. I think my favorite part was Teyla hitting that guy in the face with that huge stick. She may waddle to and fro, but she'll still kick your butt.

        Also, I couldn't help but notice, near the end there, when Sheppard turned that guy that was on the floor over, he told Sheppard that he was 'too early'...

        Does anything think that might be a plot point for the next couple eps? Particularly The Last Man, having to do with time travel?


          I was worried that The Kindred wouldn't be able to measure up to the fine standard set by Midway (seriously, Teal'c AND Ronan together kicking Wraith butt??? Awesome) but my fears were unfounded. Quite the nice mystery, and even though I knew that Michael was in it and that Carson was coming back, the Hoffan drug was an unexpected twist that I really enjoyed.

          Also, Michael's new form presents a host of possibilities. It's interesting, especially because these new hybrids that Michael's making wouldn't be trying to take over the galaxy for food purposes, rather, they're out to conquer because they want to. It'll be interesting to see if they've lost the regenerative abilities of the Wraith. It's possible that these newbies could be the new enemy hinted at by the producers. It'd be nice if they weren't, as new enemies mean far more story possibilities, but either way will result in a new direction.

          Carson's return was great to see. He's definitely one of my favorite characters in the franchise as a whole. I'm a little sad that he'll probably be a replicator copy, as that route seems a bit overdone by now. Still, I shouldn't complain I guess. What I'm wondering is: a. how Michael got a hold of him and b. whether he's willingly helping Michael with the Hoffan drug or if he was coerced somehow (although if he's a replicator, I don't see how that'd be possible, since they're dang near impossible to damage).

          As far as the personal relationships in the episode, I loved seeing Rodney give Teyla a gift. Too often we see Sheppard and Teyla or Teyla and Ronon or Sheppard and Ronon or McKay and Sheppard. Teyla and McKay have had very little interaction, and this was definitely a welcome change. I also liked that McKay at least pretended to support Teyla's vision instead of bluntly telling her she was crazy, which the Rodney a few years ago most certainly would've done. Teyla and Kanaan's "reunion," was tragic, although not entirely unexpected. Especially after we learned that he already had Wraith DNA. Michael and Teyla's interaction was also a surprise. Michael has always been drawn to Teyla and this episode certainly demonstrates that he's willing to do anything to get close to her and have the companionship that he's lacked since he was humanized. Given that Kanaan (and possibly the other Athosians) seem rather zombified, it's understandable that he'd want some kind of companionship.

          Anyway, overall: *** stars (Gateworld rating system)
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            It was a great episode, but I was a bit disappointed that they used Beckett only in a cameo role like Weir in BAMSR. I thought he will get more screen time.
            "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

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            "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


              I don't want to judge this ep too harshly as I do think we need to see the second part; however I found it to be not the least bit engaging, I had guessed weeks ago that Teyla was only having visions of Kannan (?) and he of course wasn't really being burnt to a crisp I as with 99.9% of online fans knew Carson would be back in the end, and the way Rodney was portrayed left me wishing McKay never showed up at all in this one. I think the moment between Teyla and McKay was a lost one... such a pity.

              So yeah it is a good thing I am not judging this ep too harshly yet as it would be getting 4 out of 10 and that 4 is only because of Michael and Todd!

              I hope next week is not a big old reset Carson one as I will be pissed off! He died lets keep him that way.


                As someone who refuses to watch the trailers for succeeding weeks, and also ignores the online chatter/gossip, the surprise ending had effect for me.

                Of course, the immediate question becomes "how is this possible", and yes one could guess "replicators."

                The nice thing about this episode is that it gives Teyla enough screen time to actually be a person and not room decorations.


                  Originally posted by freetoken View Post
                  As someone who refuses to watch the trailers for succeeding weeks, and also ignores the online chatter/gossip, the surprise ending had effect for me.

                  Of course, the immediate question becomes "how is this possible", and yes one could guess "replicators."

                  The nice thing about this episode is that it gives Teyla enough screen time to actually be a person and not room decorations.
                  well she is perganant while it was shot so she cant be in it too long each ep she will get tired
                  [[[[[Dr Keller]][[For Ever]]]]]


                    Oh my frikking god!
                    This was one awsome episode!
                    I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


                      Excellent episode. Midway I loved every bit of it. Great pacing and lots of little surprises that I didn't see coming. The Hofman virus was the biggest surprise and I love how the writers weaved it into the story.

                      Always a pleasure to see Todd and Michael. I have been looking foward to seeing Michael all season and he never disappoints.

                      Great to see more of Teyla and she was awesome here.. kudos to Rachel for doing a great job. This episode certaintly lived up to my expectations and can't wait to see part 2.

                      Also .. great seeing Lorne again too..


                        i'm just giving my opinion that in part 2 we will see

                        that carson is the real carson, yeah on the preview for next week they have to say clone or replicator to take precautions. but also that carson is brain washed maybe, that's why it says possibly can't be trusted, cause you see kanaan was brainwashed, it might explain why beckett helped him.

                        but i thought it was a great episode, can't wait to get the answers next week


                          Originally posted by Sokar_The_Wraith View Post
                          i'm just giving my opinion that in part 2 we will see

                          that carson is the real carson, yeah on the preview for next week they have to say clone or replicator to take precautions. but also that carson is brain washed maybe, that's why it says possibly can't be trusted, cause you see kanaan was brainwashed, it might explain why beckett helped him.

                          but i thought it was a great episode, can't wait to get the answers next week
                          are in total agreement with ya! Next ep will rock!
                          I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


                            I enjoyed this episode very much, though I had to watch it twice to really appreciate it.

                            Kindred I started a little slowly for me, but soon gathered momentum before reaching a fast, exciting conclusion... or should I say a 'to be continued...', which in itself left me with a whole load of unanswered questions!

                            Ok, so, Teyla is having visions of Kanaan, and goes about trying to find her people and specifically the father of her child. In doing so, she's falls into a trap and is captured by Michael, who actually is behind the visions, ( this didn't surprise me, I sort of saw that coming) - who we find out has been poisoning worlds with a hybrid version of the Hoff serum. Using the serum is good continuity and I really was not expecting that. He wants to kill the wraith, but is happy sacrificing 30% of humans to do that. Michael has had someone helping him perfect the serum? Wonder who that could be?

                            Ah, Michael. My goodness he's changed. It's unusual for me to be surprised. And when he revealed he no longer needs to feed on humans, I was surprised - pleasantly. His hand sucker is gone! Nice reveal. He looks a little more human, but what has he become, I wonder, and what are his plans? Domination of the galaxy comes to mind! He said he's perfected his army, but are they Athosians who've been altered, or are the bug people still left too? I can't wait to find out!!!!

                            What about Kanaan? ( or Kanan, or Kannan? ). He seems to have been genetically altered and to be somehow subordinate to Michael. Oh dear, poor Teyla So, Michael has tinkered with the Athosians and now they follow him and execute his wishes? Uh oh. This can't be good.

                            Michael has plans for Teyla's child? Is that because of the strong wraith DNA link? Because now we know Kanaan has the wraith DNA too? Thus the baby has a double dose? Or has Michael interfered/intervened more than we know?

                            It was nice to see Todd again. He needs the team's help because he needs Hoff serum information, and they need him to help find Teyla. I really am pleased with Todd's inclusion in season 4 so much. He's a great character, and I really love his tenuous relationship with the team, particularly Sheppard.

                            Of course, when the team gets the information from Todd they've been hoping for, it doesn't quite lead them where they expected. Yes, they find a member of the team, but it's not who they expected. Cue Carson. Or is it?

                            My feeling is he's a genetically engineered clone. We know Michael and the wraith have that ability, and Michael is a scientist and spent a fair bit of time alone with Carson in Misbegotten... What does this all mean? I have no idea! Could this be the REAL Carson? I don't think so. Mainly because I can't see how Michael would have had time to replace the original one. But this Carson could well be a clone, in fact that's what I've always thought. I guess all will be revealed next week.

                            I liked the Carter and Teyla bonding here. The way Carter asks Teyla to call her Sam. It's such a shame Carter can't be in season 5! There is so much potential for her to build friendships with the team! Such is life...

                            I loved that Rodney could eat and Shep and Ronon couldn't because they're so worried about Teyla. I do think Rodney was worried, I just think he eats in times of stress...or maybe he just eats a lot!

                            I liked his gift to Teyla, but it was typically about him! Still, it's the thought that counts, after all. At least he didn't show Teyla he thought she'd lost the plot when she told him about the vision, even if he really did. He appeared to support her, even if he feels she's perhaps not facing the truth - which quite honestly is a realistic reaction.

                            I liked that Sheppard didn't care what his own thoughts were about the visions. He knew Teyla needed to act on the visions and he felt they 'owed her one'. I love the way he supports his team and trusts them

                            So, overall a good episode. Some great reveals, a very good second half and it leaves me feeling positive for Kindred II. 7.5/10 after first viewing, elevated to 8.5/10 after the second. JM did good.


                              A beautiful title for a beautiful episode.

                              I really enjoyed this episode, it was cleverly written out, nice tone and nice steady pace, the story I felt wasn't rushed and it was beautiful. The dialogue between the cast was good and this is the first time Carter actually behaved like a leader, IMO. About time but oh well. Teyla and her quest to find her people which resulted finding Michael and I felt bad when she found her lover was modified by Michael.

                              I'm glad this episode wasn't all guns and fury like last week's episode, all characters got an equal opportunity to feature their quirks (like McKay and his lack of lunch for example) and how the characters are folding into one another, like for example a more deeper connection for the likes of Teyla and Lorne and you can tell, he is very protective of her which was excellent. Oh yes, it's good to see Beckett's back, sort of, lol

                              Brilliant episode, very well thought out and written so good job there and I can't wait for next week!
                              Last edited by JackHarkness_Hot; 23 February 2008, 04:03 AM.


                                OMG, what a terrible chaos!

                                I mean, it was good episode but...why do they have to give everything to one episode? If they skipped Harmony, Quarantine and Trio and did the actual so called story-arc, it would have been much better.

                                Todd, Michael, Carson, Hoffan drug...all in one episode, and Keller´s "we are watching the virus for some time, as you know" WTF? When did they say that?!
                                This is how tptb think the story-arc works - let´s say some story, that is going for few months, in five seconds in 18th episode.

                                OK, it was the negative stuff. I think chaos was one of the biggest issue in this episode.

                                What I liked - Rodney, Lorne and Carter (!)
                                Even it is a little crazy to start making Carter a commander now, I liked her. She was there as a decisive force. I still think that there is absolutely no chemistry and dynamics between her and Sheppard. But there is probably also nothing they could do about it.
                                On the other hand, how Sam (or more likely, Amanda) was changing glances with Rodney, it was nice. It has probably to do something with friendship between Amanda and David. I am glad to see at least something from that on the screen.

                                Rodney and Teyla, it was nice scene. I guess it was the first normal scene between those two. I am sorry we haven´t been shown Rodney´s reaction to Teyla´s pregnancy but it is one of those things we just have to imagine.
                                He had cool quote about his experience with other conciousness and his other self The iPod was cute gift, I loved it!
                                I also liked his explanation about the reason why to give Todd the research. It was good, long but made sense...finally some progress?

                                But with all respect to Rachel fans...I think the more space she gets the more affected she is. I didn´t like her acting at all, especially in her scene with Michael, where Connor´s moderated acting was in a big contrast with her emoted performance.

                                Todd vs the team is always fun to watch. Sheppard and Rodney´s wills against Todd´s are cool scenes.

                                That´s all, I think

                                Anyway, I did like it but as I said, it was chaotic and it would deserve two or three more episodes.

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