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'The Kindred, Part 1' (418) General Discussion

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    A tsunami combined with a hurricane and an atomic bomb would yield better results than this episode. Horrible, horrible, and horrible. I wasted my time. It seems Teyla was written by a 5 year old.


      Just watched my DVRd ep. Havent read any one elses post.

      First thing I got to say: Gee I cant believe what happened in the last 5 minutes!!! ..... wait, yeah I can.

      Oh, how can the Deadlus totally pwn replicator ships in about 6 seconds but not so much with one wraith hive?

      As for the ep, it was fine. Predictable (especially that MAJOR TWIST at the end...if you saw the previews...or read the forum).

      I am not a big fan of the whole superbaby (what I like to call "baby kills show") plot but we will see how TPTB does with it. It really wasnt any sort of suprise that Michael was the kidnapper or that Telya wouldnt have a happy reunion.

      So...... Todd was entertaining enough (and of course not responsible for the attack on midway...another MAJOR SUPRISE...yeah notsomuch). Michael was good in the ep. Shep was good in the ep. Rodney was good in the ep. Ronan was good in the ep. Teyla was good in the ep. Carter was good in the ep. Keller was fine in the ep. Loren was good in the ep. Heck I even liked the two traders Teyla talked too(not the one with the bad hair who lead the trap, the other two). Too bad Zelinka wasnt in the ep I am sure he would hav been fine too.

      Yea, so everyone did their job competantly (both the actors and the characters). Episode was nothing to give me chills or get me OMFGing but it was nothing that had me shaking my head or rolling my eyes either....well besides the baby-saves\destroys-the-universe thing..... or the Deadelus cant take on one wraith hive thing.....though I did like how this hive ship actually MOVED while in battle. Nice change in tactics there Micheal, now we know how you are pwning all the other wraith besides just poisoning them.

      Oh well, next week we get the Carson repliclone story...maybe that was supposed to tie into the Weir repliclone story that is now having to be redone. Maybe Carson will end up in more then 5 eps next year. I like the actor well enough but loved the character. Too bad that character is gone well see if I will actually appreciate this new one TPTB make. Only time will tell.
      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


        I loved this ep. I thought it was fantastic, it was Joe M's best ep yet IMO. I loved the whole thing, I loved seeing Michael again, Loved Teyla, the Rodney/Teyla moment, the Ronon/Rodney moment, the second massive disaster for Pegasus killing hundreds of thousands more people, the reveal about the Athosians, Seeing Hoff again, Lorne, the Teyla/Sam stuff, Teyla's ruthlessnes once again, Michael's new plans which are very intriguing, Todd, another different style location, the Teyla visions, the Deadalus, the Carson reveal...

        I just loved it. It was one of my favourite eps of the season, and the season has been fantastic. I can't wait to see next week, and then how the ep ties into TLM and S&R.

        So is that the end of Michael's bug people then, and he has now moved on to the human/Wraith hybrids?


          Originally posted by JennyDex View Post
          New to the forum and just want to say "hey" to all first.

          I know some people here think this episode wasn't that good but I thought it was excellent and the whole Beckett thing wasn't even a big whoop in comparison. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Beckett. He and Ronon were/are the ultimate eye-candy for me!

          What got me about this episode was the whole Michael/Teyla/Kanaan thing. Since the whole fight with the Wraith Queen and the boost she got from the baby, I starting thinking that her baby's father had to be part Wraith but couldn't quite figure out how. I started wondering if the man she thought was the father was actually a Wraith-turn-human spy or something but then that was squashed when she said they knew each other as kids. Enter Michael.

          What he tells her is that he went through all that trouble for a family reunion but her people were no where in sight at the time. Yeah, they were on the ship but the way he said it made me think of a different kind of reunion of bringing her to him. Especially when he started going on about how he felt about her.

          He's part human and because of that he formed an emotional attachment unlike other Wraiths, love. Why did he specifically take Teyla's people for this new experiment? Could it be that he knew she would look for them with a passion that would eventually bring her to him and just when she was ready to quit, he called for her pretending to be Kanaan. Also, if all of her people were to become this new type of thing he cooked up, she would be connected to them.

          Think of Kanaan's reactions in the dreams, when he saw her pregnant belly, when he displayed a desperate need to reach out to her and have her reach for him back. These reactions were all Michael.

          I find this story heart-breaking because its about a creature that is not trusted by his kind for being too human and not trusted by humans for not being human enough only to experience unrequited love because of his human flaw. It reminds me a lot of Fifth & Carter
          Welcome to the forum. To your question in bold - I think he took her people because she was the first human he had encountered that could link telepathically to the Wraith. He was looking for a way to "improve" his army, and her people held a secret he wanted to know.

          Originally posted by ladyjanus View Post
          Okay, rewatching the ep on tape and I picked up on bit of dialogue that has me frowning...

          The bits of jewelry in the box? Teyla IDs a ring in it as belonging to Halling. Is Halling dead? Turned into wraith/human hybrid zomie like Kanaan?

          Not good for us Chris Hyerdahl (sp?) fans, cuz as much as I like Todd, I gave my heart to Halling first...

          Good question. I don't think he's dead, but I think it's possible he's been turned into a hybrid (that we'll probably never see since won't that be confusing with Todd around). My guess is that he isn't a hybrid. I think Kanaan might be the only one due to the Wraith DNA he already carried.

          Originally posted by Leliana McKay View Post
          Lorne was just too cute talking about the flea market and his guilt at losing Teyla.
          Did Lorne say he was from the Bay area? I knew we were supposed to find out where he was from this season. I guessed Seattle. Oh well. San Francisco isn't too far from there.

          Originally posted by jcjoeyfreak View Post
          Hey there people! First post here. I gotta say, I loved this ep. I think my favorite part was Teyla hitting that guy in the face with that huge stick. She may waddle to and fro, but she'll still kick your butt.

          Also, I couldn't help but notice, near the end there, when Sheppard turned that guy that was on the floor over, he told Sheppard that he was 'too early'...

          Does anything think that might be a plot point for the next couple eps? Particularly The Last Man, having to do with time travel?
          Welcome! To your bolded statement - Sheppard asked where his boss was and his answer was that they were too early. Then the hive ship arrives and starts firing on Daedalus. Michael was returning with Teyla and the team arrived before they got there.

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I Michael has plans for Teyla's child? Is that because of the strong wraith DNA link? Because now we know Kanaan has the wraith DNA too? Thus the baby has a double dose? Or has Michael interfered/intervened more than we know?
          I can't figure out when Michael would have "interfered" with Teyla. Her pregnancy has occurred somewhere in S4. She was 3 months pregnant in BAMSR and we know from The Seer (which was before BAMSR) that 3 months had passed between Reunion and The Seer.

          Could he have snatched her sometime between Lifeline and Missing while she was on Athos? I guess so, but one would think somebody might have noticed especially since she and Kanaan can sense the presence of Wraith (which I of course am assuming Michael still projects).
          Sig by Luciana
          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


            Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee
            I think CH makes a better villain. I'm not saying he was bad as Halling because he was good in that role (and the one on SG-1 too) but the way he plays Todd is awesome.
            Yes - he has a very powerful presence, and does the whole shady 'used car salesman' thing very well he comes across so much better as the allied enemy, Todd, than he did as the gentle giant, Halling. Halling was good, but totally underused (I loved the scene in the third episode, I think, where Halling tells his son that he loves him - very tender moment. THAT was a great scene, but 'Halling' wasn't given much else to work with after that).

            I just hope the writers/PTB continue to use him, and perhaps flesh out his role in the SGA universe a bit more. We've seen him make deals - and I'm fine with him continuing to make deals in the future - but I am REALLY ready to see Todd completely in his element. Got a little taste of it in this episode with him being much more confident on his home turf (until Ronon said they were there to kill ). Would love to see more of that - perhaps the SGA team hitching a ride with Todd's hive, and Todd ordering them around for a change - the whole, 'You're in MY world now - you do as I say!' thing. Just want to see him pointing the guns for a change, I suppose.

            Oh, and about Ronon and his little 'we're here to kill you' remark...can't you just hear the convo on the jumper ride home?

            Ronon (pleased grin): "And did ya see the LOOK on his face when I said we were there to kill 'im??! I totally punked 'im!"



              Originally posted by CYBEREAGLE19 View Post
              the trailer for this episode mentioned reps, I don't see any replicators in this episode
              Yep i'm confused too. We don't see any replicators. In the trailer they said "replicator trap" so it could be just an expression.
              And wraith not feeding on humans anymore. They still need to eat something. Do they consume normal food now?


                Originally posted by runnerX View Post
                Yep i'm confused too. We don't see any replicators. In the trailer they said "replicator trap" so it could be just an expression.
                And wraith not feeding on humans anymore. They still need to eat something. Do they consume normal food now?
                Seeing as how it was the retro virus that made them that little bit more human I would assume they eat what we eat!

                edit- opps misread your post thought you meant Michaels new creations.

                As for the normal Wraith I imagine they still have to eat humans but its like Russian roulette unless Todd can devise a cure
                Last edited by The_Carpenter; 23 February 2008, 06:15 AM.
                A word of advice... there are creatures that live between this dimension and the next, fiendish creatures that feast on the suffering of an entire world to satiate their eternal hunger. Support the Gateworld Cantina or suffer the fate of all who fall into the clutches of the 'Eladrith Ynneas'


                  Originally posted by runnerX View Post
                  Yep i'm confused too. We don't see any replicators. In the trailer they said "replicator trap" so it could be just an expression.
                  And wraith not feeding on humans anymore. They still need to eat something. Do they consume normal food now?
                  Sci Fi screwed up, that's what happened. They made a horrible choice by deciding to give away the ending and then plain ol screwed up in saying replicators set the trap.


                    Originally posted by Myles View Post
                    Sci Fi screwed up, that's what happened. They made a horrible choice by deciding to give away the ending and then plain ol screwed up in saying replicators set the trap.
                    To bad they didn't do it like be all my sins remebered. They gave away the biggest spoiler for the episode. No wonder no one was surprised with the ending.


                      I found it predictable and a bit draggy. Teyla had "visions" and of course no one believed her. Ho hum. She goes off and finds nothing. Yawn. More visions, increasing disbelief, and a return to the planet. *sigh* Maybe she should have gone with Lorne the first time, since she had better luck with him. I always like seeing Lorne, even if he isn't given a lot to do. The stuff with the trader was kinda fun, although after that "do-gooders" line I really wanted Lorne to shoot him in the kneecap.

                      The trader didn't ring true to me. His language seemed a little too advanced and his dialogue felt off, so no real surprise that he wound up being part of a set-up, although really, it wouldn't have been a surprise either way.

                      I think there was a scene snipped from that round table discussion on the "plague." Keller was talking and the camera closes in on Rodney, he starts to open his mouth and WHAM! Cut to Carter, asking a question. Either they snipped something, changed the order of questions or the scissors man made a bad call.

                      Would I still say the ep was slow and draggy if I hadn't known about Carson's appearance at the end? Yes. I'm all for a slow build, but this felt less like a gradual uptick in suspense and more like TPTB wasting our time so they could wow us with the last act. I'm glad that so many were happy to see Carson again and I think the reaction shots were pretty good, but personally I still think they should have left well enough alone and allowed Carson to stay dead and buried. Haven't decided if I'll tune in for part 2 or not. I have a feeling I'm not going to like the direction they go with the character, now that they've brought him back.


                        Originally posted by The_Carpenter View Post
                        Seeing as how it was the retro virus that made them that little bit more human I would assume they eat what we eat!

                        edit- opps misread your post thought you meant Michaels new creations.

                        As for the normal Wraith I imagine they still have to eat humans but its like Russian roulette unless Todd can devise a cure
                        Unleass they all get the retro virus and don't need to feed on humans anymore. Voila! This is how an enemy is destroyed.


                          ... *yawn* ...

                          possibly the most bland episode ever


                            Originally posted by Myles View Post
                            Sci Fi screwed up, that's what happened. They made a horrible choice by deciding to give away the ending and then plain ol screwed up in saying replicators set the trap.
                            This is why I am grateful I am an Aussie. I just don't watch the trailers on youtube and its all good. So Jack popping up in 200 was an actual surprise for me - although I managed to stay spoiler free for S10, which was an achievement of mammoth proportions. But - I digress.

                            A) I hate TBC.
                            B) I hate TBC popping up 10 seconds after the really really good part.
                            C) I hate people saying "x amount of episodes" when any of them are 10 second appearances that consist of one line.... especially when it is followed by TBC.

                            A bit rushed, and agree with above that cutting out some of the fillers and replace them with decent arc-ige would rock immensely. I used to scream about that in S10 of Stargate. LAST SEASON! EVER! And... so many fillers.

                            Anyway - Kannan was not what I expected, although I have no idea why I expected a pretty boy - maybe it is just what I am used to seeing. Then of course, he is useless to her now - unless Beckett made some kind of cure for whatever Michael did.

                            Do like the new Uber-Wraith idea. Way more than the Giant Alien bugmen. I guess all the Athosians are uber-wraiths now?

                            One more week of Atlantis to go (for me - I hate TBC THAT MUCH that I actually avoid watching season ending cliffhangers until close to the release of the next season - unless it is simply too awesome for words, like First Strike), then I have to go and find something else to watch. Yet another mean feat.

                            *clings to Atlantis* PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME
                            : I would very much like to have a weapon such as this.
                            : Yeah, Get in line.


                              Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                              Oh, how can the Deadlus totally pwn replicator ships in about 6 seconds but not so much with one wraith hive?
                              Actually it was a wraith cruiser. An even easier target than a hive.


                                It was great seeing Lorne in action leading his team

