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'The Kindred, Part 1' (418) General Discussion

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    Oops. My apologizes to those who called Kanaan out as a Wraith worshipper. Although, right now, it seems to be purely the result of the alterations and brainwashing and not a choice.

    I thought the episode was a little bit slow, but that didn't bother me too much because I knew it was going to be a set-up ep. I liked it over all, and to have the return of Dr. Beckett, Todd, and Michael means a fan really can't complain. (those two guys really need their own smilies)

    As big a fan of Michael as I am, he really does need to talk to Todd about making friends. Brainwashing, killing off civilizations to make "pets", and poisioning others is not really going to win people over. But I like the way they pointed out that he sees this as something he has to do to survive. It is not like the Atlantis expedition is really going to own up to their mistake and welcome him back with open arms. And the rest of the galaxy will probably kill him on sight.

    Todd is another one of my favorites, and it is good to hear he didn't willingly give up the info he stole. I loved his reaction to their name for Michael, but it made me wonder they ever told him his yet? I don't recall them saying it to his face, but maybe I wasn't paying attention. Anyways, I think he always adds a lot of personality to the Wraith as a species and I often look forward to the episodes he is in.

    As for Dr. B., I liked the character a lot and was sad when he died, but I won't say I was hollering for his return. But as I haven't warmed up so much to his replacement, or whatever you call Keller, I'm glad to see him back, at least for a few episodes. Can't wait for next week.
    Last edited by Teslan; 22 February 2008, 08:32 PM.
    If your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt. ~Henry J. Kaiser


      Killer ep!

      I love the Hoffan callback. Never would have suspected they would go all the way back for that particular plotpoint, but it makes sense once it was said and done, what with the Carson connection.

      Cannot wait for next week...

      Other things to love —

      Lorne!!! Lots of Lorne!!! Lorne all guilty over losing Teyla!!!!!!

      I want that bed. The one Teyla woke up in, in the forest.

      Rodney being all sweet and smarmy, and totally clueless about his "present."

      Nice scenes with Teyla and Carter. "Call me Sam."

      Big as a house, Teyla still kicks ass. Boo-yah!

      Rodney: "Rats?"

      And last, but not least, my shipper's heart did a wicked little leap when I saw that Kanaan was hybrid-ized. Is it really, really bad of me to hope that he gets killed or dies or whatever, thereby taking him out of the equation in my John/Teyla fantasies? Okay, I'll live with it....



        Originally posted by ladyjanus View Post
        Killer ep!

        I love the Hoffan callback. Never would have suspected they would go all the way back for that particular plotpoint, but it makes sense once it was said and done, what with the Carson connection.

        Cannot wait for next week...

        Other things to love —

        Lorne!!! Lots of Lorne!!! Lorne all guilty over losing Teyla!!!!!!

        I want that bed. The one Teyla woke up in, in the forest.

        Rodney being all sweet and smarmy, and totally clueless about his "present."

        Nice scenes with Teyla and Carter. "Call me Sam."

        Big as a house, Teyla still kicks ass. Boo-yah!

        Rodney: "Rats?"

        And last, but not least, my shipper's heart did a wicked little leap when I saw that Kanaan was hybrid-ized. Is it really, really bad of me to hope that he gets killed or dies or whatever, thereby taking him out of the equation in my John/Teyla fantasies? Okay, I'll live with it....
        Oh definately not.....I am sooooo with you on that

        And the Hoffan call back was really cool...they don't do that often enough; go back and follow up on things.
        Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
        &=AWESOME &Forever
        No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


          Just a fantastic episode!!

          Lemme see...highlights...

          I really enjoyed seeing pregnant Teyla kicking buttage. Go her! But there's more than that - loved Rodney's little gift - very thoughtful in Rodney's own Rodney-way. He means well, even if he ends up making it all about himself.

          Michael - and his plans - have me very worried. I love the Wraith for the human-feeders that they are, and really would hate to see them eliminated from the show. And, even if they found an alternative food source, I really want them to still have a craving for humans. So...Michael's plans, whatever they are, don't sound good for my favorite characters. NICE way for TPTB to get me worrying about what lies ahead in S5. With no hints of major Wraith involvement in S5 yet, I'm feeling a bit uneasy about Michael's plans, and their success.

          Love how this episode ties into events in other seasons, going all the way back to the first. Makes the show feel very connected with itself - something that is often missing from series like this. Very well done, without feeling forced in any way.

          The best part for me was, of course, Todd. He was awesome - even with his Highlander line. I found it rather amusing - and perhaps - a bit of foreshadowing to The Last Man? 'There can be only one?' - the Last one, perhaps? We'll just have to wait and see...but I think there may be more to that line than meets the eye.

          Another thing I totally loved about Todd in this is that he was a bit more cocky - a bit more Wraith-like than when he was with the humans. On his home turf, he had a lot more confidence, more of a swagger about him - and I LOVED it!

          ACK!! Just rewatching - and I got a rather - pervy vibe - from Todd when he said about Teyla "I suppose she's already made some lucky Wraith a very tasty meal' - just the way he says it makes me think that HE would have enjoyed feeding on Teyla himself...

          God, just loved this episode...just to see a Wraith who isn't cannon fodder for a change is so worth it!



            Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
            Oh definately not.....I am sooooo with you on that

            And the Hoffan call back was really cool...they don't do that often enough; go back and follow up on things.
            Personally, I called the Hoffan angle as soon as I read that it affected the Wraith. And then I squealed like a ten-year-old girl with Hannah Montana tickets when Keller confirmed it.

            The bad, IMO, was the Daedalus. You have spiffy new Asgard beam weapons, and you don't use them until the end, and when you DO use them, you MISS!?! WHERE THE HELL IS MARKS!?

            The ugly? Mike. Though I truly did like having him back, and want him and Todd to have the Wraith equivalent of a catfight, the whole "killing two birds with one stone" bit is a bit much on me.

            Questions for Part Deux: How is he making additional soldiers? Is he giving them the retrovirus, and then the Hoffan virus? How many is he killing that way?


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              I agree with you their but it still doesn't take away the quality. Also, Part 2 is usually better than Part 1
              Oh, I'm not saying that this ep was bad, I completely adored it. I'm just saying, usually my excitement level only goes up when I hear that Gero is penning an episode. I was SUPREMELY pleasantly suprised by Joe M.'s work here.

              Actually, he also wrote Reunion this year, which I loved as well. I think he's getting better.
              It was Arrested Development


                New to the forum and just want to say "hey" to all first.

                I know some people here think this episode wasn't that good but I thought it was excellent and the whole Beckett thing wasn't even a big whoop in comparison. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Beckett. He and Ronon were/are the ultimate eye-candy for me!

                What got me about this episode was the whole Michael/Teyla/Kanaan thing. Since the whole fight with the Wraith Queen and the boost she got from the baby, I starting thinking that her baby's father had to be part Wraith but couldn't quite figure out how. I started wondering if the man she thought was the father was actually a Wraith-turn-human spy or something but then that was squashed when she said they knew each other as kids. Enter Michael.

                What he tells her is that he went through all that trouble for a family reunion but her people were no where in sight at the time. Yeah, they were on the ship but the way he said it made me think of a different kind of reunion of bringing her to him. Especially when he started going on about how he felt about her.

                He's part human and because of that he formed an emotional attachment unlike other Wraiths, love. Why did he specifically take Teyla's people for this new experiment? Could it be that he knew she would look for them with a passion that would eventually bring her to him and just when she was ready to quit, he called for her pretending to be Kanaan. Also, if all of her people were to become this new type of thing he cooked up, she would be connected to them.

                Think of Kanaan's reactions in the dreams, when he saw her pregnant belly, when he displayed a desperate need to reach out to her and have her reach for him back. These reactions were all Michael.

                I find this story heart-breaking because its about a creature that is not trusted by his kind for being too human and not trusted by humans for not being human enough only to experience unrequited love because of his human flaw. It reminds me a lot of Fifth & Carter


                  Okay, rewatching the ep on tape and I picked up on bit of dialogue that has me frowning...

                  The bits of jewelry in the box? Teyla IDs a ring in it as belonging to Halling. Is Halling dead? Turned into wraith/human hybrid zomie like Kanaan?

                  Not good for us Chris Hyerdahl (sp?) fans, cuz as much as I like Todd, I gave my heart to Halling first...



                    All I can really say is "Woo, Carson is back! " Why does Micheal look different each time we see him? Was pretty cool to see him again I hope the Athosians come back, at least some of them like Halling for instance, I really liked him, I hope he's not killed off


                      Halling was nice, but Todd has SO much more personality! And he's HOT, besides! I will not miss Halling, but would seriously miss Todd if they write him out of the show.



                        great episode. it did something that I didn't expect too. It made the athosians interesting. it also did a lot to tie the whole series together bringing back the athosians and hoffans from season 1, and michael and beckett. i'm really looking forward to part 2


                          This is what I call a true stargate episode! I like a good "let's twist the viewers brains " episode a lot more than just action.
                          So I give a 9.5/10 for the Kindred.

                          Finally getting some answers...
                          I love the fact that something that happened in season one can lead a greater plot in season four. Of course Carson being in the episode is the cherry on the top! So Carson and Michael have been working on the Hoffan research all that time?
                          I can't wait for next week's episode and the explanation of how that happened!
                          The team is having problems trusting Carson? Shocker! At least Rodney seems more open. The Rodney/Carson scene seen in the trailer is going to give me a few tears.

                          So many guest-stars!!
                          Michael, Todd, Caldwell, Lorne... **happy squeal**
                          Great acting from Rachel and Connor Trinner.
                          I too was a bit troubled by Michael's new change of look.
                          Lorne was just too cute talking about the flea market and his guilt at losing Teyla.And it's good to see Caldwell's shinny head!

                          Favorite scenes:
                          -Rodney's gift to Teyla... A recording of his voice for the baby. How thoughtful! Teyla-Rodney frienship rules! I love those moments.
                          -The reveal of Michael! With his new face I was like "Who is that?" well, only for 2 seconds.
                          -The reveal of CARSON! Everyone knew that was coming but I was still very excited. How much I missed him!

                          Friday can't come too soon!


                            Originally posted by ColCaldwell View Post
                            Why did the Daedalus use railguns first instead of the beam weapons? Also, missing the ship with the Asgard beam weapon? My's making our ships' crews look incompetent.
                            IMO it was like with the LaGrand point satellite... It had to charge up a 'buffer'.

                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            Anyway, I did like the definite undercurrent of animosity between SHep and gang and Todd. They both consider themselve necessary evils to complete their tasks. I honestly dont' want to see it any other way.
                            Yes, that was some great banter back and fourth.. BUT you just had to love how Todd played it out.

                            Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
                            Interesting lead up. I always wondered what happend to the Hoffans, I'm not surprised they were destroyed. But how did Todd/Michael find out about the Hoffan's drug research?
                            Perhaps the knowledge of what the Hoffans put out there was given to all hives before the wraith fragmented..

                            Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
                            So is Michael creating human-Wraith hybrids now instead of the bug creatures? Weird. I thought that Michael looked more human than before. He also has human eyes now. Kanaan's now part Wraith!
                            It would seem. AND they don't have to feed on humans... how good for us. Now we just need to find ot how to distrubute it to the rest of the wraith.

                            Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
                            How crushing for Teyla. How did Michael convince the Athosians to serve him? Something's going on there. I hope that the Athoians are normal and not all human/Wraith hybrids.
                            Remember back in Reunion.. Those Satedans were drained and refed back their life force so many times they just broke. Perhaps that is what Michael did to get them to work for him. And i too hope all are not now hybreds.

                            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                            Oh man, I don't even know where to start. I really liked how they intertwined the different plot lines of the episode into one. The Hoffan disease, Teyla's visions, and Todd. It all came together in the end, though Todd not so much. It was clever, well done, and I was not bored for one second.
                            Neither was i. I also loved how they tied in thigs from seasons 1 through 3 into this.. Even the retrovirus got mentioned.

                            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                            Kanaan being part wraith was a bit of a stunner, wow, did not see that one coming. I feel for Teyla, but man, talk about character development for her. Imagine how you would feel to be gone for a couple months and to come home to find that your husband or wife has been turned into a mutant that hardly recognized you. That would tear me in two.
                            Actually i figured it out, just after Teyla confided in Sam that he was also a 'gift' posessor. From what we have seen they can only link with WRAITH... so gift to gift users are a no go.

                            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                            Michael was simply gold, pure and simple gold. That character is probably the best villain on Atlantis. And his connection to Teyla and the baby... ooo! I can't wait to see where this goes.
                            That e was. heck he is replacing Ba'al as my fave baddie..

                            Originally posted by zodden View Post
                            So michael no longer has to feed.
                            That was a shocker when he showed his hands... Makes me wonder if in part 2 we will get our hands on that new retrovirus..

                            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                            I have long expected for the Wraith to somehow overcome their need to feed, so seeing that happen is interesting. It should open a lot of opportunities - for example, would someone like Todd willingly take this "cure"? Would the Atlantis expedition, if they got their hands on it, try to administer it, the way they did with the retrovirus?
                            I feel Todd would, but not the others... Me thinks too many simply LIKE feeding off humans.
                            As to us using it, i feel we have gotten a little better at NOT doing stuff that turns around and rebites us on the butt

                            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                            Also, am I the only one who was expecting Teyla to start singing at the beginning, when they were burning Kanaan?
                            All in all, good episode.
                            I too was especting her to sing..

                            Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                            My guess is Michael is somehow the father... in an obscene Wraith way.
                            that would be freaky!

                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I was surprised that the virus attacking the Pegasus Galaxy involved the Hoffan drug. It good to bring continuity into the story but when Keller said we had seen this virus before, my first thought was the retrovirus just because spoilers told me that Michael was involved. We all know that Michael was able to obtain and use the virus because of Beckett, but my question is why he would do such a thing and if force was a factor in the progress.
                            when they revealed that, it was a big shocker to me as well, but also made sense when you look at it.

                            Originally posted by suse View Post
                            Huh. I was wondering if the kid got an extra dose of wraith gene. As Teyla was *so* much stronger to fight the queen earlier - and win.
                            That might explain why she was able to battle the queen so well, the kid is stronger than teyla is.


                              Well, over at they've put up their promo vid which sheds a teensy bit more light on the Carson situation.
                              It was Arrested Development


                                SGA - SciFi Channel Updates for The Kindred, Part 1:

                                From the SciFi Channel's Stargate Atlantis site, updates for Feb 29, 2008:


                                "The Kindred, Part 1"


                                * Episode Synopsis

                                * Episode Photos

                                NEW Alex Levine Blog update for “The Kindred, Part 1:”


                                NEXT new episode: "The Kindred, Part 2:" And old friend’s unforeseen return spurs a race against time to rescue a missing teammate.

                                Special Guest Stars: Paul McGillion, Connor Trinneer

                                Trailer for "The Kindred, Part 2:"


                                NEW Quiz:



                                Feb. 23, 2008

                                Neither Wraith nor man, this perennial enemy of Atlantis just won't quit. Take the quiz and see how well you know Michael and all his nefarious schemes!

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