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'The Kindred, Part 1' (418) General Discussion

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    Not a bad episode. It seemed to jump from place to place pretty fast and seemed discontinuous. I can't wait for part 2. I hated how scifi last week gave Carson away. I thought of him the whole episode and I knew they were going to find them before he did so it ruined the surprise.

    Oh well. I'd like to see how they justify his existance.
    Geral Corasjo


      Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
      I really liked Lorne in this episode. The look on his face when they return after losing Teyla was very dramatic.
      That's actually one thing I found kind of amusing. For a moment, Lorne looked like a puppy who's just done something wrong.


        Why do I I feel that Teyla's child is similar to Adria? When Michael said that he has plans for the boy, than I remembered to the scene when Adria said the same to Daniel. And when Kanaan spoke about the child that he will serve their case than it was very similar to the birth scene with the Prior in 10x01.
        "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

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        "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


          Originally posted by 1138 View Post
          That's actually one thing I found kind of amusing. For a moment, Lorne looked like a puppy who's just done something wrong.
          I thought the exact same thing. It was like he was expecting Shep and Ronon to shoot him dead right there and then.
          Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


            Let me just say, Great episode, i thoroughly enjoyed it, of course it was largely a set up episode for part 2, but it really answered some questions while leaving some tantalizingly unaswered, and the Beckett reveal, magnificent!!! i noted the shock on the faces of Mckay and Shepherd when they first saw Beckett, they were truly floored!!!

            a few other things i liked about this episode:

            the team together again, albeit breifly.

            lots of gate travel and going offworld

            the use of Todd, he really is becoming an interesting character.

            same for Michael, his concept of wraithlike beings who don't need to feed but have all their other strenghts is truly terrifying.

            and last but not least the return of Carson Beckett, clone, replicator or whatever.

            can't wait for part 2!!


              'The Kindred' was good. Not as awesome as 2 previous eps. First half wasn't very exciting. Not boring, but ... Y'know.
              Second half was little spookier. Michael's appearence was one of a kind. The music and all worked for me.
              But I'd been more scared if hadn't known that he's coming back. Those moments make me hate/dislike GW's soiler-ish.(Is that a word?)
              Sorry, but this talk about ruling the world and having great plans for Teyla's baby, was a bit Ori-ish.
              Cute, Sam was getting friendly with Teyla. Not that she wasn't before, but that 'Call me Sam'-thing. Sometimes watching an ep I forget that she won't be there for S5.
              But when I remember I get really sad.
              Than this end, Carson... I knew he was gonna be there. Maybe I'd forgotten by airing time, but thanks to Sci Fi's promo... Again a moment I hate/dislike spoilers.
              Well, waiting for next week's ep.


                Why does every baby born on a sci-fi show have to be part of a grand design, usually involving the enemy? Poor Teyla can't have her baby in peace?

                Overused line of this show: "...there's only one way to find out." Are you certain there's just the one way? Take some time, don't rush in. Go on, I know you can do it!

                Not a bad ep. Not a great ep. Just somewhere in between.

                The Daedalus needs a stun weapon to disable enemy ships. Atlantis teams also need a device to prevent capture by a Wraith dart.

                Some nice visuals of the landed Wraith ship on the desert world, much less futzy than usual. And Carson's return still seems very odd to me. Sure I was annoyed when they killed him off, but bringing him back is like flogging a dead horse. A Shetland pony to be precise.


                  Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                  Cute, Sam was getting friendly with Teyla. Not that she wasn't before, but that 'Call me Sam'-thing. Sometimes watching an ep I forget that she won't be there for S5
                  She was not there in Season 4 either, so it's really not much of a loss.

                  Originally posted by Platschu View Post
                  Why do I I feel that Teyla's child is similar to Adria? When Michael said that he has plans for the boy, than I remembered to the scene when Adria said the same to Daniel. And when Kanaan spoke about the child that he will serve their case than it was very similar to the birth scene with the Prior in 10x01.
                  Don't forget the Harcesis child. If I'm not forgetting any, this will be the third child born in the Stargate franchise which is somehow important to the "grand designs" of the enemy.


                    A pretty good episode, although for the most part just set-up for Part 2 (and the rest of this little mini-arc).

                    The story was really well thought-out and put together. There was quite a lot of mystery. All the stuff that's been going on this year (and even last year) is finally getting a pay-off, and it should be quite the pay-off. If only they hadn't been so fast and loose with the spoilers...

                    Michael and Todd are both great. They're like life-sucking versions of Ba'al. Michael's a fantastic villain - he's not actually evil (anymore than any other Wraith), it's just that he's been screwed over so many times by everyone that he's not gonna take it any more! Todd is just brilliantly ambiguous. Working with the expedition, yet always with an ulterior motive, and another plan - what does he really want? If either of those two dies anytime soon (like, the next three years...) I will not be happy.

                    Other good points:
                    - Lorne's expression when he came back after Teyla got kidnapped - both dramatic, and kind of amusing...
                    - The Rodney/Teyla scene - both typical egomaniacal McKay, and the nicer Rodney that's started to come out over the last year or so

                    My one real problem was that there was a bit too much travelling between Atlantis and so many other planets. I thought it took away a lot of tension.

                    7/10 (but probably 8/10 had it not been so gorram spoiled)

                    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                    Todd... This episode was great for him. Once again, he plays the ally, but always with that ulterior motive that gives him milage for the seasons to come, and please, let those seasons be many!

                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Jelgate wonders why PG15 is talking in third person.
                    It's the flocking. PG does anything weird... it's the flocking...
                    Last edited by Naonak; 24 February 2008, 07:41 AM.


                      Great episode, Todd still rules. But I am curious as hell as to what happened to Michael. He's way more human than before. Was he experimenting on himself? Didn't he think human were unclean? Oh well, bring on next Friday!
                      Rush rocks.


                        Finally after much patience and mental preparation I watched The Kindred I... Here be my view:

                        The good:
                        * Michael's new look - I think I can positively say he's my favorite villain after Kolya
                        * Rodney giving his pre-baby present to Teyla - cute
                        * Rachel did good with what she was given
                        * the team walking in the field - I sincerely missed that

                        The bad:
                        * Teyla's Z-plot

                        * continuity:
                        a) oh btw, the Hoffans were destroyed by the Wraith
                        b) The Kindred continues the Missing story, 11 episodes too late
                        c) suddenly there's a disease we haven't heard about till now, even though they've been tracking it for a couple of months now

                        * connecting jewelry to people we've never heard or seen before, it's an empty element
                        * the forced "Call me Sam"-moment, oh please... give me a break
                        * the costume department needs to rethink their ways of dressing the characters, they don't look particularly flattering in all that leather, and Teyla doesn't look flattering at all... Rachel looks sexy as hell, even pregnant she is a beauty, but they could have gone with better maternity clothes than some of what is shown.

                        Edit: Oh, I forgot to add something to the bad here:
                        "Oh goddess, it's the Orici all over again!"

                        Overall, I'm glad I didn't anticipate too much, cause it fell flat... F-L-A-T, flat! Not even Carson's appearance phased me. I was bored. And I was thinking... Oh boy, how I'm looking forward to season 5. [insert serious sarcasm]

                        Oh, and as an afterthought... Heightmeyer wouldn't have misstood in this episode. I can easily write her in and make the plot better than the thin little attempt that was on screen.
                        Last edited by Falcon Horus; 24 February 2008, 08:32 AM.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by AutumnDream View Post
                          She was not there in Season 4 either, so it's really not much of a loss
                          Care to explain?


                            Originally posted by Dusk View Post
                            Some nice visuals of the landed Wraith ship on the desert world, much less futzy than usual. And Carson's return still seems very odd to me. Sure I was annoyed when they killed him off, but bringing him back is like flogging a dead horse. A Shetland pony to be precise.
                            I love the visuals of the hive ship. I was especially impressed by the way they have given it a moth-like (or chameleon-like) ability to blend with its surroundings for camoflage.

                            I think Carson is back to explain how Michael go the information he needed to formulate his attack. But mostly I think he is back because the fans, writers and producers like the character (and the actor who plays him). I'm not sure how it will work in this story-line, but at the moment IMO it seems to be a little contrived.
                            Sparrow hawk



                              My little Beckett is back! I've watched the ending now five times, haha!

                              He looks so cute in his weird ancient outfit. Loved the look Mckay has when he see's him. I would have had him drop his gun in shock! ANd then accidently shoot him or something, lol.

                              Can't wait for the second part!!! Hope the week goes swiftly!

                              I did say long time ago that I hope they don't make Teyla's baby into 'it's the future of the evil guys' as they do in every scifi - ugh - but oh well...

                              sigpicFreebie pics/gifs by sweetsamurai: (username: sweetsamurai - password: stargate200)


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                                Have to say this was the worst edited episode I have had the misfortune of watching, well besides The Tower which had one or two really bad cuts. You could see the bad editing a mile off, was the guy or gal in the booth suffering a hangover that day?
                                I didn't notice. This ep was really well done.
                                Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                                "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                                Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.

