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'Spoils of War' (412) General Discussion

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    I am glad to see so far, that the second half of the season is getting better than the first half. I can't wait to see else is instore for Atlantis.

    Really enjoyed this episode, explained how Wraiths are made. Now I am curious to see how the scientists, or non-drones, come from. Should be interesting to find out. Great to see that they are back against the wraith now.

    : Green is Good.
    sigpic I NEED MORE POWER!!!


      Just a couple comments for now...

      My fav scenes were the Shep and Teyla scenes in the locker room, and at the very end. Aw..... sorry, I love this kind of stuff.... oh, and Lorne and Teyla talking and we find out he's got a sister and nieces/nephews....

      and the whumper in me was squeeing when the Queen brought Shep to his knees and then threatend to lunch on Rodney.

      the Wraith ship slamming into the make-a-wraith factory was cool, although I'd guessed they were going to do that as soon as Shep said "I've got an idea."

      And now we can officially call the Common Ground wraith "Todd." And it seems that Todd still has a bit of self-preservation issues, as in he wants to get the hell out of Dodge before he gets blown up, but seeing as how Kolya's crew had him for who knows HOW long.... anyway, sorta glad he's not dead as he could make an interesting ally/enemy.


        Wow! That was fun! From the opening teaser to the sweet closing, it was interesting and intense.

        * now we know that if McKay had tried to get ZPMs in BAMSR, he would have failed
        * Todd (guess I have to call him that now since Shep has officially named him) had another plan all along. He's a tricky one. So glad to see him again and that he got away. I look forward to the next encounter.
        * I'm fascinated that Rodney is so much more willing to help/trust the Wraith than Sheppard
        * GREAT scene in the locker room - Teyla confronting Sheppard, Shep nodding to Lorne to clear the room, Ronon dragging nosy McKay out, John and Teyla arguing with John understanding exactly why she wants to be out there
        * What an overload of Wraith information. I think I learned more here than the past 3.5 seasons combined. The birthing scene was as icky as promised. And now I know why the guards have those masks on. Ewww. Clones! I was worried for a second there that Todd has rewritten replicator code to make new Wraith.
        * history lesson on war between Wraith and Ancients
        * nice scene in the mess hall when Sheppard has to ask Teyla for help - he didn't back down from his convictions but he did admit to being a little too vocal
        * cool effects - the cloning facility, the wires removing from the queen, the hive slamming into the building (ramming speed!), the guard emerging from the pod (and I should have seen the pod thing coming based on Vengeance)
        * Teyla's increased powers due to pregnancy. Those hormones....
        * wonderful scene with Lorne. What a great choice of a character to chat with Teyla
        * McKay's sense of direction comments. Again, good continuity.
        * nice concept of showing the conversation between Teyla and the Wraith queen
        * whumped by stunners and the Wraith queen. That just never gets old.
        * McKay: I never get picked first. Oh, Rodney. I love Ronon's protest and Sheppard's reaction.
        * Teyla's plea to John for help through the queen.
        * Teyla getting sassy with Todd when he wanted to leave as the other hive attacked
        * it's a boy!
        * great response from Teyla in the last scene. Thankfully she got some sense knocked into her before it was too late.
        * John's continued uncomfortableness with being hugged. Nice continuity. I wonder why though.
        Sig by Luciana
        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


          All the complaining last week about how Shep treated Teyla should be over and done after this episode.

          Ronan pulling Rodney out of the room was hilarious.
          || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


            todd's name is conon now yippie


              I agree not as good as last week, but a few "ah-ha"s questions answered, shepperd and teyla are good again which is nice and Rodney had lots of funny lines which makes the episode for me. And Todd, I wonder if he will ever be killed. Maybe he will kill himself or something to save them like Vala and Supergate thing


                Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                I agree not as good as last week, but a few "ah-ha"s questions answered, shepperd and teyla are good again which is nice and Rodney had lots of funny lines which makes the episode for me. And Todd, I wonder if he will ever be killed. Maybe he will kill himself or something to save them like Vala and Supergate thing
                I hope they don't kill off Todd. He's becoming one of my fav characters


                  Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                  All the complaining last week about how Shep treated Teyla should be over and done after this episode.

                  Ronan pulling Rodney out of the room was hilarious.
                  Yeah that was great. Also loved the look Ronon gave Mckay when Ronon activated the ship. What did Rodney say again to him?


                    Another very strong episode IMO. Not as fast-paced as last week's, but still, a very enjoyable hour. I learning to love "Todd" more and more every time I see him.
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem
                      ramming the hive ship into the outpost sweet!!!1

                      overall great epsidoe alot of Shep and teyla which is always nice
                      I loved that scene and then Mckay says "I think that did it"


                        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                        Yeah that was great. Also loved the look Ronon gave Mckay when Ronon activated the ship. What did Rodney say again to him?
                        lol I don't remember the exact lines but Ronan said something like "well maybe a little"
                        || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                          I loved that scene and then Mckay says "I think that did it"
                          they at least took out a good chuck of it


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            Jelgate's Two Cents
                            This was not as good as Be All My Sins Remembere'd but that does not mean that was not a good episode. We (the viewers) learn so much about the Wraith in this episode. Not only did we learn about how the Wraith reproduce, but we also learn how the Wraith had superior numbers. I am shocked that a good portion of the Wraith are actually clones. On the note of the Wraith's reproduction, I have to take a moment to gloat. I had theorized in another thread that the Wraith queen produces the Wraith offspring like a queen does in an ant colony.
                            I'm not sure a great deal of the Wraith are clones. I thought Todd said that the normal reproduction on the hives wasn't enough to keep up the demand for soldiers so they started this cloning facility. Do you think the queen in that chair is how they reproduce normally or just for the cloning? Because I'm not so sure that's how they normally reproduce


                              Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                              I agree not as good as last week, but a few "ah-ha"s questions answered, shepperd and teyla are good again which is nice and Rodney had lots of funny lines which makes the episode for me. And Todd, I wonder if he will ever be killed. Maybe he will kill himself or something to save them like Vala and Supergate thing
                              Personally, I hope Todd is around for some time to come. It's strange, but he's a very likable Wraith.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                                Personally, I hope Todd is around for some time to come. It's strange, but he's a very likable Wraith.
                                Most villains are likable... until they try to suck the life out of you with their awesome palm/mouth thing
                                || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!

