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'Quarantine' (413) General Discussion

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    Last edited by Jumper_One; 21 January 2008, 06:38 PM.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      Yes, thank you!! This puts it back in the humour catagory!


        Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
        I thought the scene with Carter taking her shirt off was funny because it was played low-key and because it was Radek. Had it been McKay? I would have been creeped out!
        I really think that any heterosexual male would have stared, even just for a mere millisecond, as men do have sex on the brain However, to have kept staring would be rude and worthy of a slap in face


          Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
          I thought the scene with Carter taking her shirt off was funny because it was played low-key and because it was Radek. Had it been McKay? I would have been creeped out!
          Actually, now that I rethink probably would have been hilarious had it been McKay because I can imagine Carter's response and McKay defending himself if caught!


            Really enjoyed it! An episode which had some great character development, some really funny moments and I loved the CGI Tower Climb sequence!

            10 out of 10!!!

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              wow iv just seen this episode i cant believe that ronan and keller have something going on
              but now i look back at it, its quite easy to see
              Leeds Rhinos - 1961, 1969, 1972, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2015 champions!
              Metal gear fan


                Originally posted by prion View Post
                I really think that any heterosexual male would have stared, even just for a mere millisecond, as men do have sex on the brain However, to have kept staring would be rude and worthy of a slap in face
                And women don't?J/K.
                Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  I really think that any heterosexual male would have stared, even just for a mere millisecond, as men do have sex on the brain However, to have kept staring would be rude and worthy of a slap in face
                  I'll be honest..I agree with you prion. I'd have looked but I wouldn't--
                  --Sorry don't know where that came from. Brain probably. Where was I? Oh yeah. I wouldn't have let my gaze last any longer than a millisecond and then would have averted my eyes...for fear of being slapped in the face. Gentleman you see.
                  Last edited by Alan; 22 January 2008, 03:54 PM.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                  K-9, CLASS and much more...


                    I've just seen this episode so am going to add my own comments.

                    1: I was beginning to like Keller a little until it came to her missing out on parties and a social life. I didn't mind the way this conversation started out.

                    DEX: When you first came here, I thought you were weak – that you didn't belong.

                    KELLER (shaking her head and looking away): It's the story of my life. (She pauses for a while

                    Yes, she's in her 20's but his comment would still have touched a sore spot because it wasn't all that long ago for her. Some kind of reply was fine here. If the scriptwriter had added one extra line for Ronon like - "What do you mean?" her telling him about her lack of social life and parties would have meant she was giving him the further details he'd asked for. I got the impression it was 'Let's give the viewers as much background information as we possibly can here' but the way it was done meant that it didn't come across as intended where a lot of people in these forums are concerned, including me.

                    2: Rodney and Katie - is their romance over forever? Not neccessarily because the path of true love never runs smoothly and you must have at least one major setback.

                    3: Katie and the cactus. Just the sort of humour to appeal to a British person like me who loved the Carry On movies and the Benny Hill show. Katie is the kind of girl who could do and say something like that without realising what kind of message she was sending.

                    4: Sam taking her jacket off in the lift. Perfectly timed, very low key and it was almost believable that something like that could happen in a confined space. Even though I'm a woman I didn't find it offensive because I loved the Carry On movies and the Benny Hill show.

                    5: Teyla climbing out on the ledge. Teyla is 'action woman' and she's been having great difficulty with Sheppard's decision to take her off active duty. The way I see it, she didn't want to stay behind doing nothing but had to accept there was no way she could climb the tower now that she's carrying a big bump around.

                    3 and 4 made me think of Larrin again. I can see what they're trying to do with the character but why did they have to do it when she and Sheppard were being menaced by Wraith? I think it's the times and places that are wrong for me where she's concerned because the gloriously outrageous Vala is one of my favourite Stargate universe characters.


                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      I really think that any heterosexual male would have stared, even just for a mere millisecond, as men do have sex on the brain However, to have kept staring would be rude and worthy of a slap in face
                      I definitely would've stared

                      Originally posted by Alan View Post
                      I'll be honest..I agree with you prion. I'd have looked but I wouldn't--
                      --Sorry don't where that came from. Brain probably. Where was I? Oh yeah. I wouldn't have let my gaze last any longer than a millisecond and then would have averted my eyes...for fear of being slapped in the face. Gentleman you see.
                      brilliant post
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                        I've just seen this episode so am going to add my own comments.

                        1: I was beginning to like Keller a little until it came to her missing out on parties and a social life. I didn't mind the way this conversation started out.

                        DEX: When you first came here, I thought you were weak – that you didn't belong.

                        KELLER (shaking her head and looking away): It's the story of my life. (She pauses for a while

                        Yes, she's in her 20's but his comment would still have touched a sore spot because it wasn't all that long ago for her. Some kind of reply was fine here. If the scriptwriter had added one extra line for Ronon like - "What do you mean?" her telling him about her lack of social life and parties would have meant she was giving him the further details he'd asked for. I got the impression it was 'Let's give the viewers as much background information as we possibly can here' but the way it was done meant that it didn't come across as intended where a lot of people in these forums are concerned, including me.
                        I understood what they intended in that scene and it came across nicely I think. I already liked Keller but her personality really shined here. She really proved her skills as CMO IMO. She was stuck in a room with Ronon when a whole city needed her help.(No way she could have known otherwise.)

                        2: Rodney and Katie - is their romance over forever? Not neccessarily because the path of true love never runs smoothly and you must have at least one major setback.
                        I think JM confirmed it is.

                        3: Katie and the cactus. Just the sort of humour to appeal to a British person like me who loved the Carry On movies and the Benny Hill show. Katie is the kind of girl who could do and say something like that without realising what kind of message she was sending.
                        I'm not British but I got it immediatly. I love British humor.

                        4: Sam taking her jacket off in the lift. Perfectly timed, very low key and it was almost believable that something like that could happen in a confined space. Even though I'm a woman I didn't find it offensive because I loved the Carry On movies and the Benny Hill show.
                        Agreed. It was very realistic IMO and even I would have glanced.

                        5: Teyla climbing out on the ledge. Teyla is 'action woman' and she's been having great difficulty with Sheppard's decision to take her off active duty. The way I see it, she didn't want to stay behind doing nothing but had to accept there was no way she could climb the tower now that she's carrying a big bump around.
                        Thank you! I've been trying to say that for days.
                        Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                        "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                        Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                          For a bottle show,with far more emphasis on pairings ,and less on the Asuran Replicators and Wraith ,this was fairly good IMO,but let down by quite a few "WTH ?" moments.

                          John and Rodney : Good friendship scenes.Often the strength of this show.
                          I had to smile at the exchange :
                          *RM* "Can you keep a secret ?"
                          *JS* "No !".
                          *RM carries on showing John the ring and chats on*

                          John and Teyla: Good to see them more relaxed together,and more ease between them .I don't ship these two (I don't ship for anyone on the shows),but I liked the way he felt protective towards T and her unborn son.
                          John did the heroic tower climb. Good CGI there ,and it worked ,despite the handiness of the ledges.
                          (*Note to possible invaders* Climb up a tower and break a window for easy access. )
                          Teyla temporarily must have lost her mind by climbing out of the shattered window .Tbh,I was yelling at the screen for her to get back inside *now*.
                          I see no need for that little scene.I think every viewer "got" that the tower is high !

                          Sam and Radek : They were very good together.He managed to get hurt,a bit flustered and yet saved the day .She was more the old Sam Carter in this ep,not the restrained "leader" she's been thus far.
                          Yay for Radek ..though I felt it was a little Lee or Felger-like the way he fried himself,the crystal and the tablet.Despite that ,he did well...and I don't mind a little Zelenka-Whump !
                          I loved the pigeon moments .Nice comedic touches from AT and DN.I barely noticed RZ's reaction to Carter taking her jacket off,till I rewatched that scene.Nice recovery ,Radek.

                          Rodney and Katie:
                          I don't like Katie usually.I find her bland at best ,but by the end of this ep I thought she deserved more sympathy from me than derision ,simply for not doing horrid nasty things to Rodney with the cactus plant.
                          She kept her dignity and patience ,whereas I for one would have gone nuts at his defeatist attitude .
                          I saw her asking Rodney to cheer her up, as an effort to get him to see past his own misery,and lighten up and trust that other people would and could save the City for once.No chance.
                          Rodney's character seems to be on a perpetual see-saw ,but at least he seems to have come to realise he isn't ready to settle with Katie .
                          He needs a stronger type of woman than KB,and she needs a more relaxed partner than he can be .'Nuff said.

                          Ronon and Jennifer Keller :
                          Much as I like Ronon ,he seemed to have hurt his brain in sparring ,rather than his arm in this ep.
                          He and Keller are to me a match made in Hell .
                          He lost everyone and everything he had ,was on the run from the Wraith for years till he came to Atlantis,and yet she was there to offer a pity party of her own as soon as they started story swaps.
                          I liked Keller in Adrift ,and though I got rattled by her attitude in "Missing" ,I'd hoped she would be written as stronger and wiser by now .
                          Please let her improve .Soon.
                          I wasn't hugely into Carson,but he was/is a far better character than someone who appears to be ( so far ) Doogie Howser MD's emo cousin.

                          I loved Jewel Staite in Firefly ,and mean her no disrespect at all with what I've typed here.She's a fine actress .I just have a problem with Keller !
                          I'd have preferred her to develop "character" by just doing her job ,not by chasing big strong Ronon.

                          Normally I have more good than bad things to say about the episodes.

                          Better luck next week ,I hope !
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:



                            1. "Never underestimate the ego of that man". I liked.

                            2. John Sheppard you are a nutcase! What was Teyla up to? Giving herself a reality check was my best guess!

                            3. Well I started laughing at Rodney blundering with Katie, then I realised that I'd probably make similar blunders.

                            4. Ronan and Keller - very out the box but just about plausible. I think both of them feel that "they don't belong anywhere" in different ways.

                            Meh, S4's cackfest? Not sure but it was certainly sludgy!
                            I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                              Forgot to put this in my other post.

                              I was very amused by these two lines.

                              DEX: Actually, I slipped in the shower.

                              ZELENKA: Oh, oh, and plumbing too! Oh dear!

                              At long last TPTB have answered a question which has often been asked in these forums. Yes, there are bathrooms on Atlantis.


                                Rodney blew it! Kate look so sad at the end. Could this be end for both of them.....The way she said good-bye to him.

                                Can anyone tell me why itunes do not have episode 13 to their download list. Amazon has available for their customers. Is there a way to contact them?

