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'Missing' (407) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by dannster View Post
    Well, I must say that I don't usually like these kind of episodes (I call them "season fillers"), but this one was an exception!

    I loved the interaction with them both, the mystery about the injured guy, where Teyla's people may be. It was good entertainment!

    The downsides were that Dr. was wayyyy too winy, doing the whole "I'm so scared" routine and Teyla's acting wasn't the best!!

    My only regret is reading spoilers to know what's going to be next with what the Dr tells Teyla! Damn!!! And I bet they won't mention it in the next know, drag it out til near the end of the season and then just slip it in with hardly any reference to it!

    If your talking about Teylas story arc this season, then you wont have to wait long. They do talk about it in next weeks episode and hopefully we'll get a little more info.

    As for the episode it was great, maybe not the best but all in all I enjoyed it, although I was expecting more from Teyla than her just being an amazon again, but there are still more episodes to be watched so im hopeing!


      Not too bad.

      Teyla did seem surprisingly hard and angry, but that actually makes quite a lot of sense for a people who have been living under the constant threat of the wraith. In a situation like the one portrayed in this episode she should be a little more verocious, so to speak, than your typical earthling.

      About Keller being a wimp. Why is it that, when for the first time there is a character in Atlantis that has an actual clearly identifyable weakness, people don't like it? You'd think it would feel fresh. I mean Ronan's gruffness and McKay's neuroticism have never really been weaknesses and Carter, at the other end of this (limited) spectrum is damn near perfect -- which can get a little boring at times.

      So far this season appears to be a little more edgier than the previous ones. The fights are harder, the clothes are darker, the people less perfect -- like Keller being a wimp and Shephard and Carter who, from what I understand, are going to but heads which is a nice development. Overall, I like this season, and this episode, although not the best, fits in nicely.


        I don't think SGA needs to be all about Shep and McKay, they do just as well in team centered eps as they do in character centered eps. And I love Rodney/Shep banter. So I disagree with you here.
        I think, you got me wrong, there. I do love Shep/McKay eps, true (I even think, they are the best), but I also love their banter and I also love team centered eps (as long as there's a bit McKay-Sheppard friendship stuff in it, too). AND I'm also not averse to character-centric eps as long as there is lots of team in there, too, and as long as the others are not neglected.
        But this ep was neither of the above. McKay and Shep and also Ronon had so little time in this ep (that was like what? 4 minutes tops?) and there were like two scenes of Shep and McKay together - that was way too little!
        That's, in my opinion, what made the ep so boring (for me). It was only ever Teyla and Keller. (Add to that, like someone already mentioned, that you could forsee the entire story arc.)

        I guess I was also really disappointed because so far, for me, there have been really great eps in this season, especially Doppelganger and Adrift and also the third season had lots and lots of great eps - and now something like that.
        Well, me, I hope that next week's ep will be better (well, that shouldn't be much of a challenge) and then I can forget about this ep alltogether and never have to watch it again.


          It's somehow good to see Teyla be prepared for situations like these. Vengeful -- who needs Ray Mears when you got her, LOL The Genii-poser survivor was really really annoying, Keller shouldn't have saved him and Teyla should have killed him where he laid. I would have got a sharp branch and stabbed through his abdomen to ensure he's pinned down permanently. When it comes to food, I wouldn't have minded eating whatever crawls up the ground, it's all protein, as long as it's washed first, LOL

          Generally, it's an alright episode -- Ronan asking stupid questions to things he obviously have no idea what it is about, is starting to rub me the wrong way. He did it in the previous episode, he should be more like Teyla or Teal'c, unsure what is said or how to reply, raise an eyebrow! Look puzzled! But for heaven's sake, don't ask stupid questions! RAWR!

          I did enjoy the scene featuring Teyla fighting off several men, reminded me a lot of Xena: Warrior Princess. 'You go GIRRRRLLLLL!' also Keller stepping up the courage to fire the pistol, very good. It's a pity that they didn't find the Athosian people. The ending scene was beautiful, this episode I would catergorise as a chick-ep and oohh - first hint of Teyla being pregnant!

          8/10 I reckon.


            Originally posted by Kribby View Post
            Yeah-- her booty was well kicked in this episode...
            The Athosian lover plot jump is... well, a jump. It is logical, but forced.

            I think Sheppard and Co. tracked Teyla's radio signal to the packs... and found the packs and that sort of explains how they ended up kicking the bad guy's butts... because they tracked the signal to the camp.

            Remember how in Season 9? Season 10? of SGA how SG1 had epidermis tracking implants? It would be a good connection for the SGA expedition members to have similar implants.

            I gotta say... not missing Carter (even though I am a fan).
            The Atlantis team as them as well, that is how they found Sheppard in "Common Ground", but they don't get used as often in Atlantis as they do in SG-1.



              This gets a "C-" from me. Teyla was a bit too harsh. For 3 years we've seen her back away from fights and always try the reasoning approach, but now she slaughters everyone in sight. When she killed those first 3 dudes, why didn't she try asking them where the Athosians had gone? Its fun to see Teyla kick butt, but it was a teeny bit too out of character for my taste.

              Keller. Sigh. I wanted Teyla to slap her, just once. This little girl came to an off world base and knew she would have to face aliens, strange situations, etc., so why did she act like a 5 year old on Halloween? They were trying to hide but she kept whining, crying, yelling for Teyla, screaming. Sheesh, I so wanted Teyla to just toss her off that bridge! That's how annoying Keller has become to me.

              The ending completely sucked. Once again, Sheppard has to rescue Teyla (and the wuss doctor). I thought for SURE Teyla would find her own way out of this situation, in fact the writers should have had Sheppard get captured and Teyla have to rescue HIM!

              Thumbs down on this turkey.


                Sadly, the only redeeming part for me was the fact that Keller's from Chippewa Falls. Rock on, home of Leinenkugel's!
                Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

                Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

                EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



                  I am not sure....the episode started to be interesting somewhere in the middle and it seemed too long to me.
                  I never liked Teyla. I didn´t like her even as a person and her presence was most of the time pointless and her character useless.

                  Why didn´t they mention Athosians before in this season? They moved to New Athos in 3x11 so why now?
                  And she has a boyfriend? All of sudden? They could have at least mentioned him before.

                  Good points for their attempt to make a female episode. I liked Carson but Keller´s attitude was more believeable than Carson´s P-90 actions in later episodes. I like Jewel and I like her Keller, too. So I have, finally, some favorite female character in SGA. With Teyla and Carter around, it was really hard.

                  But, Teyla needed some development. It was sudden and little rushed but at least they did something and now it could be a bit better.
                  And I have to admire Rachel that she was able to make those fight scenes in her state. On the other side, this fight scenes were usually scenes I never liked.

                  I love McKay and I love McKay/Sheppard banting (when is it well done) and I missed it here a little. But their scenes, including Ronon, were great. Three boys, teasing each other, it was nice

                  I don´t know, average, I think. One point up for absence of Carter. And one point for warriors with lollipops

                  "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                    Originally posted by JackHarkness_Hot View Post
                    I did enjoy the scene featuring Teyla fighting off several men, reminded me a lot of Xena: Warrior Princess.
                    Only difference is that Xena would have beat the dozen or so Bolo Kai that converged on them and Garbrielle.. err Keller would have been safe.

                    I must admit I liked Teyla's buckskins, or whatever the brown leather outfit she was wearing would be called.
                    Last edited by Sweetsong; 10 November 2007, 08:00 AM.


                      just watched this episode and it's actually really nice (not that I expected something bad). sure we don't get to see much of Shep, Rodney or Ronon (no Sam) since it's a Teyla/Keller ep but that's okay as this is really more of a character development ep for both of them imo. especially Keller has her moments and after watching it I kinda find it easier to accept her as the new CMO in Atlantis. plus I think it's nice of her to mention Beckett

                      as for the ep itself I liked the hide and seek style. though I didn't really buy how Keller hurt her ankle but it didn't bother me. as somebody else said the new 'villains' are most likely a LOTR rip off but wth. I also liked the twist with the guy Keller saved. something wasn't right about his story anyway so I was expecting something to happen. did Keller have some basic training in shooting stuff or how could she suddenly exactly hit the guy's leg? of course in the end Shep and the others save the day but that was to be expected. oh and the talk in the PJ, classic Rodney: 'yeah well arrows can hurt too.' lol

                      overall a very nice episode, looking forward to next week!
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        This was the first episode of the season that was exciting and you were suprised by just about everything.
                        Like the wraith worshiper and the cannibals.

                        And the leader of the moliki (spelling?) who was he I know he has been in alot of shows but whats his name?

                        I also hope they bring them back, that would be great.

                        Oh and I have a theory on how the wraith figured out where the Ashothians were. The Ancients sent them there and the Asurans would have probed thier minds and found out where they sent them.
                        Then the wraith captured that asuran so they might have been able to go through their commucation data like the Asgard did with thw MW reps.
                        IDK just a thought.


                          NOT ARROWS!!!!!!!
                          Loved teh eppy

                          Teyla was hard, but not too hard considering her ppl were all dead. When they were in the cage i kept waiting for her to taunt the guards about how they were about to die.

                          Lol wisconsin

                          Learned abit about Teyla, theyd been hinting romance stuff for her for awhile

                          I was glad to see the athosians written off as a plot, its something ive started thread on b4. Angry violent teyla is hot! Anger is the first reaction to loss. Makes sense a fiter would go hack some cavemen to deth.

                          And really for keller... how many nerds do you know that could kill a man? Or even shoot a man, nerds r p^ssies, thats why they build huge brain, so they dont have to fite.

                          Nice rope bridge!

                          Hay its that mexican guy from machete and devils rejects!

                          Cannibals in a galaxy of super advanced spiderppl cannibals, makes sense.

                          Teylas coat is HAWT! /purr


                            I didn't like this episode. Too much Teyla and Keller in one episode.
                            Keller reminded me of McKay with all that whining, in a good way. Made me giggle.

                            Teyla seemed waaaaaay to cold and brutal. She's not like that in other episodes and that's the part that I disliked the most.
                            There were some fighting scenes there which made it interesting and the plot was ok, too, I guess. But, I don't know, there was just something missing.... IMHO
                            "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                              I didn't like this episode. Too much Teyla and Keller in one episode.
                              Keller reminded me of McKay with all that whining, in a good way. Made me giggle.

                              Teyla seemed waaaaaay to cold and brutal. She's not like that in other episodes and that's the part that I disliked the most.
                              There were some fighting scenes there which made it interesting and the plot was ok, too, I guess. But, I don't know, there was just something missing.... IMHO
                              Not trying to infringe on your own thoughts but how did you want Teyla to act? She was the leader of her people,responsible for thier safety, and they were taken by the wraith.

                              She was mad at herself and the Wraith.

                              Was she supposed to be happy and excited while her people were taken by life-suckers?

                              IDK just throwing it out there.


                                After watching people debate Stargate for the past year, I am finally ready to voice my opinion and get involved with the arguements. My personal opinion about Missing was mediocre. It coul have been better and it could have been worse.?* Even though it wasn't the greatest it showed character development for Keller and Teyla. Look forward to posting ?*?*?*?*?*?*?* -jelgate
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

