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'Missing' (407) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by PegasusGalaxy View Post
    Hi, I haven't seen the show yet because I was reading here first to see if I wanted to see it. Anyway, I had a question from the posts I've been reading. It's been mentioned in a few that Teyla got whumped pretty well. If that's true and
    she's pregnant, wouldn't it cause a miscarriage?
    Not necessarily. There's a variety of factors, one of them being how far along she is.

    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


      Originally posted by PegasusGalaxy View Post
      Hi, I haven't seen the show yet because I was reading here first to see if I wanted to see it. Anyway, I had a question from the posts I've been reading. It's been mentioned in a few that Teyla got whumped pretty well. If that's true and
      she's pregnant, wouldn't it cause a miscarriage?
      To answer your question

      babies are surprisingly resilient. think about all the women who take a fall and carry a healthy pg w/o any problem.
      sig made by me


        Originally posted by PegasusGalaxy View Post
        Hi, I haven't seen the show yet because I was reading here first to see if I wanted to see it. Anyway, I had a question from the posts I've been reading. It's been mentioned in a few that Teyla got whumped pretty well. If that's true and
        she's pregnant, wouldn't it cause a miscarriage?
        That's what I would have thought. As a matter of fact, she did get whumped pretty badly. That punch to the face by the Bola Kai literally knocked her off her knees onto her back. The tripping on to her stomach she recieved twice. She got hit on the back by the arm of an ax and a polearm and knocked unconcious?! She'd have miscarried no doubt about it. The problem is not the baby at times, but how much shock the mother's body goes through. And Teyla's body went through some serious shock. I think this is where
        Rachel Luttrell's comments on Teyla's wraith abilities coming into play. It might give her an extra immunity against miscarriages. Although, with the polearm and ax arm to the back, I don't know how that kid survived. Ah well!!! whatever!! I don't think the kid is the point. Plus, if JM didn't spoil us we would never have known that this involved a kid. We'd speculate but know nothing. For that alone, I'm peeved I spoiled myself.
        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
          She could have fought with a gun for all I cared.

          The episode was more about character relationship and maturity and the will to survive.

          A doctor who never had to really fight for her life, who was never afraid once is suddenly placed in hostile territory and told to fight for her life. She's struggling to survive in a world she knows nothing of and the need to adapt. She went across the bridge, she learned that in survival, only trust those you know, and know well, and that the lives of others are second to your own.

          She was forced from that happy faced doctor to a woman sobered by the reality of the harsh conditions some of the human worlds have in Pegasus.

          This was not only a Teyla episode, this was a Keller episode.
          I get what you're saying. In that way, it can be interesting. It just didn't move me much. There are enough reality shows devoted to this very subject. The writers even poked fun of themselves with the Survivor crack. They knew they weren't offering something that original. And pairing a "strong" woman with a "weak" woman and watching them support/learn from each other has been done too.

          I don't know. I liked Keller and Teyla, but maybe my expectations were too high. I was expecting something else. Oh well. To each their own.

          I've enjoyed S4 so far. Maybe next week will be better for me.


            Originally posted by tombraider View Post
            I liked this episode. It was not fantastic, but much better than Travelers.
            - There was some character background and development for both Teyla and Keller. By the end doctor became less whimpy and Teyla more human (not that she was not before, but the relationship and the consequences of it are something very new to her character)
            - Like some people before in this thread I did find revelation about Teyla's "boyfriend" a bit forced, but I am willing to suspend my disbelief here. The real pregnancy had to be explained and Teyal is not kind of person who would be blabbing about close friendship all the time. I think she did mention some attraction to ill-fated woman in Sunday episode, only I thought she was talking about someone from Atlantis. Hey, at least we know she is human.
            - Suspense was great. We all know it is going to get wrapped up in the end, but the question is always as how. Sure Shep and Ronon with P-90 were not the least obvious solution, but the mysterys of Athosian disappearance and the identity of the suspected Wraith worshipper remain to be solved. I like the arc here, it sounds promising and provides nice change from Asurans/Travelers/survival themes this season.
            - Good cameo from Danny Trejo. I did not immediately recognize him under all this face paint.
            - Favorite quote is form McKay: Arrows can be painful!
            Overall I would rate this episode after Tabula Rasa, Lifeline and Adrift, but higher than Travelers, Doppelganger and Reunion.
            That was Danny Trejo? I thought he looked familiar, I guess I just wasn't expecting Machete himself to show up on Atlantis. Awesome!
            Rush rocks.


              Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
              Not necessarily. There's a variety of factors, one of them being how far along she is.
              She looks in her first trimester, prime time for baby loss.
              Click statement above to read article.


                Originally posted by PegasusGalaxy View Post
                Hi, I haven't seen the show yet because I was reading here first to see if I wanted to see it. Anyway, I had a question from the posts I've been reading. It's been mentioned in a few that Teyla got whumped pretty well. If that's true and
                she's pregnant, wouldn't it cause a miscarriage?
                Maybe, maybe not. There was a recent amazing story about a female skydiver who survived the fall when her parachute didn't open. What makes it even more amazing was that
                she was unknowingly pregnant at the time, and the child made it to term and was perfectly healthy.


                  Originally posted by mi4si View Post
                  lol @ the warrior with the lollipop in his mouth
                  Yeah, that was funny.


                    Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                    She looks in her first trimester, prime time for baby loss.
                    Depends really. The child is still very small. There's also the possibility that she was expecting twins and one of the children miscarried.

                    Prime time for baby loss is last trimester. Fall down stairs or kick or punch to stomach...

                    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                      I saw that and was wondering what that was?

                      Yes, the doctor is a wimp but not funny like McKay. I love wimpy Mckay.

                      I did like Teyla alot in this one. Overall I really liked the episode.
                      Yeah... I am also a big fan of Teyla (especially in this episode).

                      Good stuff.


                        Originally posted by mi4si View Post
                        the doctor is a wimp, and I suppose it was a matter of time before they wrote out the Athosians

                        Rodney is also a wimp, though not as bad a one as he was in S1. And this is Keller's first year on Atlantis. Zelenka unpluggled his computer in one of the season finales (in a battle situation!) before he was told to leave. Hardly brave.

                        I suppose it was a matter of time before they wrote out the Athosians
                        The Athosians were hardly ever on anyway. At least they now serve a storyline purpose for Teyla. Good motivation.

                        So it looks like (as it wasn't officially announced on the show I'll spoiler it)
                        Teyla is going to have a normal kid. Good. TPTB didn't go the horrendous Adria route.

                        I missed the first half of the ep because I was driving home from work. I'll watch it later. The second half was wonderful. Bet the Teyla whumpers loved it.

                        Keller hasn't been trained in battle situations. And she's not military. I thought what she said and did was pretty plucky in the end. She has more hidden reserves than she thinks. It's nice we got a bit of background on Keller.

                        Teyla... I'm looking forward to her storyline. This is sooo much darker than we've ever seen her. It was almost OoC how different she was.. Though she's very protective of her people. And her lover was missing - which would make anyone cranky. In any case I'm looking forward to seeing Rachel a lot more this season.

                        I also liked the nods to earlier episodes, specifically the one where Rodney gets shot on the mitka with an arrow. Both Ronon and Rodney got good lines from that one. Rodney:"Not arrows!" and he shoots at the primitive people...

                        I've really enjoyed the last two episodes. I hope this mean s that (imo) tptb have hit there stride for this style of SGA.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by Sweetsong View Post
                          Teyla got beat like a red headed step child in this one. I particularly remember the mean kick the lead Bola Kai gave her after she accused them of being wraith worshippers.

                          I find this new found lover Athosian they cooked up to explain Teyla's pregnancy kind of forced. I would have been fine with someone from Atlantis being a daddy.

                          Also, why didn't Sheppard and Co. just track Teyla's radio signal when they were trying to figure out how to locate them? Teyla and Kellar were still in the cage when the Bola Kai reported they had seen the jumper come through the gate, and her radio was not far off.

                          Overall this was a really awesome episode, there was alot going on but it worked. The carter haters will be happy that this one was Carter free as well.
                          Yeah-- her booty was well kicked in this episode...
                          The Athosian lover plot jump is... well, a jump. It is logical, but forced.

                          I think Sheppard and Co. tracked Teyla's radio signal to the packs... and found the packs and that sort of explains how they ended up kicking the bad guy's butts... because they tracked the signal to the camp.

                          Remember how in Season 9? Season 10? of SGA how SG1 had epidermis tracking implants? It would be a good connection for the SGA expedition members to have similar implants.

                          I gotta say... not missing Carter (even though I am a fan).


                            Originally posted by Xicer View Post
                            Fine episode, though I think Keller stole the show. I thought this episode was gonna be heavily centered around both Keller and Teyla, though Teyla didn't really do anything different from what she usually does IMO, and not a lot of development on her part (until the very very end of course). Lots of good Keller moments, but she got a tad annoying at first when she was acting all whimpy, which is unual because I like Jewel Staite. Anyway, it was a good episode, not perfect but good.
                            yeah, she was wimpy-- but DID you see that bridge??? WTheck? It's like a string!!!! A string!!!!


                              Originally posted by Kribby View Post
                              Yeah-- her booty was well kicked in this episode...
                              The Athosian lover plot jump is... well, a jump. It is logical, but forced.

                              I think Sheppard and Co. tracked Teyla's radio signal to the packs... and found the packs and that sort of explains how they ended up kicking the bad guy's butts... because they tracked the signal to the camp.

                              Remember how in Season 9? Season 10? of SGA how SG1 had epidermis tracking implants? It would be a good connection for the SGA expedition members to have similar implants.

                              I gotta say... not missing Carter (even though I am a fan).
                              I'm surprised they didn't. The way Caldwell and the rest get beamed out of Atlantis all the time.

                              The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                                Originally posted by Kribby View Post
                                yeah, she was wimpy-- but DID you see that bridge??? WTheck? It's like a string!!!! A string!!!!
                                Who are we to criticize Athosian architecture? There's a practical use for it. To teach balance.

                                The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.

