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    I know I'm late, but...

    Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
    I knew the fake genii was bad news the moment I saw him. They would have been right to let him die. After all, why would the Genii be spying on the Athosians?
    I thought that was good continuity actually. Remember Ladon's short scene near the end of Return Part 1? He was interested in an alliance, so this would be a kind of follow-through thing to Teyla's mind.

    And why did that guy look like he had just died or was gravely ill.
    He just lost a lot of blood from that wound on his abdomen, remember?

    Oh, and I forgot to add this to my review: the music was awesome in this episode. A great, "beaty" sound that I haven't heard that much in Atlantis.

    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
    Does anyone remember Rising when John & Co. meets Teyla for the first time? Remember the guy that was with her? The look they exchanged? Is that the guy? Or did he end of Wraith fodder at the end of that, because we never did see him again later on.
    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
    You both are correct AGF & R_P. That kinda continuity is just too much to ask for.
    Actually, bringing him back would be breaking continuity since he was fed upon and killed before Colonel Sumner was summoned to face the Keeper. Who do you think was that skeleton sitting in front of the table of "food"?

    Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
    I was thinking that Kanan was the Athosian guy she was sparring with in The Siege.
    That guy was played by James "BamBam" Bamford, who probably doesn't have time to act in a major part like this since he's the stunt coordinator for the show. So it's not him.


      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
      You definitely need to read my past posts...mentioned aspects of that in my previous posts.
      ?*I'm sorry. I didn't know you had already made that comparsion. I was watching The Defiant One the other night on my DVD player
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Really? I thought it was a let up.

        Oh well, to each his/her own.


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          That guy was played by James "BamBam" Bamford, who probably doesn't have time to act in a major part like this since he's the stunt coordinator for the show. So it's not him.
          Just on a side note, "BamBam" was the Bola Kai we saw Teyla run after and killed with the stick to the throat. I thought it was cool how they did that.

          On another any event it's pretty easily estimated that that guy probably died in The Siege II. When we saw Teyla separated from her team which was made up of armed Athosians, which we could easily assume included that guy. All of them were laying dead while Teyla was missing. Sure there's a chance he's alive..but I'm estimating that , that paticular guy is dead.

          Further more they've chosen someone from the film 300, who I wish is Michael Fassbender because then I can live vicariously through Teyla since I'm in lust for this man like no other!!! ~sigh~ What I would do...I need a break from thinking about to listen to some Ji Hoon, he's my more attenable honey!!
          Click statement above to read article.


            Disagree. There's been a lot of crap this season, but this was a marked improvement.
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              Really? I thought it was a let up.
              Hah, reminds me of the classic "Things will not calm down Daniel Jackson, they will in fact calm up." Teal'c quote.

              I personally thought that this episode was great. Some good character development for one untapped character and one new character, introduction of some new Pegasus lore (Bola Kai), bits of action and a bit of intrigue.

              Probably the best episode alongside Adrift imo.


                fantastic ep i have been looking foward to it since the season started
                [[[[[Dr Keller]][[For Ever]]]]]


                  Originally posted by Why Carson? Why? View Post
                  True i do agree with that it was probably kellar that did it. But the best this season... Reunion, Doppelganer, Travelers even Tabula Rasa, they were all better than this one I suppose im more into the McKay saves the day while Sheppard and Ronon fight the bad guys.
                  I thought it was a fantastic episode but I can understand you being disappointed with the lack of Carson. I think he was a much more believable CMO...

                  I'm not into Rodney or Shep saving the day all the time.. I do like when the others get their chance. And this is one of my fav eps so far.


                    Originally posted by Why Carson? Why? View Post
                    Now I for one have been hanging for the next ep of Atlantis but this one... this one i would really have to say is my least favourite of the 4 seasons so far, I mean this has happened how many times they go visit teyla's people, BUT WAIT this time the wraith take them... NO WAIT the bolkai did... NO WAIT a Genai rogue did NO WAIT a wraith worshiper did.If you liked the episode then thats your prerogative but me was just one hell of a let down.
                    It wasn't the greatest episoed of the season but it wasn't worst. I think I would rank it 3rd so far. You essentially have Teyla fighting hunters who have no morals that they resort to eating humans. It was interesting to see how Teyla, and to a lesser extent Keller were able to thrawt the Bola Kai until reforciments. Its mystery, we aren't suppose to know who took Athosians. Here's hopeing we find out next but as PG15 said we will probably have to wait a few episodes to find the answeres
                    Last edited by jelgate; 11 November 2007, 06:43 AM. Reason: Because I can
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      I liked this episode. Great Teyla fight, kicking some Bola Kai ass.

                      I want Dr Beckett brought back, but Keller is doing a good job - it could have been a lot worse. She is loveable.

                      I really missed Sheppard in this episode, but it was cute how the team came to help save them! Wish I had a Sheppard and Ronan by my side. (Not that I get attacked by weird men).

                      I have a feeling that the Atlantis team will seek the Bola Kai help in the last episode of Season 4, to help fight aganst the Wraith - just like they did in Farscape.

                      There were some stupid things in this episode. Like, why did intuative Telya not think why it was bizarre, how the only person left was a Genei Spy? Co-incidence? Blah - I wouldn't believe his words.

                      And when Keller needed to cross the bridge - she shouts Telya's name across the whole forest. HELLO? You are trying to hide from savage men!!! lol.

                      Ah, first I have to deal with Ford, then the pointless death of Beckett, then Weir and NOW, I have to suffer the loss of JINTO!!

                      Weir: 'WHO is this?'
                      Jinto: 'I am Jinto.'

                      SAVE JINTO!
                      sigpicFreebie pics/gifs by sweetsamurai: (username: sweetsamurai - password: stargate200)


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        I'll be blunt. Out of every episode in the first half of the season, I looked forward to this one the least. I mean, all I knew was that it was about 2 people who are not my favorite characters (but I didn't dislike them either) who are trudging through the forest for the majority of the episode, fighting cliched barbarian. How boring.
                        I felt the same way, while I love character eps, this one was one I was least looking forward to.

                        And yet...I don't know what kind magical juices they're feeding the cast and crew at Bridges, but they managed to turn this flat concept into an awesome episode. Ha, you thought I was gonna bash this episode, didn't you? Hehehe.
                        I agree, I really enjoyed it, it felt different and seemed to be more cultural than the sciencey (my new word, please credit me if you use it from this point on) stuff we normally get.

                        Let's get started then, with that movie quality I just mentioned. The two scenes that really exemplified this were 1). the rope bridge scene and 2). the night time scene at the Blind. First, that rope bridge was just ridiculously well done in terms of craftsmanship, so a big 2-thumbs-up to the Arts Department and the crew who built it. The biggest surprise though, was that single shot where we pan over the entire canyon, with poor (tiny) Keller standing admidst this huge cravass. That was epic, soooo very epic. And of course, the director of this episode pretty much mastered the "holy crap what just happened?!" technique, what with the two times weapondary was hurled into a tree near our characters, and of course the scene where Keller nearly plummetted to her death. I knew it was coming, but the sheer suddenness of that move just jolted me to no end. Wonderfully done.
                        I agree those scenes that you mentioned and also the camera angles and the crafting with the girls in the box were one of the higlights for me. It felt very real and very rural. Not disimilar to back to basics... which I guess is what they were going for, especially given the Athosian culture.

                        Moving on...the Bola Kai are some interesting people. Of course, they don't compare to any of our established bad guys, but I would like to learn more about their culture. I did think they could've gotten a better actor to portray the *alien* leader of the *alien* Bola Kai. Still, they made a fine nemesis for this episode.
                        I think that's what made me connect with this episode and had me thinking a bit more about just how vulnerable the people are when you have cannibals as bad guys. It made a really nice change to see just the primitiveness of their tribe. I actually liked the leader of the Bola Kai, I really hope we get to seem him again, because he really doesn't take any crap.

                        So, yeah, to those who are complaining about Keller being wimpy or whiny, let's see how you like it if I put you in the middle of a forest and try to hunt you down with several painful blunt instruments.

                        No, I'm serious. We'll arrange a time and when that time comes, I'll go Manhunter on you. Let's see how you do.
                        I think threatening to hunt posters down and killing off forum members might come under the 'disrespect rule' but don't quote me on it.

                        But I agree with you, what did people expect when it came to Keller, she's a very girly girl... and yes a famale version of Rodney, even down to citing her medical complaints! But I'm not quite sure what people expected of her in this? Did they expect her to run around the forest like rambo killing them all off? Or fighting go into kick ass mode like Teyla did?? And just how do you prepare to fight machete wielding cannibals?

                        Ok, moving on, sort of. Like I said, I loved Teyla and Keller in this episode, main because they showed their vulnerable side (yes, even Teyla broke a little), and as I said in past reviews for this season, I love that kind of stuff. Keller, above all, was taken to the extreme, and I admit I did cheer when she saved Teyla at the end there by clobbering Nabel (sp?). Jewel Staite really shone in this one; her fears, her anxiety, her sadness at the potential loss of her dad's one last vestige of a family...perfectly genuine, perfectly done. Carl Binder did a masterful job at slowly advancing her character throughout the episode, and by the end she was a stronger person, but not too strong as to make it unrealistic. Awesome.
                        I liked that Teyla and Keller's histry were talked about in this, and it's been a long time coming for Teyla and a nice surprise to hear her talking about her childhood and rites of passage. It kinda for me gave me more insight into her background and culture and how she's able to do what she does to survive. I also loved the bonding scenes between them, and I think Teyla's a very good leader, in that she got Keller to talk about her home and her family to bring to the front those survivor skills. For example, Teyla asking about Keller's family and getting Keller to use that memory to make sure that if she wants to see her family again, then she has to do whatever it takes. I do think it was at that point that we saw a change in Keller.

                        I just snipped the rest of your post because you talk far too much.

                        Suffice to say I agreed with all that you said. And i'm really looking forward to how these little set ups impact on the rest of the season. Fingers crossed we get more Bola Kai goodies to.


                          Few points.

                          Teyla does my head in.

                          Random Athosian as the father? Boring.

                          Bola Kai sounds to much like Uruk-hai.

                          Other than that I liked it, some decent fights and you can't really complain about an hours worth of Keller.


                            Originally posted by Why Carson? Why? View Post
                            Now I for one have been hanging for the next ep of Atlantis but this one... this one i would really have to say is my least favourite of the 4 seasons so far, I mean this has happened how many times they go visit teyla's people, BUT WAIT this time the wraith take them... NO WAIT the bolkai did... NO WAIT a Genai rogue did NO WAIT a wraith worshiper did.
                            If you liked the episode then thats your prerogative but me was just one hell of a let down.
                            Did this really need it's own thread?


                              Originally posted by jenks View Post
                              Few points.

                              Teyla does my head in.

                              Random Athosian as the father? Boring.

                              Bola Kai sounds to much like Uruk-hai.

                              Other than that I liked it, some decent fights and you can't really complain about an hours worth of Keller.
                              I'm always like if Jenks likes an ep, it was a decent ep...dunno why. Probably because I think you're just the most unbiased poster on GW (personal opinion here...).

                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              ?*I'm sorry. I didn't know you had already made that comparsion. I was watching The Defiant One the other night on my DVD player
                              No need to apologize... Yeah, I did do the comparison. I didn't use the idea of cutting off the bridge because I felt it was necessary just in case Atlantis sent in a rescue team on foot, it would be unlikely for them to be there because Teyla and Keller would be cut off.

                              But I used the comparison since it's used a similar concept of juxtaposed characters, ie McShep inherently different ditto with Teyla/Jen-Jen and yet it's also through this juxtaposition we see commonalities resulting in friendship and bonding occurring. That was mainly my usage. I also made mention to survival tactics being the purcursor to bonding.

                              You can click on my name and check my past posts on it, since its in on topic to this thread. That was just a rough idea of what I was saying.
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                Your cheque is in the post

