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'Midway' (417) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post

    Possibly one of the worst examples of science fiction I have ever seen. I hated it. Maaan, I hope the last three episodes pick up or I'm going to avoid season five like the plague.
    What did you hate about it Map?


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      What did you hate about it Map?
      All of it. I'm a frighteningly losing touch with SG I think now. SG-1 was great for eight seasons, but SGA, for me, is just utter crap. I will watch the next episode and determine whether I will watch anymore afterwards.

      What I hated about Midway;

      - The stupidity of the Midway station's security (the wraith boarded easily by just roping together a few cables), as, just for simple security reasons, the midway station should have had an iris.
      - The utter cliche's that the wraith have become. (Thier leader interrogating one of the scientists and then immediately yelling 'SILENCE!' after to enforce the fact that he is, in fact, a baddy).
      - The fact that the wraith use a stun bomb type weapon to knock out everyone at the SGC when we have NEVER seen that kind of technology before....EVER.
      - Walter's ignorance when the alien weapon comes rolling down the ramp as he just stares in amazement and doesn't close the blast doors.
      - The fact that the government are stupid in sending a nuke to destroy the SGC because of a small group of wraith...Wraith have been proven, in almost every episode, not to be much of a threat if you're carrying around a P90 or just a normal pistol. A simple squad of marines would have handled all of them.
      - Ronon and Teal'c's primate-like attitude; 'WE IS MUSCLES. WE IS ARE CAN TAKE ON WRAITH ALL BY OURSELVES'.
      - Ronon and Teal'c's utter ignorance to run up to Landry's office immediately upon arriving on Earth and using the red phone to contact the president and let him know about the situation.
      - The predictable and stupid scripting that the first person who wakes up happens to be the exact person whom Ronon was sent to impress in the first place.
      - The fact that the wraith were, once again, portrayed as being crappy Over-The-Top cliche'd super-villains instead of the creepy and fantastic creatures seen in 'Rising'. Their inability to overwhelm their prey (humans_ is stupid and pathetic. The only strong wraith featured in the episode were the two that appeared right at the end, with the one throwing around Ronon and the one feeding on Teal'c - ALL WRAITH ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THIS HARD.
      - As soon as Ronon and Teal'c arrive at the SGC, the blast doors are sealed. 1) How did the wraith get them open and 2) Why did they seal them again after opening them and 3) Why didn't they go to the control room so that they could get 'control' of the entire facility? = Stupid writing...
      - They had a wasted opportunity. Teal'c is a good character, so why did they write him out to be Ronon's sidekick when, lets face it, it should be entirely the other way around. Teal'c is over a hundred years old and has lived way longer than Ronon - he should be as hard as Bra'tak almost by now. Ronon is only a human, so why did he and Teal'c seem to be on equal footing in thier duel?
      - The fact that John was almost suffocated by the lack of oxygen during the airlock opening sequence, and yet somehow due to a massive amount of character shielding managed to crawl up to a space suit, stand up, take it all apart, build it back up again around himself and get the oxygen flowing in it.
      - The fact that the SGC was so easily infiltrated, since it is the most important place on Planet Earth with the stargate being the fastest way to communicate with off world allies as well as keeping track of alien enemies. They have ALIEN TECHNOLOGY (zat guns, goa'uld force fields, beaming tech, etc...) and therefore they should be far better prepared than portrayed during the wraith infiltration scene. The SGC needs to be protected, it needs to be safe. It should have an almost impenetrable security, and an outpost or several above on the surface (on Cheyenne Mountain itself or whatever) where people can check to see if anything goes wrong immediately and send a strike team (by beaming them directly to the control room since they do have the technology) in to sort the mess out.

      The episode just made me angry. Especially since I've been watching Firefly a lot recently which, in my opinion, is far superior in its single season than Atlantis has been in four... Now that is saying something.
      I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

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        I don't get the complaint about the Wraith stun bomb; surely you don't except them to stay stagnent in their tech forever?


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          I don't get the complaint about the Wraith stun bomb; surely you don't except them to stay stagnant in their tech forever?
          Nah. It should have been used sometime earlier, in another episode when it didn't matter, just so we'd know they had them, and so that other people could complain that we should have had a counter-action for it. LOL


            Originally posted by Raven56 View Post
            Nah. It should have been used sometime earlier, in another episode when it didn't matter, just so we'd know they had them, and so that other people could complain that we should have had a counter-action for it. LOL
            Amen. Maybe they have been inspired by our ingenuity and have started being more creative.


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              I don't get the complaint about the Wraith stun bomb; surely you don't except them to stay stagnent in their tech forever?
              Here's a question for you. Why not drop one of those stun bombs into the centre of a village via a dart or whatever and knock out the inhabitance AND THEN cull them, and save faffing about, scouring the woods and catching the prey in thier dart scoop light ray thingies?
              I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

              Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                Here's a question for you. Why not drop one of those stun bombs into the centre of a village via a dart or whatever and knock out the inhabitance AND THEN cull them, and save faffing about, scouring the woods and catching the prey in thier dart scoop light ray thingies?
                Maybe the Wraith beachball of doom was only just invented


                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  What I hated about Midway;

                  - The stupidity of the Midway station's security (the wraith boarded easily by just roping together a few cables), as, just for simple security reasons, the midway station should have had an iris.
                  How do you know that they were JUST cables?

                  As the Wraith ship is a living entity, perhaps those "cables" were also organic.

                  And they explained at the BEGINNING of the episode, that Rodney felt the Midway station Gate did NOT need an iris or a shield due to his brilliant multi-gate dialing macro -- which highlights that ALIENS aren't only the ones who can be a tad arrogant about the superiority of their weapons and technological advances.

                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  - The fact that the wraith use a stun bomb type weapon to knock out everyone at the SGC when we have NEVER seen that kind of technology before....EVER.
                  So...the Wraith are not allowed to create a NEW weapon?

                  We had never seen a zat either until SG1 unpacked a whole crate of them at the end of season one.

                  The SGC has created quite a few new technological advances over the years -- F302's, F303's, naquadah bombs, naquada generators...

                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  - The fact that the government are stupid in sending a nuke to destroy the SGC because of a small group of wraith...Wraith have been proven, in almost every episode, not to be much of a threat if you're carrying around a P90 or just a normal pistol. A simple squad of marines would have handled all of them.
                  You do recall that the Wraith can communicate telepathically? We have no idea what the limit of their telepathic range is.

                  Remember -- an ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure.

                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  - Ronon and Teal'c's primate-like attitude; 'WE IS MUSCLES. WE IS ARE CAN TAKE ON WRAITH ALL BY OURSELVES'.
                  Dude -- they're Ronon AND Teal'c.

                  Besides, they won!

                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  - Ronon and Teal'c's utter ignorance to run up to Landry's office immediately upon arriving on Earth and using the red phone to contact the president and let him know about the situation.
                  Oh...I would have loved to have heard that conversation:

                  Red Phone Security: "Who is this?"

                  Ronon: "The alien from the Pegasus Galaxy!"

                  Red Phone Security: "Who?"

                  Teal'c (to Ronon): "Give!"

                  Teal'c (on the phone): "It is, I, Teal'c!"

                  Red Phone Security: "Who?"

                  Teal'c: "The OTHER Alien!"

                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  - The predictable and stupid scripting that the first person who wakes up happens to be the exact person whom Ronon was sent to impress in the first place.
                  Dude -- did you have the sound turned up on your TV? Remember that crash, clatter noise that Ronon and Teal'c heard OUTSIDE the room (with the door closed)? Did you EVER stop to wonder what MADE that noise?

                  It was Coolidge falling out of his chair...which woke him up.

                  You'll remember in a few minutes a whole bunch of personnel started to wake-up in the control room.

                  People's recovery time to being stunned varies.

                  We've seen that before on Stargate.

                  [HINT: Plot Forwarding Activity]

                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  - As soon as Ronon and Teal'c arrive at the SGC, the blast doors are sealed. 1) How did the wraith get them open and 2) Why did they seal them again after opening them and 3) Why didn't they go to the control room so that they could get 'control' of the entire facility? = Stupid writing...
                  Did you NOT hear Teal'c say that the SGC was in lock down mode?

                  BOTH Teal'c and Ronon would have had to have computer passwords to UNLOCK the lock down mode -- now Ronon we KNOW wouldn't have had one, and even after all these years, I'm not sure Teal'c would have one, because he is not official Air Force personnel.

                  The Wraith opened them with a Binford 4000 blast door opener! (Didn't you see the commercial for them?)

                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  - The fact that John was almost suffocated by the lack of oxygen during the airlock opening sequence, and yet somehow due to a massive amount of character shielding managed to crawl up to a space suit, stand up, take it all apart, build it back up again around himself and get the oxygen flowing in it.
                  John has many HIDDEN talents!

                  Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                  - The fact that the SGC was so easily infiltrated, since it is the most important place on Planet Earth with the stargate being the fastest way to communicate with off world allies as well as keeping track of alien enemies. They have ALIEN TECHNOLOGY (zat guns, goa'uld force fields, beaming tech, etc...) and therefore they should be far better prepared than portrayed during the wraith infiltration scene. The SGC needs to be protected, it needs to be safe. It should have an almost impenetrable security, and an outpost or several above on the surface (on Cheyenne Mountain itself or whatever) where people can check to see if anything goes wrong immediately and send a strike team (by beaming them directly to the control room since they do have the technology) in to sort the mess out.

                  See above about being over-confident with our sense of technology superiority.


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                    Originally posted by Naonak View Post
                    The entire reason the Wraith want Atlantis is so they can get to Earth. But if they're already at Midway, Atlantis is pretty pointless.
                    Not really... Take out Atlantis and they have neutered our base of operations, secured a good location for launching raids from, gained access to the intergalactic hyper drive, drones etc..

                    You do recall that the Wraith can communicate telepathically? We have no idea what the limit of their telepathic range is.
                    Actually we do... Their limit is usually within a system, unless a lot of them are linking up like in Misbegotten.


                      Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                      All of it. I'm a frighteningly losing touch with SG I think now. SG-1 was great for eight seasons, but SGA, for me, is just utter crap. I will watch the next episode and determine whether I will watch anymore afterwards.

                      What I hated about Midway; {extreme snippage}

                      The episode just made me angry. Especially since I've been watching Firefly a lot recently which, in my opinion, is far superior in its single season than Atlantis has been in four... Now that is saying something.
                      I totally respect your right to your opinon, and have felt similarly...uh...sometime for...uh...something I'm sure, but I find your post funny. I think it's cuz I see absurdity in the extremes between your opinion and mine.

                      Except I share your love for Firefly. That show totally rocked!

                      "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

                      "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

                      WALLACE: And if I don't?
                      O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                        Do you guys realize that this seems to be the most posted about episode in recent ATlantis and it is barely a week old?

                        It just shows how good it is.
                        Stargate Revival Please!


                          Originally posted by YutheGreat View Post
                          Do you guys realize that this seems to be the most posted about episode in recent ATlantis and it is barely a week old?

                          It just shows how good it is.
                          I hadn't noticed, but I think you're right.

                          "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

                          "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

                          WALLACE: And if I don't?
                          O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                            Originally posted by Raven56 View Post
                            Nah. It should have been used sometime earlier, in another episode when it didn't matter, just so we'd know they had them, and so that other people could complain that we should have had a counter-action for it. LOL
                            The already do. It's called a stargate iris. An iris would have prevented this whole episode though...(and I quite enjoyed the episode even though the story had little substance).

                            As to me expecting them to be able to create some kind of other counter action to it., not really as I don't see creating something to counteract that weapon as possible. (Did SG-1 ever come up with one for that Goa'uld weapon that is very similar to this one?) Well I suppose it's possible since this is sci-fi, but it will be conveniently created to make this shinny new weapon null and void, imo, as I seriously doubt this weapon will be seen again. It's too powerful and only created to facilitate this episode. My criticism and opinion of course.

                            Originally posted by mappalazarou
                            Here's a question for you. Why not drop one of those stun bombs into the centre of a village via a dart or whatever and knock out the inhabitance AND THEN cull them, and save faffing about, scouring the woods and catching the prey in thier dart scoop light ray thingies?
                            Eh, I can see that as being very convenient for them if they are in a hurry, but I think they quite enjoy chasing down their prey.

                            Originally posted by garhkal
                            Not really... Take out Atlantis and they have neutered our base of operations, secured a good location for launching raids from, gained access to the intergalactic hyper drive, drones etc..
                            Agreed. Atlantis would have made for a prime target, a target that should have been captured and neutralized before shifting the focus to Earth.

                            But this episode just made the Wraith out to be yet again idiots and not some formidable foe because well the whole show would have been screwed if these Wraith would have targeted Atlantis instead of Earth. Okay I suppose not screwed because Ronon and Teal'c would have just gone to Atlantis instead and blasted the hell out of them there instead....

                            These Wraith had the ultimate element of surprise and this vastly superior weapon that they could have easily captured Atlantis but instead chose to squander it on some half-***** attempt to capture the SGC. Like I said, not much substance to the story even though it was chalked full of action.
                            Last edited by LoneStar1836; 21 February 2008, 06:29 PM. Reason: wording
                            IMO always implied.


                              Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                              Here's a question for you. Why not drop one of those stun bombs into the centre of a village via a dart or whatever and knock out the inhabitance AND THEN cull them, and save faffing about, scouring the woods and catching the prey in thier dart scoop light ray thingies?

                              Where's the fun in that?

                              No, seriously. The Wraith seems to enjoy terrorizing their food, so I don't think they'll just go the easy way. I think they like the screams. EDIT: Yeah, what LoneStar said.

                              Also, Ronon said he never saw it, and considering how he's been hunted by Wraith for 7 years straight, I believe that's evidence that it's a fairly new invention.


                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                                Also, Ronon said he never saw it, and considering how he's been hunted by Wraith for 7 years straight, I believe that's evidence that it's a fairly new invention.
                                Agreed. I think there is very little doubt that we the viewers are supposed to believe that this is a new weapon. Otherwise it would have definitely been used during the Atlantis siege at the end of season 1.

                                For obvious reasons the writers didn't give the Wraith that option that early in the show, but imo, if the Wraith had this weapon back then, they sure as heck would have used it so you have to assume that it had not been created/perfected yet.

                                I find it rather hard to believe that the Wraith just now come up with this weapon (other than the writers needed a plot contrivance) that looks to essentially employ the same stun technology they already have yet with greater effect, but hey the writers wanted me to believe that irisis would have never been installed on a station with direct access to the SGC/SGA....
                                IMO always implied.

