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'Lifeline' (402) General Discussion

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    You know what annoyed me? They turned the cloak into an anti replicator shield. Now, ignoring how improbable this could be, the shield was said to destroy any replicator within it. surely this would have destroyed the nanites within Weirs body, as she was within the shield?


      Originally posted by Automission View Post
      You know what annoyed me? They turned the cloak into an anti replicator shield. Now, ignoring how improbable this could be, the shield was said to destroy any replicator within it. surely this would have destroyed the nanites within Weirs body, as she was within the shield?
      hmm that is a fair point, besides the improbability of the anti replicator's also ridiculous to think that there is a stargate, and also that there are replicators, and oh yeah life sucking aliens.... its sci-fi anything is plausable. and if you go into well Mckay being so in-genius to re-design the ancients amazing puddle jumper's cloak then as he has studied ancient tech for 4 years probably a little more it's very doable.

      its a great episode


        It may be normal among such severe Sci Fi stories, but to think you can take any sort of field generator and just chuck in a lone crystal will change it's effects.
        That's like assuming if I just force some D size Batteries into my Tv remote that it'l change channels quicker, faster and with more precision. Or If I placed a Carrot in there that it'd turn the TV show characters into carrots!


          Originally posted by Automission View Post
          It may be normal among such severe Sci Fi stories, but to think you can take any sort of field generator and just chuck in a lone crystal will change it's effects.
          That's like assuming if I just force some D size Batteries into my Tv remote that it'l change channels quicker, faster and with more precision. Or If I placed a Carrot in there that it'd turn the TV show characters into carrots!
          i think that is a completely irrelevant comparison, in stargate they have always manged to combine earth and alien technologies after said amount of time.


            Not as good as adrift but still pretty darn good.


              Originally posted by Orion25 View Post
              Great episode. I liked how Weir turned the tables on Oberoth and how it was interpreted in visuals. I really thought the team was captured. There were so many highlights as everyone have mentioned (I'm so far at page 4, will continue reading). I've been wondering, when Sheppard was in the chair room after landing Atlantis, he looked like the effort took so much out of him or was this his show of relief since they've overcome difficult odds? Then, I've seen this same expression/ reaction again when he was in the chair room of an Aurora-class ship in "Travelers". Did he find out that he had some limits when interfacing for longer periods of time with Ancient technology or was he still unnerved by the connection? I wish we can read the actual script.

              GOD this was a great episode....

              You're so much better than most SCI FI...they really knew what they were doing but then that thing with Tori happen...

              I think they were trying to get control of all this but they just couldn't. Seeeder elements fell on them...and there was no return.


                Originally posted by Darth kat View Post
                Another great episode! Nice swan song for Elizabeth (even though I'm against it and sadened by it). I loved everything about the ep, except for the fact that Carter made it sound like Elizabeth is dead. Bad Carter! Very touching scene at the end, Teyla and Ronon grieving over the loss of Elizabeth.

                Good point....she is NOT dead. Like Sheppherd said, "I'll find her..." I know she didn't want to come back for cameos but I wish she would have. I'm still upset the writers/producers/directors did not involve her more in the show.
                - The Truth is Out There!


                  So sad to see Weir go for good But Dr Lee is as funny as ever.


                    Indeed, and I loved the rescue from the replicator planet, especially RepliWeir's part. She really did fool Oberoth!


                      Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post
                      Good episode, slightly better than last week's Premiere. I didn't expect that twist where Weir fooled Oberoth. Next week's episode looks interesting.
                      I agree with myself.

                      The shot of Atlantis after it landed (aka the image below) was just beautiful.

                      Tomorrow, a reunion with that guy from Iron Chef.


                        Pretty good ep.

                        Sam and Dr Lee are great.

                        Weir tricked Oberoth very nicely. How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine.

                        What was that Ancient/Replicator ship? I didn't have a clue what I was looking at for a while.

                        Jump in the chair and ease us down. BOOM. Haha.


                          Midweek, another ep of Atlantis...

                          1. The heist still seemed a bit cheap.

                          2. Sam had a big role for someone who wasn't quite in charge yet.

                          3. Weir went out in style.

                          4. Forget his camera, I hope Dr Lee packed his chewing gum...that was 'quite' a landing!

                          Solid enough ep.
                          I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                            Once I got over yet another ridiculously easy foray into the city of a supposedly invincible enemy when they got the ZPM, I just sat back and enjoyed the effort to change the Replicator base code to attack the Wraith.

                            At least Dr Weir had a meaningful exit. I liked the way she used the Replicator side of her to help Atlantis in a great battle of superiority with Oberoth, fooling the smug machine with good old human guile.

                            It was great to see Sam working with Dr Lee on Midway station and then doing everything to find Atlantis using the Apollo. At this point I found myself missing SG-1, seeing the Milky Way galaxy gate on the Midway station with the Milky Way behind it was a great scene.

                            Wonderful visual effects with the flying and landing of Atlantis on their new world. Nice image NIWDAbydos, I agree, beautiful. Pretty well built, sturdy city too with that landing!


                              It had to be with Shep's landing..!

                              Though i wonder if they ever named the new planet?


                                From Joe Mallozzi's blog:

                                LIFELINE (403)

                                What I found particularly interesting about this episode was not so much what was going on in front of the camera, or behind the camera, but way over on the other side of the lot beyond the security fence. I’m talking about -

                                Yes, this was the year fandom galvanized for the Save Carson Beckett Campaign which culminated in a demonstration outside the Bridge Studios in support of the good (dead) doctor. As far as demonstrations go, it was well-organized, spirited and, ultimately, successful. They DID save Carson Beckett!


                                As for the episode itself, it was another Carl Binder masterpiece. Carl had wanted to a heist episode for a while and Lifelife offered him the opportunity with the team infiltrating the Asuran homeworld in order to get their hands on a desperately needed ZPM. They succeed, but at a great cost when they are forced to leave Elizabeth behind. Jennifer Keller, meanwhile, cements her position as the new CMO while Samantha Carter takes over command of the Atlantis expedition.
                                Several more photos of the writers/directors.

