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'Harmony' (414) General Discussion

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    This was a predictable, cliche eps, but loads of fun.
    Loved the "I still have the unnersta" comment from Rodney as well as his "well you're more mature than most of the women he falls for".
    I must say I'm surprised to read that JF was ill during the filming - his acting seemed fine to me. I loved the bit with the Genii radio. We laughed out loud.
    Not the best eps, but but no means the worst.


      Worst episode of the season. This was the episode I was least looking forward to and I was hoping to be proved wrong but it was worse than I expected.

      It was even worse than the Tower. Annoying kid, Genii shown as brainless again..
      can't think of anything redeemable at all about the ep.



        Gaa, what a ***** - rodney should have shot her - diplomatic complications and all.


          I absolutely loved this episode!

          Can’t believe so many people didn’t enjoy this episode. Whilst I primarily watch SG for the ongoing stories, this was exactly what a good 'filler' episode should be like in my opinion.

          My thoughts (whilst trying to avoid repeating others):

          - Loved the character interaction. Harmony, did act like your typical 'bratty' kid towards Rodney but that was largely because Rodney brought it out of her (being a bratty kid himself in many ways).

          - I liked the princess, Harmony, as a character. I thought she was far more complex and realistic than most one-off characters. Whilst she obliviously saw her ascension to the throne and her forth-coming absolute power as a right "given by the gods", I think it was clear she was also quite intelligent, resourceful and decisive; qualities which could - with time - make her a good leader of her people. She saw herself as above most people (so was initally eager to 'punish' Rodney), but was also eager to impress those she felt needed to be impressed (as she acted towards John when she wanted him as her King).

          - I thought it was a bit cliché how the more upfront sister who preferred shall I say 'more exposed' attire, turned out to be bad. The initial scene had me suspicious of her. I guess it must always be difficult though for the writers of one-off TV episodes to establish with sufficient subtlety who the baddies are without spending to long on ‘boring background’.

          -The only other small complaint of mine was that I would like to have known a little more about why the Genii were conspiring with Harmony's sister. I wish they had responded in some way to John’s mentioning of the current status of their alliance. Their silence was very ambiguous. Although after reading posts here, I am happy to accept they were simply a gang of mercenaries acting on their own account.

          -The mini-drones certainly appear to be a good anti-infantry weapon. I do think it surprising they do not have them patrolling the corridors of Atlantis although I disagree with those who think the mini-drones should have made it impossible for the Wraith to defeat the ancients. Maybe there is some sort of problem with the mini-drones so they never made it past testing. Or maybe the wraith quickly developed some sort of armour or counter-measure against them (which normal drones managed to over-come).


          Anyway, loved the episode despite the fact these episodes at the moment have a lot to live up to after the recent mid-season spectaculars!

          Can't wait for the next one.


            Just rewatched the episode and I thought it was great. Good, humerous storyline which is a refreshment because a lot of the storylines up until that point have been very serious. Missed Ronan and Carter though. Not so much Teyla as she's been a bit part character at the moment. Apart from "Missing" she hasn't had any lenghy screen time. Thought the Harmony-McKay relationship was great. The power bar scene was good. Also "tell me doctor the place where you sleep at it guarded? And to top it off the painting at the end which shows John cowering behind McKay and Harmony was epic and McKay saying that was how he remembered the battle just to wind up John


              Originally posted by morjana View Post
              "Yeah, it's pretty much how I remember it" -Rodney McKay. Epic


                I loved this episode. It was funny and I loved the fact it dealt with just Sheppard and McKay; those two are great together!

                Sheppard: See? Things are looking up.


                  lmao @ the painting at the end


                    Originally posted by Mclean View Post
                    "Yeah, it's pretty much how I remember it" -Rodney McKay. Epic

                    Originally posted by Butlersgate View Post
                    lmao @ the painting at the end
                    oh yeah i was gonna say that same thing


                      It was a good ep. Nothing special though.


                        Originally posted by major davis View Post
                        It was a good ep. Nothing special though.
                        agreed. it was good for a few laughs though


                          Anyone know if theres a poster version of that painting i can buy?


                            Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                            Anyone know if theres a poster version of that painting i can buy?
                            I know some wallpaper versions people have made
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Fun episode, made me laugh and made me angry several times. Kinda corny though.



                                Ugh ugh ugh!!! The VERY episode before this one he was going to propose... yet in this episode he's calling "dibs" on the third sister. >.< Fail.
                                Last edited by GATEGOD; 21 March 2010, 02:57 AM.

