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'Be All My Sins Remember'd' (411) General Discussion

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    With these upgrades, our ships have now been upgraded to the class of battle carrier. Also, i thought they were going to supe up our railguns?

    Best Stargate quote:
    Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
    Green is your friend.


      I liked the episode and it helped that it was the first time I've seen Atlantis in HD


        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post

        But the last 30 seconds--jeez, that changed the tide of the whole episode for me. Now I'm intrigued, and frankly, all the speculation about whether Torri is returning needs to be answered! That wasn't just left 'open', that was the set up of a story arc that I hope they follow through with! Even just on the early reviews and responses, we've seen that people can't tell whether she was good, bad, real, repli!Weir, what. I want to know where it goes and how the Atlantis team will deal with it.
        Totally Agree! The chance for Weir to return just like tripled! So many questions and story arcs can result from a 30 second scene. I love this frelling show!!!


          Originally posted by freyr's mother View Post
          With these upgrades, our ships have now been upgraded to the class of battle carrier. Also, i thought they were going to supe up our railguns?
          Yeah how the hell did our rail guns hurt the replicator ships? Normally rail guns can't even beat a ha'tak but somehow they were able to damage Ancinet Level Shields? In terms of tech this episode sucked

          In terms of fun and laughter and connections I liked it
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            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            I actually did not think he was being humorous.. But i do agree, it is sad to see him go.
            I was thinking of the part where he asks to have the chains removed because they might not make the best impression.

            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            I am thinking they showed up AFTER the planet blew up...
            Possibly. I wonder where they were monitoring the battle from if that was the case.
            Sig by Luciana
            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


              Somewhat solid ep, though it felt like they tried to cram too much into this ep. Lots of exposition too, especially in the meetings (did Rodney really have to explain to the viewers how the Deddy and Apollo were refitted?).

              So...they killed off the replicators by turning them into The Blob. Uh...yeah...

              THANK YOU for not blowing up yet another ship. Nice to be proven wrong.

              Larrin can never come back and I'll be perfectly happy. Pointless character.

              No real point for Fran either. Did Rodney really have to make the cells into something so close to human? Did Carter and Rodney really have to have such a weak dialog about the rights of Fran? It added little to the story.

              LOVED Ronon's touching response to Teyla's big reveal.Far better than Shepper's pissy little rant, anyway (Yeah Shep, pregnant Athosian women never ran the risk of encountering wraith stunners ). I far prefer this side to Ronon than him always acting tough and telling Rodney to stuff it. Ronon has really grown on me as a character.

              Ellis was totally in the right for calling out McKay. Rodney wasted everyone's time at the initial meeting and then convinced everyone of deadlines he couldn't keep. And Ellis didn't take Carter's "dressing down" seriously either (nor did I, I wasn't impressed with her delivery) - he was right back on McKay after she talked to him.

              Weir, evil? Nah, I saw her as happy that the replicators were gone so her team could resume their pursuit of ascension. It could be the real Weir or a replicant, but I'm leaning toward the latter. Nice to see that she assumed command there too.

              (That wasn't Torri's official fourth and last ep, was it? If it was, that was an even more pathetic use of her character than Adrift. 10 seconds hardly constitutes appearing in an ep.)


                Absolutely Fabulous.

                Ridiculously lovely character development (Ronon being supportive of Teyla- heartbreaking)

                Fabulously funny parts (Rodney: 'Have I told you about the time that...' Wraith: 'Yes you have')

                Space battles! (no parenthesis needed)

                Twists (Rodney making a replicator. Elizabeth!)

                Samantha Carter and Rodney McKay actually working together like I've wanted them to since she got there.

                The whole thing was fantastic. Terrific. Have never been happier to love this show.
                Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'I will try again tomorrow.'
                mary anne radmacher

                You don't know what strange means?


                  Originally posted by Myles View Post
                  The ships stayed where they were. You could see them sitting there as they went into hyperspace as the planet blew up.

                  I saw about three ships that were still remaining that blew up with the planet. I just thought they were part of the attack armanda that didn't have a chance to jump to hyperspace before the explosion. But it looked to me in the scene with Ellis and the crewman talking about the Apollo not being able to take more hits that the entire Asuran ships in front of them were breaking apart and being sucked into Fran. I think it's getting ready to show again on SciFi so I'm going to go watch that scene again.


                    Now this is what I'm talking about....

                    Absolutely the best Stargate episode I've seen in a while.
                    I had goosebumps just watching the ships, enemies banded together with a common purpose.

                    I would've liked to see some more blasting from the sky and some more close quarters battle in the sky and inside replicator world, but what I got was superb.

                    My earlier post also called for an all out 3-way war with such intense battles.
                    I didn't think I would be rewarded so soon..

                    Excellent, excellent episode. A solid 10/10.

                    This is quality Stargate.


                      Originally posted by lazarus2405 View Post
                      That's an extremely good point which I missed. I don't think there is a single explanation that can account for this. Maybe hubris, again, but that's really a stretch for Replicators so well known for their ability to quickly adapt.

                      If Atlantis could track Wraith hives inbound to the city with with weeks of advanced warning using Alteran technology, how could Asurans not manage to do the same while in a state of war?

                      It seems that the SGA writers are having continuity issues. By making the show's stories rely on technical details as plot elements, they have imposed limitations on what they can do. To tell a good story, it seems that they have to break from the previously-established rules of the Pegasus galaxy. It's really rather disheartening.
                      Actually, as far as I can remember we only know of the long range sensors tracking Wraith hive ships. I think it's well within the realms of possibility that the sensors can't (or more likely don't) track 304's and the Travelers ships, so considering they had their entire fleet in orbit, I don't think 7 hives on their way would bother them too much.


                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post

                        Concerned is one thing, how he fliped out on her was way out of line imo.. BUT ronon;s congrats was very nice..
                        I would disagree with you on Sheppard's reaction. He established in "Sateda" that his team is the closest thing he has to a family. And "Doppelganger" established that he fears failing his team. So he just had someone close to him who is also under his command come up and reveal that she's been getting beat up and shot at - both things that could possibly cause a miscarriage - while pregnant. He's been ordering her into situations that could get her baby killed. Also, pregnancy puts a hell of a strain on the body, so anything that affected the baby would affect Teyla as well. Plus, Sheppard's USAF, and there's got to be something in the rule book about pregnant women in combat. Athosian women may traditionally remain active during pregnancy, but there's a marked difference between working out in the gym or in the fields and taking a chance at being shot, stabbed, exposed to wonky alien entities, etc.
                        They say the geek never gets the girl...what about the girl getting the geek?

                        Rodney/ could happen

                        spoilers for "200"
                        Gen. Hammond: It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin!

                        Vala: Are you saying that General O'Neill is...

                        Cam: My daddy?


                          Originally posted by lazarus2405 View Post
                          If Atlantis could track Wraith hives inbound to the city with with weeks of advanced warning using Alteran technology, how could Asurans not manage to do the same while in a state of war?
                          Those hiveships were moving rather slowly, taking weeks to arrive at Atlantis because they were stopping to cull planets along the way. The Asurans should have had much less advance warning, but definitely some.

                          Was it mentioned that they were surprised by the arrival of the fleet or not? I can't remember. If they did know, they may not have considered 10+ ships a match for their 30.

                          I'd like to coin the term Locutus of Weir. Not in a derogatory sense, just as a cool nickname. I'm thrilled at this development because it's surprising and an interesting new direction for the actress.


                            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                            * Carter b****-slapping Ellis for the way he treated McKay. You go, girl!
                            * Fran - of course McKay would create a hot girl but she was helpful and understood her purpose (and how many of us can say that?)
                            I loved these parts too. Fran was great! I loved how Sam smacked down Ellis too. Maybe now that Ellis has seen Rodney's work he won't be such a "tool" (as Rodney calls him) toward McKay. I did like their back and forth arguing but when Ellis challenged his go Sam! To be fair though, Atlantis people know Rodney very well and Ellis has just started working with him.
                            I am loving the Sam-Rodney technospeak stuff. I love it when Rodney and Zelenka do it and now Sam gets to play too. I know she's busy running Atlantis but maybe she can have some geek speak with McKay and Zelenka from time to time. I enjoy it.
                            Ronon was so sweet. I loved him taking Teyla's hand and walking her to the infirmary and his congratulations were so heartfelt. Of course Shep would be horrified to find out that Teyla was pregnant after all the danger they'd been in lately--I would be shocked if he was all smiles and flowers. In the previews for next week it looked like she was in full gear and had a weapon? I guess we'll see.........

                            Overall I thought it was a terrific episode. Kudos to Marty G!



                              The ships the replicator ships were ordinary, however when Fran was sucking them all down to the surface it's not like they left out the airlock. Each of the replicator cells simply forced their way through the hull, which obviously disabled or destroyed most of them. The leftovers were destroyed when the entire planet collapsed.


                                I don't know about the reviews you folks are giving the episode. Sure it was good, and a great story, but the details just don't stand to scrutiny. Technological continuity really is lacking in this one. Considering how many plot holes have been raised in this thread in just the hour after the first airing, I can't say it stands well against SG1 or earlier SGA. Good, but absolutely not a 10/10.

