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"Be All My Sins Remember'd" Pre-Airing Discussion and Speculation (Spoiler)

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    Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
    It wasn't ours, it was the Ancients' design style.

    Looking at the picture again, it reminds me of the scene in The Siege, Pt. 2 where Dr. Weir goes to the Genii to negotiate for a couple of their nuclear weapons. She was tied up to a chair in an isolated room with one interrogator also. This picture/scene may be a nod to that scene.
    Possibly. Shep tied up might mean more whump. The whump fans should be quite happy.
    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


      Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
      It wasn't ours, it was the Ancients' design style.
      what do you mean?


        Originally posted by Heaven View Post
        what do you mean?
        You said like our design style is any better and what he said was that the decorating was the Ancients not us and he's half right. We also decorated too.
        Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
        "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
        Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


          Originally posted by Heaven View Post
          what do you mean?
          I meant the design of the Ancient warship and Atlantis in general was done by the Ancients and not the Atlantis expedition.

          What did YOU mean by "our" designs aren't any better?

          If you were talking about the BC-304s, then they have a much cleaner design with all the power and control lines/circuits in the wall and not in insulated wires external to the wall like what the Travelers have been portrayed to do.


            yes I meant the 304s/midway, they look like a zoo (and they are brand new)


              Originally posted by Heaven View Post
              yes I meant the 304s/midway, they look like a zoo (and they are brand new)
              Really? Looked fine to me.
              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                Hmm new character I guess.
                I think I saw on the S4 Spoiler page on LJ, that David Hewlett in an interview was talking about a lot of dialogue he had to get through for this episode with a female Replicator and Fran may be her?

                Edit: Here is the link: SGA Spoiler Community
                Last edited by Redhooks; 30 November 2007, 09:36 PM. Reason: Added link.


                  Hi all,

                  I have a theory on BE ALL MY SINS REMEMBER'D, basically from what I've read on 'This Mortal Coil' I've come up with this possible theory on what is too come.... so here goes

                  Ok seeing as Atlantis and the team have been cloned with the nanites, it says that the cloned team go in search for the orignal team and they call team up with the captured wraith to stop the Replicators once and for all.

                  It seems possible because from what I've read on the episodes the teams will reunite original and copies along with the wraith to find and disable the Replicators code and maybe do some looking around the base code for Rodney to do some more messing around.

                  How does that sound?


                    That sounds good. I just hope they don't kill them all.
                    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                    encounter on the strange journey.


                    2 Cor. 10:3-5
                    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                      They will be destroyed im guessing...

                      If you remember that scene in The Seer where Atlantis is being attacked I have a major feeling that it was the Copy Atlantis that is destroyed by the Replicators because they realise that the copies are helping the originals disable them (replicators).

                      Its all falling to place


                        Originally posted by a-parmar View Post
                        They will be destroyed im guessing...

                        If you remember that scene in The Seer where Atlantis is being attacked I have a major feeling that it was the Copy Atlantis that is destroyed by the Replicators because they realise that the copies are helping the originals disable them (replicators).

                        Its all falling to place
                        Excellent prediction... Green for you. This sounds like a Atlantis version of Double Jeopardy but with more depth (am watching that one now) which is awesome.
                        A word of advice... there are creatures that live between this dimension and the next, fiendish creatures that feast on the suffering of an entire world to satiate their eternal hunger. Support the Gateworld Cantina or suffer the fate of all who fall into the clutches of the 'Eladrith Ynneas'


                          I was thinking about this episode after staring at Jill Wagner, *cough* I mean the picture of Larrin with a tied up Sheppard, and I thought that there can't be too much of this scene in an already seemingly crowded episode. I think this might be part of the teaser or the 1st act when Sheppard goes to the Travelers to ask for their help and before Larrin comes to Atlantis (I assume) for the War Council. My question though is where do you think each of the characters will be during the "Huge" space battle?

                          My guesses:

                          Sheppard - On board the Travelers' Ancient Warship. (I'm assuming they will not have perfected their control interface adapter yet.)

                          Carter - On board the Daedalus.

                          McKay - On board the Apollo.

                          Teyla - In command at Atlantis just as she was in No Man's Land.

                          Ronon - Not sure, but hopefully with Sheppard on the Travelers' Ancient Warship. (Just so that Jill Wagner will have a long scene where Jason Momoa is present because she said after Travelers that is one thing she really wanted at least once on a SGA episode since they are friends from LA.)

                          Zelenka - Probably with McKay.

                          Anyone else have ideas?


                            Ok guys and gals, bring out your inner fanboy/fangirls:


                            I'm all for character development and plot twists and junk, but come on; once in a while you just need a good ole' CGI extravaganza. From JM's words I've always thought it'll be great, but...3+ minutes?!



                              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                              Ok guys and gals, bring out your inner fanboy/fangirls:


                              I'm all for character development and plot twists and junk, but come on; once in a while you just need a good ole' CGI extravaganza. From JM's words I've always thought it'll be great, but...3+ minutes?!

                              Well the last part from that story about being on the planet's surface may have just rendered my previous post about where people will be a bad guess. I love speculating, except when I am wrong.


                                As long as Caldwell has time to show Carter how he decorated his quarters I don't mind what happens in this episode.

                                *Thump whump, thud on the floor *

                                ....funny how this episode sounds like Camelot the Pegasus version . Apollo = Korolev, Dedy=Odyssey, Travllers+Wraith = Asgard and allies ships before the big bang...

