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SGA fans' pro-ing and anti-ing

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    SGA fans' pro-ing and anti-ing

    Maybe it's a naive view, and I'm prepared to be redded for putting it across, but surely if a fan doesn't like a direction a show is taking, they stop watching after a point?

    I mean, I can accept fans not liking the use of some SG-1 elements but the constant sniping of each camp of the other isn't half getting tiresome!

    If you don't like it, have expressed you dissatisfaction and the show STILL doesn't live up to what you want it to something else? If the figures fall that much, TPTB will be obligated to take the show in the direction you want or risk its cancellation.

    Vote with your feet! (Or, in this case, your remotes!)

    Anyways, that was my tuppenth worth, from a longtime lurker and occasional poster.

    Already done, I stopped watching Atlantis after Adrift and Torchwood has taken it's place, the reason I'm still on GW is for my friends and the Dr Who boards


      This will not end well.

      But having said that why is conflict bad? as a wise women once said

      "The nature of a person finds definition in conflict, A person either finds themselves.... or finds themselves lacking."

      I do agree with you but this will be locked down quicker than well something that's locked down very fast
      A word of advice... there are creatures that live between this dimension and the next, fiendish creatures that feast on the suffering of an entire world to satiate their eternal hunger. Support the Gateworld Cantina or suffer the fate of all who fall into the clutches of the 'Eladrith Ynneas'


        Originally posted by The Suicidal Goldfish View Post
        Maybe it's a naive view, and I'm prepared to be redded for putting it across, but surely if a fan doesn't like a direction a show is taking, they stop watching after a point?

        I mean, I can accept fans not liking the use of some SG-1 elements but the constant sniping of each camp of the other isn't half getting tiresome!

        If you don't like it, have expressed you dissatisfaction and the show STILL doesn't live up to what you want it to something else? If the figures fall that much, TPTB will be obligated to take the show in the direction you want or risk its cancellation.

        Vote with your feet! (Or, in this case, your remotes!)

        Anyways, that was my tuppenth worth, from a longtime lurker and occasional poster.

        I totally agree with you and has been my biggest issue here. I feel people can have complaints about an episode, character, even how a season is going. Opinions on both sides should always be welcomed. However some people have become so bad with the Anti ways. Whether it's been attacking TPTB(Producers/Writers), wishing harm on the executive producer, bashing the lower dip in ratings, celebrating those low ratings and throwing it in fan faces, and dooming the show for others who still watch.

        Hey I admit, the pro people are not perfect either, I sorta lost it last night because I was tired of people posting opinions and saying they are facts and when they are not.

        I've been insulted by people, bashed and offended. Only because I am optimistic and want the show to be successful. I just don't get it.

        When Season 5 comes around I hope there will be no more Anti and Pro threads. If you cannot have a civil debate and discussion with someone who doesn't agree with you, then you should not be posting in the first place. Sorry, that is my opinion.


          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
          When Season 5 comes around I hope there will be no more Anti and Pro threads. If you cannot have a civil debate and discussion with someone who doesn't agree with you, then you should not be posting in the first place. Sorry, that is my opinion.
          In that case, you won't be seeing me again.

          I'm already cutting back on my threads.... Going cold turkey is a bit too late... But I can do it.

          When the boards turn pro and anti-feelings are erradicated, and all you see is... We love it! More of this! Best season evah!... and everybody does nothing but agree. Than those who wish the people that do not like the show have succeeded, and have brought freedom of speech to their knees, creating a dictatorial environment in which the people think with one mind only.

          Sounds like fun...
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            In that case, you won't be seeing me again.

            I'm already cutting back on my threads.... Going cold turkey is a bit too late... But I can do it.

            When the boards turn pro and anti-feelings are erradicated, and all you see is... We love it! More of this! Best season evah!... and everybody does nothing but agree. Than those who wish the people that do not like the show have succeeded, and have brought freedom of speech to their knees, creating a dictatorial environment in which the people think with one mind only.

            Sounds like fun...

            FH, there is a line to be drawn from someone not liking the show to rubbing it in people's faces the show will get cancelled when something dips.

            It's funny, I had my complaint this season, and it got thrown back in my face.


              Falcon Horus - I'm not saying pr-/anti- points of view should be banned (indeed, what would be the point of a forum then?) but rather the sniping between camps is dialed back a bit and, maybe, acknowledgement that one persons view is merely an opinion, not the FACT(!!!!) they perhaps believe it to be.

              Again, I do not wish to put words into the mouth of Briangate_78 but this is my take on it anyways...


                Originally posted by The Suicidal Goldfish View Post
                Falcon Horus - I'm not saying pr-/anti- points of view should be banned (indeed, what would be the point of a forum then?) but rather the sniping between camps is dialed back a bit and, maybe, acknowledgement that one persons view is merely an opinion, not the FACT(!!!!) they perhaps believe it to be.
                I'm not sure you've seen the Conference Room thread, by the way. It deals with this particular issue. People from both sides have visited that thread. It's been quiet, had a short moment of being on the first page again, and has since disappeared again.

                Maybe you'll find the answers you are looking for there.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Maybe its time to resurect it. I have GW friends on both sides?* and have fun debating. The problem is some posters take things to far and insteadf of using their brain, they resort to name-calling.
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    I feel that if you know you will definately disagree with a particular thread, don't go there. For this reason I avoid the anti-Carson, anti-Elizabeth, or pro-Carter threads purely because those threads are for what they are - a group of people that feel strongly about a particular issue and that place is meant for them only.

                    I still think people can debate/disagree peacefully in the larger more general threads. The line tends to blur with specific yet not general threads- the pro-season 4 and anti-season 4 primarily. I like to go to the Anti thread (though I am not full-on anti) to vent and discuss our unhappiness, even though we may not share the same opinions. On the other hand, even though I have enjoyed bits of S4, I choose not to visit the Pro thread because what I disagree with there would be much harder to ignore/bypass.

                    just my two cents.


                      Originally posted by The Suicidal Goldfish View Post
                      Maybe it's a naive view, and I'm prepared to be redded for putting it across, but surely if a fan doesn't like a direction a show is taking, they stop watching after a point?
                      Sure, but you have to take into account that there's a balancing trick here - how much someone likes a show vs. how much someone dislikes a show. If I hated almost everything that had happened on SGA I would stop watching, no question. But I don't hate everything. I have characters I still like (Rodney, Teyla, Ronon) and episodes that I enjoy (Lifeline, Tabula Rasa). I'm still watching because of those elements. So some fans, even though they've been unhappy with s4, are hanging around because there's something that they like keeping them there.

                      You also have to understand that some fans view s4 with various levels of disappointment but stick around out of hope that the show steers more in a direction they like. For example, I didn't like most of s2, but I stuck in there and was "rewarded" with a s3 more to my liking.

                      I mean, I can accept fans not liking the use of some SG-1 elements but the constant sniping of each camp of the other isn't half getting tiresome!
                      Agreed, and I'm afraid the only way to fix it is either to encourage tolerance or force it by modding/banning.


                        Virtually all folks start off liking the show, and then something happens - the writers/producers kill off a character to boost ratings (yeah, like that ever works), ditch other characters, introduce boring villains, etc. but a lot of fans hang on becuase they like the characters, although some, if they detest the changes enough, just leave, or tape the show and watch just the parts they want


                          I've been insulted by people, bashed and offended. Only because I am optimistic and want the show to be successful. I just don't get it.
                          and you know what, edit that into 'i've been insulted by people, bashed and offended, only because the show has changed and i don't like it. I just don't get it'

                          and you get a statement that a bunch of people on this forum would agree with.

                          So who's right?????

                          None of you.

                          The problems you see with the forum has NOTHING to do with the number of fans that like the show or the number that don't. It has EVERYTHING to do with intolerance, childishness and bigotry.

                          It has EVERTHING to do with 'you don't share my opinion, so just bugger off and go away'.

                          just because you like the show, you're no better than those that don't. Just because you don't like the show, you're no better than those that do.

                          If people would spend less time complaining about 'the other side' and more time simply enjoying themselves and interacting with others, this forum would be a lot nicer place
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            So who's right?????
                            i am actually


                              I don't really mind opposing views. Sometimes I can learn something, or maybe they'll bring up a point I'd never thought of. On the other hand, sometimes I have to just go "Huh? Where the heck did THAT come from?"

                              The only thing that truly bothers me is when things degenerate into name-calling, whether of another poster or of a character. When I see that, I try to simply shrug and skip it, remembering that someone else's opinion is no skin off my nose. Mostly I succeed, occasionally not.

                              Excessive negativity (here or in RL) tends to bring me down, so I avoid it. That's just personal preference, and to anyone else, I say 'knock yourself out'.

                              I will be surprised if I see nothing but negatives from someone for 8-9 episodes in a row. Heck, if I fine NO positives at all in a show for half a season, I'm bye-bye. But again, simply personal preference. ::shrug::

