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A Wraith Episode I would REALLY like to see....

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    A Wraith Episode I would REALLY like to see....

    Okay - some of you may have noticed, I really like the creepy bugmen...

    I would like to see the writers re-establish what the Wraith REALLY can do. First - they're supposed to be these excellent martial artists, great hunters and fighters - full of arrogance and confidence and pride. Oh, and the hair - let's not forget the long, flowing hair that just looks totally awesome in a fight. We've seen glimpses of this sort of thing - Steve's fight right before he was captured - the goggled Wraith in Sateda - great - but all-too-brief - fighting scenes. Wraith badness - but... Wraith bad guys. See, it's just not fun rooting for the bad guys if you KNOW they're always gonna lose in the end.

    There has been one exception where a Wraith kicked butt for the right team - in Common Ground. BUT, at the time, we didn't realize he was saving Shep's behind.

    So - how could we get the best of both worlds? dream episode would simply be this - a worse case scenario for the team - perhaps a jumper crashes on a very hostile planet - crew is severely injured - Ronon, Shep...everyone - out of commission. They are about to be overtaken by the attacking unfriendlies...they are seconds from being toast...

    But then, the cavalry comes. The cavalry, in the form of Wraith. (The reason's not important to me, as long as it's believeable.)

    The Atlantis team would be out of ammo, out of options - sitting ducks. Suddenly the Wraith arrive - and take their stand between the crew, and their attackers (Ronon, of course - would try kill 'em before their intentions were made known ). There would be a few masked warriors, but several without masks - the 'elite guard', as it were. These are the best hand-to-hand fighters, and this would be a chance to really showcase their skills, a true Wraith moment - to show of what they really can do, but NOT at the expense of the Lanteans. It would give fans of the Wraith a chance to be really proud of OUR guys for a change.

    Best part - they would NOT explain their reasons for helping. That would be the coolest part of it all... No explanations. They'd just kick some serious buttage, and then leave (viewers could be let in on the reason, but not the SG team).

    Yup - that would be my dream come true...

    Oh, poo...put this in the wrong forum. Rats.

    Last edited by dasNdanger; 23 January 2008, 12:39 PM.

    Ha I want a cavalry of Wraith who rescue the people of Atlantis from the replis..... And the Stupid look from Sheppard and Ronon


      Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
      Ha I want a cavalry of Wraith who rescue the people of Atlantis from the replis..... And the Stupid look from Sheppard and Ronon
      Well, we might get something like this if Todd & Michael clash - but I'm not holding my breath. I think what I want isn't going to ever happen. I just think having the creepy guys bail out the good guys - for once - would be exciting, and a lot of fun...kinda like the 7 Samurai saving the day...



        You mean Michael and Todd work together??? I don´t think so because Michael HATE the Humans


          Originally posted by Degilwen
          You mean Michael and Todd work together??? I don´t think so because Michael HATE the Humans

          No - not together - against each other. Like - Michael attacks the humans, and Todd comes to the aid of the humans and saves the day. Now THAT would make me very happy...IF Todd survives.

          I've been watching all these SGA episodes, and boy - Sheppard likes to kill himself some Wraith... (didn't have to shoot Bob like that...)



            Do you really think that Todd fight again Michael?? I don´t think so if Todd hear what Shepp and co have done with Michael


              Originally posted by Degilwen
              Do you really think that Todd fight again Michael?? I don´t think so if Todd hear what Shepp and co have done with Michael
              Oh, well...yeah - this is true. LOL. But - But Todd might disagree with what Michael is doing, AND see Michael as a threat to his own plans...soooo...I think it's still wide open - anything can happen.



                I want see Teyla (pregnant) Todd and Michael together in a cave and Teyla get her baby... Todd and Michael must help her as accoucheuse (midwife)
                I think it look Cute a baby in Todd´s arm


                  I find it amusing how EVERYONE who watches any form of entertainment complains about different plot devices not being explained, but when they WANT something to happen badly that has no explanation, they DON'T want an explanation attempted.


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Oh, well...yeah - this is true. LOL. But - But Todd might disagree with what Michael is doing, AND see Michael as a threat to his own plans...soooo...I think it's still wide open - anything can happen.

                    Micheal is considered a deviant freak by his fellow Wraith because of his transformation into a partly Human state which disgusts te rest of his kind. I doubt Todd would act any different upon seeing Micheal... Todd might not be in good standings with some of his Wraith but he is still a Wraith and much of the damage he suffers from is political in nature; something he can get back. Micheal however is forever an outcast and would be killed by his own kind if he does not have anything useful.

                    As such, I don't see the two getting along very well... Todd would see him as a freak while Micheal would be fighting to survive against Humans and his own species.

                    Just my view on the thing.

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                      Originally posted by Prior_of_the_Ori View Post
                      Micheal is considered a deviant freak by his fellow Wraith because of his transformation into a partly Human state which disgusts te rest of his kind. I doubt Todd would act any different upon seeing Micheal... Todd might not be in good standings with some of his Wraith but he is still a Wraith and much of the damage he suffers from is political in nature; something he can get back. Micheal however is forever an outcast and would be killed by his own kind if he does not have anything useful.

                      As such, I don't see the two getting along very well... Todd would see him as a freak while Micheal would be fighting to survive against Humans and his own species.

                      Just my view on the thing.
                      Indeed. And Michael's army of bug-people might not sit too well with the rest of the Wraith either. How 'bout an "Aliens" homage this time? Afterall, we had the "Alien" one in "Vengeance", why not "Aliens"?
                      The Wraith send an elite team(the equivalent of the marines in "Aliens") to see what's going on with one of their research outposts. Michael and his bug-people are there(for whatever reason). The humans get in the middle, as always(say Todd called them, similar to "Spoils Of War"). Que slaughter.


                        I think this would definitely suspenseful. It would leave SG teams scratching their heads. Problem is who would the SG teams attackers be?
                        Stargate Revival Please!


                          I want to see the Wraith as a species begging for their lives, and see how the team deals with the moral implications of genocide, rather than all of their ships being blown and everyone lives happily ever after...


                            Originally posted by squeakytoad
                            I find it amusing how EVERYONE who watches any form of entertainment complains about different plot devices not being explained, but when they WANT something to happen badly that has no explanation, they DON'T want an explanation attempted.
                            Not sure what you mean by this, but if you are referring to my 'dream episode', well...I'm not a writer, and so if such an episode ever happened, I have faith that the writers would come up with a good explanation as to why the Wraith stepped in to help.

                            Obviously, for the Wraith to do something like this, it would have to be for their own personal gain in some way. But it would be up to the writers to create a believable scenario to explain the whys and wherefores, not me. I just want to see an episode where the Wraith 'save the day' - one that showcases their fighting skills, and returns some of the mystery they had in the beginning. I think of the male keeper in The Rising - his silence spoke volumes - 'they have no need to explain themselves.'

                            It is a return to that attitude I'd like to see. We have Todd, a questionable ally, to do any explaining we need...and we have come to love him for it (well, most of us, anyway). The other Wraith are best when they are men of few words around the humans. Steve was about the most perfect example of a balance between the two Wraith extremes - the silent keeper, and the loquacious Todd. He said JUST enough - his attitude said the rest. Take such an attitude and apply it to my dream scenario - have the Wraith step in to assist - for their own, unspoken reasons - and it can add real mystery to both their species, and what they may be up to. Whether or not their reasons are explained to the audience would be up to the writers, but this idea would work best if the SGA team are kept in the dark, at least for that moment.



                              Originally posted by Ebeneezer_Goode
                              I want to see the Wraith as a species begging for their lives, and see how the team deals with the moral implications of genocide, rather than all of their ships being blown and everyone lives happily ever after...

                              Yes - I would like to see that, except...except I would REALLY FEAR that TPTB would go the whole 'Star Trek' route, and let their stars play God. It was the reason that - after being a Trekkie since the original series - I stopped watching during Voyager. All too often the Captain decided the fate of other civilizations, forcing HER worldview on alien species, not giving them the right to make their own way in life as they see fit. I really hate stuff like that...

                              So - my fear with your above idea is that Sheppard would ultimately decide that the Wraith do not deserve to live because of the threat they impose, and wipe them out as if they were some sort of disease. Sheppard can be cold at times, and I think that - after the Wraith starved themselves out of existence - he'd have a moment's regret, then go on his merry little way as if nothing happened.

                              Eventually I'd like to see the Wraith become like the Klingons - a volatile ally - but without wussing them down like the Klingons were. Right now, the only way I can see this happening is if they (perhaps Todd, or another Wraith scientist, working with Rodney) come up with a way to give the Wraith the ability to absorb nutrition from normal - and normally eaten - food, but without diminishing their hunger for humans. This would mean that a Wraith COULD be sustained by eating regular food, but his burning desire would ALWAYS be to feed on an addiction. (It could also be that only by feeding on humans, they maintain their rapid healing, and ability to restore life). They would remain Wraith, their nature would STILL be to feed on humans. But it would halt the need to wipe the Wraith out of existence, and allow some to ally themselves to humans, though always at an arm's length. It would take great self-control not to give into the desire to suck the life out of your pals, and there is great potential - I feel - in where storylines can go from there.

                              Of course, for some this might water the Wraith down too much anyway - anything LESS than a 100% reliance on a human diet could be seen as a weakening of the characters. But I personally love these characters so much, I'd hate to see the easy fix of eradicating them from the galaxy and introducing a new enemy in their stead. So, to find a way to keep them around by giving them a way to co-exist with humans, while maintaining their threat to humanity, would make me a very happy viewer.


