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What's the happy ending to Atlantis?

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    What's the happy ending to Atlantis?

    What is the best possible carebear ending to SGA? A) the wraith are all permantly turned into humans by the retrovirus. B) The Asurans being reprogramed for huggles instead of killing, and left on their own to learn how to ascend. C) Atlantis flies back to earth, lands somewhere out of the way and is reverse engineered to defend against any unforseen alien threats in the future.

    What cha think?

    Originally posted by kymeric View Post
    What is the best possible carebear ending to SGA? A) the wraith are all permantly turned into humans by the retrovirus. B) The Asurans being reprogramed for huggles instead of killing, and left on their own to learn how to ascend. C) Atlantis flies back to earth, lands somewhere out of the way and is reverse engineered to defend against any unforseen alien threats in the future.

    What cha think?
    I dont think any of those options are viable to be honest there are too many wraith out there and they may become immune to the retrovirus, also replicators are made of nanites so they cant ascend being machines and all as the ancients were living people, and I think that with everything like terrorism and the way the world is now, if Atlantis came back which i doubt it even could then people would probably panic knowing that there are alien races out there that can cause major devastation, especially the Ori.
    Last edited by lvlister2005; 12 November 2007, 07:45 AM. Reason: General cleanup


      Originally posted by kymeric View Post
      What is the best possible carebear ending to SGA? A) the wraith are all permantly turned into humans by the retrovirus. B) The Asurans being reprogramed for huggles instead of killing, and left on their own to learn how to ascend. C) Atlantis flies back to earth, lands somewhere out of the way and is reverse engineered to defend against any unforseen alien threats in the future.

      What cha think?
      Well the wraith could build up an immunity against the retrovirus, cant catch them all, so that wont work

      Asurans being reprogrammed is possible, but ascention, i dunno, we are also machines, only our molecules are of a different nature, so if that determines if you can ascend

      Well, then the Stargate Programm needs to be revealed to the public before that happens, and that the world is ready for alienlife as in for real, not going to happen for a very long time.

      But try to keep it positive


        The Wraith drive the genocidal invaders from their galaxy and launch a bold mission across the alien galactic bridge, a mission where a few brave Wraith heroes and a knapsack full of tainted ZPMs will set out to strike back at the evil aliens on their home turf.

        It'll be called "Stargate: stay in your own ****ing galaxy"


          Originally posted by wolverine_nl View Post
          Well the wraith could build up an immunity against the retrovirus, cant catch them all, so that wont work
          Not possible.

          In order to (naturally) develop an immunity to a virus, one needs to be subjected to it first and then have one's body build antibodies.

          However, as opposed to colds, when hit by the retrovirus, your DNA is rewritten and you become a human. Becoming immune by then is useless if the retrovirus has been improved to the point where the effect is permanent.

          As for the topic at hand: None of the above seems plausible nor are they the very best solutions since:
          A) Well, that still leaves the Asurans to wreck havoc. With the Wraith gone, they're free to wipe out the humans of Pegasus out of spite.
          B) This leaves the Wraith to keep feeding off of the humans of the Pegasus Galaxy without the Asurans to fight them.
          C) This leaves both the Wraith and Asurans to destroy the Pegasus galaxy.


            They should end Atlantis like they did with SG-1, by not really ending it so there can be movies afterward.



              The Wraith discover how to modify themselves genetically so they can live on ordinary food while staying as Wraith in other respects. Then they find a way to change Asuran base code so the Pegasus replicators have their aggression and instructions to fight Wraith removed.

              The Wraith and Asurans are no longer a threat to Earth. As the Atlantis expedition has consistently failed to find any useful technology in the Pegasus galaxy they all go back home. The Wraith, who are no longer in danger of extinction due to their over specialised diet, can now create a new civilisation without having to worry about Sheppard and co blowing them up or shooting them all the time.

              Oh, yes. It would probably be beneficial to Pegasus galaxy humans as well because they wouldn't have to be Wraith lunch any more.


                Atlantis is destroyed and everyone dies heroically just after the defeat of the Wraith and Asurans...


                  Originally posted by jenks View Post
                  Atlantis is destroyed and everyone dies heroically just after the defeat of the Wraith and Asurans...
                  I like your idea of a happy ending. I suppose it would be happy for Pegasus galaxy humans, though.


                    Originally posted by jenks View Post
                    Atlantis is destroyed and everyone dies heroically just after the defeat of the Wraith and Asurans...

                    The Ancients come back and take their city away. They cloak or hide it like the NOX so nobody can use it for their "own evil purposes" . Of course after they wipe out with all the baddies .


                      My happy ending is it doesn't end!
                      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                        Ok back on topic. The battle with the Asurans is at an impass. We have made strides but in the end are facing the same problem as the Ancients. We are way outnumbered. Mckay comes up with a plan that revolves around finding a way to override the failsafes of the city and the Apollo and start an overload with the ZPMs. Shepard calls upon an old friend to help him gain controll of a dart and fly into the main Wraith hive ship with the intent of getting it close to the Asuran battlecruiser. He is captured but Mckay unaware of that is ordered to deploy the ZPM. Just as he does the Wraith ship is headed on a course to Atlantis. The ship blows taking the city with it but just prior to that we see a strange flash. Then we city the city being destroyed in the most spectular vis effects we have ever seen. Fade to black and To Be Concluded.
                        In Part two it starts with a littlw bit of an expanded scene of the explosion and then we see Mckay standing in Atlantis looking directly at an Ancient. He faints then roll credits. Janus transported him there and this time has the blessing of the council. The council says that this is the same path they took and the reason they lost. They expended too many resources fighting two enemies and when the Wraith came in full force they were too much for them. They offer their help and decide to break their own rules. Mckay is sent back two days prior and we try to prepare for this battle with the help of a few Ancients. After spectacular battles we win the war and the Ancients thank us for doing such a great job protecting their fair city and the rest of the galaxy. They unlock Atlantis's full potential and show us how to create our own ZPMs. Atlantis is truly the city it was and for the first time in thousands of years the galaxy is safe.
                        Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                        "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                        Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                          Reverse engineer atlantis


                            I didn't respond to that part because I couldn't stop laughing and then cringing at the thought of what our President would do with that kind of technology.
                            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                              Originally posted by jenks View Post
                              Atlantis is destroyed and everyone dies heroically just after the defeat of the Wraith and Asurans...

                              I'd go for no real ending, leaving it open for them to continue exploring the galaxy . . . Just please, please make it better than "Unending" and the Enterprise finale. Unending may not have been very good, but that thing just stunk.
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