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Mallozzi and Mullie as show runners. What do we think now?

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    Originally posted by Celcool View Post
    Why am I even replying to this? Sure, if I'm anti then it's a moot point. It's as moot point as all the speculations for s4 eps the pros or whoever are writing on this forum. Thank you very much. What I said is true, if it were your favorite character getting killed or removed from the show you'd feel the same way as we do. Your point of view would change significantly, which would make your present arguments a moot point.
    Hang on a second Celcool, when did this become pro and anti? My point was that Carter and Sheppard getting killed off, has nothing to do with this thread.

    The thread is "Mallozzi and Mullie as showrunners. What do we think now."

    The thing is it is a moot point, if you're pro or anti. Like I said before, it's irrelevant to this thread, because it has nothing to do with Mallozzi and Mullie being showrunners. Unless you've heard something about Carter or Shep getting killed off by the execs that we've not heard of. Why not mention about Weir and how you'd like the execs to handle her return, or what you think they should do to bring her back?

    Instead, I got the impression that you were stirring the pot. If you weren't, fine, I apologise.


      Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
      The other two would still be better (BW and RC)
      One out of two of those maybe. The other needs to be writing, not producing, at least not at that level.

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by Celcool View Post
        Why am I even replying to this? Sure, if I'm anti then it's a moot point. It's as moot point as all the speculations for s4 eps the pros or whoever are writing on this forum. Thank you very much. What I said is true, if it were your favorite character getting killed or removed from the show you'd feel the same way as we do. Your point of view would change significantly, which would make your present arguments a moot point.
        No - I wouldn't.

        Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson, Janet Frasier, Susan Ivanova, Marcus Cole, Kosh, Hoburn "Wash" Washburn, Jadzia Dax, Leo Wyatt, Cole Turner, Henry Blake, Water "Radar" O'Reilly... I could go on.

        I learnt to move on.
        : I would very much like to have a weapon such as this.
        : Yeah, Get in line.


          Find me someone who is giving up on the show ONLY because a favorite character is killed off; someone who loves every aspect of the show, thinks the writing is fantastic, likes all the characters (including the "replacement" for the killed-off character), thinks the story arcs are new and interesting and (dead character aside) completely trusts TPTB. Find me one of these mythical fans to whom so much derision and ridicule is directed. Otherwise maybe you can stop your antagonism long enough to admit that for most of those who say they're giving up there's a variety of reasons... as in more than one contributing factor.
          Last edited by ShadowMaat; 25 June 2007, 03:50 AM.


            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
            Find me someone who is giving up on the show ONLY because a favorite character is killed off; someone who loves every aspect of the show, thinks the writing is fantastic, likes all the characters (including the "replacement" for the killed-off character), thinks the story arcs are new and interesting and (dead character aside) completely trusts TPTB. Find me one of these mythical fans to whom so much derision and ridicule is directed. Otherwise maybe you can stop your antagonism long enough to admit that for most of those who say they're giving up there's a variety of reasons... as in more than one contributing factor.
            If they can't be antagonistic towards people who disagree with them, how would they fill their day?

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
              Find me someone who is giving up on the show ONLY because a favorite character is killed off; someone who loves every aspect of the show, thinks the writing is fantastic, likes all the characters (including the "replacement" for the killed-off character), thinks the story arcs are new and interesting and (dead character aside) completely trusts TPTB. Find me one of these mythical fans to whom so much derision and ridicule is directed. Otherwise maybe you can stop your antagonism long enough to admit that for most of those who say they're giving up there's a variety of reasons... as in more than one contributing factor.
              I never implied that anyone was like that.

              Although - its impossible not to notice that almost every thread descends into Weir Vs Carter - very quickly.

              I personally had just replied to Celcool, who had specifically said:- ... if it were your favorite character getting killed or removed from the show you'd feel the same way as we do. Your point of view would change significantly ...

              That is as close as I can point to someone specifically saying "My opinion on Atlantis changed because they killed my favourite character - and yours would too". That is exactly how that comment translates on my end, anyway.
              Celcool May have other problems with Atlantis - however has specifically stated in that comment that the "significant change in view point" was specifically caused solely by the "killing off or removal of said favourite character" from the show.

              Now while I have never said that anyone was stopping watching due to the loss of a favourite character, I find it interesting that you manage to post this rebuttal pretty much under the comment that can be interpreted by the every day forum reader as the Proof you ask for.
              It is comments like that one that cause the misinterpretation that you are complaining about. Its hardly the readers fault if they are misled by those kinds of comments.
              : I would very much like to have a weapon such as this.
              : Yeah, Get in line.


                SG13-NightOps, you just may be one of few who wouldn't be bothered if their favorite character got killed. Nobody else has stated that the case for them. Btw. I noticed you have a whole lot of favorite characters and all killed by tptb? LOL No wonder you're used to it by now. It's the first time this will happen to me. *sigh*

                SouthernRed, I loved your entire post.
                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                  Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                  SG13-NightOps, you just may be one of few who wouldn't be bothered if their favorite character got killed. Nobody else has stated that the case for them. Btw. I noticed you have a whole lot of favorite characters and all killed by tptb? LOL No wonder you're used to it by now. It's the first time this will happen to me. *sigh*

                  SouthernRed, I loved your entire post.
                  I have problems with "favourite". Its an ensemble thing for me. Much like the "Favourite episode of a season". I can never seem to pin down just that one specific. Its like John and Rodney. They work off each other so well, how do you specifically point to one and say 'and he is why its so good', when they are both so good. I dont know - Maybe I am just the worlds worst fence sitter. LOL.


                  "Elizabeth being my favourite character, I think it's safe to say I won't be watching unless she has a significant role in the series."
                  That cover it for you?
                  : I would very much like to have a weapon such as this.
                  : Yeah, Get in line.


                    Originally posted by SG13-NightOps View Post
                    I have problems with "favourite". Its an ensemble thing for me. Much like the "Favourite episode of a season". I can never seem to pin down just that one specific. Its like John and Rodney. They work off each other so well, how do you specifically point to one and say 'and he is why its so good', when they are both so good. I dont know - Maybe I am just the worlds worst fence sitter. LOL.


                    "Elizabeth being my favourite character, I think it's safe to say I won't be watching unless she has a significant role in the series."
                    That cover it for you?
                    I agree with you SG13. I can find fave eps since there are eps with all the elements I love. But if I were to sit there and cut it down to a top three then I'd have 4 or 5 eps per each at a time.

                    I do find it hard to have a favorite character. I've thought of myself as a long time McKay fave character girl, but even at times I've been known to want McKay zipped up and put in a closet somewhere. I think I was ill at the time, that's my only excuse. Overall I think I like the assemble cast and really I just like the storylines and I'm entertained by them more so than even the cast.

                    So I mean if it was a whole other cast and they changed everyone but kept the names and the stories, I'd be watching. Shoot, if they changed the names but kept the premise I'd be watching. I'm just into the show as a whole. I think, as I've said in the past, if anyone invests in one concept, ship or character when watching the show----they've set themselves up for some serious disappointment.
                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Originally posted by SG13-NightOps View Post
                      I never implied that anyone was like that.
                      You? No. But others have. Rather nastily, too, IMO. Some people go out of their way to be as rude and antagonistic about it as they can. It isn't enough to say "I disagree" they have to imply that anyone who thinks such-and-such is a spoiled, mewling baby. It isn't enough to say "I won't miss X and will be happy to see Y" they have to taunt people that X is gone and Y is coming.


                        Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                        You? No. But others have. Rather nastily, too, IMO. Some people go out of their way to be as rude and antagonistic about it as they can. It isn't enough to say "I disagree" they have to imply that anyone who thinks such-and-such is a spoiled, mewling baby. It isn't enough to say "I won't miss X and will be happy to see Y" they have to taunt people that X is gone and Y is coming.
                        And the reverse is also true..... there's bad apples on both sides of the fence! Some are just slyer about their intentions than others... but that's a whole different ball game and a completely different thread.


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                          Find me someone who is giving up on the show ONLY because a favorite character is killed off; someone who loves every aspect of the show, thinks the writing is fantastic, likes all the characters (including the "replacement" for the killed-off character), thinks the story arcs are new and interesting and (dead character aside) completely trusts TPTB. Find me one of these mythical fans to whom so much derision and ridicule is directed. Otherwise maybe you can stop your antagonism long enough to admit that for most of those who say they're giving up there's a variety of reasons... as in more than one contributing factor.
                          Good point. If the roles were reversed and TPTB were getting rid of McKay instead of Weir I would have no problem dropping the show. This is not simply because I watch the show only because I'm 100% McKay, it's because TPTB haven't given me much else to really capture my interest. All of the characters save McKay are woefully underdeveloped. I find that inexcusable after 60 episodes. I think most of the episode plotlines to range from good to meh, with only a handful per season that I would really call excellent and would watch again. When I look at the show overall I'm afraid I wouldn't rate it very highly. McKay is what keeps me around.


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                            Good point. If the roles were reversed and TPTB were getting rid of McKay instead of Weir I would have no problem dropping the show. This is not simply because I watch the show only because I'm 100% McKay, it's because TPTB haven't given me much else to really capture my interest. All of the characters save McKay are woefully underdeveloped. I find that inexcusable after 60 episodes. I think most of the episode plotlines to range from good to meh, with only a handful per season that I would really call excellent and would watch again. When I look at the show overall I'm afraid I wouldn't rate it very highly. McKay is what keeps me around.
                            Weir is what kept me around. I love your sig btw.
                            Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                            at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                            R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                              Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                              Weir is what kept me around. I love your sig btw.
                              Yeah, but if you stop watching it isn't JUST because Weir isn't in it anymore, right?


                                Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                                Weir is what kept me around. I love your sig btw.
                                Quick question Celcool. Hypothetically, if Joe and Paul told the fans that Weir would be back full time in S5 would you watch S4? Or if Torri says that even if asked she wouldn't come back, would you watch, S4 knowing it was the actresses choice?

                                Excuse me, i'm curious.

