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How is SG1 "taking over"? (spoilers)

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    And this isn't a healthy one I take it then? why cause you get to much oppinions that aren't yours? Cause from everything I read, I think this discussion is okay. yes we go sometimes in circles and try to make things clear to the other one, but it doesn't make it unhealthy.
    It's the circles I get lost in. And no, this isn't a healthy discussion. It holds the balance between healthy and unhealthy, but most definitely not a healthy one. I see a lot of covered name-calling. I see a lot of 'If you don't agree with me then go take a hike and don't come back'-type of posts. (not just in this thread) And it most certainly comes from all sides.

    I don't see much clearing things up. I see much of 'my opinion counts, yours is worthless'. (could be just me of course)

    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    In the end a discussion has 2 sides, and most of the times the 2 sides stick with their originaly POV but at least they saw the other POV. I do get all the POV of the others, I just can't agree with it, cause I really don't see how SG-1 is taking over SGA
    In which case they tend to agree to disagree and let it rest, cause there won't be a winner.

    Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
    I'd be curious to know the reaction of the CSI: Miami fans if Sarah Sidle were to replace Callie Duquesne.
    I'd be devastated to see Callie go. She's an integral part of the team. Just like Elizabeth is to Atlantis.

    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    But on the other hand, I think the writers knew when doing such a things that there would be a lot of people who wouldn't be pleased, so I think,and honestly hope, that they know what they are doing.
    I'm not keeping my hopes up.

    Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
    I thought Atlantis was supposed to be an international expedition. I wonder how the other countries are going to feel about the US Military once again being in charge. Especially when Weir has the support of the international committee.
    The reason I fell in love with Atlantis in the first place, a civilian and international expedition, covered by a military contigent containing international soldiers.
    I pretty much had enough of always seeing the USAF in charge.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
      But bringing the most unrealistic Stargate character to SGA in the most unrealistic circumstances will solve these problems, or make them even worse?
      Ummm... It's your opinion that Carter is unrealistic. I may consider bringing Carter over to be part of the whole "SG-1 takeover conspiracy" but not because I think she's a bad character. Well, maybe badly written, but no more "unrealistic" than the others.

      I'd like to see the show go one season without doing a single crossover. No calling home, no bringing over characters, no sending over characters, no SG-1 villains with a new paint job, none of it. Just pure, unadulterated Atlantis. See what happens.


        Atlantis is part of the SG television universe. The expedition is part of the same program the the SGC is. To expect that there won't some kind of crossovers is a little bit unrealistic. Season one was as close to that as we're going to see, at least at this point.
        I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


          in the terms of 'unqualified' exactly DO you train to man a base/city in another galaxy????

          Serious question. How do you train to do something that no one else is doing?

          By the 'not trained' arguement, hammond wasn't qualified to run the sgc. In fact, he was an 'old timer' given the task of shutting down the base to fill the last year or two before he retired. He fell into a role that was impossible to train for cause there's no way to train folks for something that 'doesn't exist' (which, technically, in the canon of the show, the sgc and atlantis don't exist)
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Again with that "unrealistic" stuff.

            Frankly I don't care if it's "unrealistic" or not, I'd still like to see them try, just to see what happens.

            And considering some of the asinine and preposterous things some fans want to happen on the show I don't think "no crossovers" is that extreme a thing to want.

            But then we'll just get back to the same tired argument about crossovers. Some people think having a dozen or more crossovers a season is perfectly reasonable. Some people think that the more SG-1 influences/references there are on Atlantis, the better. Some people even think that there should be MORE SG-1 stuff. I don't. *shrug*

            And if Atlantis is truly unique and individual from SG-1, why do they keep needing to bring in stuff from SG-1 to get through a season?


              sorry if I make multiple posts but my MQ button isn't functioning anymore

              Originally posted by prion View Post
              Please do not slur other fans are being 'uninformed' and using 'inaccurate' information just because you disagree. Perhaps you should just get off GW and do some reseach
              and can we also please stop personal attacks towards someone... honestly I do like this discussion but not if we are going to attack people personally, and calling them names in general. If you want to post something about military or somehting like it, inform before post. I will never try to do such a thing, cause I know nothing about it... and I really am not interested enough in the hierarchie of the military to actually do research But that doesn't mean I don't like discussing it. I just know that if it comes down to it, I will talk about it but I know I can make mistakes, and huge ones about that subject...


                I don't see how they're bringing in SG1 just "to get through a season"; why can't they do it just for creative reasons? Why can't it be "oh, if we had this person/thing from SG1 come over for an ep, it'll be fun instead of "oh, we need the ratings! Get SG1 stuff!!"

                You know what I mean?


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  in the terms of 'unqualified' exactly DO you train to man a base/city in another galaxy????

                  Serious question. How do you train to do something that no one else is doing?

                  By the 'not trained' arguement, hammond wasn't qualified to run the sgc. In fact, he was an 'old timer' given the task of shutting down the base to fill the last year or two before he retired. He fell into a role that was impossible to train for cause there's no way to train folks for something that 'doesn't exist' (which, technically, in the canon of the show, the sgc and atlantis don't exist)
                  Great question Sky, and honest answer. you can't train for it. No one can train for it, You just can get experience with things. And some people will adjust faster then others...
                  I think Sam does have a little advantage, cause she knows what it is going offworld and being in situation that are almost imposible to ever get out. She has a lot of experience in the milkyway. does that make her great for Atlantis, we only know that in a few months. But she already has been there and worked with some of them in 2 episodes, so she knows what she is up too...and she also already know what the Wraiths are... So maybe she has an advantage. And can assist or make faster judgements then Hammond ever could, or Weir for that matter. And no I am not ditching Weir here. (Cause besides everything I like Weir) But Weir didn't really know a lot about science or military protocols. What Sam does.

                  But in the end who is fit to lead a base in another one cause it is something so unreal and something that isn't happening daily.

                  But what I am wondering, does that Sam coming over to SGA, really makes SGA into SG-1... or is that just an excuse so you don't have to like Sam... or...


                    Originally posted by prion View Post
                    Please do not slur other fans are being 'uninformed' and using 'inaccurate' information just because you disagree. Perhaps you should just get off GW and do some reseach
                    Maybe you should do some research. Season 9, episode 13: Ripple Effect
                    Our Daniel is questioning Black AU Teal'c:

                    BLACK TEAL'C: And with the new threat to this galaxy, I returned to SG-1.

                    DANIEL: Right, along with Colonel Mitchell, myself and eventually Colonel Carter who rejoined following her ...

                    BLACK TEAL'C: Following her honeymoon.

                    Daniel looks surprised.

                    DANIEL: What?

                    Black Teal'c raises his eyebrow and stares back at him.

                    DANIEL: No, I was going to say following her stint on the Prometheus

                    So we know, as evidenced by canon, that she also had some TDY on the Prommie as well before she rejoined SG1. Considering at that point the Prometheus was the only ship in Earth's defense fleet (since the Deadalus was shuttling back and forth to Atlantis), I'd definately say that was the front lines.


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      I don't see how they're bringing in SG1 just "to get through a season"; why can't they do it just for creative reasons? Why can't it be "oh, if we had this person/thing from SG1 come over for an ep, it'll be fun instead of "oh, we need the ratings! Get SG1 stuff!!"

                      You know what I mean?
                      Possible? Of course. But as far as I'm concerned they wore out the "doing it for creative reasons" excuse a while ago.

                      I still think that if they're so "creative" they shouldn't need to use SG-1 as a crutch. They should be able to come up with NEW ideas and NEW characters.

                      Could bringing in X from SG-1 be interesting? Sure, but who's to say that creating Z instead might not be even better?


                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                        But what I am wondering, does that Sam coming over to SGA, really makes SGA into SG-1... or is that just an excuse so you don't have to like Sam... or...
                        I don't hate Sam. I don't dislike her or like her. I'm disappointed that they felt the need to drag an SG-1 character over (any SG-1 character, nothing against Sam in particular) rather than focusing on creating new characters and plots for Atlantis.

                        I can accept a conversation now and then with Landry or a brief visit from Woolsey. That makes sense as long as they're in contact with Earth. But it's not like the SG-1 characters are anyone I know or care about. They feel like guest star of the week but without any backround, because it's assumed this is a character I already know and love. Except I don't know them at all.

                        Honestly, if it were the other way around, I don't think I'd be all that interested in seeing an Atlantis character go to SG-1 either. Part of what makes up a character are the relationships they have formed. Their just not the same when set down in the midst of strangers.

                        Can one character take over a show? Probably not. But it makes me nervous that she may be used as an excuse to bring over more and more SG-1 villains and plots. I watched a season maybe two of SG-1 but I grew tired of the Goa'uld and symbiotes. I caught an episode of Atlantis by accident and liked the characters, liked the Wraith as villains, liked the atmosphere of the show.

                        I have nothing against Sam as long as every effort is made to blend her in with Atlantis rather than use her as an excuse to focus on what used to be in SG-1. I'm not interested in a trip down memory lane.


                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          I don't see how they're bringing in SG1 just "to get through a season"; why can't they do it just for creative reasons? Why can't it be "oh, if we had this person/thing from SG1 come over for an ep, it'll be fun instead of "oh, we need the ratings! Get SG1 stuff!!"

                          You know what I mean?
                          Well, that can be done, of course, but we're talking putting in a person as a regular on the show (14 episodes, front credits). That's a far cry from the sporadic guest star shot... but much of what they do casting wise in regards to bringing SG1 characters to SGA is about ratings and drawing in viewers. I mean, I'm sure Sam will be on an SGA coffee mug in a matter of months. Sell, sell, sell!

                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                          Maybe you should do some research. Season 9, episode 13: Ripple Effect
                          Our Daniel is questioning Black AU Teal'c:

                          BLACK TEAL'C: And with the new threat to this galaxy, I returned to SG-1.

                          DANIEL: Right, along with Colonel Mitchell, myself and eventually Colonel Carter who rejoined following her ...

                          BLACK TEAL'C: Following her honeymoon.

                          Daniel looks surprised.

                          DANIEL: What?

                          Black Teal'c raises his eyebrow and stares back at him.

                          DANIEL: No, I was going to say following her stint on the Prometheus

                          So we know, as evidenced by canon, that she also had some TDY on the Prommie as well before she rejoined SG1. Considering at that point the Prometheus was the only ship in Earth's defense fleet (since the Deadalus was shuttling back and forth to Atlantis), I'd definately say that was the front lines.
                          Stint could be a few weeks, and we don't know what she did on it. Science? Command? Doubtful on the latter as they had other commanders on the ship. But was the Prometheus always in a fight? Doubtful as well, as otherwise it would been blown up sooner. The SG1 writers sure liked to blow up ships.

                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                          Possible? Of course. But as far as I'm concerned they wore out the "doing it for creative reasons" excuse a while ago.

                          I still think that if they're so "creative" they shouldn't need to use SG-1 as a crutch. They should be able to come up with NEW ideas and NEW characters.

                          Could bringing in X from SG-1 be interesting? Sure, but who's to say that creating Z instead might not be even better?
                          Creating new characters requires leaving the comfort zone, alas


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            Stint could be a few weeks, and we don't know what she did on it. Science? Command? Doubtful on the latter as they had other commanders on the ship. But was the Prometheus always in a fight? Doubtful as well, as otherwise it would been blown up sooner.
                            For all we know she was serving as the ships XO for your few weeks while the Prommie's XO had family leave or whatever. And why does it have to be involved in a fight to make it meaningful? There would be hundreds of other things those ships do. Besides, if it had to be in a fight for her to gain the 'appropriate experience' to command a city, then Weir should have never even packed her bags for the initial expedition. We already know Carter, as well as all of SG1, can handle herself in imminent death situations.


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              sorry if I make multiple posts but my MQ button isn't functioning anymore

                              and can we also please stop personal attacks towards someone... honestly I do like this discussion but not if we are going to attack people personally, and calling them names in general. If you want to post something about military or somehting like it, inform before post. I will never try to do such a thing, cause I know nothing about it... and I really am not interested enough in the hierarchie of the military to actually do research But that doesn't mean I don't like discussing it. I just know that if it comes down to it, I will talk about it but I know I can make mistakes, and huge ones about that subject...
                              In a perfect world my friend, in a perfect world. Back on topic I agree with Skydiver there is no proper way to train a commander to command an alien city in another galaxy. In terms of experience however Carter is more than qualified. She has done more for us than any normal military officer and I have no doubt she will struggle with being a base commander but she will get through it. In terms of SG-1 taking over we have no idea if SGA gets a fifth season and if it does we have no clue to if AT will come back for another season. Even if she does it does not mean SGA has become SG-1 part deux.
                              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                                Originally posted by prion View Post
                                Please do not slur other fans are being 'uninformed' and using 'inaccurate' information just because you disagree. Perhaps you should just get off GW and do some reseach
                                Sorry you find being called uninformed is a slur but it is not.

                                In this case it is the truth and how do I know? I get my information from official military and trusted sources like the air force regs and my military family and friends, high ranking ones at that. I've already done my research.

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                in the terms of 'unqualified' exactly DO you train to man a base/city in another galaxy????

                                Serious question. How do you train to do something that no one else is doing?

                                By the 'not trained' arguement, hammond wasn't qualified to run the sgc. In fact, he was an 'old timer' given the task of shutting down the base to fill the last year or two before he retired. He fell into a role that was impossible to train for cause there's no way to train folks for something that 'doesn't exist' (which, technically, in the canon of the show, the sgc and atlantis don't exist)
                                Actually Sky this is where not understanding the military comes in. All officers are trained to lead and in whatever circumstances they find themselves. There's a reason all AF officers are highly educated these days because they want people who can think and adapt, take their training and apply it effectively in whatever situation they find themselves.

                                In the case of what training could someone have to lead the Atlantis Expedition? How about 10 years on the frontline at the SGC where you are recognised as an extremely effective officer who gets the job done whatever is thrown at you. How about being the officer that is given whatever resources (including personnel) needed to get that job done. They have always shown Carter as an effective and trusted officer and from even as far back as Season 1 have had her leading other people even though some biased people want to ignore stuff like that.

                                My preference for Atlantis is to have the cast remain the same and the writers pick up the ball they dropped with the series, (been there done that - contributed to all the Save [fill in blank] campaigns). However that doesn't mean I can't see that Carter as presented in the series has the knowledge and experience to be a prime candidate for the job of leading the Atlantis Expedition.

                                I still don't see how having one character come over from another series (and all the attendant arguments about being qualified to do so) in the same universe constitutes SG-1 is taking over. I think there is more danger of the "network formulas" taking over, the use of the 3 B's to try and pick up ratings until they can get the franchise in a better position to continue.

                                Originally posted by prion View Post
                                Stint could be a few weeks, and we don't know what she did on it. Science? Command? Doubtful on the latter as they had other commanders on the ship. But was the Prometheus always in a fight? Doubtful as well, as otherwise it would been blown up sooner. The SG1 writers sure liked to blow up ships.
                                You seem to have strange notions of what constitutes a command in the military.

                                Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                                For all we know she was serving as the ships XO for your few weeks while the Prommie's XO had family leave or whatever. And why does it have to be involved in a fight to make it meaningful? There would be hundreds of other things those ships do. Besides, if it had to be in a fight for her to gain the 'appropriate experience' to command a city, then Weir should have never even packed her bags for the initial expedition. We already know Carter, as well as all of SG1, can handle herself in imminent death situations.
                                Because then it is easy to discount and dismiss an option you don't like?

