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How Will Carter Get Along With Atlantis?

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    Originally posted by Atlantis1 View Post
    Weir was civilian and Carter is military. Hammond was military commander to O'Neill while we had a leader of Atlantis with Weir and a head of military with Sheppard. To me the relationship is different. Now with Carter in command there won't be the two separate command areas. I never wanted to see Atlantis militarized.
    Won't make any different to the stories told. The idea of civilian vs military command has been brought up like twice? through the 3 seasons so far and didn't really look like it was going to brought up again anytime soon during s3.


      Originally posted by Atlantis1 View Post
      I thought Common Ground showed Weir as very good at diplomacy.
      'we don't deal with terrorists' It was imho the beginning of the end for her character, they (tptb) really didn't have a clue what to do with her, I actually do strongly think Common Ground was her death knell as a regular character.
      I'm sorry but this sounds too much like SGA becoming a new SG-1 season.
      Have to say I agree, and I am not happy about the idea of Sam = Hammond and Sheppard = O'Neill. Unimaginative to say the least.


        I agree with what some of you have said, I expect teething problems in the beginning. When any new boss takes over either through sickness/injury/detached duty or resignation, then there's always going to be a period of adjustment as the 'team' gets used to how the new boss likes things done and what the rules are (because they will differ, albeit if it's only slightly). But people get used to working a certain way under that command structure and will initially (i'm assuming) find it a bit...not difficult, but strange while they deal with their new boss. The fact that Carter is known to some of them will help a little bit, but it's a fact of life that 'new bosses' take a bit of time to get used to, they have their own style and experiences and usually rely on that when going into a new team. I don't know what her military command style will be as we've not had Carter really afforded that opportunity to show that side consistantly. And when it has happened, I don't feel it has been done as well as it could. While Carter has a tonne of offworld experience, she hasn't really had a lot of leadership experience to draw on, nor has she had any experience with the Wraith or Ancients (although she has had some). So initially when she gets up to speed she will be reliant on everyone to bring her up to speed.

        I've no doubts that there will be a few hiccups along the way as the team and Carter adjust to how each other works. And for me, it's not just a case of Carter issuing orders, it's getting to know the team and how they think and react under certain situations, and like any new boss, mistakes are usually made along the way, and 'run ins' can and often do arrise from misunderstandings, which I hope to see, but don't expect to.

        Just my 2 cents


          How will carter get along with the city? Well she doesn't have the gene so they may be at odds from the beginning.

          "I wanna do this!"

          "Pfft, well you can't. You don't have the gene "

          On a more serious note.. I think she'll fit in fine. The whole thing with McKay will make her relate to Sheppard. They can both pick on him, teehee. She'll probably use her science side more then her military side 'cause she's in charge and all but when push comes to shove she won't be afraid to kick some butt.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            Originally posted by Atlantis1 View Post
            I'm sorry but this sounds too much like SGA becoming a new SG-1 season.
            Have to say I agree, and I am not happy about the idea of Sam = Hammond and Sheppard = O'Neill. Unimaginative to say the least.
            Count me as another one who agrees that it does have the potential to go this way. Which is frustrating for lots of reasons. Anyway.

            I have a lot of reservations here. That doesn't mean I won't watch, 'cause I definitely plan to. But up until now, TPTB have showed a reluctance to place Carter in a position where she is in conflict with the other main characters. And if they actually do dare to go that route, can they actually write her as being wrong once in a while? As in - the other characters think she's wrong - wrong. I have my doubts, but will wait and see.
            Last edited by Killdeer; 28 May 2007, 08:30 AM.
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              Originally posted by Aussie_Fan View Post
              How will carter get along with the city? Well she doesn't have the gene so they may be at odds from the beginning.

              "I wanna do this!"

              "Pfft, well you can't. You don't have the gene "

              On a more serious note.. I think she'll fit in fine. The whole thing with McKay will make her relate to Sheppard. They can both pick on him, teehee. She'll probably use her science side more then her military side 'cause she's in charge and all but when push comes to shove she won't be afraid to kick some butt.

              That's just what we need, someone else picking on McKay.


                Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                That's just what we need, someone else picking on McKay.
                Poor man will need a bodyguard soon. Unless, Ronon volunteers.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                  That's just what we need, someone else picking on McKay.
                  So true. The first time I see Shep and Carter laughing at Rodney, or joking about him behind his back, or teaming up to pick on him, I will start throwing things at the TV. Hopefully nothing breakable will be within arm's reach!

                  I seem to be in the minority in that I did not find Carter and Rodney's interaction in PP the least bit funny. Most of the time I was either cringing, or feeling very sorry for Rodney. If S4 is more of Rodney being treated like that, I probably won't stick around for a possible S5.
                  Last edited by Killdeer; 28 May 2007, 09:34 AM.
                  - Life after Stargate -
                  Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                  Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                    Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                    So true. The first time I see Shep and Carter laughing at Rodney, or joking about him behind his back, or teaming up to pick on him, I will start throwing things at the TV. Hopefully nothing breakable will be within arm's reach!

                    I seem to be in the minority in that I did not find Carter and Rodney's interaction in PP the least bit funny. Most of the time I was either cringing, or feeling very sorry for Rodney. If S4 is more of Rodney being treated like that, I probably won't stick around for a possible S5.
                    I'm with you. I enjoyed the rest of PP but that part bothered me.

                    I also thought they wrote Sheppard out of character when he gave Col Mitchell the lemon so I don't think I could take Sheppard laughing with Carter. That too would be out of character.
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                    A character from the novel "Chindi" by Jack McDevitt

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                    'Eleanor Roosevelt'
                    Individuality is freedom lived.
                    'Janis Joplin'


                      Originally posted by Atlantis1 View Post
                      Weir was civilian and Carter is military. Hammond was military commander to O'Neill while we had a leader of Atlantis with Weir and a head of military with Sheppard. To me the relationship is different. Now with Carter in command there won't be the two separate command areas. I never wanted to see Atlantis militarized.
                      I see your point but I disagree and it's not just b/c I'm military. I liked it being civilian but just b/c Carter takes the reigns I don't see it making a bit of difference to the show itself or the stories.
                      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                        Godammit, they better not ditch Weir, she's my favorite character behind McKay. First Carson, now this

                        Why can't they just boot Ronon or Teyla if they have to kill someone off?


                          Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                          Since when has Sheppard follower orders?
                          Hey, Shep always follows orders. For example in .....

                          *twenty minutes have passed*

                          I still got nothing.... anyone?

                          I think he'll follow Sam's orders until he disagrees with her over something. And I look forward to that bit of friction to be honest. As I said before with every new boss you try and.... test your boundaries shall we say. I don't think there's ever been and SG1 or an SGA boss where everything's gone hunky dora. We had Jack having problems with Hammond initially and Sam having teething problems being in command with all his experience, Weir having problems settling in, and Landry. So hopefully that has paved the way for Sam having a few problems settling in to. I wonder which side it will be from though? Shep's team, the expedition, the scientists or with Sam. But I look forward to seeing it play out


                            I don't think we will see much verbage about her stepping in as the leader. I read somewhere she saves them and they asked her to come back/stay

                            Atlantis writers have shown a pattern of not talking about people who are replaced or lost. i.e. no mention of Carson at all. I think that Elizabeth will prob resign or have an injury. When Sam comes in Weir will never be discussed again. It’s their pattern.

                            Shep will have some conflict because she trumps him and is not so quick to jump. Rodney will be in heaven until he realizes that with her here he is not really needed. Past has shown she is always right when dealing with him.

                            Caldwell might be jealous because every other military person gets to be in charge but him.

                            Teyla will be accepting because that's how she is written and she has other issues this season.

                            Ronan will not like it because she is military and trumps John.

                            After saying this, I still believe we the fans will have to look for subtext because we will not see much emotion/reaction from the characters.


                              Originally posted by MoxManiac View Post
                              Godammit, they better not ditch Weir, she's my favorite character behind McKay. First Carson, now this

                              Why can't they just boot Ronon or Teyla if they have to kill someone off?
                              They are booting her but not killing her. Her contract was modified late in season three as Torri is unhappy with things. She will only be in 4 eps in season 4. I totally disagree on Ronon or Teyla as I love them, I only like Weir.
                              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                                They are booting her but not killing her. Her contract was modified late in season three as Torri is unhappy with things. She will only be in 4 eps in season 4.
                                Umm, well, I don't want to be rude here, but unless you have some information I don't (which is entirely possible ), that's somewhat inaccurate. I'm not sure where the "Torri is unhappy" part came from, although she has mentioned some disagreements she's had with the writers. We've had no indications that was the reason for her reduced status however. All we know is that she was told at the end of filming for S3 that she had a choice of leaving completely or going to a recurring status, but the reasons for TPTB making that decision are unknown. And what Joe's said is that she will be in 4 episodes of the first half of S4, with the possibility of more.
                                Last edited by Killdeer; 28 May 2007, 09:36 PM.
                                - Life after Stargate -
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