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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by JesterDala View Post
    Ooh! Love this idea. We can plant anti's all over and have them pop up and ask the questions all in quick succession. How I would love to see JM's face fall. Or see him don the "What are you talking about?" look.

    I'm with you, Celcool. Pass me an anti-Diet Coke and I'll be happy.
    I'll take an anti-diet coke too.
    Last edited by Suzotchka; 28 June 2007, 06:05 PM.


      Originally posted by Mar9645 View Post
      I haven't posted on this thread because all you regulars have been doing such an outstanding job of expressing my anti-Season 4 thoughts and feelings over the past several months.

      I do want to say this: It will be poetic justice if JM, DH and AT are the only ones at Comic Con, especially since the Sci Fi Channel had requested that the whole cast be there.

      Since I'm diabetic, I can't drink, but please have an extra one for me!
      Ah, since you can't have anti-scotch, anti-chocolate, anti-margaritas or anti-cookies, what's left but a Scot on the anti-couch? I'd go for that!
      SGA: the 3-season show...


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        True. But it wouldn't work for me cause I don't drink alcohol. Back to editing.

        And it seems I mixed up the Anti-Carter and Anti-Season 4 threads...

        Codefool was the one who first mentioned Saint Carter and it was in this thread not in the other one.
        So, I present to you once more the patron saint of TPTB:


        She's the Saint of Perfection. If you want to achieve perfection, you will need to send your prayers her way.
        LOVE it, FH! Tried ta green ya but it wouldn't let me...
        SGA: the 3-season show...


          *snerk* I'll bring the anti-pasto plate.


            Originally posted by JesterDala View Post
            Ooh! Love this idea. We can plant anti's all over and have them pop up and ask the questions all in quick succession. How I would love to see JM's face fall. Or see him don the "What are you talking about?" look.

            I'm with you, Celcool. Pass me an anti-Diet Coke and I'll be happy.
            That's actually a really good idea JesterDala! I'm sure one fan spouting a bunch of angry questions probably wouldn't even phase JM. However, several fans asking a line of questions one after the other, might actually get his attention, then again maybe not, but I still think its a good idea! green for you!
            SHEPPARD: You, Elizabeth, Ronon, Carson, even Rodney, are the closest thing I have to a ...

            TEYLA: A family?

            SHEPPARD: I'd do anything ... for any one of you.

            Stop breaking up our family!

            Save Weir and Beckett


              Originally posted by DragonEagle View Post
              That's actually a really good idea JesterDala! I'm sure one fan spouting a bunch of angry questions probably wouldn't even phase JM. However, several fans asking a line of questions one after the other, might actually get his attention, then again maybe not, but I still think its a good idea! green for you!
              I'd love to think it would, but the glass-totally-empty side of me says nothing would penetrate PTB's infatuation with Saint Carter...
              SGA: the 3-season show...


                Originally posted by SG-1ssm View Post
                I do have to agree with most of what I've read, however. Killing off characters right and left and bring in Sam is not necessary. I agree that Daniel would be a better choice, and that the characters don't have enough backstory.

                There is a bigger problem however. Where the hell is this show going? We haven't heard about the Weith since season 2, and there is no direction. There are no story arcs, and nothing is making since. This reminds me of Star Trek's worse times.
                Agreed. I thought PTB wasted a fascinating opportunity when they never mentioned again the fact that the Wraith can give life as well as take it. And as far as we can tell, Shep never told anyone that; never even gave it another thought! What an interesting arc they could have built from that! But no, we're stuck with lame-ass writing SG: Carter, starring Saint Carter.
                SGA: the 3-season show...


                  My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post

                    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                    Card designed by Falcon Horus


                      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                      Oh, I'm all for that. I'm already imposing my own personal boycott anyway.


                        Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                        Oh, I'm all for that. I'm already imposing my own personal boycott anyway.
                        Don't we all impose our own protest? *lol*

                        Peter Petrelli: What do you do with something that killed you?
                        Nathan Petrelli: You could put it underneath your pillow.


                          Originally posted by BeckettRulez View Post
                          Don't we all impose our own protest? *lol*
                          Yeah, but it's important to emphasize that cause I've been accused of unduly speaking for other Antis.


                            *lol* You are so bad, mcbarr. Well, if someone wants to take you as a speaker for all of us anti's, then you can tell them that I named my new MacBook Carson as my very own protest...*lol*
                            Some people are strange, taking you as our own "Anti- Drone" (-> like a Borg Drone;-) to represent the "anti collective". Resistence is futile, we anti's will get you, sooner or later *giggles*.

                            Peter Petrelli: What do you do with something that killed you?
                            Nathan Petrelli: You could put it underneath your pillow.


                              Some folks take things too seriously... I thought it was obvious that I don't. BTW, Gregorius is our anti-speaker. I'm just a regular anti-poster well-versed in the ways of the dark side of the Force.


                                Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                                Yeah, but it's important to emphasize that cause I've been accused of unduly speaking for other Antis.
                                Well as one who is frequently accused of speaking for all shippers from a certain group, I see what you mean. But you still risk being accused of making sweeping generalities or using the "royal we" or as we say here the "editorial we". I suspect a lot of those pros with no sense of humor are in marketing.

                                I never watch anything live, so I guess I've been boycotting a really long time. I lied. I used to watch SGA live, but somehow around the middle of S3 I decided I could wait an hour.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

