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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
    (Edit: nm, it appears that her last ep has been confirmed as
    Spoils of War
    , right?)
    So RepliWeir and the good Asurans are the spoils of war?

    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
    Weir's 4th episode? I am like sick and tired of guessing, when it happens it happens. If they don't give her a proper send off or at least leave her character wide-open for story down the road, I will have one thing this season to complain about.
    You should really stop saying this. It doesn't sound right.


      Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
      OMG! I hope they don't kill off Katie, but didn't they say that Sheppard's Father dies or something.
      Wanna bet? She's a pretty good candidate for death:

      * not blonde, but redhead
      * woman
      * doctor
      * attached to a main character
      * secondary character

      Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
      My wishes for the Antis for New Year 2008 - returns(or good resolutions) of your favorite characters(1), more screen time for those that are not gone(2) and writing by TPTB that you truly like!
      (1) Too bad my favorite character is as dead as a doornail.
      (2) More screentime for Teyla ... when the devil skates to work (like g.o.d. says it so nicely)
      (3) Only when the current PTB are fired, and a whole new gang is put into place

      Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
      Weir's 4th episode? I am like sick and tired of guessing, when it happens it happens. If they don't give her a proper send off or at least leave her character wide-open for story down the road, I will have one thing this season to complain about.
      Then by all means... Welcome!
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
        That's why I scoff when people defend character deaths by saying they're so realistic. No, if they were realistic then one or more of the front line members - Shep, McKay, Teyla, and Ronon - would have died long before Kate. The former 4 are safe simply because they have main credit immunity.

        Realism is lacking plenty in the Stargates, from having dual command in SG1 to having vital characters be on the front line to a lack of consequences from the chain of command.
        Sorry but that's what almost everyone said about Weir before the news came out about her leaving. However, I do think the first 3 are safe or at least the second 2.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Sorry but that's what almost everyone said about Weir before the news came out about her leaving. However, I do think the first 3 are safe or at least the second 2.
          Well Beckett was in the main credits when he got killed off, or did he really get killed off? hmmm.


            The only ones with absolute immunity are Sheppard and McKay.

            Teyla and Ronon are expendable, as are all the others.

            Carter is just an immortal anyway... When they kill her, the devil will be skating to work. And she is SG1 in SGA, aka in the wrong place. She misplaced herself.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
              You don't fancy Sam's hair I reckon . If she puts more gel like Shep will you like her?

              *hiding behind the wall *
              You meant the violation of dress code (and I'm not even talking about Sheppard. He could use a few weeks in the hands of a good drilling officer)

              Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
              Teyla should watch out then.
              I don't think TPTBs are stupid enough to kill a pregnant woman (the key demographic would chew on them)

              Originally posted by dana View Post
              If they do this, I suspect that it won't be in their 'classic' danger category. *coughexplodingtumorcough*
              Pajus' Jedi sense: She'll die in childbirth.

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              Well, I don't agree with it, but at this point I'd have to say that would be the best that could happen to Rachel. it would mean she can move on to bigger and most certainly better. I'm pretty sure there are PTB out there who can recognize her talent far better than those complete ****** at Bridge.
              She could use a show like this. Such a waste of potential is just ridiculous.

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              The hair is most definitely a weird view. But I just have a problem with Carter in Atlantis... She's a scourge.
              Not to mention that my chances to be put in charge of Atlantis are greater than hers

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              No, they won't. Jenks has been having an anti-Weir icon for months and they didn't bust his behind.

              And there have been anti-Carter-ones too.

              I don't see why they would bust you for that shark. It's funny.
              It's an affront to The Hair(r)(c)(tm). Okay, I should end with the sarcasm

              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
              That's why I scoff when people defend character deaths by saying they're so realistic. No, if they were realistic then one or more of the front line members - Shep, McKay, Teyla, and Ronon - would have died long before Kate. The former 4 are safe simply because they have main credit immunity.

              Realism is lacking plenty in the Stargates, from having dual command in SG1 to having vital characters be on the front line to a lack of consequences from the chain of command.
              I'm up for challenges, if you have any 'How it should have been ideas'

              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
              OMG! I hope they don't kill off Katie, but didn't they say that Sheppard's Father dies or something. Maybe it is not Mckay's loved one but Sheppard's, but Mckay in that same episode or such springs into action. I like Katie, she was great in Tabula Rasa which was a good episode.
              There is always a die-hard optimist, who will be disappointed in the end

              Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
              My wishes for the Antis for New Year 2008 - returns(or good resolutions) of your favorite characters, more screen time for those that are not gone and writing by TPTB that you truly like!
              And to you too

              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
              Weir's 4th episode? I am like sick and tired of guessing, when it happens it happens. If they don't give her a proper send off or at least leave her character wide-open for story down the road, I will have one thing this season to complain about.
              In Weir's case, leaving the character wide-open means leaving the character wide-open for more screwing in the future.

              I see that the way TPTBs write the show is turning you to the anti-side

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              Wanna bet? She's a pretty good candidate for death:

              * not blonde, but redhead
              * woman
              * doctor
              * attached to a main character
              * secondary character
              Plus developing the relationship between her and Rodney would require TPTBs to think and that's the one thing they're not good at

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              (1) Too bad my favorite character is as dead as a doornail.
              (2) More screentime for Teyla ... when the devil skates to work (like g.o.d. says it so nicely)
              (3) Only when the current PTB are fired, and a whole new gang is put into place
              Maybe in S5. In S4, Rachel had to considerably cut her working schedule due to her pregnancy. Working hard during pregnancy is a BAD idea (first hand experience)


                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                You meant the violation of dress code (and I'm not even talking about Sheppard. He could use a few weeks in the hands of a good drilling officer)
                I wanted to mention it, but I thought it would be shot down because it's Atlantis and not the SGC. Blending in with the civilians.

                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                I don't think TPTBs are stupid enough to kill a pregnant woman (the key demographic would chew on them)
                The key demographic doesn't care about babies or pregnant ladies. they think it's ew... (I think)

                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                Pajus' Jedi sense: She'll die in childbirth.

                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                Not to mention that my chances to be put in charge of Atlantis are greater than hers

                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                Plus developing the relationship between her and Rodney would require TPTBs to think and that's the one thing they're not good at
                Not at all.

                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                Maybe in S5. In S4, Rachel had to considerably cut her working schedule due to her pregnancy. Working hard during pregnancy is a BAD idea (first hand experience)
                They couldn't give her screentime in season 1, 2, 3 & 4 (circumstances for which she is forgiven)... What makes you think they will be able to do it in 5?

                And I have the proof...
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  (2) More screentime for Teyla ... when the devil skates to work (like g.o.d. says it so nicely)
                  it's from Red Dwarf
                  Stolen Kosovo


                    Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                    it's from Red Dwarf
                    Nice to know. It fits perfectly with the anti-statement.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      The key demographic doesn't care about babies or pregnant ladies. they think it's ew... (I think)
                      The key demographic says, "vaginas are icky, give us teh ghay".

                      Unfortunately tptb follow blindly what the key demographic wants, not that I have anything againts teh ghay, what bothers me is the mysoginy.


                        Originally posted by Pajus View Post

                        There is always a die-hard optimist, who will be disappointed in the end

                        In Weir's case, leaving the character wide-open means leaving the character wide-open for more screwing in the future.

                        I see that the way TPTBs write the show is turning you to the anti-side

                        If Anti is hoping the show will turn out bad so you have something to complain about, celebrate low-er ratings, wishing it to cancel, and hate the show overall, then I'll never be Anti. Even Season 9 of SG-1 where I did not like the reset, I didn't doom the show, I watched and waited and it got better for me in Season 10.

                        But this thread is if you have a complaint so I'm not off topic. I may be upset about Weir and confused to why they want to get rid of Weir, but if the overall show stays the same in the end oh well. But I can still complain and have a misgiving. Nothing is perfect.


                          Originally posted by Luz View Post
                          The key demographic says, "vaginas are icky, give us teh ghay".

                          Unfortunately tptb follow blindly what the key demographic wants, not that I have anything againts teh ghay, what bothers me is the mysoginy.
                          If you mean Sheppard/McKay ... I imagine that same key demographic find "teh ghay" just as icky.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            If you mean Sheppard/McKay ... I imagine that same key demographic find "teh ghay" just as icky.
                            LOL, yeah, sorry, for a moment there I got the PoT fandom confused with the SG fandom, of course they'd hate teh ghay too, and women because they're boring (unless they have big boobs), then what does the key demographic want?


                              Originally posted by Luz View Post
                              ...of course they hate teh ghey too, and women because they're boring (unless they have big boobs), then what does the key demographic want?
                              Action packed brainless spacebattles and lots of shooting and killing ... blood, gore and action.

                              Maybe.... *shrug*

                              And brainless babes, big boobs and big guns.

                              I seem to have problems trying to put myself in the keydemo's shoes.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                I wanted to mention it, but I thought it would be shot down because it's Atlantis and not the SGC. Blending in with the civilians.
                                She might be among civilians, but she's a soldier none the less. And that means she's still subjected to a little thing called 'dress code'

                                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                                If Anti is hoping the show will turn out bad so you have something to complain about, celebrate low-er ratings, wishing it to cancel, and hate the show overall, then I'll never be Anti. Even Season 9 of SG-1 where I did not like the reset, I didn't doom the show, I watched and waited and it got better for me in Season 10.

                                But this thread is if you have a complaint so I'm not off topic. I may be upset about Weir and confused to why they want to get rid of Weir, but if the overall show stays the same in the end oh well. But I can still complain and have a misgiving. Nothing is perfect.
                                Pajus: Just to clarify: I never wanted SGA or SG-1 to be cancelled. I only want incompetent TPTBs to be... cancelled. Where are you, HK?

                                HK-47: Query: Is there someone that you need killed, Master?

                                Pajus: *Looks at Skydiver and Madeleine_W* No
                                Last edited by Pajus; 01 January 2008, 10:42 AM.

