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Wish List for SGA Season 4

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    Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
    Wow, that many? I don't care about race. If an extra/small guest part dies, I just count them as just another body regardless of colour.
    That's a good way to put it. A friend of mine does it that way; he was annoyed with that string of eps in S1 where every character-of-the-week seemed to die, regardless of race.

    It's not helping the color balance on the show, though, to kill off all the black guys as they are brought on.

    Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
    I mean, the only Asian person I've noticed being on Atlantis is Miko. There are probably more, but Miko got a lot of screentime in season 1 (why isn't she around anymore?!), so she made an impression.
    You know, I don't know where she went. Vanished with the rest of the S1 extras except Zelenka, I guess.

    Do you actually remember which eps she was in besides Letters? I'm stuck at the rents' without my DVDs.

    Oh, wait. For Asians, there was that scientist in ToR, and the Sargeant who dies in Echoes but never gets any lines, and the one in Phantoms.... Ok, the Asians aren't doing so well, either. And don't get me started on the Latinos, who are simply missing until we get Dr. Esposito of the "beautiful smile".

    Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
    Speaking of "Yes, a thousand times, yes!":
    The phrase gets used in Slash (McShep) fanfics a lot and I think I heard it said in an episode once. Which episode was this?
    Ahaha. I don't remember. It's just so ingrained now.

    Maybe if I had my DVDs it would be an excuse to go back through them all.


      Hmm... apparentely, "Letters" was her only appearance o_O.


        Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
        Hmm... apparentely, "Letters" was her only appearance o_O.
        Well, there's at least one more mention of a "Dr. Kusanagi", which is where her last name comes from. Not sure where that was, though.


          Dr. Kusanagi is mentioned in both "The Gift" and "The Siege (part I)".


            More Ancient technology, the show was supposed to show more ancient technology that can be kept or not kept.
            Some continuity please?
            Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


              Carson stays
              Teyla and Ronon go away on a date
              More problems and action
              Seson five
              Knowledge is power, but how do you use that power defines whether you are good or evil


                This is my wish list for Season 4:
                1. Ken Cuperus to write more episodes
                2. More exploration of Shep's ATA gene.
                3. Atlantis cut off from Earth.
                4. I would love to see an ep where Weir had to use her diplomatic skills to get Sheppard and gang out of trouble. She was great in Condemned would like to see more of that side of her.
                5. Make Major Lorne a permanent character.
                6. More exploration of Atlantis itself.
                7. More stories about the Wraith.
                8. Would love to see an ep where Caldwell gets injured and Sheppard has to take command of the Daedalus.
                9. More team centered eps. More meet and greet, it seems that they are never offworld anymore. I want them to go out and meet more people and get into trouble.
                10. Background on Sheppard and more storylines for him.
                11. More space fights.
                12. Bring Ford back in an ep or two.
                13. In a S2 ep they showed some wanted posters let's do a follow-up story on that.

                That's all I can think of for now.

                Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                AVI by *ERIKA*


                  -MORE TEYLAAAAAAAAA
                  -What the heck ever happened to Ford -- give him a happy ending, please
                  -Teyla and John (I KNOW it' "shippy" but make it a dream sequence or alternate reality or something, throw me a bone)

                  oh, and did I mention MORE TEYLA )


                    Thought of another one. Sheppard passed Mensa test...why not show more of that side of him.

                    Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                    AVI by *ERIKA*


                      [*]Would love to see an ep where Caldwell gets injured and Sheppard has to take command of the Daedalus.
                      I must say that could be a cool episode.

                      Adding on to my wishlist, I'd really like to see more stories written similarly to SG-1's early episodes, where its only about the team.

                      Maybe have McKay and Teyla in trouble (since they already did Ronon and McKay) and then have Sheppard and Ronon figuring out how to help, with no Daedalus backup or Atlantis meetings. An episode with Sheppard and Ronon working together could be interesting especially if they can't overcome a problem strictly through shooting and rescuing.
                      Last edited by The Sweet Guy; 26 December 2006, 08:23 PM.


                        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                        Thought of another one. Sheppard passed Mensa test...why not show more of that side of him.
                        Actually, he might only have passed the preliminary tests. Mensa has several preliminary tests online which you can take to see if you can even come close to joining MENSA.

                        I doubt John actually went through the hassle of taking the real MENSA test only to turn a membership down.


                          My Wishlist: [Whee, I've never thought about doing this before!]

                          - Carson to return, kind of what they did with Ford, but longer, and better.
                          - More scenes with Ronan, Teyla, John, Elizabeth, and Rodney.
                          - More shippy scenes, but I won't say who to save the posts of arguing.
                          - John listening to Johnny Cash, or humming it. I mean, we've seen him play golf, it's time for some Johnny!
                          - Rodney making fun of John and Elizabeth. It's cool -nod-
                          - More Atlantis working with SG-1. Peagsus Project was awesome.
                          - More Major Lorne. He is a great character, and I demand more.
                          - Replicater Rodney. No, not a wish, 'cause it wouldn't be good for Atlantis, but the thought is cool.
                          - Elizabeth going off world more. And her with a gun. It's cool to see her with a gun. Heck, didn't people like The Long Goodbye?
                          - Elizabeth getting the ATA gene. I forgot the name of the other thing.
                          - John messing around with Ancient stuff and turning Rodney into a dog. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!
                          - Making a game room and playing football. Again, cool.
                          - A season five.
                          I love Sparky. =)


                            My wish list (in no particular order)

                            1. No. More. Lucius. EVER...!!!
                            2. Get rid of the Asurans. (We've already had the Goa'uld show up; we don't need Replicators, too...)
                            3. More exploration of the city
                            4. More backstory for all characters
                            5. Better writing for all female characters - especially Elizabeth and Teyla!
                            6. A few less Rodney-centric eps. (I love Rodney, don't get me wrong. But it shouldn't be all about him every other week...)
                            7. Something on Ford's storyline! (Where is he? What's he doing?)
                            8. The Wraith back as primary villains
                            9. Updates on Michael's storyline
                            10. More team-centered eps
                            11. SG-1 crossovers kept to a minimum
                            12. No 'shipping!! (Sorry, folks, but you know it would be done badly...)
                            13. An explanation (finally!) as to why the Wraith can't feed on Ronon! (The concept of them being unable to feed on certain individuals merited an entire ep in Season 1...Why no follow-up??)

                            And just because I want to know...
                            14. An answer to the question: Does Ronon have his own quarters or does he just sleep in a chair in one of Atlantis' many hallways??? We should know this by now, I think!!


                              I think Ronan has his own quarters, they just won't say or show it. -shrug- I'd like to see it though.
                              I love Sparky. =)


                                Really want to know lots more about Shep! What makes him who he is? The writers have done better in showing this in s3, but so much more is needed. What's made the character so guarded? It's as if he's got a figurative suit of armour on...little chinks in that armour have appeared here and there (that scene with Teyla in Sateda for instance) but I'd really like to see this explored further.

                                More whumping of Shep! Joe F is a joy to watch when his character is put in dire straits...I want more of that...and let him have his 'evil twin' episode!

                                More episodes that are dark with a touch of humour, rather than humourous with a touch of dark!!

                                NO SG1 CHARACTERS!! Seeing as we're going to have Sam somewhere in there...please have her with anyone else but Rodney. Make it interesting!

                                Shep's super-duper ATA gene...yep...want to see that put to good use!

                                Cut off from Earth again....or contact severely limited anyway.

                                Please be careful, writers, that you don't overuse McKay! The first half of s3 had it right...the second half so far? Making me a bit nervous!!

                                TEYLA!! Needs more to do.

                                I'm really sad Carson is going to be absent, but I am quite intrigued what they'll do with Jewel Staite's character. Just hope Carson will be back at some point. He's fab!

                                Keep Ken Cuperus! I know we've only seen the one episode he's written so far, but it was so 'fantabulous' and a fave with fans, that TPTB really have to use him more!


                                LOL! This is how I ended my wish list for s3.....

                                Let's see Sheppard with his shirt off. In every scifi show the scifi hero has to be shirtless at some point...It's the law!!

