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Irresponsible (313)

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    Originally posted by Trialia View Post
    And here we come up against the "conspiracy of silence" again. Sexual assault and issues involving it are one of the few remaining social "taboos" in public discussion, and do you have any idea how many people still don't report it when it happens to them because people like you say it's "not something that should be talked about in public"?
    Never said anything of the sort so don't put words in my mouth. You are welcome to your opinion of course but blaming "people like" me - someone about whom you know nothing - for women not coming forward to report sexual assault does no favours to the credibility of your argument.

    And this is getting way off topic so how about we go back to discussing the episode?

    I'd like to know if Mckay's attempt to dig out of the cell with a spoon was a deliberate homage/reference to The Shawshank Redemption?


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      I'm loving all these wild theories on how to possibly bring back Kolya... Ken, I'm dying to know what yours was? Cmon... care to share?
      well we just saw him get shoot but dident really see him die. i don;t know they could just say he lived. or they found some device the heal him or bought him back to life or he could be a cylon lol


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        That's interesting because I didn't know about the cut scene but I honestly always interpreted that scene as showing that Sheppard turned her down. He was surprised and probably flattered but he quickly realised what was going on and put a stop to it. That's what I'd always thought from viewing that ep?
        Bit off-topic, but it was a couple lines cut, not a whole scene. I definitely interpreted it as him having sent her back to her room, but that was probably because I read the draft where Sheppard stated outright that he had sent her back to her room. Given what I remember from the casting sides and from the episode itself, I think it's reasonable to assume that those lines were dropped in the editing room. There were some shots and facial expressions that made little sense without them.

        Er, anyway.
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          Originally posted by Pitry View Post
          I shoudln't prolly reply that part, as that's exactly where I'm pissed off with Sheppar din this episode. I dind't feel Common Ground happened. God knows I don't want therapy sessions for SGA, but the compelte lack of connection to Kolya (yeah, I realise I'm turning away from the Lucius discussion ) pissed me off to no end.
          It's a valid point and actually has to do with the episode, so go on and make it. I've seen several posts that have stated the exact same thing. I agree. I got the point that John had finally learned his lesson. Kolya needed to die, but it didn't seem personal. After Common Ground, it should have been more personal for John.

          John's not like Caldwell. (I love Caldwell's attitude in Echoes. If the whales are killing you, then extinct the sons of *****es... problem solved!). Anyway, John has always, deep down been lead by emotion and his own moral compass. Kolya really jacked with both. I was definitely looking for more of a reaction.


            I personally did not mind this episode. It wasn't my favorite, but it's not my most-hated one either. Lucius is an annoying cad and was even more so in this episode. I would have preferred not to see him again, but I do understand what the writer's intended with this one. I am glad to see that the writers are not afraid to try different things, such as the darker tones of CG, or the comedic tones of this episode. It's always a learning experience, and I for one am glad they continue to flex their writing minds and try new things, rather then repeat the same over and over again.

            What I did like about this episode was the team moments. There were some great lines that made me smile and laugh! I personally liked the Western undertheme, too bad the village couldn't have helped tie that in. I am hoping this will not be the last of Kolya, which I suspect is the reason we never got official confirmation on his status...leaving the door open for possibilities...
            I loved the boys teasing Teyla in the teaser about her "superhero." I loved the team's discussion on their childhood heroes and love knowing that they picked them out themselves. Thank you, Ken, for sharing that little tidbit with us!
            I loved John initial reaction when seeing Koyla, and John and Teyla's little standoff in the house over how to proceed.
            I loved Rodney trying to dig them out with a spoon!
            I loved Ronon's attitude throughout this episode.
            I loved all the team's facial expressions throughout this episode. I thought the actors did a marvelous job with their expressions and tone, as they always do. They can say so much more this way than any spoken line can at times.
            I loved the end when the little boy kicked Lucius and he finally felt it. I loved the team's comments as they walked away and Carson patting Teyla on the back.

            I did not like Lucius. I was disappointed in how quickly Kolya was resolved. I would have preferred he got his own episode, so I am hoping he will eventually come back. But overall, because of the team moments, I was OK with this episode and took it for what it was meant to be.

            Ken, I also wanted to thank you so very much for taking the time to come here and discuss this episode and others with us. It is such a privilege and an honor; thank you! I am excited to see your upcoming episodes, especially Submersion! I am very sorry to hear your involvement next year will be minimal. I hope that changes. Please know I appreciate your time and commitment to these wonderful characters that give us a lovely escape from real life from time to time!

            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by lord-anubis View Post
              well we just saw him get shoot but dident really see him die. i don;t know they could just say he lived. or they found some device the heal him or bought him back to life or he could be a cylon lol
              I love it!


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Never said anything of the sort so don't put words in my mouth. You are welcome to your opinion of course but blaming "people like" me - someone about whom you know nothing - for women not coming forward to report sexual assault does no favours to the credibility of your argument.
                The words aren't being put in your mouth specifically. But the media have a responsibility and if people are given examples like this, where SA is made badly comedic, that's not going to encourage anyone to come forward about it.

                Honestly, Ali, I don't care whether you in particular think my argument is credible or not, because you don't listen to me two-thirds of the time when I say anything anyway. There's a reason I usually have you on ignore, and it's because you irritate the little blue monkeys from my hair.


                  Originally posted by macktheknife View Post

                  Jewel Staite instead?
                  Yes, Weir is too interesting, sophisticated, and complex as a character to be reduced to the mere role of the bimbo, I'd rather see her used in something with more substance to it than mere eye candy, not that she's no a delight to look at mind you.

                  And let me join the "let's bring Kolya back" group, I have no problems in pretending Irresponsible didn't happen, I'm forgetting about it already.

                  ETA: About the Tower, to me if it's not mentioned or shown on-screen it didn't happen, so I still think Sheppard slept with her, regardless of any scenes that might or might not have been cut.


                    Originally posted by Luz View Post
                    Yes, Weir is too interesting, sophisticated, and complex as a character to be reduced to the mere role of the bimbo, I'd rather see her used in something with more substance to it than mere eye candy, not that she's no a delight to look at mind you.

                    And let me join the "let's bring Kolya back" group, I have no problems in pretending Irresponsible didn't happen, I'm forgetting about it already.

                    ETA: About the Tower, to me if it's not mentioned or shown on-screen it didn't happen, so I still think Sheppard slept with her, regardless of any scenes that might or might not have been cut.
                    Ain't that the truth! She's not used enough as a character.

                    Yep, forgettable is certainly a word I could use to characterise "Irresponsible".


                      Originally posted by lord-anubis View Post
                      well we just saw him get shoot but dident really see him die. i don;t know they could just say he lived. or they found some device the heal him or bought him back to life or he could be a cylon lol
                      Since the writers are using the explanations for how Goa'uld shields work and applying them to Ancient technology, I'm not ruling out the possibility of an Ancient looking Goa'uld healing device or sarcophagus in the Pegasus galaxy. Anything for Kolya.


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                        Still, by taking a real-life issue (date rape) that affects real people (fans of the show) and making it funny, and by not showing the fictitious characters as truly angered by what he did, it made date rape and its effects into a joke, something that was laughed away and joked about within the episode. It became something that evidently deserved a revisiting some episodes later for further comedic purposes.

                        The franchise has addressed seriously dark issues, like slavery, genocide and war, and I don't think they've really been handled with that kind of frivolity or disregard before. I just hope, in light of how many people WERE offended by the episode from the beginning, that this is the last time that happens.
                        I honestly think it just never crossed the writers' minds that Lucius' actions would be taken this way.

                        For example: Look at McKay's allergies. Those of us that have life-threatening food allergies have to deal with it every single day. It's not a joke. It's embarrassing, inconvenient and down-right frightening. Anaphylaxis is a serious matter and it's awareness is practically nonexistent by those who aren't threatened with it.

                        Now, maybe I should be offended by the writers for making McKay's allergies a bit of a joke. But you know, I LOL'd when Cam threatened Rodney with a lemon, cuz it was dang funny!

                        But that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see the writers do their part for Anaphylaxis awareness and show the public exactly what happens to someone when they're attacked by it. I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) a series has ever had a main character with this condition and I think the writers are in a perfect position to make use of it. It would make the FAAN's job a little easier and make a lot of fans happy (and not just the Rodney Whumpers!).

                        Uh, I did have a point here somewhere...Ah! Yeah. Irresistible wasn't meant to address the subject of rape. Pegasus Project wasn't meant to address the subject of Anaphylaxis. I do believe that should the writers ever choose to address either subject, it would be done with professionalism and sensitivity.

                        I hope.


                          Originally posted by Trialia View Post

                          Yep, forgettable is certainly a word I could use to characterise "Irresponsible".
                          I think as a writer "forgettable" is like the worst insult for a story.


                            i watched this ep today and i really did enjoy it Lucius w/e his name got alittle annoying. but hes just annoying but far from that i enjoyed this episode


                              Originally posted by Amalthia View Post
                              I think as a writer "forgettable" is like the worst insult for a story.
                              Well, that's unfortunate, but it certainly wasn't one of their best. If it had been more like Common Ground, and minus Lucius, I'd probably have enjoyed it.


                                Couldn't it be like in the Eye when he got shot, and then he appeared later, and it had only been the shoulder?.
                                So we all so him going down, but this happens in sci-fi all the time, some one is apparently killed, and is shown dying, and yes, they're really *REALLY* dead for realz, and then they show up alive. Happened a lot on TXF.

