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Irresponsible (313)

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    Originally posted by Luz View Post
    Echoes was great for Ronon/Teyla and Sheppard/Weir videos, but when actually watching the episode it had a purpose
    Oh, yes. Also with the cute Sheppard/McKay, but the Ronon/Teyla was true shiny gold. There were smiles on Teyla the world had never seen before. There was actual vulnerability in Ronon. *luv*

    But yes. "Echoes" could have been silly, and there were places where it was, but it flowed and contained so much love. To follow that up with "Irresponsible", well. Sad. *hangs head*


      Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
      Oh, yes. Also with the cute Sheppard/McKay, but the Ronon/Teyla was true shiny gold. There were smiles on Teyla the world had never seen before. There was actual vulnerability in Ronon. *luv*

      But yes. "Echoes" could have been silly, and there were places where it was, but it flowed and contained so much love. To follow that up with "Irresponsible", well. Sad. *hangs head*
      Sheppard/McKay how could I forget that? (I must watch it again), the infirmary, Celine Dion, *lol* the boys being boys. Yeah, a real pity to have something so good followed by this.


        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
        Check the last two seconds of the episode for Carson/Teyla.
        Omg, I totally missed that. Also, you made me go back and watch that ep! Even if only the last thirty seconds. *mockglare*

        Well, there's another one for the vidders to overuse.


          Originally posted by Luz View Post
          Sheppard/McKay how could I forget that? (I must watch it again), the infirmary, Celine Dion, *lol* the boys being boys. Yeah, a real pity to have something so good followed by this.
          YES! And military handsignals and Ancient etch-a-sketches, and, and!

          The only good arcs I saw in "Irresponsible" were everyone's protectiveness of Rodney and Teyla+Carson's willingness to stand up to the 'shoot first' mentality that Shep and Ronon advocate. Not that I didn't find Ronon's "I don't have a problem with that, by the way," to be hilarious. It just wasn't enough.

          Is it just me, or did even Carson's very moving, very heroic speech in the jail seem a little ooc?


            Okay, so while this episode wasn't as good as ones like Echoes. It wasn't all that bad either. It was still better than Irresistable.

            1. Not happy that Lizzie was only in the very beginning for a few minutes but I can accept that not every story has time to show everyone in a 43 minute show.
            2. I was disappointed that Koyla died so easily, so anti-climacticly given who he was and what he's been in the show but at least it came down to Koyla and Sheppard, as it most definitely should have. Had anyone else been the one to kill him I would have been VERY disappointed.
            3. And on a shipper note Teyla tried to take the place of Ronon when Koyla got ready to kill Rodney. True, Ronon stepped in front of Rodney and Carson in front of Teyla but well . . . I look for what I like and that's Spanky and Sparky.
            4. And I know some other shippers would have preferred differently but given the history, it's more plausible that Koyla would choose Rodney to kill first.

            So, it could have been better. We know the show and it's people are capable but it wasn't as bad as it was made out to be. At least to me. Then again, maybe I think that because I went in with little expectations. Whatever the reason, I give this episode a passable. I'd watch it again if only for a few choice moments.



              Whew, that was a long read (didn't read the whole thread, only the last 12 pages...which magically appeared between last night and now).

              Very interesting stuff...IN MY OPINION. Some, not all, are taking the show just a tiny, teeny bit too seriously. They'll disagree I'm sure, but that's what I think. Which, I'm sure, is allowed.



                Wow! Over 30 pages *mod snip* in less than a work week. that is amazing.

                I seem to agree with the minority here. Most of the people here need to get over hating this episode before the season ends. It wasn't that bad of an episode.

                It certainly wasn't the worst. I think the worst was the Rodney under water in the broken puddle-jumper. The second worst was last week's (Star Trek 4 episode).

                But you won't see me whine and complain all week and attack the show, becasue I made something out of nothing (see your responses to irresistable)

                Another quick hits on the matter.

                As long as she isn't singing, I like Teyla, but not enough to miss her.

                The Tower was a GOOD episode. Any time you see ancient stuff is okay with me.

                Koyla was overated and should have died in the Storm. I would have killed him then.

                Everyone should stop insulting the writers, stop watching, or create your own show and leave these poor people alone. Its people like you that sent Mr. Mallozzi packing. Grow up and take what they give you.
                Last edited by kiwigater; 08 December 2006, 12:44 AM. Reason: rude


                  Originally posted by ken_is_here View Post
                  Funny you should mention that... I did pitch one already. BUt it didn't fly. And rightfully was crap. I just wanted Kolya back, but my story was pretty out there... (the less said about it the better, quite frankly) So you never know... If the right pitch comes along...

                  Needless to say, I ended up writing Submersion instead, a Teyla story which I originally pitched as a follow up to the Gift -- but which morphed away from that a bit along the way.

                  Sounds intrigueing.
                  I say: Ancient technology and ships being discovered and kept (not drained, destroyed, or lost) is the real fanpleaser.

                  This show is Stargate: Atlantis!
                  The city of the Ancients... we like the Ancients, and their tech.
                  We like ship battles and explossions.
                  And the good guys winning with a cool ship that is actually BETTER then the enemies.

                  I am reposting this do to no response.
                  Originally posted by ken
                  I am so not the guy to be answering technical questions. I can't even get my toaster to brown both sides of the bread equally.
                  Who would be? About why the Drone in Return I mean.

                  By the way, I actually thought Irresponsible was pretty good, deffinately not the bomb everyone else was saying it was.
                  I certainly like gritty episodes better, but this was certainly good.

                  Also: Who's idea whas it to destroy the Orion?
                  I maen seriously:
                  We find Aurora, it gets blown up.
                  We find Orion, It gets blown up.
                  We get a Hive ship, it gets blown up.
                  What is the deal?

                  I think all the fans would love it if we found a good Ancient ship that WORKED and above all SURVIVED!

                  Glad that you are on the forum BTW.

                  Originally posted by ken_is_here View Post
                  Obviously offending and hurting people - by creating a fictional character who does fictional things - never crossed our minds.

                  I don't think it was a black comedy "gone wrong." I think it was the very definition of black comedy. Some were offended by it, and I respect that -- but it was a story choice and we made it - and we stand by it.

                  I've never tried to defend it -- only give an alternate side to the argument. I personally think Lucious is pretty dispicable -- which is how I like my villains.
                  Ok, frankly, I was laughing uncontrollably throughout most of Irresistable.
                  The rape stuff didn't cross my mind until I saw it on the forums.

                  That aside:

                  The best two lines in the Movie:
                  "Fly Lucius, Fly!"
                  And when in the Puddle Jumper,
                  Beckett starts bawling: "Lucius! He needs me!"

                  Please oh PLEASE tell me who came up with these?!
                  They were a genius!
                  Last edited by An-Alteran; 07 December 2006, 06:48 PM.


                    Originally posted by Lord Iceman View Post
                    Grow up and take what they give you.
                    Um...what? Are you suggesting that those that have problems with an episode or the overall trend of the series shouldn't discuss those problems? Should they magically turn into fans who love everything and anything about Atlantis? And are you arguing that those post critiques are somehow less mature than those that don't? Because come on...


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                      Um...what? Are you suggesting that those that have problems with an episode or the overall trend of the series shouldn't discuss those problems? Should they magically turn into fans who love everything and anything about Atlantis? And are you arguing that those post critiques are somehow less mature than those that don't? Because come on...
                      No, just saying that whining never did anyone any good. I enjoy when some of the wirters come on hear and give their take, but when 90% of their so called fans attack them, they leave. I don't care what you think about me or the show, just don't bash the supposed basis for you passions (the writers of the show you watch). If you could do better, I am sure you already would have.


                        Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
                        Is it just me, or did even Carson's very moving, very heroic speech in the jail seem a little ooc?
                        Yeah but it was hot...


                          Originally posted by Lord Iceman
                          No, just saying that whining never did anyone any good. I enjoy when some of the wirters come on hear and give their take, but when 90% of their so called fans attack them, they leave. I don't care what you think about me or the show, just don't bash the supposed basis for you passions (the writers of the show you watch). If you could do better, I am sure you already would have.
                          While I agree that attacking the writers is a bit too zealous, we're certainly allowed to express an opinion that one or another episode is badly written. If the fans don't discuss the show in a forum designed for that purpose, what other feedback do the writers have? Yes, they have ratings - but not everyone in here has a Neilson box or whatever in their house. The writers have made it publicly known that they read these ep threads for that very purpose - viewer feedback. They do actually take our opinions into account - see the changes made in s3 compared to s2. If you don't share the same opinion of a show, that's fine, but everyone else is entitled to express their's too. It is not just whining. A large amount of viewers were dissatisfied with this ep (and Irrisitable) for a variety of reasons, and all those reasons have been expressed (vocally ). Equally, they will listen, and I'm sure they'll get a warm fuzzy feeling, when you voice your support of the ep.
                          My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                            LOL, how funny and ironic that this ep which seems to be the fans least favorite is having such a high count in discussion.


                              Originally posted by Lord Iceman View Post
                              No, just saying that whining never did anyone any good. I enjoy when some of the wirters come on hear and give their take, but when 90% of their so called fans attack them, they leave. I don't care what you think about me or the show, just don't bash the supposed basis for you passions (the writers of the show you watch). If you could do better, I am sure you already would have.
                              But ... what if in our opinion the writing is the part that let the episode down?

                              Yes - the bashing in this thread, (and Joe's blog when that existed) can at times get too overzealous - Joe's blog in particular was a shameful discrase. You will get more bashing when TPTB come and play with us, because people see it is a link to the production process for the future - if they get their grievences to the top, then something might get done about them. So long as people don't abuse the writer in question against the forum rules, then all the posts are valid - and if the writer can't take critisism and leaves, whilst sad for us, it's more his or her problem than ours. Remember - they are supposed to be writing stuff we want to watch and buy - we're their customers, which kind of gives us the power. If we don't watch anymore, they're back to job shop. If we think the writing of a particular episode is below what we expect, we're perfectly entitled to bring our grievences to a member of the team that created it, should they happen to come and play. That of course, does not mean we can criticise them personally, or insult them - because that sort of thing is against the forum rules.

                              Overall - i appreciate when TPTB come to see what we thought and interact - it shows they like knowing what their customers think. But that doesn't mean they should be sanitised from the negative and valid opinions. In fact those negative opinions may well be the most useful to them.
                              I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                                Originally posted by psychofilly View Post
                                Ooh, I'd really like to see the "boys" have to suit up in native dress somewhere. Oh yeah, the entire team in leather or spiffy suits might just start an ovary earthquake. Cliche's are there for a reason, and playing dressup is one I wouldn't mind seeing.
                                I vote for that, too. The spiffy suits, especially. Nothing sexier than a guy in a spiffy suit (Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Willow... ). The guys would all look good in the three-piece kind...and hats!...Sheppard in a fedora. Yum.

                                Or Ronon Dex in a stiff collar and a bowler. That'd be funnier than anything Lucius could dream up.

