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Irresponsible (313)

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    Originally posted by Luz View Post
    I lost a few braincells watching it, I want them back, and those minutes I wasted are forever lost too.
    too late


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
      There were no rape drugs involved in Irresponsible, though, just a village conveniently full of idiots.
      That's funny, I only saw actors there....


        Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
        There were no rape drugs involved in Irresponsible, though, just a village conveniently full of idiots.
        Originally posted by Trialia View Post
        Didn't Ken himself say the words "love potion"? Chemical concoction to help induce an emotion or behaviour in another human being = "drug". If it's used to facilitate marriages like it was in this episode, it's legally rape, therefore, "rape drugs" were, in fact, involved.
        *cough* Irresponsible, not irresistable *cough*

        I think Shad's subtle(?) point was more that we're going a little off topic - it's the IRRESPONSIBLE disc thread (yes, i know i'm a tad guilty too), especially considering Sky's top of the page warning
        I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


          Originally posted by jonno View Post
          *cough* Irresponsible, not irresistable *cough*

          I think Shad's subtle(?) point was more that we're going a little off topic - it's the IRRESPONSIBLE disc thread (yes, i know i'm a tad guilty too), especially considering Sky's top of the page warning
          Oh, right. Okay. Apologies, Shadow!

          It is four in the morning here, I should probably get some sleep. But if you remember, jonno, I did try to redirect the conversation back to Irresponsible, but other people sidetracked it again.


            I'm *still* trying to figure out (without much success) how anyone could believe that the showdown with a great villian belonged in the same episode as a buffoon like Lucius...


              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              I'm *still* trying to figure out (without much success) how anyone could believe that the showdown with a great villian belonged in the same episode as a buffoon like Lucius...
              *is frustrated* I agree wholeheartedly.
              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                Let's get the bad stuff out of the way: I. HATE. VILLAGERS!!!.
                LOL, pitty you can't delete them like you do in games.


                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  I'm *still* trying to figure out (without much success) how anyone could believe that the showdown with a great villian belonged in the same episode as a buffoon like Lucius...
                  u huh!, I'm still scratching my head over that one, maybe once I get over this WTF?! phase I'll start looking for the positives, for now...


                    Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                    A different section applies if they're both under the influence, but in this situation that wasn't the case.
                    No, you're just talking utter rubbish, if I someone was sober walked into a bar and pulled someone who was drunk, that would not be rape. I live in England and there is no law saying you can't give consent when you're intoxicated as far as I'm aware, and if there is no one seems to take any notice of it...


                      I have to admit, I might have set the bar so low for this episode, that I was generally pleased with it. I was not looking forward to Lucius at all, I couldn't stand him in his earlier episode. I didn't think he was funny, I didn't enjoy how all of Atlantis was swooning over him.

                      However I enjoyed this episode... certain parts were funny, certain parts ran a little long as I looked at my watch, but overall it was pretty decent. A nice filler episode.

                      I think it was funny, because it wasn't trying to be funny. Would I take it out of the DVD case to watch again? Probably not... but I didn't think it was half bad.

                      "Good Morning Dr. Silberman. How's the knee?" - Sarah Connor 1994


                        I like these villagers better:

                        While I loathe and despise the Lucius character, I think it would have been funnier if he'd tried to scam a village full of people who have more than one collective brain cell and that their reaction had been violent. Maybe he then calls Atlantis for help (using some plot device-y tech he pocketed or something) or maybe the team conveniently stumbles across his public execution, but he begs them for help and the team becomes involved in trying to save him from an ugly demise (because, after all, Team Atlantis is only slightly more intelligent than the villagers we did get ) only to find themselves accused, too. They're brought before the Lord High Muckety-muck who is none other than Kolya. Turns out the village has a lot of Ancient tech at its disposal (and if we're going with the "we just happened to stumble upon this" route, that's the excuse to bring the team to the planet) and Kolya claims that he's been trying to improve life for the villagers to protect them from threats like Lucius... and the Wraith. He's also been figuring out/exploiting the tech and is going to demonstrate it on Team Atlantis in ways that will be painful and possibly fatal.

                        And then... whatever. There's grandstanding and snarking and ridiculous escape attempts and an Important Discovery and the revelation of Kolya's true purpose, a showdown, a death, the destruction of all the Ancient tech (because gods forbid we should get anything useful) and then the team heads home with their pockets still empty. Lucius opts to stay behind, claiming to have seen the error of his ways and that he wants to help the villagers in the wake of their leader's unfortunate demise. The team is stupid enough to believe him and they depart. Lucius pulls out some nifty piece of tech he'd secreted away and attempts to impress the villagers, who chase him out of town.

                        Lucius figures he's still golden because of the techie toy he has and that's when he stumbles upon a trap set by Kolya. He's left trapped (or dead) and the tech is thrown far out of his reach only to be discovered by a young boy (or girl) who thinks it's a real toy and takes it home.

                        There. Wasn't that better?


                          Originally posted by jenks View Post
                          No, you're just talking utter rubbish, if I someone was sober walked into a bar and pulled someone who was drunk, that would not be rape. I live in England and there is no law saying you can't give consent when you're intoxicated as far as I'm aware, and if there is no one seems to take any notice of it...
                          Drunk isn't quite the same thing as drugged, and okay, there's nothing about drunkenness in there yet, but that wasn't my point. People under the influence of something like GHB when raped have been through successful prosecutions of their attackers in England.

                          Hardly anyone seems to take any notice of the age of consent law if there's only a year or so's difference in age either, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

                          And to the rest-- yes, it does suck to have Lucius and Kolya in the same episode. I liked Kolya. I would probably have enjoyed the ep were LL not involved.


                            Well, I probably shouldn't even write this....cause although I haven't read everything here...I get the feeling this was not a popular episode.

                            First, I didn't mind Lucious...he was less arrogant than he was the first time around...The team was great...No one really stood out and they all got great lines.....yeah, there was too much of Lucious....but, didn't you expect that...I did....go back to Irresistible...he got more on that one, I think....The mix of comedy with the angst was a good variety...a bit off at times...but still for me it was Lucius here afterall....

                            but I have to agree with everyone here..that the Koyla plot was lacking and so out of first I was fine with it...I mean that Koyla can make anyone shake their boots...even next to, I had no problem bringing those two together in the same episdoe...what I didn't like and I thought killed the entire opportunity...was the face off between John and Koyla...that deserved to be taken seriously considering the history that John and Koyla have together....and that was not well done....I"m hoping that somehow, Koyla got away with this one as he did in the Eye and the writers can bring back a more appropriate confrontation between those two.....the scene just looked awkward.

                            but besides that....I loved the team moments...looooved Teyla up in the tree..she should have gotten a close up...LOL and I loved the whole Evil Keneivel/ Batman....and even Carson and Ronon got to say who their childhood heroes were...I wonder why Teyla didn't say anything....

                            and I loved how John wanted to go after Koyla...I'm surprised that he didn't instinctively do it once he saw him....and the fact that Teyla was able to change his mind reminds me of the scene in Letters from Pegasus and Allies between those two....they can have a difference of opinion but somehow Teyla can persuade John to reality and the facts...

                            I didn't think it's the best...but unlike others here...I don't think it was the worse by far......I enjoyed it and would watch it again...

                            Thanks Mallozzi and Mullie....sorry guys...I just love team episodes....

                            EDITED: forgot to add...I LOOOOVED the part when the team stands up for Rodney, first Ronon, then immediately followed by Teyla and Carson....CLASSIC!....again...just great team moments in here mixed in with the rest of the stuff.....
                            Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 06 December 2006, 07:39 PM.


                              Although there were bits I liked, overall I think the episode sucked. Kolya's death was wasted, Sheppard Vs. Kolya would of made an episode in itself without the Lucius comedy side, although I am begining to like his character more, he was much better in this ep than the last imo...


                                Originally posted by ken_is_here
                                I'm really glad to see that the fans of Stargate are such a noble breed, really I am. But if you had a phermone (be it spray on, or a tasty beverage) that you could drink, that would make Angelina Jolie (or Brad Pitt - however your tastes may run) fall hopelessly in love with you -- can you honestly say you wouldn't use it. Honestly? Do you have that kind of self control?
                                For me it wouldn't be an issue of self-control. I wouldn't want to induce love or lust in another person, however attractive (even adorable Rodney) by fake means.... It would be a meaningless relationship. Didn't you ever see the Twilight Zone episode where the man magically got everything he ever wanted--and he was miserable? There's no satisfaction in having everything handed over to you, even someone you're in love with. If they're not falling in love with the real you--it's a hollow, lonely triumph and always will be.

                                Two things I would like to see in future Atlantis episodes:

                                More character stories, and I mean the characters already on the show! Not guest characters. I want to know more about Sheppard, McKay, Teyla, Ronon, etc. I'm hungry for that information and I hate to see whole episodes wasted on stories with no honest, involving meat to them.

                                And I would like to see a civilization for once that isn't Lord of the Rings fake-medieval. There are so many viable, fascinating eras of history to use as a setting for stories on other planets. I understand production costs, etc, and how you like to re-use sets, and that the whole medieval fearful village thing is useful for different types of (usually preachy) storytelling--

                                But you're missing some awesome opportunities here. True, you have had a few eps with some different worlds, but way too many medievals and they are adding to the repetitive story perception. Try something new. Go wild. Have fun with it. And explore the personalities and backgrounds of our regular characters please! You were doing great with Sateda... Keep going!

