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Vengeance (319)

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    Originally posted by daniejam View Post
    1 - Shep is on the radio with the marines, they say they are heading inland to the settlement, yet when the wraith dart comes through the gate they are still there. (bit of continuity please)

    2 - the device that they use to track living things, why the hell is there no silence button on it, i mean they are all being stealthy and quiet and all you can hear is *beep* *beep* beep* *beep*. Doesnt it defeat the point on the machine if it wont stop bloodying making a noise.

    End rant.

    Dan, it's the drama.. . Alas, if the LSD didn't beep (yes, a mute button makes a lot of sense) we viewers wouldn't know what he's doing. Logic is oft times sacrificed for entertainment. Not as if all the talking didn't alert the BEM to their location

    Not sure on your first quibble. Would have to rewatch.


      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
      1. Actually she does, check out S1, first episode, Teyla literally jumps 3-4 feet in the air.
      **If you're not a track runner with years of experience normal people can't do that; I don't even think with years of plyometric exercises can get you to jump that high. She most likely can run faster than Ronon, because she's also beaten John in Running, have her tap into that and she can be a marathon runner. That's not necessarily super human, but you never know.

      2. She's the only one who has done a hand to hand or combat fighting with a wraith and gotten hits in, ie Suspicion.
      **Ronon again was squated like a fly. So that's a few things to think about, I wouldn't think of doing that. And most of everyone else needs a gun to subdue a wraith.
      Well, it's the element of surprise. After all, Teyla took out Ronon in "Submersion". Had he been aware of her intent, it wouldn't have happened. They really all should use wraith handheld stunners. That way you don't run out of bullets, but then again, you have to be precise in your aim. P90s let you spray the broadside of a barn in seconds.

      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
      3. She normally takes longer to go down by a wraith stunner, that's in The Gift.
      **When the Wraith took over her mind, which means her recessive gene does prevent her from going down easily if she taps into it. The wraith normally need close range shot or two shots to go down. The humans one shot and their out for the rest of the time.
      Me thinks anybody possessed by aliens takes longer to go down from a stunner.

      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
      7. And last but not least, to bring up Carson, check out The Gift, he specifically says...'super powers'.

      So yeah, she's definitely super human, since she has abilities far more than mere humans have. Until we see about 60% of the population with the same abilities, she's one step up the human ladder.
      Well, yes. Anything other than the norm might be considered 'super', and since we're in another galaxy, why not?


        Originally posted by vaberella View Post
        1. Actually she does, check out S1, first episode, Teyla literally jumps 3-4 feet in the air.
        **If you're not a track runner with years of experience normal people can't do that; I don't even think with years of plyometric exercises can get you to jump that high. She most likely can run faster than Ronon, because she's also beaten John in Running, have her tap into that and she can be a marathon runner. That's not necessarily super human, but you never know.
        Teyla wasn't in the first episode, she was introduced in Rising, Pt. 2. But anyway, I don't remember her jumping 4 ft. in the air, unless it was when all those explosions were going off, in which case, the concussion may have "thrown" her 4 ft. in the air. I haven't seen or heard anything about her running faster than John or Ronon either.

        2. She's the only one who has done a hand to hand or combat fighting with a wraith and gotten hits in, ie Suspicion.
        **Ronon again was squated like a fly. So that's a few things to think about, I wouldn't think of doing that. And most of everyone else needs a gun to subdue a wraith.
        Actually, Teyla's people usually hid when the Wraith attacked. Ronon has been fighting Wraith alone and hand-to-hand for over 7 years. Teyla has only been with our team for 2-1/2 years and has only fought a Wraith with a weapon. Remember, in Suspicion, she was using her "stick" and lost that battle with Steve and would have died if Shep hadn't shown up.

        She normally takes longer to go down by a wraith stunner, that's in The Gift.
        She was possessed. That is a common theme in SciFi or horror - when one is possessed, they can't go down or die. Teyla isn't unique in that respect.

        4. She wakes up from injuries faster.
        **Carson makes suggestions to this and also she wakes up from the wraith stunner faster---examples are also seen in 'The Hive' and 'TLG' she only sweated a lot and healed faster while Ronon was suffering considerable pain when getting off the drugs, he was close to death; Teyla was helping him stand. This is something else that's not normal and rather super human---cause other humans died--Fords comrade for example.
        Ford and his comrades had been taking the enzyme for a long period of time, which is why they died when they experienced withdrawal. No one ever said Ronon was close to death, btw. Teyla stood up a bit before him, but that was because the writers just wanted everyone to see her sweaty body and latest Victoria's Secret push up bra under that tank top.

        Then we have the ship flying.
        A handful liked that, but a lot of fans found it unbelievable. I don't think we'll see it again.

        So yeah, she's definitely super human, since she has abilities far more than mere humans have. Until we see about 60% of the population with the same abilities, she's one step up the human ladder.
        Teyla is human, nothing more. Carson said her Wraith DNA was so miniscule that he didn't find it in physicals. He didn't find it until he specifically looked for it. To say Teyla is higher up the evolutionary chain is like saying a German Shepherd is stronger and more intelligent than a Pug, but that doesn't mean the Shepherd is genetically superior, it just means one animal has different physical abilities than the other. Overall, they are both just dogs.

        As for this episode, I can't figure out all the raving about how it is "Aliens" and that made it so cool. Its a rip off, nothing more. Our writers are still not coming up with original ideas of their own and have to resort to taking ideas from other works. Its lazy writing. Its getting OLD.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Just adding my opinion....

          I thought that it was an okay episode- didn't have much suspence for me. Though I really liked how both Chuck and Elizabeth had a fair number of lines. I thought that the plot was okay-would have liked a mention of Carson though- I mean after Daniel died Sarah/Osiris asked about him and didn't believe Sam when she said that he was dead....and they introduced a thrid bad-guy....they can barely handle the two bad-guys that they have now and now they have a third to contend with...? Overall I did like Ronan and Rodney at the beginning and the whole Elizabeth/John interaction about sending back up (sparky-ness is great) so I give this episode a 7/10. Not bad, but not great either- just an average episode.
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            I liked this episode. I didn't get the same feeling as in the Ark...Loved the Ark!, but the plot, the visual and the characters were great...

            Michael was creepy....He has gone to such extremes and now he's a one man brainiac army.....Rodney better watch out! He's not the only brilliant scientist out there....

            I liked the dialogue between John and Ronon...actually I do have mixed feeling about it...but mainly....Ronon actually spoke more than one sentence at a time and that was good for him....also, he did shut up John....that part I have a bit of mixed feelings about...but the scene was good and the dialogue was great....although, I do see John's point of view because if Michael has other labs out there, it is their responsibility to destroy those as well...otherwise, they did nothing here....and they didn't....the problem is still out there...

            I loved that first scene between Rodney and's great to see different interactions between the characters...Loved it!

            The team was fantastic....Teyla in peril calling for Ronon and then John was great....Trying to reason with Michae was just not working....I wonder why she didn't try to get into his mind and see where the other labs were or try to manipulate his actions like she did in Submerssion!


            Also, was it me or did the idea of how the Wraith reproduce came up again several times....Rodney commented it when John made his joke about it...and then Teyla wondered if Michael left a family behind....I wonder if we will get to know more about the Wraith in this sense and actually learn that they do have families or something.....

            Just a thought......overall, I thought it was a great episode...


              Foolish Pleasure...
              Teyla wasn't in the first episode, she was introduced in Rising, Pt. 2. But anyway, I don't remember her jumping 4 ft. in the air, unless it was when all those explosions were going off, in which case, the concussion may have "thrown" her 4 ft. in the air. I haven't seen or heard anything about her running faster than John or Ronon either.
              She does do that in Rising...when John and Teyla are coming out of the cave and are in the woods, you see Teyla stop and sense the Wraith....she calls, Wraith and starts to run and leaves Sheppard way behind....then you see her jumping over a log I believe and she's extremely high! I"m not sure if John actually saw her, and I tried to find a cap but Stargatecaps didn't get that scene....but she actually does jump and run faster than John...I don't know if she's faster than Ronon...can't remember......

              But, I do also remember Carson calling her on her super powers...and I think it's safe to say that we haven't seen all of Teyla's capabilities....I think it will be interesting to see if the others like her have certain physical attributes as well or if it's just Teyla and her training.....


                I thought this was a very enjoyable episode, but Aliens was always a favorite of mine. Love anything with Marines. The first scene with Rodney/Ronon was a treat. I hope they continue to explore their friendship. Odd couples are always fun. It probably would have been suspenseful if it wasn't like a million other scary movies, but I liked the way it was done. The bugs got less scary as it went along though as we saw more of them. Our guys definitely needed to be injured a bit more. I mean, how could that big bug guy jump on Sheppard like that and not even muss his hair? Oh wait...

                Elizabeth was used nicely here also. She was confident and in control and showed just who was in charge when she insisted on sending in the Marines. Love how John didn't try to argue. A nice character moment between them showing how well they know each other. As was the final scene when we see them once again on the same page and reading each others minds. I was reminded of the scene in Misbegotten
                when John told Woolsey that he supported Elizabeth's decision.
                John wouldn't admit to Ronon or Michael that the experiments were wrong, but it seemed in this last scene that he and Elizabeth knew that their bad decisions were about to bite them. Now it will be interesting to see how they work together to get out of this one.

                Connor Trinneer was excellent as usual. Michael is developing nicely as a supervillian. Hope to see him again in S4.

                Once again we see a good connection between Elizabeth and Teyla. It was interesting how Teyla used the term "our science". She is definitely feeling part of the exhibition. Now if they would just stop with the damsel in distress who is in serious danger of developing a fatal chest cold nonsense. I guess they haven't changed their target audience even though, by now, I would think they would know that hormonally charged adolescent boys of all ages don't make up the bulk of their audience.

                JF also did his usual excellent job of showing all John's emotions on his face. The scene with Michael in particular showed his fear and bravado at the same time. Loved how he failed to be impressed with the "bug people" but looked like he was about to wet his pants. lol And he seems to have developed quite a bit of precision accuracy in the scoop and fly with the dart.

                This episode was a nice bit of foreshadowing of S4.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Teyla has only been with our team for 2-1/2 years and has only fought a Wraith with a weapon.
                  Teyla took out a wraith in Misbegotten when the team went back for Carson and the marines.


                    I really enjoyed this episode 8/10

                    I'm so psyched up for the finale!


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                      But anyway, I don't remember her jumping 4 ft. in the air, unless it was when all those explosions were going off, in which case, the concussion may have "thrown" her 4 ft. in the air.
                      She didn't, it's on the scene where Sheppard and her are running through the woods after the wraith arrive, there is this small mound, Teyla runs over it. It's understandable that someone would get confused since the scene is very dark, but I just watched it, and no, she doesn't fly or jump, or whatever, she just runs over it.
                      As for the running, they were all running fast, if running fast is a super power then all the athosians have it. *lol*


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        The team was fantastic....Teyla in peril calling for Ronon and then John was great....
                        That's why Teyla has become such a joke. She is a warrior so she should not be crying out or needing help all the time. Bug on the boobs? Right. Too bad she didn't meet up with the exploring tumor instead of Carson.

                        This show gets a thumbs down because its just the Alien movies redux.


                          Originally posted by crazy_fan View Post
                          There seemed to be a minor plothole to me, why didn't Sheperd attempt to either beam up or failing that, at least blow up the DHD in order to prevent Michael from leaving the planet?
                          I don't think John knows how to fire the weaponry through the cruiser. I don't remember all of The Hive, go figure, but I didn't remember him using any of the weapons to shoot out the wraith, he just knew how to use the controls for the beaming.

                          Not to mention, we have to remember distance, maybe we can't travel by puddlejumper there, it's kosher to take the gate. I don't know if under impending death of me and my own I'd remember the DHD--

                          When you have to save your self and your team, 2 of which were underground and you're hunted by huge ass bugs; which you totally underestimated their number. First thing I would think is save my team and come back to planet through the gate to see what else I can do with reinforcements.
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by daniejam View Post
                            1 - Shep is on the radio with the marines, they say they are heading inland to the settlement, yet when the wraith dart comes through the gate they are still there. (bit of continuity please)

                            They just stepped through the gate.
                            I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


                              hi i liked the ep btw. Just wondering though, was it the same actor playing Michael? because he seemed different somehow....
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                                IMO, the ep should have ended at minute marker 4:29 or thereabouts. Somewhere in the Stargate mission directives it should say if you run into a pod or cocoon bigger than the biggest person on your team, you have to go back to base and get bigger people. Or maybe some flame throwers and bug spray, lol.

                                I'm glad the ep ran longer than five minutes.

                                Nice recipe for an ep, btw. Take some standard danger, mix in a creep factor, a little phobia, stir in claustrophobic tunnels, maybe some water dripping in the background, lol, and a couple of shots of uncovered ventilator shafts. Yowza.

                                I second Sheppard: "I hate bugs." I especially hate them big. And big to me is the size of a US nickel.

                                Walking on two legs and tall as Ronon?

                                I got it that the team was shaken. Btw, has Sheppard ever before jumped like he did when the expendables unexpectedly called him on the radio?

                                Wow, I liked it.

                                Not to sound morbid or anything, but I'm liking the dark and gloomy ones as much I like the water and city eps. And I got three dark and gloomy eps in a row. Count me a happy fan. With this one, Sheppard was so obviously freaked and that, for me, it upped the ep's enjoyment factor.

                                Whatever was going on with Sheppard and Ronon, as much as I like seeing the team in sync, I'd love to see fleshed out more. Was it a fluke? Was everyone wound up so tight, they just burst at certain times?

                                Michael is shaping up to be an amazing bad guy. His appearance was so understated that I was straining to figure him out. Too much human + too much Wraith = psycho? I'm loving it.

                                Does this mean we'll get bigger bugs and a maniac Wraith hybrid running amok in season 4?

                                "Your idea is better." LOL.

                                Been following the "who gets captured the most" game. Here's the list for season 3 behind spoiler tags for those who, um, don't care. Expendables not mentioned, although they get a hearty shout-out for being brave enough to go on missions without a contract.

                                Warning: Spoilers for all eps.

                                No Man's Land: McKay, Ronon, and Sheppard
                                Misbegotten: Carson
                                Irresistible: Does getting mind-blown count? Free will disconnect, so let's say everyone but Shep
                                Sateda: Teyla, Ronon, Sheppard (More Ronon than the other two). Honorable mention to McKay for taking fire.
                                Progeny: Shep, Ronon, Teyla, McKay, Weir. Honorable mention to Sheppard for self-sacrifice, even if it was in his head.
                                The Real World: Weir, in her mind.
                                Common Ground: Sheppard
                                McKay and Mrs Miller: Nada
                                Phantoms: Honorable mention to Ronon, McKay, and Teyla for taking fire.
                                Return 1: Woosley (he's not really an expendable) and O'Neill
                                Return 2: Woosley, O'Neill, Shep, McKay, Ronon, Teyla, Carson, and Weir
                                Echoes: Honorable mention to Sheppard, McKay, Teyla and Weir for going down in the line of duty.
                                Irresponsible: Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon, McKay, Carson,
                                Tao of Rodney: Honorable mention to McKay for activating alien technology without checking the warning label.
                                The Game: Nada
                                The Ark: Teyla
                                Sunday: Carson, rest in peace. Honorable mention to Teyla for taking fire.
                                Submersion: Sheppard, briefly. Teyla, in her mind.
                                Vengeance: Teyla.

                                The "Captured the Most" Award goes to Teyla, with eight captures.
                                Ronon and Sheppard take second place with six captures.
                                McKay takes third place with five captures.

                                Carson and Weir get the "aw shucks" mention with four captures.

                                Recurring theme? The "Getting Captured is a Team Affair" plaque was awarded seven times in season three for people getting captured when one or more others.

                                The "Wounded in the Line of Duty" award is shared by McKay and Teyla.

                                The "Ultimate Sacrifice" ribbon, with deep regret and sorrow, was posthumously awarded to Carson Beckett.

                                My vote on the "Teyla gets it more than others" discussion? This show likes to capture, shoot, chase, scare, brainwash, and explode its main cast. Teyla was captured by herself twice, which is only one more than Sheppard, Carson, and Weir. The others got theirs in the front half. Her turn was in the back half.

                                A Confirmed Atlantis Cast Whumper
                                Last edited by expendable_crewman; 01 February 2007, 11:21 AM.

