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Submersion (318)

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    I thought this episode started ok with the whole 'Alien' like vibe but it just didn't do it for me for some reason. I was very tired when watching it so maybe if i watch it again I will enjoy it more.


      Liked it the first time.

      Loved it the second time.

      Could care less why Weir went, or why anyone else went. I liked her being there. I liked her leader moments. Her interaction with Teyla was a treat. Whatever reason made her go, more power to it.

      I got the feeling that Plan B was cooked up before Sheppard and McKay left the station. If that was the case, then the ending was extremely team-oriented with everyone doing what he or she does best ... except McKay, who got the P90. But he did a good job with it.

      The twist, then, becomes more of a Mission Impossible-esque ending --- I refer to the series, not the films --- about how to fool a Wraith queen into getting herself killed. As in Return 2,
      they used the queen's arrogance the way the team played on the arrogance of the Assurans, just without the flashback at the end.

      I think I really do like the Wraith more than the Assurans. But we couldn't have the queen in Atlantis.

      She could turn inside out most minds that came within a certain distance.

      I'm curious if being food for the queen is in the small print on the Wraith employee contract. What a nice deal for her. Everyone on the roster retires before the boss. I wonder how much that job pays. Sounds like good work if you can find it.


        Weir actually went along because she got tired of seeing reports that said "we lost a puddle jumper because the bad guys attacked" and simply thought that Rodney was driving and hit something big and ruined the jumper


          Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
          I got the feeling that Plan B was cooked up before Sheppard and McKay left the station. If that was the case, then the ending was extremely team-oriented with everyone doing what he or she does best ... except McKay, who got the P90. But he did a good job with it.
          I just noticed something on reviewing. If you watch the scene, right when Sheppard turns to leave he flashes out of frame. Weir and Teyla don't. I think that the plan was cooked up after Sheppard and McKay left, but before Elizabeth left the room and Teyla 'told' Ronon that he was needed. Maybe it was a conversation Teyla and Elizabeth had with John on the radio and Teyla inserted him into it visually?


            Originally posted by localfocus View Post
            I just noticed something on reviewing. If you watch the scene, right when Sheppard turns to leave he flashes out of frame. Weir and Teyla don't. I think that the plan was cooked up after Sheppard and McKay left, but before Elizabeth left the room and Teyla 'told' Ronon that he was needed. Maybe it was a conversation Teyla and Elizabeth had with John on the radio and Teyla inserted him into it visually?
            Good point. It's easier to modify a memory than to make one up whole cloth.

            Also, that explains Shep and McKay trying to shut the thing down by themselves first. And Ronon leaving Teyla alone. And Teyla wouldn't have to recover from being unconcious in time to radio everyone. Hm. Good plan.

            Two thumbs up!


              It was better than I thought. It was great to see the Wraith again. Great scenes with Teyla, epically with the Wraith Queen. I give it a ** 1/2.


                Originally posted by prion View Post
                Weir actually went along because she got tired of seeing reports that said "we lost a puddle jumper because the bad guys attacked" and simply thought that Rodney was driving and hit something big and ruined the jumper
                LOL yeah thats the reason. Weir "Rodney break one more damn jumper and you're fired!"
                Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                  Spoilers for this Episode:

                  ~Teyla gets controlled by a Wraith Queen. (Though almost everyone knew this)
                  ~Carson is mentioned in the 'previously on' segment... (That really makes me mad, but whatever.)
                  ~Weir actually accompanies the team.
                  ~Rodney McKay was actually not as annoying as usual, though he still messed people's names up.
                  ~Two more people die, but they were minor, so it probably wasn't that big of a deal.
                  ~Teyla kicks Ronon's arse.
                  ~If I can think of more, I will post them.

                  This episode was actually not that exciting. I was only waiting to see if Carson Beckett would be back. Though I will still watch Atlantis, only until they take out the whole original cast, then I'm out of there.

                  P.S: Most of the Spoilers are probably already posted here, but here they are once again. >.<


                    Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                    LOL yeah thats the reason. Weir "Rodney break one more damn jumper and you're fired!"
                    At which point Rodney points out that it was Griffin driving in GUP, Shep in Condemned and Siege II, Markham in 38 Minutes and The Brotherhood, etc. Bizarrely, Rodney has not been directly responsible for the loss of a single Jumper.

                    Does anyone think the Jumper in Submersion is salvagable? Because if so, they could possibly modify Shep's cable to haul up the one from GUP, too. They are running out of ships, here!


                      Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
                      At which point Rodney points out that it was Griffin driving in GUP, Shep in Condemned and Siege II, Markham in 38 Minutes and The Brotherhood, etc. Bizarrely, Rodney has not been directly responsible for the loss of a single Jumper.

                      Does anyone think the Jumper in Submersion is salvagable? Because if so, they could possibly modify Shep's cable to haul up the one from GUP, too. They are running out of ships, here!
                      LOL yeah I know. It depends on how "waterproof" ancient tech is. The only real damage is the windshield and if the controlls still work then I'd say yeah.
                      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                        Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                        LOL yeah I know. It depends on how "waterproof" ancient tech is. The only real damage is the windshield and if the controlls still work then I'd say yeah.
                        Well, Atlantis has proved semi-waterproof (some things malfunctioned, but not everything) and the Jumpers have handled raw vaccuum, at least in the rear compartments. Those are some tough little fellas.

                        But can they even get to the one in Submersion? It's outside the forcefields.


                          Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
                          Well, Atlantis has proved semi-waterproof (some things malfunctioned, but not everything) and the Jumpers have handled raw vaccuum, at least in the rear compartments. Those are some tough little fellas.

                          But can they even get to the one in Submersion? It's outside the forcefields.
                          That's true. Uh only by tow I think. They's have to get at it from the outside. So likely it's destroyed unless shep wants to try and get at it. He could say "But Elizabeth I left my Playboys in there I have to go back!"
                          Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                          "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                          Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                            Boring episode. I was gasping for air just to sit through it. The problem is it seems just too loose and all over places.

                            Last edited by PhatChance; 25 January 2007, 09:13 PM.


                              I really enjoyed this wasn't up there with the 'Wow Kapow' episodes...but definitely lots of fun!

                              Originally posted by starmage View Post
                              I really like the Wraith Queen and I thought her outfit was interesting.
                              Yes...a girly moment for me here...I thought her outfit was great to! Almost looked like something Madonna might wear on stage!! It was Andee Frizzell as the Queen wasn't it? She plays that part so well!

                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              For us wanton Shep fans...

                              Go to this LJ - - almost frame by frame of that great wet Shep scene from this episode...
                              Oh my word...I love Soggy Shep!! That whole scene was fab! Shep brought to his knees...Queenie stroking his face! What is it with these queens and the Sheppy face stroking anyway?!!

                              Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post

                              I think I really do like the Wraith more than the Assurans.
                              Oh me to...they just exude such a creepy presence on screen. I don't find many TV aliens do that for me. Probably the Borg are the last ones that had that particular quality!

                              So, all 'n' all, a good episode. I think it's a shame we're losing Ken C. I've really enjoyed his stories. Ah well....such is life!


                                this ep was very plain, nothing new everything old, nothing added to the main story. and the queen didn't do the neel echo thing. ive always loved that echo effect.


