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The Ark (316)

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    Wow a great episode.

    I really enjoyed the idea with a hollowed out moon, and it was a beautiful set. This was certainly much better than the previous episodes...
    Sheppard's survival was pure luck.


      I thought it was an asteroid.. not a moon.


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        I thought it was an asteroid.. not a moon.
        Hi Garhkal -
        No - It was a tiny moon, not that much difference, but that's what it's called when in orbit around a planet. Or we could go with satellite?

        Actually it reminded me of Phobos, one of the two moons of Mars.

        Wow I'm still thinking of this episode. It was fantastic...


          I've got a question about this episode:

          The sets of the moonbase were *really* elaborate. Just the level of detail on the doors alone must have blown the budget. I mean, sprawling and expensive-looking, and completely unlike anything else we've seen on the show, either before or since. Quite frankly, these sets are higher quality than the Daedalus sets.

          I know MGM has shown wonky business sense in the past, but there's just no way they would have blown this kind of money on sets for a B-list episode like this one.

          The only thing I can think of is that they must have been sets built for some movie or another, then, once production on the film wrapped, the SGA team must have filmed on them right before they were struck (And probably destroyed).

          That's my hunch. Anyone know if I'm right or not? Also, assuming I'm right, does anyone know what movie was called?

          Kevin Long
          The Artis Formerly Known As Republibot 3.0


          Kevin Long
          (The Artist Formerly Known As Republibot 3.0)


            The episode was very interesting and unusual. The only thing I am curious about is, why is Dr.Beckett alive in this episode when he died two episodes before this one?


              Beckett is killed in the episode called "Sunday" that was the next episode after "The Ark"


                Originally posted by GiullareMalvagio View Post
                The episode was very interesting and unusual. The only thing I am curious about is, why is Dr.Beckett alive in this episode when he died two episodes before this one?
                "The Ark" was aired before "Sunday" - the latter being the one in which Carson died. That's the way they are on my DVDs and the way they were aired on TV.


                  Yea, sorry about that. When I was watching the series they switched the episodes so I saw "Sunday" instead of "Tao of Rodney" and got confused. Again sorry.


                    Don't worry ... if you're watching the DVD's they sometimes have the episodes in production order instead of viewing order.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by GiullareMalvagio View Post
                      Yea, sorry about that. When I was watching the series they switched the episodes so I saw "Sunday" instead of "Tao of Rodney" and got confused. Again sorry.
                      No need to be sorry.


                        Originally posted by darksiege View Post
                        Hey anyone notice when sammy suicide is at the controls of the rocket theres a snickers bar on the console?
                        I had to watch 3 times before I caught that.


                          Out of all my Atlantis rewatches, I always skipped this one. However I'm surprised I didn't catch it the first time around...

                          So ok, I don't mean to get all technical, but seriously writers, you pick an object that you keep calling a moon...but it's not even a minimoon (yes, that's the term), and you choose to have people walking around on it at g = 9.8 m/s^2...and that's not even my issue, but you're trying too portray the thing as quite large. So the thing's in a decaying orbit, and is supposed to be roughly large enough to be a planet-killer - IT WOULD NOT BREAK UP LIKE THAT. Sure, part of it is hollowed out, but not as much as you portray in certain shots.

                          So you guys look at it as a moon, and Sheppard's supposed to be landing on the planet to restore a population there...restore it there for what? By your premise, the physical parameters of the setting I mean, that planet would be OBLITERATED when the thing impacts. I don't mean a Theia Impact sorta thing, but it's enough for a mass-extinction event. Right right, suspension of disbelief and all that (I normally stray away from acronyms, but can we just start using SOD or WSOD for this disclaimer), but this stuff just really gets to me sometimes...I mean look at who your audience is, for frig's sake


                            Originally posted by Republibot 3.0 View Post
                            I've got a question about this episode:

                            The sets of the moonbase were *really* elaborate. Just the level of detail on the doors alone must have blown the budget. I mean, sprawling and expensive-looking, and completely unlike anything else we've seen on the show, either before or since. Quite frankly, these sets are higher quality than the Daedalus sets.

                            I know MGM has shown wonky business sense in the past, but there's just no way they would have blown this kind of money on sets for a B-list episode like this one.

                            The only thing I can think of is that they must have been sets built for some movie or another, then, once production on the film wrapped, the SGA team must have filmed on them right before they were struck (And probably destroyed).

                            That's my hunch. Anyone know if I'm right or not? Also, assuming I'm right, does anyone know what movie was called?

                            Kevin Long
                            The Artis Formerly Known As Republibot 3.0
                            Exactly my thoughts man. I was looking for the number of instances of reused rooms, and although there were many, you're absolutely right about the set quality. And about my former point, you had certain shots like the single one of the suicidal character (can't remember his name) running to the ship...that showed it was a pretty freakin' huge set. Definitely think it was a reused one. That'd be a good thing to look into.


                              Originally posted by GiullareMalvagio View Post
                              The episode was very interesting and unusual. The only thing I am curious about is, why is Dr.Beckett alive in this episode when he died two episodes before this one?
                              Yeah, they hadn't yet showed us their obsession with killing doctors...


                                Originally posted by darksiege View Post
                                Hey anyone notice when sammy suicide is at the controls of the rocket theres a snickers bar on the console?
                                Oh my god, you're so right; great eye!
                                Snickergate Atlantis.jpeg

