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Sunday (317)

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    There's a link up there under Omnipedia that says Rules. The second item in it, made all the more prominent by the fact that it's written in all caps, is SPOILERS. If you're going to comment on spoilers- or spoiler policy- it'd probably help to know what the rules are before you hit "post."

    As for the Weir/Mike thing... I liked it. Yeah, it was a bit weird and awkward, but as others have said it was supposed to be that way. Or I thought it was, anyway, and I thought it worked well in context. It's a shame we aren't likely to see anything come of it. Probably won't see Mike again, either. Unless he's gonna flirt with Sam.


      The problem was the thread title, not the post content. However, it's a moot issue now that the thread has been merged into the "Sunday" thread.


        I have to say I am never prepared for this stuff. I try hard to make sure I know as little as possible spoiler wise and so I am always (by choice) one of the last to know a lot of stuff. I did read the "rumors" from way before the episode was even made of Carson leaving the show but I thought it was just that and never gave it a second thought.

        So imagine my surprise when I am watching a nice "filler" episode which was all about character exploration and then all the sudden one of my favorite characters is suddenly killed off by an exploding tumor. I had Tivo this episode and watched it finally tonight for the first time.

        I am still in a state of shock. Why did they have to kill him off? He was a great part of the show. They think this will help ratings somehow? I can't see how.

        I am very sad and teared up at the end. Reminded me of the end of Star Trek 2 which was also very sad.

        RIP CARSON!

        and btw: Unless Carson is already an ancient who was living among humans I can't see how he can ascend. You either have to be a very special person with great powers or have somebody who is already ascended help you like daniel and the people of abidos did. Or be training for it for many many years like most of the ancients. You don't just ascend. Thats just my take.

        O well Atlantis is becoming like 24. People dying or getting the boot left and right. I don't mind it on 24 as Jack is the only one who really matters but I do mind it on shows that revolve around a "team"


          I avoid spoilers if I can, hence me staying away from this forum for such a long time, but I did know that Beckett was being killed off before I saw Sunday. I couldn't believe it. Things need to move in a show, things need to change but why kill off one of your most popular characters??

          BTW, does anyone else, when re-watching the ep, still hope it will somehow turn out differently?? I do....
          Save Dr Carson Beckett!!

          "I was sure I was gonna wake up dead this morning"

          "Ah yes, let's race towards the gunfire"

          "We're in another galaxy, how much more out can you get??"

          "And you are Lord Mot, here to punish us for our insolence....etcetera, yada, et al."


            Originally posted by firefly30 View Post
            BTW, does anyone else, when re-watching the ep, still hope it will somehow turn out differently?? I do....
            I hope that too every time I watch it. It's silly, really. I knew about his death before I watched it, because I read one of the spoilers and when I watched it, I still hoped, he wouldn't die. As he successfully removed the tumor, I said to myself "Maybe I got it wrong, maybe it's not Carson ". Well, I got it right unfortunately.

            Still I love Sunday because of all the drama and emotions that's filling the scenes towards the end. *sniff*
            "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


              The plot was not very bad, I think that the ides of tumor inducer machine is original.
              But I feel like the whole episode was meant to lead to Carson's death.
              Which is horrible by the way and I will never forgive the tptb for that!

              The only thing that I liked was that I learned something more about the characters, even if it was just a little bit, and that I saw that Atlantis is becoming more settled; they decide there is time to take a day off once in a while, do some stuff for their own pleasure. So that opens an oportunity to show us more of their private life. That I like.


                I liked the 'day off' premise of the episode and even the 'timeline shifting', but let me get this straight...radiation that alters your genetics to make an explosive tumor in your chest? Were they trying to outdo Star Trek:TNG for the stupidest way to kill off a character? This is worse than Tasha Yar being killed by the 'Skin of Evil' Tar Monster!


                  Some interesting info on Sunday from David Hewlett's recent interview in TV Zone magazine:

                  Although it was difficult for Hewlett to say goodbye to his friend and fellow Atlantis cast-mate Paul McGillion at the end of the season three episode Sunday, he was glad to have the chance to shoot the final scene between McKay and Dr Beckett.

                  "Filming that last scene with paul was quite subdued," recalls the actor. "We'd goof around all the time, no matter how serious the scenes were. Even in Sunday where we lost Paul's character, he goofed around to the end; that's Paul. However, prior to us shooting that little tag scene at the conclusion of Sunday, everyone was laughing and saying, 'Oh, David and Paul on a blue screen. Like that's not going to be goofy.' And it actually ended up being kind of morose and really quite depressing. That said, it seemed like a suitable send-off for Paul and his character, and it was heartfelt.

                  Mild spoilers for Season 4:
                  "Of course, the other thing, and the most important thing, is that Paul will be returning for two episodes this season. I haven't seen him for ages. I've been storing up the abuse since he left, so by the time he gets back I intend on destroying him," jokes Hewlett.


                    Continuing the mild season 4 spoiler...

                    Paul is a dead man.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      I just saw the show this week since I don't have cable and I buy the DVDs. I even angrier now since I have seen the episode then when I had heard about Carson’s death. When it was first got out that Carson had died I was not happy since he is one of my fav. characters but I never read the whole spoiler to find out how he died. I felt episode had a lot of good parts and bad parts. I loved the whole idea of getting to now the characters beyond just doing missions. I kind of felt like the writer Martin Gero and the casting director took some notes from ER on this episode the actor who played Dr. Weir’s date reminded me to much of Noah Wyle and also a explosion also happened right out side the surgical room just like ER when some patient was rigged with a bomb. The idea of exploding tumors felt to fake to me, it is like Martin Gero just used the first thing that popped into his head instead of thinking it over.

                      Character development
                      Character backgrounds
                      Brought back a couple of characters

                      Carson’s death
                      The explosion that killed Carson was to fake looking
                      Weir’s date
                      Explosion outside the surgical room is not new both in the TV world and real world
                      "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

                      Aftermath RP

                      SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


                        Originally posted by Apollodragon View Post
                        Explosion outside the surgical room is not new both in the TV world and real world
                        Seriously? So does your local hospital explode frequently?


                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          Seriously? So does your local hospital explode frequently?

                          No it dosen't happen often but it has happened in the past such as idiots smoking while on oxygen
                          "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

                          Aftermath RP

                          SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


                            Wow, seriously.

                            That IS stupid.


                              Originally posted by Apollodragon View Post
                     is like Martin Gero just used the first thing that popped into his head instead of thinking it over.
                              Small note on the side: This was not how Martin Gero invisioned the episode to be. It wasn't his idea to turn it into a dramatic plot. He only offered the idea about what the expedition would do if they had a day off. The others twisted and turned his idea in what it was on screen, only a fraction of what he had in mind.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Am I going to get shot for saying how much I LOVED this ep?

                                *proceeds with caution*

                                I love Carson. He ties for my second favourite character. And that's the whole point! We love him! He died! That's storytelling! I cried buckets at the end (and the other family members watching with me were tearful), and I wouldn't change this ep for anything. The entire thing was beautifully laid out. Who cares what it was specifically that killed him. I care about the fact of who Carson was, the job he was doing, and what it all meant to his friends. He died in the line of duty, like Janet, and he didn't even have to be there; that's where it counts. He's an amazing character, and sometimes amazing characters have to die. It's a fact of fiction. Whatever arguements can be used- it's a ratings ploy, etc. But whatever the initial intent behind the death was, I think the final result was pulled off with a great deal of grace and it was an emotionally resonent send-off for a wonderful and loved character. The final scene between Beckett and Mckay was perfectly enigmattic- I love that. And the memorial was extremely difficult to watch- which is good!

                                There's nothing worse than watching a character die and going, well who cares? I think the amount of controversy and outrage that has been stirred up by this is a testament to both the character of Carson, and Paul. We love the character and we show it. But that doesn't mean that the characters that we love shouldn't die.

                                In otehr brief thoughts, I love all teh little character interactions we had throughout teh ep- and I wanted to twack everyone who turned down Carson's fishing offer over the head. Loved the golf, the chess, all the little character moments. Very nicely done. My hat is off to Mr. Gero.

                                All in all, a fantastic ep. Certainly one of my favourites. I'm sure a rather.....unpopular opinion.

