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Sunday (317)

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    Does anybody know what that final scene was about? Or if the writers plan on explaining it ever? I mean, all they had to do to have it make some sense was have Rodney wake up after it in bed and just look all depressed.

    Also, Dr. Katie Brown. Wow. I thought she was Heightmeyer all this time. They look too alike and have too similar of names, plus the Heightmeyer stuff with McKay pretending/wanting to go out with her really confused me...

    But a really good episode, IMO. Carson will be sorely missed.
    Sign the Petition to get the SG-1 Complete Series Bonus Discs released separately!


      Maybe it's just that I've pretty much stopped watching the show and have thus built up my tolerance levels again, but I thought this episode was brilliantly played. If it wasn't for the unfortunate fact that I know better, Sunday could almost have restored my faith. But like I said, I know it's just one diamond in the dung heap. But oh, what a diamond!

      I know a lot of folks are upset at the loss of Carson and I'm right there with you (of all the cowardly, stupid moves...), but personally I think that is exactly the right kind of ending for the character and even knowing what was going to happen I still cried like a broken thing. Safe journey, Carson.

      Actually, I should amend that: I knew there was going to be an explosion and I knew Carson was going to die, but I was expecting the explosion to happen towards the end of the ep. Consequently I nearly hit the ceiling when it happened in the teaser. You're still a sneaky, dirty rat, Martin.

      Everyone was outstanding in this ep. Everyone. For the first time in forever the characters actually felt and acted human. What a wonderful change! And seeing them out of their roles and relaxing is a too-rare treasure.

      I loved Dr. Whatsit who charmed Weir into lunch and stole a kiss. I hope we get to see more of him, if only in the background occasionally making eyes at Weir.

      All the little details we got on the characters, from Shep's failed marriage to Zelenka's chess sharking to Lorne's painting and McKay's continuing relationship with Katie... it's SO reassuring to know that there's at least ONE PTB who has put some thought into the characters beyond the stereotypical crap we get week in and week out. Thank you for this gift, Martin.

      If I had any complaints it'd be that I found all the time jumping to be a little distracting. I found myself wanting to sit down and make a timeline so I could figure out who was where and when. But in the grand scheme of things it was a minor quibble and it all came together in the end.

      I will add the caveat that if some damn fool writer ever tries to bring Carson back in a future ep- through whatever cutesified method- I will curse said writer (or writers) into the ninth circle of Hell. Don't screw up a good exit; it would lessen everything accomplished in this ep.

      Yes, I know there are many who disagree, but this is my personal view. Whatever failings have marred the show so far, whatever atrocities lie in the future, this one episode, at least, is worth watching.


        ^Edit: to Beckmen

        The final scene is about Rodney remembering Carson, and having a heart-to-heart with a dear-departed friend.

        Don't think of it too technically; it was done purely for emotional impact.

        And it worked.


          Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
          Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
          Second half.

          14 hours earlier

          Rodney in infirmary wearing a robe. Rodney scolding 2 junior scientists that we now know are Dr Houston and Dr Watson. They were sent on a routine cataloging assignment but they activated an alien device. Dr Houston (female scientist): But you did that. Rodney: I can fix it, you can’t. My 4 year old niece is smarter than you. You need to be more careful. Carson: Rodney. Rodney calms down. Ok, ok. Take tomorrow off. Dr. Houston: We were. It’s the mandatory rest day. Rodney looks at Carson. Carson mimes fishing. Rodney turns away mumbles: Oh great.

          Door of botany lab. Rodney goes in. Calls for Katie. Katie: I have to monitor these ferns. Could have the cure to leukemia. Rodney: I need an excuse to break those fishing plans with Carson. I can’t conceive of a more tortuous, unappealing way to spend time. Katie: Why did you agree? Rodney: It was a month ago. I thought something would come up so I wouldn’t have to go. But nothing did. Can take you out to lunch? Kaite: No I have to stay with the ferns. Rodney: I’ll get lunch and bring it back here. Katie: You want to baby sit ferns with me? Rodney: Yes, as opposed to fishing with Carson.

          Mess. Rodney has two lunches. Sees Elizabeth and Hot Science Guy at table. Hmm. Carson comes in. Carson: Ah, great minds think alike. I've come for snacks, too. Rodney has long story about day off plans. Rodney: We spend so little time together I don't know if we're even a couple. I told Katie I’d spend the day with her. Carson: All right Rodney. Tell Katie I said hello. Carson walks out with a sandwich, an orange and a bottle of water.

          Botany lab. Katie: Didn’t think we had a chance. Cadman made you kiss me. Then you avoided me for months. I understand how you didn’t want to think about it. But you’ve really made an effort to make time for me and it’s been lovely. Rodney: Saw my little sister saw happy. So I was thinking I’d like to get married. Rodney fumbles back and forth with Katie. Oh not to you. But I didn’t mean it like that. I mean... Katie: I like you a lot. Rodney: I know and to be honest I find that baffling. When you get to know the real me… Katie: I know you. There’s not a lot of subtext with you. Rodney: Sorry I ignored you. The two lean in...

          Muffled sound of an explosion. Rodney runs off.

          Back to Sheppard and Ronon with Radek at gym wall.

          Rodney: Drs Houston and Watson were exposed to odd radiation. Carson examined them. They had a clean bill of health. So we thought we'd we’ll figure out the device later. Big Mistake. It’s a weapon to battle the Wraith. Creates explosive tumors. Medical technobabble.

          Where’s Dr. Watson? In the infirmary, one of the people caught in the explosion caused by Dr Houston.

          2 hours earlier

          Mess. Back to Carson and Rodney. Rodney brushing Carson off.

          Carson walks down hallway lined with dining tables. People are playing chess. Radek is at a table playing chess with someone. Carson: Radek, want to go fishing? Radek: I would but today we’re playing for things. Lists things already won. Can we go next week? Carson: OK.

          Balcony. Carson finds Lorne on balcony painting. Carson: Would you like to go fishing? Lorne: Maybe if you asked earlier, but I'm in the middle of this painting. Carson: That's ok.

          Some general purpose room. Carson sees Biro. She’s quite, um enthusiastic in her greeting. Carson doesn’t ask her to go fishing.

          Infirmary. Doctor Cole at some device. She’s on call. Carson: Fishing trip is a bust, I’m going to catch up with paper work. What’s wrong with you? Cole: Migraine. Took something but still have it. Carson: You should have called me. Cole: That fishing trip was all you were talking abut for 2 weeks. Carson: It's done with now. Go rest.

          Later. Carson is wrapping a woman’s foot. Carson: Don’t play volleyball in sandals.

          Muffled sound of explosion. Carson orders medical personnel. Runs out.

          Gym. Carson accompanies Teyla on stretcher.

          Infirmary: Carson operating on Teyla.

          Science lab: Rodney calls for Dr. Watson.

          Infirmary. Dr. Watson is on operating table.

          Carson sends his assistant to tell him Watson's on the operating table.

          Rodney: Radiation caused explosive tumor. Get everyone out. Carson: He can’t move. Rodney: He doesn’t have to move you do. Carson sends everyone out but other doctor stays. Carson: We have a tumor to remove.

          Science lab. John: Carson used his authorization code to seal off floor. Carson refuses to leave his patient. Rodney: You can't seriously be considering operating on this guy. Arson: Exactly how much time do you think we have? Rodney: There's no way of knowing. Houston was infected at the same time and her tumor already exploded. Carson: No time to waste, then. Rodney: Look, this all really brave and all... John: What if there's strutural damage? What if the tower comes down with everyone in it? Carson: Sending him to the other side of the city is tantamount to murder. Rodney: The man is already dead. Carson: Like hell he is. John: I can’t order you to stand down. Carson: That’s right you can’t. Have your men standing by I'll open access to the floor once I've extracted the tumor.

          Elizabeth: How long has he been at it. John: About 10 minutes. We have an emergency crew standing by. Either way we're covered. Elizabeth: Can’t you bypass his access code? Rodney: It’ll take at least a half hour. Elizabeth: This is crazy.

          Infirmary: Carson has extracted the tumor. Puts it in carefully in a container. Carson: Colonel Sheppard: I've extracted the tumor. He enters his access code and opens door. John: He's on his way Just sit tight. Carson: Tell him I'll meet him half way. The sooner I get this out of my sight the better. Carson tells other doctor to finish up with Dr. Watson. He takes container. Walks slowly out of infirmary. Hazmat guy is hauling a containment unit. Carson gives unit to man. Turns and walks away.

          Explosion happens. A fireball engulfs Carson from behind.

          Carson’s room. Rodney is in a shirt and tie. Going thru Carson’s things. Picks of photo of himself and Carson in that field on the day Rodney got Cadman downloaded into his head. (Cadman, who was escorting them, must have taken it)

          Ronon comes in. Are you ok?

          Rodney: Not really.

          Ronon: Need help?

          Rodney: No. He didn’t have a lot of stuff here.

          Ronon: You sending all back home to his family?

          Rodney: Yeah. I mean we will. They don’t know yet. We’ll send his body back to earth and I’m going to tell his mother.

          Rodney: I should have just gone fishing with him.

          Ronon: Don't.

          Rodney: If I had just gone fishing, if I had checked the machine, if I hadn’t sent two junior scientists to catalog the lab…

          Ronon: Rodney, what’s done is done.

          Rodney: I know and that’s what’s killing me.

          Infirmary: Teyla is in bed. John comes in wearing his dress blues. Teyla wants to go to the memorial. John: I’ll get a wheel chair. Teyla: No I want to stand, as a testament to him. Teyla: How are you? John: It hasn’t hit me yet. I’m not looking forward to when it does. Teyla: I feel a great sadness. I feel... She’s has no other words. Teyla: A great sadness.

          John helps Teyla up and they leave the infirmary.

          Gateroom. The Gateroom is filled with people. There is a coffin draped in the Scottish flag is in the center of the room. Elizabeth steps up to the side of the coffin.

          Elizabeth: We say goodbye to a lot of friends today. Our mission is a dangerous one. We lose people. A fact we are all painfully aware of. But Carson was… I can’t remember anyone coming to me with a complaint against him. Ever. He was a kind soul. He was a healer. And he will be very deeply missed. George Fabrica said: "Death comes to us all, but great achievements, they build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold.” Every single life Carson saved is a monument to him and that gives me great comfort.

          Elizabeth looks up to the balcony and piper starts to play the bagpipes. The Gate dials. We look at all the faces of those closest to Carson.

          John, Lorne and Radek walk to one side of the coffin. Rodney, Dr Cole and Ronon are on the other side. Elizabeth steps beside Teyla. The procession walks slowly thru the open wormhole as the bagpipe fades.

          Out on a platform on the edge of Atlantis. It’s sunset. We see Rodney standing by himself, at the edge of the platform looking out over the ocean towards the horizon.

          Rodney is wearing his uniform. We see Carson walk up to stand beside Rodney. Carson is wearing a simple black shirt.

          Carson: How did go back on earth?

          Rodney: It was, um, it was awful. Your family was amazing, though

          Carson: Aye, they are. Good turnout?

          Rodney: Oh, packed the church.

          Carson: Oh, that’s good to hear.

          Rodney: It’s not going to be the same here without you.

          Carson: Oh, you’re telling me.

          Rodney: You know, the universe is a big place. Who knows, maybe we’ll bump into each other again.

          Carson: Aye. Who knows?

          Rodney: You were the closest thing to a best friend that I ever had. I’m really, really, sorry. I should have just…

          Carson: Hey. This isn’t your fault.

          Rodney: You’re just telling me what you want me to hear.

          Carson: Well, that’s what best friends do sometimes. And in this case, it also happens to be true. Take care of yourself, Rondey.

          Rodney raises his hand.

          Rodney: Goodbye, Carson.

          The camera pulls back over the ocean. Carson fades from Rodney’s side. The view continues to pull back until we see all of Atlantis and Rodney is no longer visible on the platform.
          I hate it. I haven't even seen the episdoe yet, and I already hate it. You did a good job with the transcript though....the ending made me cry-hell, I'm still crying...
          Thanks. It wasn't really a transcript as I didn't write down every line, although I had to for the last scene with Carson and Rodney. I did it mainly for me. I know practically everyone here has seen the episode and won't want to read it having seen the real thing. But I love Carson and just felt I had to do it, if that makes any sense.

          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          But most of all we had Carson meeting and speaking with everyone on his last ep.
          Yes, exactly! I'm glad someone finally noticed this.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            I don't know how at the memorial everyone is so straight faced while Weir is givinig her speech and I'm bawling my eyes out, tears just rolling down my face. This had the potential of a good "here's what we do when we have time off" humor episode, just never expected it would end on such a sad note which kind of spoiled it in my opinion.


              Didn't like the whole 3 hours ago, 10 hours ago, 5 hours ago thing. Good character episode though, some funny bits, some unnecessary bits. I liked it because it was sort of different from other SGA eps. Beckett's death could've been handled better, death by exploding tumor, come on! Do they have to kill likable characters? Couldn't they just have him leave for earth or something? It's not like he's gonna come back ever now since he's in fact dead.

              We're whalers on the moon,
              We carry a harpoon.
              But there ain't no whales
              So we tell tall tales
              And sing our whaling tune.


                I have to admit, I've been looking forward to this episode since the first mention of an episode where we got to see a "day off" in Atlantis. And even though some events occurred that I would rather have not seen...this episode certainly did not disappoint.

                I really liked the format of the episode--following each of the characters as they went about their day off, the overlapping dramatic storyline that unfolded, Carson popping in and out of everyone's day. I was intrigued by Mike and his date lunch with Elizabeth (though normally I ship Elizabeth with John), mostly because it was wonderful to see Elizabeth outside of the "office" setting, and being treated like an actual woman instead of the fearless leader. Teyla weaseling her way out of golf practice and her girl talk with Dr. Houston--and her teasing of Elizabeth in regards to her lunch--was a nice development of Teyla's character, as it hinted that she does have a life outside of the team. I liked Shep and Ronon's adventures with various sports, and their "guy talk" (though Shep having been married previously does strike me as a little...contrived). Katie and Rodney were an unexpected, sweet surprise, and I was glad for the backstory of their relationship (and Rodney's flustered attempts at backing out of an inadvertant marriage proposal). Having glimpses of both Zelenka and Lorne (wow, I wish I had his artistic talent) relaxing were wonderful as well.

                I think the most heartbreaking thing about this episode was Carson. I knew going into it that he was most likely a dead man, and seeing him being rejected by each of his friends--even though they didn't mean to hurt him--really twisted my heartstrings. I really, really didn't (and don't) want Carson off the show, but it was a well-written (and heartwrenching!) demise.

                I appreciated how everyone was shown to have been affected by Carson's death--especially Rodney (the way he was looking at the picture broke my heart again) and Teyla (I'm wondering if Carson was who she was talking about at the beginning, especially with her trailing off sentence to John at the end...). The funeral was very well-done, and I loved Elizabeth's speech. I thought that John's silent support and check up on her with his glance was a nice touch as well.

                There are so many more things I could touch upon in this episode, but suffice to say that this is definitely one of my favorite episodes, despite my disagreement in the choice of Carson leaving the show. It was an excellent episode overall.

                Thanks to Leelakin for the sig!


                  I'm pissed at the way the writers handled Carson's death. Am I the only one who thinks Carson was completely wrong in what he did? Seriously, instead of condemning one man to death by random exploding tumor, he got himself killed AND got that bomb tech killed as well (don't tell me he survived, bull****, even in all that gear he can't survive that thing exploding in his hands.) Beckett should not be praised as a hero for his actions, he was wrong, DEAD WRONG. He didn't care if there was damage to the tower or any other repercussions from the explosion, he was going to be stubborn and do things his way. What if the ******* tower collapsed and the control room was destroyed, with the gate falling into the ocean? The writers really ruined his character; his actions were absurd, pigheaded and stupid.


                    Originally posted by Shep Code View Post
                    I appreciated how everyone was shown to have been affected by Carson's death--especially Rodney (the way he was looking at the picture broke my heart again) and Teyla (I'm wondering if Carson was who she was talking about at the beginning, especially with her trailing off sentence to John at the end...).
                    Ooh, now there's a thought! Carson was quite caring when Charin died.

                    I still don't have my feelings all together for this episode, but I wanted to point out some random things that haven't been mentioned yet.

                    - Right before Rodney enters the Botany Lab, he checks his breath.
                    - Although Rodney is always going on about women with short blond hair, Katie has long hair that leans more towards red.
                    - Someone else pointed this out. Radek won all the anime dvds from a Dr. Mallozzi (first name Joseph?)
                    - Carson says he's head surgeon. We seen him operate before. So, doctor, head surgeon, geneticist. A genius in his own right.
                    - Rodney has a blue robe, wears a dark blue shirt on his off day, a light blue shirt to the memorial.
                    - When John is helping Teyla out of the Infirmary, we see Dr Watson was in the bed next to her.
                    - When they first pan the Gateroom at Carson's memorial, it's Rodney who's walking away from Carson's casket.
                    - When Elizabeth nods at the end of her comments, I though she was signalling the piper. She actually was nodding to the Canadian Gate techician to dial the Gate. (Can we please give the Sgt a name? This would have been the perfect episode to do it.)

                    The stupidest thing went through my mind when the casket was being carried back to Earth. I thought, "But Carson hates going thru the Gate!"

                    I thought it was interesting that Radek and Lorne would have no trouble going fishing with Carson, just they had already started something else that they didn't want to leave.

                    Some people think Dr. Biro is one of the pallbearers, but it's Dr. Cole. Dr. Cole has short blond hair cut short close to her neck. Dr. Biro wears glasses and her hair is a little longer and darker and fluffs out at the end. Although we've never seen Dr. Cole before, it's reasonable to assume that she's probably second in command in the Infirmary. She gave Carson a big hug when he let her go rest and take care of her migraine so they were close enough for that.

                    Carson is such a people person. Instead of going fishing by himself, when he didn't have a friend to go with, he decides to catch up on work.

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      Originally posted by nonniemous View Post
                      If I want meaningless, pointless death I'll watch Battlestar Galactica and or the evening news. In this particular case, all it does is point out the utter meaninglessness of killing off a great character who was an asset to the show both on screen and off. I don't watch SGA to be reminded how people die in real life; I watch SGA as a brief holiday from real life.
                      Alli and nonnie, I definitely second that statement!

                      Knowing that Carson was to die in 'Sunday' beforehand, when I read the spoilers, I was very disappointed at the way they did it. Okay, so he did save at least one or two lives but being killed by an exploding tumour when you already turned away from it...? Please!

                      Yet, no matter how they could have or actually did bring out his death, the episode as such was only meant to feature the untimely demise of a wonderful and most beloved character. The way that you could right from the beginning see that the only point of this would be writing an ep simply for the sake of dumping a lovely character and appreciated actor of the show, that painly hurt to the core!

                      And it was so obvious from the start that everybody would turn down Carson just to later regret it deeply and give them an extra bad feeling about it.

                      Unfortunately I have no doubt whatsoever that next week everything will be pretty much back to normal, perhaps with the exception of Rodney, who might just take a little longer to get over this. And in a few eps., the beginning of the next season at the latest, they will behave as if Beckett never existed at all, as if they didn't lose one of their closest friends just recently. This is really annoying!

                      And why did they have to get rid of this fantastic and what is more very unique character of Carson Beckett in the first place?

                      I don't care how they do it, even if they have to pull some lazy stunt on him, I want Carson back as a regular on Atlantis!!!

                      They have really no idea how much they are hurting their own show! They need him, he adds so much to the overall feeling of SGA!
                      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                        Ok, I'm only at the 12:29 mark, but doesn't Carson seem to be a bit... gay? >_>' As in stereotypically gay. So far he's had some kind of heart-to-heart talk with Elizabeth where he was being a busy-body and trying to push her into a date (the gay best friend thing), then there's a little quasi-effette scene where he ends a sentence by snapping his fingers and saying "Thaaank you!" o_O

                        And for the slashers, there's the going out on a one-on-one with Rodney to "fish" . I can only imagine what the McBeckett slashers will turn that into.

                        Let's not mention the fact that Rodney never thought of going on a "date" with Katie on his day off 'til he needed an excuse to get out of fishing despite "having made an effort to make time for Katie in recent times".

                        Also: Some lives are worth more than others? I love Carson, I really do, but did they have to send him back by Stargate even though their ZPMs are limited (3 at the moment but why use up more than you have to?). This is the first and only time I've ever seen them send someone back by Stargate.

                        So is Carson so special he deserves something others don't in death? Is it a senior staff thing? I know that it's a very nice gesture, but when you look at the grand scheme of things, wouldn't Carson want to be treated just like any other person; to be taken back by the Daedalus?

                        And, well, he certainly didn't Ascend unless they're retconning themselves now. Instead of going all glowy, he faded out. Not something Ascended beings do.
                        Last edited by FallenAngelII; 16 January 2007, 09:57 PM.


                          Just finished watching Sunday, and I'm sure this sentiment has been stated many times already but I just need to get it off my chest before sitting down to read all the previous posts, so please pardon me...

                          They finally, finally show John in class-A uniform, and it's for Carson's funeral!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!! Now I'll never be able to see John in that uniform without tearing up!!!! *sob*
                          Keep Carson. Keep Elizabeth.
                          Keep Atlantis.

                          Lemming #14
                          -Clueless Lemming Cretin-

                          Image by Cailliath


                            This was Heroes mkII.


                            Pointless Death. Tick. Both.

                            Pointless Death of Doctor. Tick. Both

                            Ridiculous situation. Tick. Beckett manages to operate and pull out a "explosive" tumour stick it in a box, then decides instead of him, the female doctor/nurse and maybe the scientist guy moving away from the tumour, he will take it instead. Fraiser goes out for about the 2nd time ever through the stargate, somehow manages to break through the supposed overwhelming enemy, to help ONE soldier, and then they get flanked and she dies.

                            Now it remains to be seen if the replacement doctor only lasts half a season like the chick from andromeda (i've forgotten her name she was that brief in the show).

                            Atlantis on Sci-Fi will only last 2 more seasons before it gets "non-renewed".

                            Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                              Originally posted by macktheknife View Post
                              Now it remains to be seen if the replacement doctor only lasts half a season like the chick from andromeda (i've forgotten her name she was that brief in the show).

                              Atlantis on Sci-Fi will only last 2 more seasons before it gets "non-renewed".
                              Unless you're referring to some other female doctor on SG-1, I'm pretty sure you're talking about Lexa Doig (Carolyn Lam). Though she isn't seen often, she has yet to be transferred or die (as far as I know) nor do they plan for her to.

                              And on "Andromeda", she played Andromeda IIRC.


                                I want to wraith the person who came up with the idea of
                                killing off Carson
                                Aside from that, it was a great episode. Teyla was becoming more Earth washed?

