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Irresistible (303)

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    Carson's moments are probably the funniest part of the episode


      That episode was funny at first, but the rape aspect killed the jokes pretty quickly. Of course, Lucius was sent back to his planet and hopefully imprisoned/executed for his crimes. (I'm adding this to my memory of the show so that I can still continue watching SGA without feeling like I am condoning rape.) I believe we saw him admitting to rape ("Six wives at once" whom he repeatedly drugged before his romp), conspiring to commit murder ("do something about Shep"), and enslaving other people on screen. The guy was basically a horny Goa'uld. (Apophis on Viagra? scary thought) It was even more disturbing the way he sat there and tried to tell Shep that he was just getting people to like him and that there was nothing wrong with that. For the record I am a guy, and my first reaction to the "six wives at once" joke was laughter until it occured to me how wrong that really is when you include the intentional pheromone abuse. I know it's just a show, but it's sending the wrong message. Rape isn't a joke, and the idea of forcing someone to love you is a pretty scary thought.
      : Jaffa jokes? Let's hear one of them.
      : I shall attempt to translate one, O'Neill. A serpent guard, a Horus guard, and a Setesh guard meet on a neutral planet. It is a tense moment. The serpent guard's eyes glow. The Horus guard's beak glistens. The Setesh guard's…nose drips.


        Come on ppl..have a sense of humor. It was funny..even though I was praying that John would shoot Lucius just 20 min. into the episode. lol. The whole rape thing. I dont kno. I mean..I didnt even think of it like that. @_@ I just saw it as a funny episode.

        icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


          For all of you who were saying how Lucious was a serial rapist, and that he got off with a slap on the wrist and a wink. Think about it... That's the kind of punishment they give serial rapist nowadays. A sign of the times we live in. Just watch the national news once in a while. The system is a joke now. That being said, i enjoyed the episode not because of Lucious but because of the reactions from the people in Atlantis. Other than that i found Lucious creepy and now that i've read what people are saying about him i can really see how he's a criminal rather than a light hearted joker who needs attention.


            I liked the episode for what it was. A good laugh. There were very awesome moments. I don't normally laugh. I don't normally care for comedy, but I laughed a lot.

            The hair comments, the Batman thing, Carson, it was all pretty awesome. And McKay at the very end...

            But, the whole concept is creepy. Towards the end, Lucius's conversation with Sheppard just creeped me out. I can't remember what exactly was said, but I do remember saying "that's creepy" to my friends. Because, seriously, what was done was screwed up.

            The way I see it, you can look at it as a pure comedy episode and ignore what was being done by Lucius. Or you can look at what Lucius did and pretty much wonder why they hell someone didn't shoot him at the end.


              ^^ Like I said.. I wished John just shot him.. lol

              icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                It was a funny ep if you take it at surface value, but Lucius seriously unnerved me. Twas creepifying how he had seven drugged wives.


                  That was goofy fun, and a light dessert after the wonderful SG-1. I'm certainly looking forward to next week.

                  a time to mourn


                    I've just seen Irresistible and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I expected this episode to be something like The Tower, but it's much better. Not the funniest episode I have seen though (Duet is IMO) but it was good.

                    Lots of Shep/McKay scenes. I loved when they were talking about Batman and Catwoman! Okay, I didn't understand everything because English is not my first language and Rodney is talking really fast, but it was funny!
                    Loved Carson too. Seeing him acting like a fanboy and weeping like a baby is very funny!
                    Oh and Shep saved the day! Woot! I think I yelled "Go John!" when he said no to Weir. I might have scared my neighbours too...
                    Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                      First time i fall asleep while watching stargate...
                      What did they think while writing this crap episode o.O?

                      They should focus on wraith/zpm storyline not on such crap -.-,


                        Hated this episode, not a patch on 'Pegasus Project'.

                        I wasn't expecting much after rading spoilers, unfortunately I'm sad to say it was probably worse than I anticipated.

                        Beckett crying was funny, but nothing else about it.

                        I think this just nudges ahead of 'The Tower', 'Epiphany' for the current worst episode of Atlantis to be shown so far. However the rest of the season looks good (barring Irresponsible) & so will forgive them this one.

                        'Irresponsible Spoilers'

                        For any that don't know, this is a return episode for Lucius. The only possible saving grace for this ep is that Kolya returns. So I'll reserve judgement in the hope that he kills Lucius off once & for all.

                        The annoying this is that they feel the need to continue with the pointless storyline. Given the fact that they could have went with other options such as the continuations of the Michael angle etc. I'm sure CT would be costing around the same for appearance fees if less. So hopefully they'll kill him off. After all the writers always kill of the good things they get. Ancient forcefield, Hive ship, Orion, Aurora, Trinity etc, etc. The least they can do is even up the score & kill off the terribly annoying things as well such as Lucius.


                          I just joined so Hi there...

                          lemme just toss in my two cents worth and maybe start a discussion...

                          It was fun, yes.

                          Why it didn't work for me? Because:

                          a) Lucius practically abused the women. (Yes that is how I see it). Maybe Shepard should have seen it too and shot him the moment he knew that he was drinking that weird liquid. Because he should know Teyla, Ronon and Elizabeth and that they would not do what they did voluntarily. Therefore he should have saved them. For all he knew, Lucius could have had sex with the two women...and then what? What would that have been, hm?

                          b) the end. Shep should have had a talk with Elizabeth about this seriously. How did she feel? Violated maybe? Did L. do anything to her that she didn't want? This isn't about some weird desire dude. From my perspective (as a woman), it has more serious implications. Maybe I am overreacting, but I think if you pitch such a story, you should follow it through. Maybe they *do* need female writers.

                          Therefore. Not that happy. Funny lines: yes. Laughed: Yes. Squeeing over teh pretty: yes. But lacking depth and thinking of the result/implication: sadly also yes.

                          *lurks back*


                            Originally posted by gill2_1
                            i so hated this ep that i really had to come up here and write that i hate this ep
                            do u hear me producers do
                            I {Mod Snip} HATE THIS
                            The only reason i watched this is to see how pathetic this could be and it war very pathetic to begin with
                            i mean couldn't u come up with a better ep idea i mean there are a lot of fan who will give u ideas
                            when u have to drop this low to a level to fill in the ep requirements
                            great plzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont bring that {Mod Snip}ACTOR EVER AGAIN ON THIS SHOW
                            only i will hate him whtever show movie he comes into
                            could u just make a show of exploration or of how the wraith or just another good old impossible mission
                            Please learn how to type before you use the internet.

                            Anyway. ZOMG! Gourds! That'll be our new inside joke. You know, me and you. And by, "you" I mean "the fandom". We will mention gourds and we'll all laugh and everyone else will think we're nuts.

                            Hey, did anyone else think Shep got a little "rawr" when Weir was feeling up Lucius?

                            I'm not a shipper, I swear...



                              Well the Tower has been dethroned. It was a good run budy but we all knew you were'nt going to last long, not with this writing. This is the worst episode of the series and probably the worst episode of the franchise as well.

                              To get to the bottem of why let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time there was a character in Farscape some of you may remember called Commandant Grayza. Commandant Grayza was a powerful military woman who raped people with a drug for the sake of expediant extraction of information. She'd give them the drug, they'd fall head over heels in love with her, tell her everything she wanted to know and then she'd presumably cast them aside. Grayza wasn't all evil though. Despite her methods her goals were not selfish and actually amounted to saving her people from the genocidal forces of an alien empire. Despite these somewhat mitigating circumstances and "greater good ideals" however Farscape fans almost universally reviled Commandant Grayza.

                              I'm wondering here if this unquestionably worse version of Commandant Grayza, without the higher minded goals, is suddenlly supposed to be funny and somewhat sympathetic here because of the fact she's now just a guy "gettin' with the ladies", or just because they actually thought the audience would be too stupid to notice the fact that this guy rohypnol raped people exclusively for his own selfish pleasure, and that he did it for YEARS, to dozens of women.

                              I like Richard Kind to. It saddens me that he was pulled into this atrocity.


                                Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                                It was a funny ep if you take it at surface value, but Lucius seriously unnerved me. Twas creepifying how he had seven drugged wives.
                                I've always found Richard Kind's roles slightly unnerving. I didn't find this episode at all funny, though I can see how a lot of people did. I was rather more with the freaked out viewers.

