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Irresistible (303)

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    Was OK!!


      Originally posted by Biscuit
      Heh! Okay, this isn't the debate I expected to find when I peeked at the forum for this particular episode, but okay. I'll roll with it.

      Were we all watching the same episode? Because the "Irresistible" on my TV certainly didn't seem to be condoning -- never mind glorifying -- Lucius's behavior. If anything, the entire episode was devoted to laying it out, step by step, just how monstrous his behavior was. The fact that this episode was hysterically funny in places doesn't change the fact that it was also deeply, deeply creepy.

      I'm on board with those of you who were appalled by the idea that he drugged women into sleeping with him. He's like the cult leaders who deprive new recruits of sleep and protein until they're so brainwashed that sleeping with the cult leader, selling flowers in airports or drinking the poison kool-aid seems like a really good idea.

      That's what makes Lucius the *villain* of this particular episode.

      Lucius's wives looked happy, his village looked like Disneyland and everyone was smiling and brimming with glee once he worked his mojo on them. But I thought the episode did a pretty damn good job of showing that if you scratch the surface, you see the horror underneath.

      He talked Weir into ordering a suicide mission! He made Dex pin McKay against a wall until he could drug him into submission too! He forced the entire city into a manhunt for Sheppard like the freaking Army of Darkness! Sure, it was fun to watch the actors play against type, but the whole time I was laughing (and I was laughing pretty hard -- "Fly, Luicus, fly!!") my skin was crawling -- and I'm pretty sure that's what the writers intended.

      Anyhoo. I got a kick out of Friday night's show. It was a nice change of pace after the stupid enzyme arc of relentless gloom and doom (or so I thought, before I stumbled across the date rape debate of gloom and doom.) There were some great team moments, some clever problem-solving on the parts of Sheppard, McKay and Beckett and did I mention the funny? It was funny, people! Creepy, but funny!
      Good post. I was, and am, of two minds after watching this episode. There were so many great lines, so much of it had me laughing, but Lucius was no Lovable Rogue or Charming Scalawag, and three-quarters into the episode I was hoping Sheppard would just pull out a gun and shoot the guy. I thought Sheppard's visit back to the village and his discussion with Lucius when in the cell pretty well showed that the writers weren't glorifying Lucius's actions at all, but revealing just how disgusting and deliberately cruel he was. What was missing at the end was us learning whether or not he got a fitting comeuppance. The team sends him back to his homeworld, but we don't learn his fate, beyond a lighthearted jest about his wives divorcing him. Unfortunately
      I've heard that Lucius is back in "Irresponsible" I want him to pay for his crimes, not become a recurring villain. He's repulsive and charmless. If I get lucky, someone will just shoot him this time around.
      This episode was amusing, but Lucius wasn't.

      I'm another one of those people who think McKay using the drug on Sheppard was payback for that lemon bit. C'mon, sending Sheppard to clean his room? It sounds just like an adolescent getting even with his brother. Still, you'd think he'd be a bit more leary of doing something like that after The Lost Boys, The Hive, and now this episode.


        Originally posted by Fatewarns
        Carson crying and Mckay at the last scene were two of the best parts
        He was crying so well..LOL!!!


          Irresistible was a good episode. Not the best I've seen, but not the worse either.


            Originally posted by ladysarah
            Everyone was vaccinated against it except Sheppard, Sheppard wasn't vaccinated because he didn't come under the influence of Lucius because he had a cold.

            Rodney knew this and that's why he asked Sheppard to clean his room.
            Yeah, your like the 8th person to tell me that. I saw it and know it, but for some bloody reason...I can't remember that detail. Irresistable was still a great ep.
            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by vaberella
              Yeah, your like the 8th person to tell me that. I saw it and know it, but for some bloody reason...I can't remember that detail. Irresistable was still a great ep.
              I didn't mind it. I think I would have had a bigger problem if they showed Lucius to be less sinister then he came across as.
              There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
              serious about something intrinsically silly.


                Omg. I *just* saw this ep. I had read no spoilers, or anything, but as soon as I saw Richard Kind I knew what was coming. Such a strange episode. But the acting of being infactuated with Lucius was quite good.

                "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                  I wasn't expecting much, but there was some good humor and it was fun to see the cast in a different light but I didn't like Lucius at all. He used people to get his own way and I didn't see any redeaming qualities, nor did I see him feel any remorse for what he had done.

                  Fine for a stand alone episode, unfortunately, we will see this icky fellow later in the season. I might skip that one.


                    At first I thought this episode might be funny because of Richard Kind. Then as the show progress it got steadly boring. My recommendation watch the show if you're a super must see all Stargate Atlantis fan. If you can aford to miss some Stargate Atlantis, then skip this your life may very well depend on doing so.


                      What a bizarre episode. I found myself alternating between laughing out loud and being totally squicked out. Lucius was the creepiest villain I’ve seen on SGA so far because he was a smiling sociopath housed in a soft, non-threatening, easy to beat the crap out of body. The TPTB did a good job of highlighting just how dangerous this man is because interspersed throughout the episode were constant reminders. Starting with his bizarre little Stepford-like community where his people were willing to try to stop SGA-1 from leaving simply because Lucius just happened to mention that he didn’t want them to go.

                      The good news is that there were so many good SGA character moments that I can’t put this down as an episode that I won’t watch again. Just a few of the things I loved:

                      Sheppard – this was the best all round Sheppard episode that I’ve seen in a long time. Throughout the episode, Sheppard was smart, funny and strong.

                      Beckett – his scenes had me howling with laughter, especially the scenes in the puddlejumper (“Lucius needs me”). And judging by the last scene, you can tell that Sheppard is going to hold that over his head for a long, long time.

                      Teyla and Elizabeth – It was good to see them loosen up and it’s about time we saw some indication that Sheppard’s not the only pretty one in the group . This was the first episode to show any indication that Teyla and Elizabeth are sexual beings, and considering the amount of attention focused on the guys (except for Ford and Ronon) in S1/S2, it's strange that it took so long.

                      McKay – He struck just the right degree of snark and was hilarious both before and after being under the influence. Just thinking about his "Fly Lucius Fly" is enough to set me off again.

                      Ronon - It was refreshing to see him get a bit of female attention for a change and he was strangely adorable holding his bag of herbs to his chest.

                      Zelenka - Just cute, cute, cute and I'm waiting for the Czech translations.

                      Yep, a strange episode. So much good stuff in such a creepy setting.
                      Sig by Luciana


                        I didnt get a chance to watch the episode till last night but that had to be the worst episode i have seen in all of SG. That was utter crap
                        The enemy has spoken


                          *pokes head back into thread*

                          I had a thought while skimming through this. Lots of people have commented on how much they dislike Lucius and how creepy he is and how he gives them the shivers, etc. But...aren't we supposed to hate him? I mean, he's a despicable human being. I think that's kind of what makes him such a good villain; there's no master plan, he's not an evil overlord. He's just that creepy, obnoxious guy from the back of your class who you would never talk to for more than five minutes if you could help it, and he found a way to exploit everyone and become the most popular guy in school. The fact that Lucius was so utterly irredeemable is what made him a good villain, IMO. It made it easier to identify with Sheppard, all alone in the nuthouse.
                          They say the geek never gets the girl...what about the girl getting the geek?

                          Rodney/ could happen

                          spoilers for "200"
                          Gen. Hammond: It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin!

                          Vala: Are you saying that General O'Neill is...

                          Cam: My daddy?


                            You know...when I first heard about this episode..I was kind of dreading it.
                            I watched it.

                            I loved it. I thought it was so hilarious!! But also...when Shepard was the only guy NOT effected, it got a little suspensful too. What a scary thought, to be the only sane person in the city! YIKES!

                            I REALLY enjoyed it...i'm surprised. So far i've been enjoying every episode. The last one, not so much. I didn't think it was bad...just had more potential. Still, I REALLY enjoy this season.
                            It feels good to be alive.
                            Cause i've been dead for so long.


                              Ehh I skipped through most of it. I had hoped it would be at least reasonable with Richard Kind joining the cast.

                              The guy goes off to Wraith outposts finding weed and the planet never gets culled? Forget it. Compared to the SG1 episode this week, SGA is complete and utter crap.


                                When the Wraith set up an outpost on his weed planet he couldn't go back there that's why he needed SGA-1.
                                Sig by Luciana

