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Irresistible (303)

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    Originally posted by Fatewarns
    ok it's against the law to put something on himself to appear more attractive. I guess we should lock up all those tag-body spray users

    I am not talking about a cologne, but a drug. Wearing nice clothes, making jokes, smelling nice doesn't eliminate another's person's decision-making capacity. But using a drug that affects another person's judgement and hence, their consent. It's against the law to have sex with someone without their consent.


      Originally posted by Flowerbud
      I am not talking about a cologne, but a drug. Wearing nice clothes, making jokes, smelling nice doesn't eliminate another's person's decision-making capacity. But using a drug that affects another person's judgement and hence, their consent. It's against the law to have sex with someone without their consent.
      he's not drugging them. he's drugging himself to appear more appealing. which the purpose of colone or make-up or any product design to make oneself better looking. Only this product is more affect.


        Originally posted by Alipeeps
        Personally, I think if you consider a 44 minute long, made-for-entertainment, science fiction television programme to be "an atrocity against humanity" then you either don't watch enough of the news or you have your proirities way out of wack.

        By all means post your opinion and give some critical analysis of the episode but sweeping statements like that are really not remotely relevant and actually undermine your argument/point of view.

        You know what, I don't care.
        I expressed my feelings about the episode, and if you think my feelings are crap or not worth of been mention.
        I don't care.


          Originally posted by Fatewarns
          he's not drugging them. he's drugging himself to appear more appealing. which the purpose of colone or make-up or any product design to make oneself better looking. Only this product is more affect.
          First, lets grab the definition of rape (According to wikipedia): Rape is the act of forcing penetrative sexual acts, against his or her will through violence, force, threat of injury, or other duress, or where the victim is unable to decline, due to the effects of drugs or alcohol.

          The only difference is that those products don't have pheromones in them that creates a chemical unbalance in the brain which in turn disables rational thought and causes feelings of contempt, admiration, etc... This drug basicly works in the same way as a rape drug the only differences being that the user of this drug becomes the rape drug itself, that it is far more effective, and it hardly leaves a trace in the body if you don't know what to look for (Were this drug in existance I highly doubt it would show up in toxicology reports). Now, using the given definition we find that it already qualifies as rape since, due to the effects of this drug, the victim is unable to decline having sex with the user of the drug.

          If you take this into account you'll notice that it doesn't have anything in common with the products you named, unless you're telling me that those products also turn a person into a living rape drug and disable rational thought. In fact, if those products were to do these things they'd be banned from the market and be declared illegal since they create the conditions for rape to take place. This is also why sex with a person who's under/suffering from hypnosis/narcose/coma are/is considered rape.

          Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


          Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
          Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


            Originally posted by Gregorius
            If you take this into account you'll notice that it doesn't have anything in common with the products you named, unless you're telling me that those products also turn a person into a living rape drug and disable rational thought. In fact, if those products were to do these things they'd be banned from the market and be declared illegal since they create the conditions for rape to take place. This is also why sex with a person who's under/suffering from hypnosis/narcose/coma are/is considered rape.
            have you seen the tag body spray commericals? It clearly shows what it's purpose is.


              Originally posted by Fatewarns
              have you seen the tag body spray commericals? It clearly shows what it's purpose is.
              It's purpose is hiding the odor of sweat so you don't stink, which in turn can attract women. That's what is shows, that women like men who don't strink and smell like a lockerroom.

              Besides that I was refering to the chemical make-up and the purpose/effects of those products, but I guess I need to put this more clearly in my posts next time so people understand I am refering to this (It's either that or they need to learn how to read).

              Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


              Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
              Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                Originally posted by ladysarah
                That would work, if it wasn't for the fact that.

                A: The episodes were swapped around in the last minute.

                B: I think that type of 'revenge' isn't in the same vein.
                Or...they'd switched it for a reason, maybe to make this connection more clearer?

                Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                  Originally posted by Gregorius
                  This is also why sex with a person who's under/suffering from hypnosis/narcose/coma are/is considered rape.
                  Thank goodnesds for TIIC's shiny reset button eh? *Note: since this didn't happen in real life, and was FICTION I enjoyed the ep, I just felt the need for a quick remark.*


                    This ep was a total crack-up! I loved it.

                    Loved happy Beckett and distraught Beckett, and, especially, crying Beckett.

                    Loved the references to Batman. Surprised no one mentioned Hathor. Guess they hadn't read that report - it probably got conveniently lost.

                    I laughed so much when the woman on the planet told how the formerly uninteresting Luscious won her heart with the story of him stepping in something. Too funny!

                    And MacKay actually using the stuff on Shep. Oh, the fic that is sure to generate.

                    A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                    "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                    One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                    resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                    confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                    A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                    The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                      Originally posted by ladysarah
                      McKay is the little black dress of Atlantis, he goes well on everyone.

                      They say the geek never gets the girl...what about the girl getting the geek?

                      Rodney/ could happen

                      spoilers for "200"
                      Gen. Hammond: It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin!

                      Vala: Are you saying that General O'Neill is...

                      Cam: My daddy?


                        Originally posted by Gregorius
                        Or...they'd switched it for a reason, maybe to make this connection more clearer?
                        It will be interesting to see how many references if any they make in Sadeta to the gate bridge. This ep was littered with them, making me wonder if the switch was always intended. Maybe it was just the writing order that was off. In other words they had the idea and name for the Dex ep, so that was out first and listed as ep 3, but they always intended to have it as ep 4.

                        Either way, I can see in Rodney's warped mind why he would see getting Sheppard to clean his room as pay back for the lemon, McKay is deathly allergic to citrus! Sheppard knew; even telling Cam, well as I say in McKay's warped mind.

                        No it is still wrong. I can laugh at it but then that was what the writers wanted, for me to not think too much about any of this, to not use my brain, to not go into details to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

                        I wish sometimes I was that shallow it would make watching SGA and posting on GW so much easier.


                          OMG. So funny! I think it's the best funny/silly episode since "Urgo"/"Window of Opportunity". I laughed so hard. Need to watch it again today.

                          I haven't read all the comments here yet but I did read some. Some people mentioned "Wormhole X-treme", others "The Tower". I'm one of those who didn't like "Wormhole X-treme". It was nice to see the behind the scenes crew on camera, but I didn't like the episode beyond that. With "the Tower", I admit the first time I saw the epi I was dissapointed. I don't read a lot of spoilers (just the not so especific teasers posted some times at Gateworld), and I watched it thinking it was going to be a serious epi (or at least not a silly one) and so I was dissapointed. But you know what? I've watched "The Tower" four more times since then, and I enjoyed it the 4 extra times. Because then I already knew it was a silly/funny episode, and I sat down and watched it as that, and laughed at the funny moments. I would never say "The Tower" is a great episode. I wouldn't say it's bad either. Just a silly one, not very good, not very bad. Maybe just good

                          When I heard the spoilers (well, just teasers) about "Irresistible", it didn't make me exactly happy. Then I read that Carl Binder had written it, and I felt better, because he's one of my fave writers. So when I sat down and watched this epi, I knew I would be watching an episode that was supposed to be funny/silly, and that it had been penned by a great writter. And, oh, boy. I loved it! I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. I still have a silly smile in my face. I hope Carl Binder gets to write this kind on funny epis in future seasons. I don't want all the episodes to be funny. I love SGA's darker side (I absolutely loved "Misbegotten"). But one of these funny epis per season is great.

                          A well written and well acted episode, which was meant to be and was extremely funny, and even had character development, especially for Shep (totally unexpected in a funny episode).

                          It gets a 10 out of 10 from me.

                          All this is just MHO, and no offense intended to those who disagree.


                            Originally posted by Gregorius
                            First, lets grab the definition of rape (According to wikipedia): Rape is the act of forcing penetrative sexual acts, against his or her will through violence, force, threat of injury, or other duress, or where the victim is unable to decline, due to the effects of drugs or alcohol.
                            <snippity do dah>
                            This is also why sex with a person who's under/suffering from hypnosis/narcose/coma are/is considered rape.
                            Amen brother
                            Deeply disturbing episode and one that I will not be re-watching. Last week's ethical lapse with the humanized Wraith and now this???


                              Originally posted by Lt. Colonel Ryu Gaia
                              I don't know if this analogy has been posted yet, I haven't read through the topic, but I think it's one many of you will agree with... This episode is to Atlantis what Urgo was to SG-1.
                              Exactly. While I was watching this epi I thought the same. "Irresistible" is to SGA what Urgo and Window of Opportunity is to SG-1.

                              Originally posted by themeangel
                              The people who are saying "lighten up this is just TV." Must all be Males.
                              I'm a 35 y.o. female and absolutely loved this epi for what it is, an extremely funny epi. Thank you.

                              Originally posted by xfkirsten
                              That being said, I did not find this episode offensive in that sense. I know full well that it was not meant to seriously imply any moral standard nor encourage such behavior. It was taken lightly because the whole episode was taken lightly. It was not meant to be demeaning, and so I did not take it as such. Personally, I thought the episode was fun and goofy, and a chance to see the team acting oddly and get a good laugh out of it.
                              Agree 100%.

                              I can't add anything else regarding this issue. Others have written everything I would probably say. So let's just add that the issue of rape never crossed my mind while watching this episode. It was a funny epi. Never meant to set any moral standard or go into any of those issues.
                              Last edited by lily; 30 July 2006, 12:59 PM.


                                Originally posted by Easter Lily
                                My take is that Lucius is a con-man... I think Sheppard called him a "snake oil salesman". He didn't force himself on these women but he sold them an illusion... that he was more attractive/desirable than what he was. It doesn't make him less of a villain because he still used deception to get what he wanted.
                                I see him more as a cult figure... someone who has brainwashed his followers into believing that he's a god and that giving yourself over sexually to that man, you are attaining "true" spirituality or goodness.
                                Yeah, he also kind of put me in mind of air-brushed movie characters with made-up names, silicon bodies and who can deliver great lines, only, uglier.

                                Seriously, now, how many people right here on GW have banners that proclaim - openly or subtly - that they would love to submit themselves to Ba'al or some other totally evil villian, not to mention those who drool and thunk over the "good guys. Are these fans all perverts? Are we to take any of them seriously? Should they all be locked up or shot or hung? Why aren't the writers allowed to be just as silly as their fans?

                                Rape: 1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
                                2. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
                                3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.

                                I'm a woman who grew up around powertripping, sex-obsessed males and I'm sensitive to the whole rape issue, but in Irrestible I still saw the humor behind the crime - and, yes, the writers definitely acknowledge that Luscious was a criminal. If it wasn't blatantly obvious throughout the ep, then the scene between Lucious and jailed Shep highlighted that fact. You could consider this ep a dark comedy.

                                I'm amazed that Urgo is being let off the hook, here, because if you want to get right down to it, Urgo raped SG-1. Following the second and third definitions for rape, he abducted SG-1, holding them prisoner so that they could not resume their normal lives. He also violated them, making them say/do things they would not have done willingly.

                                A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                                "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                                One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                                resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                                confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                                A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                                The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."

